Chapter 370 Immortal Gate
"It's too late, they're here."

Chen Zhuo rejected the invitation of the two of them, turned his eyes and looked straight at the horizon, with the mountains and rivers flowing backward in his eyes, as if he was peering into the sky and the earth.

Xie Tiao glanced at the opportunity, his expression changed slightly, and he reminded quickly: "Senior, that is the direction of the 'immortal gate'. It is said to exist at the end of this world, on an isolated island in the sea, and it contains secrets. It was there that Guangchengzi established his sect; and the ancient remnants who first came here also lived there."

Chen Zhuo raised his eyebrows. Just when he was at the beach, he noticed that there were many tyrannical Qi machines entrenched in the sea.

Just one after another, several figures were seen approaching quickly from the horizon.

Xie Tiao and Dini both felt their breath tighten. They had only broken through the climate of a few hundred years ago, and they had survived until now with a narrow escape from death. There was no need to say much about the fate of these ancient strong men.

"No, it's the five ancient elders."

Even those who were watching the battle also dispersed, for fear of harming Chi Yu.

At this moment, Chen Zhuo suddenly raised his sleeves and used only the power of his spirit to wrap up the two people beside him, covering up their Qi and sending them away while he flew towards the sky.

"Where to go!"

There was a roar like thunder in the sky and the earth, and even as the wind and clouds disappeared, the sky where the thunder had disappeared suddenly changed suddenly again, the wind was strong, and several huge tornadoes rose from the ground, touching the sky and the ground, with a terrifying momentum.

Feeling the qi energy coming after him, Chen Zhuo did not dare to delay and stepped forward. However, the rising and falling of his feet seemed to be slow. With one step, he was already forty or fifty feet away, shrinking to an inch without realizing it. Already advanced to such an extent.

He had no intention of fighting, but when he was far away, a light suddenly appeared in his eyes, condensed into a bunch, burst out of his eyes, and fell into the void in front of him like a substance, causing ripples.

The ripples passed by, and Chen Zhuo's figure quickly blurred and faded, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"Who is this?" Five figures fell from the sky, exuding a strong aura of decay. They all covered their faces with masks and wore ancient clothes. They stared at the re-stabilized void in surprise and horror. "It's so powerful. , can actually use the power of the void to hide in the cage."

"Ning Fengzi is dead, this person must be of great importance."

"It's strange. Didn't Master Longzhi introduce Yinglong's blood into his heart back then? As long as his heart is immortal, he should not be able to die."

"No matter what, we must find this person."


It took a long time until all these people had gone away, then someone came out of the void.

Chen Zhuo stepped out, glanced thoughtfully in the direction where the people were leaving, smelled the rotten smell in the air, and murmured: "There is no such thing as immortality, a bunch of delusional people."

Immediately, he took a deep breath, concealed his energy, and headed towards the horizon.

The vast ocean, thousands of miles of blue waves.

Chen Zhuo is much more low-key than before. He made such a big noise before to test the opponent's strength first. He didn't want to attract a disciple. Now, the five ancient strong men have landed on the land, and they just want to go and explore. The reality of the "immortal gate".

Different from the ordinary world, although there are ups and downs in this sea, not even half of the swimming fish can be seen. Deep in the bottom of the sea, there is only endless silence, which makes people collapse in despair and drive them crazy.

It is indeed a prison.

Just as Chen Zhuo was passing through the sea with his spiritual thoughts, his mind suddenly sank, and his body flying against the waves fell into the sea and sank straight down.

The skylight above his head became farther and farther away, but Chen Zhuo's expression became more and more stiff, subtle, weird, weird and scary, as if he had discovered something extremely amazing.

He stared at the deep seabed, until his half-closed eyes suddenly opened wide at a certain moment, and then he stood in the sea and stared at the seabed.

As far as the eye could see, there were densely packed mountains of bones.

Too much.

The number is simply unimaginable. Even if Chen Zhuo believed that he was killing people for no reason and massacred the city and destroyed the country, he couldn't help but be speechless at this moment. A chill ran down the back of his neck, and his skin trembled, making his hair stand on end.

The undercurrent surged, and the bones were like waves, rolling and drifting silently on the seabed, turning into a lifeless dead area.

Resentment, hatred, murderous intent, malice...

Invisibly, Chen Zhuoru could feel strange thoughts emanating from the bottom of the sea. They were weak and mixed. They were not the thoughts of living people, but the resentment of those strong men before their death, and the residual thoughts left by their powerful spirits, which accumulated over time. Interweaving and gathering, they echo on the seabed day after day, year after year.

"Revenge, take revenge for us."

"Kill Guang Chengzi."

