Chapter 36 The Fall of Jinmen
In full view.

There is no need to go into details about the process, Chen Zhuo made a few knocks on the ground, made big salutes, paid homage to the patriarch, served tea, and the ceremony was considered complete.

"A man of my generation, there is a successor!"

Seeing that Wang Wu accepted such an apprentice, many famous figures of the older generation of Wumen could not help but sigh with admiration and a little envy.

Killing that Wu Tanhua today, I think it won't be long before it spreads.With a reputation, his face has grown. The key is that the strength of this body is simply evil. If he can find a way, it will be enough to keep a sect alive. It is indeed enviable.

Chen Zhuo didn't like the excitement, and wanted to hide after the ceremony, but Cheng Tinghuasheng dragged him to lead him. He met a few seniors from the martial arts school, thanked him, and said some good words. This is the way of the world. , so familiar, you may have to walk around in the future, and what is useful is also related to the face of the Escort.

Even the seniors who could be connected with each other, Mr. Cheng also brought along by the way, such as "Tiger Head Shaobao" Sun Lutang, Li Yaochen from Huiyou Escort Bureau, and the "Thousand Jin King of Strength" Wang Ziping, and a few more Tai Chi The Yang family in the door can be regarded as acquainted with each other.

But most of them didn't stay too long. The Boxers had already gathered in Jinmen, and the leaders of all parties responded one after another with the slogan of "helping the Qing and destroying the foreigners". , then hastily disappeared into the hustle and bustle rolled up by the carriage, running back and forth in this chaotic world.

The inner hall, which was overcrowded before, became deserted in an instant, leaving only cups of tea still steaming hot.

Looking at the people who left the venue, Chen Zhuo leaned against the door and sighed casually: "I don't know how many people have buried their bones in other places and never saw each other again."

Although they met by chance and met each other once, but since he is a man who cares about the country and the people and is willing to contribute to the world, in his eyes, he is an amazing hero.

"Someone has to go. You can't ask future generations to go, and you can't let future generations be bullied!"

Chen Zhuo turned his head to look, and saw that Mr. Guo Yunshen was holding a bowl of noodles with fried sauce and burying his head in eating.

Chen Zhuo had a calm expression on his face. He tidied up the tables and chairs, and said softly, "It's really strange. I used to think very simply. Just eat enough and sleep peacefully. I don't care if tomorrow is life or death. Later, I will I want to live and live a good life, but when I can live, I want to enjoy my revenge, and being a hero is not bad. But I don’t know why, seeing those two words, and seeing the determination of these people, I suddenly I also feel that being a hero is not enough to just seek pleasure."

Guo Yunshen seemed to be very pleased with this mouthful, and beckoned to Chaoyun to bring him another bowl, and after pursing his lips to sip the sauce on the chopsticks, he squatted in front of the threshold to pick up a chopsticks of noodles with fried sauce and put it into his mouth, before he spoke. : "The pleasure is also divided into big and small."

Chen Zhuo pondered.

Guo Yunshen said in a flat tone: "A person's pleasure is just a small pleasure, but if you magnify it in this worldly torrent, it is not pleasure. If the world is happy, it is real pleasure. Your master upholds the righteous way, you beg It's not easy to learn the way of chivalry, let's take it slowly."

Chen Zhuo wiped the table, glanced at the setting sun outside the door, and said nothing.

The old man's mouth was full of greasy food, he glanced at him, and said as he ate, "This imperial court has long been hopeless, and few people can see it clearly. Your master took out these two words today, and I think it will wake up many hearts." People who are lucky. It's a pity that you can wake up the people in this room, but you can't wake up the people in the world. If you can wake up yourself, then live a good life."

After Guo Yunshen finished talking, he finished eating the noodles, put away the bowls and chopsticks, and went straight out.

"In the future, I will definitely challenge you!"

Chen Zhuo was in a daze, suddenly a head popped out from the door, its bald forehead was glowing, it was staring at him intently, held by Gong Baotian in his hand.

It was Xiaowa Ma San.

Chen Zhuo didn't even look at that kid, but looked at the man beside Gong Baotian, "May I ask what your name is?"

The long-faced man was silent for a moment, and replied in a deep voice: "Ding Lianshan!"

"Chen Zhuo!"

Chen Zhuo also reported his name, even though the other party already knew it.

Ding Lianshan's eyes flickered, facing Chen Zhuo's sharp eyes, "Okay, I remember."

Gong Baotian cupped his hands with a complicated expression, "Junior Brother Chen, take your leave."