"Guangchengzi, you must die a good death."

"Become an immortal, become an immortal!"


For a moment, it seemed as if many voices fell on his ears, some roaring, some roaring, some cursing, or some strange screams. It was like falling into an endless hell and being haunted by a group of ghosts.

No matter how heavy Chen Zhuo's body was, as soon as his feet fell into place, the sounds suddenly became clearer.

He looked at the endless pile of skeletons at his feet. There was no emotion or anger on his face. His eyes swept over them. Most of them were humanoid skeletons, large and small, scattered in a messy manner.

In fact, there are not only human skeletons, but also many strange skeletons, some of which are huge animal bones, some of which are strangely long and huge snake bones, and some of which are the bones of Yinglong. They are all in various shapes, filled with a strong aura of death, which makes people tremble.

Chen Zhuo regained his composure, and all the lingering sounds in his ears dispersed. Everything seemed like an auditory hallucination.

As for the cause of death of these corpses, he could tell clearly at a glance. Although many of them were in dilapidated condition, most of them had been deprived of their essence, energy, and spirit, and some even had traces of gnawing on their bones.

In other words, it was eaten.

This place is different from the ordinary world. Now there is no food, no vegetation, and no birds or animals except humans.

Although they have reached such a level of cultivation that they no longer need to eat or drink to obtain essence, but with such a Jedi, even a person with a strong Taoist heart may become crazy after hundreds or thousands of years.

Just like humans, it seems that heaven and earth also have an end. Now this cave heaven paradise that countless people are flocking to is about to come to an end.

Perhaps once upon a time, this place was better than the fairy world compared to the earthly world, but as time goes by, more and more people break through the world, and the essence between heaven and earth becomes thinner and thinner.

It should be noted that all things in the world are inseparable from the yin and yang and the five elements, such as the essence of vegetation and flesh and blood. In order to go further, these naturally become the panacea to supplement oneself.

It eats away at this world step by step, and finally swallows nothing left to swallow, and then eats the same kind.

It is said that wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there will inevitably be fights and killings here. Under the battle, the loss of energy is naturally even greater, not to mention the broken strong man who destroys the world at every turn.

Thinking of this, Chen Zhuo's mood suddenly changed and he sighed: "It's wrong, it's all wrong."

He seemed to understand something, and thought to himself: "In this way, the disaster of the end of the Dharma cannot be brought about by just one person or one force; just like birth, old age, illness and death, prosperity must decline, and everything is destined from the moment it is born. It will one day perish, and the catastrophe of the end of the law is the final outcome of martial arts."

Regarding such a result, the Buddha had predicted it in the past, and Guangchengzi and others must have known about it for a long time, but it does not mean that everyone can accept this result.When the martial arts disappears and the Dharma ends, broken people like them will naturally be buried with them, their energy will diminish, and the so-called immortality will become a delusion, let alone immortality.

The way to break the situation is to break the "immortal gate" and ascend to the so-called upper realm. This is the last delusion and life-saving straw of those people.

It's just that in this way, under the premise that the result has been understood and known, whoever can occupy more of the essence of heaven and earth may have a greater chance of transcendence.

Just like in the past, there were swords and swords in the world, with intrigues and intrigues, fighting for fame and fortune, and everyone wanted to get ahead. Now it's just a matter of competing for the power of the world.

But this will also bring great hidden dangers. Sooner or later, amid the intensifying murderous intentions and the fear of being unable to break through, these people will extend their hands to the people of the world.

Just like the endless skeletons in front of me.

And the catastrophe of the Dharma is not simply a reference to Chen Zhuo, but when the cage is broken and people like Guang Chengzi return to the world, they will be like a group of hungry wolves who have been hungry for three to five years and do not know the taste of meat. Loot everything in the world that can be used to increase your strength.

Dead or alive, we will never let go.

It won't be long before the secular world will follow the footsteps of this paradise.

"It seems so, it's still too merciful." Chen Zhuo suddenly sighed.

If all of this can be traced back to the source and really span thousands of years and collide with him in ancient times, then these people should be killed without leaving any future troubles.

But Chen Zhuo quickly rejected this idea.

Since he is destined to appear in ancient times, the inheritance of martial arts is naturally inevitable, and even if he kills people like Guangchengzi, there will definitely be another group of people who want to become immortals.

This battle is destined to be inevitable.

This battle marked the decline of martial arts and the beginning of the catastrophe of the end of the law.

"It turns out," Chen Zhuo looked at the headless bones at his feet with a complicated expression, "Everything started with me and will end with me."

He immediately stopped staying and skimmed out of the sea like a fish, flying quickly against the waves.