After sending everyone off, Chen Zhuo closed the door of the escort agency again.

Two days later, Wang Zhangshi returned to Hebei under the escort of Shang Yunxiang and several old escorts who came from Cangzhou. Before leaving, he left a lot of instructions and a table of meals.

It was night, Chen Zhuo and Zuo Zongsheng got very drunk.

The next day, Li Cunyi led Zuo Zongsheng and several of his disciples to Jinmen in a hurry.Originally, there was still some time, but there was news from over there that the great powers invaded the country, and they had the intention of aggressively invading, and they left before dawn.

A group of people gathered quickly and scattered even faster, and those who were so fast were a little caught off guard.

"Master Chen, you can't take off this signboard!"

After a few days, some people saw that the signboard of the Escort was taken down by Chen Zhuo, and they couldn't help persuading them.

Chen Zhuo didn't say much, just wiped the dust off it with a smile, wrapped it in red silk, and put it away.

The rangers gathered in the empty arena gradually disappeared at some point. After Chen Zhuo asked, he realized that many people had rushed to Jinmen.

It's getting colder and colder.

Until mid-June, the Russian army captured the Dagu Fort and invaded Jinmen on a large scale. The leader of the Boxers, Cao Futian, led the crowd to fight back at Laolongtou Railway Station.Then Lin Heier led the "Red Light Photo" and a group of martial arts heroes to fight desperately. After more than ten hours, more than 500 enemy troops were killed and wounded, and all the strongholds north of the station were regained, forcing the coalition forces back to the concession. .

At this point, the fist chaos first appeared, and the curtain opened.

In the dart board.

Just after Chen Zhuo finished practicing, a ladle of cold water was poured over his head, washing away the hot sweat on his body.

The sound of cicadas outside the courtyard is loud.

Cheng Tinghua carried the straw mat and walked into the backyard.

"Boy Chen, what you want is done, let me see how to use it."

The old man greeted him with great interest and curiosity.

But seeing that the straw mat was spread out, there were two pairs of suede leather knife bags hanging inside, in which were pinned a total of forty willow-leaf flying knives, all five inches long and short, the snow was bright and cold.

In addition, there are two curved short knives on the side, which are shaped like arc moons. The strange thing is that the ends of the handles are convex and concave, which can be docked and snapped together.

This is what Cheng Tinghua is curious about.

"I traveled around half of the Forty-Nine City, and it took me three days to find an old blacksmith to make it out."

Chen Zhuo wiped his sweat, reached out and took the scimitar, with a buckle on the handle, the two knives merged into one instantly.

Hearing the chirping of cicadas on the tree, Chen Zhuo closed his eyes, weighed the weight of the scimitar, and meditated for a few seconds, his palm suddenly trembled, and a spiral force immediately penetrated into the pair of swords.

The blade didn't move, but the iron shot in the handle was already spinning rapidly.

Chen Zhuo suddenly rushed out with a few steps, his feet flew into the air for a moment, and there was a buzzing sound, and a terrifying knife shadow flew away from his hand. In a flash, it reached the old tree in the corner of the courtyard, circled around and flew back again.

On the tree, a cicada cut off at the waist, and the cicada stopped singing.

Chen Zhuo's eyes widened sharply, he stretched out his palm and took the scimitar in his hand, but instead of clasping it with five fingers, it twirled quickly in the palm of his hand, as if being attracted by an invisible force.

Grip with five fingers, and the shadow of the knife stands still.

Before Cheng Tinghua could react, Chen Zhuo had already lifted up the saber pouch, stretched out his hand to pick it up, the four willow-leaf flying knives were already in his hands, turned around, and the flying knives flew out instantly.However, what is unbelievable is that the trajectories formed by the flying knives are different, some are curved, some are straight, and they hit the old tree in the corner of the courtyard.

"Tsk tsk tsk! Good guy, you actually found a new way, using the spiral force on the hidden weapon, coupled with your stone-hitting technique, it has such a magical effect, not bad! Not bad!"

Cheng Tinghua's eyes widened, he was amazed, really surprised.

There are many masters of concealed weapons in the world, but it is the first one like Chen Zhuo who can make a turn with a throwing knife.

"Unfortunately, it's just not accurate enough."

Chen Zhuo nodded, looked at the three throwing knives on the tree, and one of them missed the target, "I have to practice more!"

The two were chatting among themselves, Chao Yun suddenly trotted in from the outside, stared at them blankly, seemed to be hesitating, but still spoke.

"Brother Chen, Master, Jinmen has fallen!"

(End of this chapter)

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