The deeper he went into the sea, the more Chen Zhuo felt an invisible sense of oppression, and there were silhouettes flying back and forth in the sky above his head. He thought it was because of him that he was delivering messages.

It's strange, why hasn't Guangchengzi shown up yet?
I don't know how long he rushed like this, but Chen Zhuo didn't stop until a strange scene appeared at the end of his field of vision.

Looking away, I saw between the sea and the sea, a huge island crawling at the end of the field of vision like a wild beast. It was full of vigorous ancient trees, green as ink, and full of vitality.

The most astonishing thing is that there are several small islands surrounding this huge island. They are not sunk in the sea, but are hanging in the air. There are hidden residences on the islands, and several rainbow bridges are hung in the mist. From time to time, there are shadows of people passing through the sky. Traveling back and forth between the islands is magical and magnificent, just like a fairyland on earth.

Seeing all this, Chen Zhuo couldn't help but admire: "What a huge formation."

But he sneered.

Calmly, Chen Zhuo just wrapped himself in mental power and sneaked in quietly.

At this time, something big seemed to be happening on the island. The sound of jade chimes spread. On the floating islands and giant islands, figures were seen gathering like meteors and rainbows, turning into a torrent in the sky. Everyone wielded a sword, and Shao Shao Say tens of thousands.

Deep in the giant island, a low and hoarse voice, neither sad nor happy, gave an order: "Disciples of the Immortal Sect, listen to the order, the man of the end of the law has appeared, please go and catch him as soon as possible."


The thousands of sword immortals shouted in unison, and then turned into wisps of light, piercing the air and shooting into the distance.

Chen Zhuo secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he had kept a low profile this time. If they faced each other head-on, it would be another fierce battle. The auras of these thousands of top swordsmen must be connected, and they must have created some kind of shocking formation. If they really want to Yes, enough for him to drink a pot.

While Chen Zhuo was thinking about how to find the "immortal gate", an old man with red hair and red robes suddenly broke in angrily from outside the island.

"Who killed Lingxuzi? Who dared to kill my beloved son?" The old man was so angry that the Three Corpse Gods jumped violently, and the veins on his forehead popped out, "Where is your master?"

A disciple from the Immortal Sect came forward and said respectfully: "Senior, Master, he is still in seclusion, no one is allowed to disturb him. The second junior brother was killed by the people who are at the end of the Dharma, and the uncle Ning Fengzi has also perished. "

"A person at the end of the Dharma?" The old man's beard and hair were spread out, and his face was as red as fire. He was startled at first, and then his eyes became gloomy, and he was very impatient. "Retreat, retreat. Over the years, Guangchengzi has been in retreat. He has agreed to take turns to enlightenment. , when did the 'immortal gate' become his only thing? Now people are knocking on the door, and they are still in retreat."

Chen Zhuo hid in the darkness and followed the red-haired old man's gaze, drifting straight into the depths.

As he walked along, his eyes became more and more surprised.

But I saw that in addition to these immortal disciples and ancient remnants, there were also many rare and exotic beasts on the island, some of which Chen Zhuo had never seen before.

Suddenly there were huge dark clouds in the sky. Looking up, a Yinglong was hovering in the sky, going in and out of the clouds, soaring in the sky, its whole body exuding a dazzling golden light.

More than one.

There are also many exotic flowers and medicines that have long since disappeared on the island.

Chen Zhuo's eyes flickered, and he immediately recognized that most of them were the secret medicine for refining the "Wuji Elixir".

It is indeed a fairy island.

Chen Zhuo became more and more certain of his guess.

This world may have been an unimaginable paradise in the past.

All he said was that he hurried all the way and finally saw a huge stone temple in the center of the island. It was ancient and [-]% similar to the stone temple that contained the "Illustration of the God of War", as if it was made by the same person.

But what depresses Chen Zhuo is that there is an obscure and strange energy hiding under the stone palace, but it is not a living person. It is most likely the so-called "immortal gate", which is bottomless.

Except, there is another extremely terrifying invisible force entrenched underneath, which is elusive and mysterious.

No need to think about it, it must be Guangchengzi.

Moreover, there is more than one powerful force, and several auras are activated in succession from all directions, which should be responsible for protecting the law.

Chen Zhuo didn't waste any time. He stepped aside and quietly touched it.

The first thing he saw when he came in made him freeze in place.

There is a huge strange thing placed in the Gein Stone Palace. The whole body is shining with a bright metallic luster. It is several feet tall. Although it is broken and shapeless, the surface of this strange thing is still changing with many strange brilliance.

For a moment, Chen Zhuo held his breath and stared at the thing in front of him that would only exist in future generations. He was speechless.

"This...this is..."

(End of this chapter)

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