Chapter 372 Strong Enemy
"Vitality? Are you worthy of it?"

Jiutian Xuannu looked down at everyone, with a sarcastic smile on her cold face.

She stared at Chen Zhuo, holding the Shenfeng in her hand, standing in the air without looking at the group of broken warriors rushing towards her. The sword body buzzed and shook, and she suddenly saw a strong cold light, emitting thousands of sword energy.

The sword energy is as vast as a surging river. Anyone caught in it will have their souls eroded and their bones turned into powder within a short time, leaving only screams echoing between heaven and earth.

What a terrifying sword intent.

With just one hand, the arrogance of those broken people was suppressed, and everyone froze in shock.

"Since you want to die, let's solve it together today. We will have no worries anymore and do our best to break this cage." Guang Chengzi walked in the air and came with his hands behind his back. He turned his eyes slightly and turned his gaze to Chen Zhuo. "Fight with you."

Chen Zhuo raised his eyebrows. If he started now, he had no chance of winning.

His mind was racing, although this body is not the real body, life and death are not hindered, but these people of the broken void cannot die here, otherwise the skills of Guangchengzi and others will increase, one will decline, and the other will increase, in case something happens again.

"Don't panic, little friend. Victory or defeat, life or death, has not yet been determined. We also have a helping hand."

An old voice suddenly came from behind Xie Tiao. It seemed to have the magic power to soothe people's hearts, making everyone's hearts soar. At the same time, it forced Jiutian Xuannv's sword energy to retreat step by step.

But out of the crowd came an old man with snow-white beard and hair, and a face as ruddy as a baby. He was wearing a crane's gray robe and had a peaceful appearance. However, the Qi around his body twisted into a circle, just like an obscure whirlpool, which was mysterious and extraordinary. Five more paths followed him. figure.

Those who know this man cannot help but exclaim: "Ah, he is...Zou Zi...are you still alive?"

This was actually Zou Yan, a strong man from the "Yin Yang Family" in the pre-Qin Dynasty.

Xie Tiao stood aside with great respect: "Grandmaster!"

Although his Demon Sect is said to have accommodated hundreds of families, it has the deepest connection with the "Yin Yang Family", not to mention that it is an almost sacred being like Zou Yan, who he regards as his ancestor.

Guangchengzi's cold eyes suddenly jumped like flames. He looked at the old man and said calmly: "It turns out that you are the fish that slipped through the net."

Zou Yan also spoke calmly: "In the past, thanks to the desperate help of several old friends, I was able to escape that disaster. Who would have thought that a god whose name has been passed down through the ages would be supplemented by future generations; every time After a few hundred years, you are afraid that the latecomers will become a phenomenon and share the essence of heaven and earth with you, so you will sweep away everything and kill them all; unfortunately, things backfired, and after a series of fierce battles, this blessed land of cave heaven was almost destroyed."

After that, he ignored Guangchengzi's reaction, but looked at Chen Zhuo and sighed: "When I heard that the man of the end of the law appeared, I just thought that there was a turning point here. I didn't want it to be just a distracting thought. It seems that today There is no way to escape disaster.”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

Even Zou Zi is not sure, so how can he win this battle.

Chen Zhuo said softly: "Zou Zi, don't worry, my true body is already waiting for you in the world."

Zou Yan's eyes lit up: "Is it the three treasures of heaven, earth and heart? That's it."

Since the situation has reached such a critical point, Chen Zhuo will naturally not hold back.

When they heard that someone in the secular world would break through the world to help them, whether it was the people from the Shattered Void in the future here or the ancient relics on the opposite side, their expressions changed wildly and their thoughts became subtle.

This means they have the opportunity to return to earth.

Nowadays, this square cave paradise is like a lifeless and endless purgatory, with fighting and dangers all the time. In comparison, the earthly world has become a fairyland.

When the situation was tense, Chen Zhuo suddenly asked: "Since there are strong men from the 'Yin Yang Family', can Taoism and Confucianism have strong hands to help?"

Zou Yan shook his head and said: "Young friend, you are overthinking. As far as I know, I am the only one among hundreds of schools of thought to have broken through the realm by chance. The rest of the schools all seek spiritual realm. They have been comprehending the way of heaven and nature all their lives, and There is nothing else to ask for; otherwise, if Confucianism and Taoism saints also set foot in martial arts, this paradise will be a different story."

Think about it, since ancient times, geniuses and geniuses have emerged in large numbers, but in the martial arts, I have never heard of the founders of several religions, as if the pre-Qin Dynasty was a gap.

Zou Zifu added: "I think even they are afraid of these saints who have profound understanding of heavenly principles and do not dare to introduce them here."

Guangchengzi's cheeks twitched, as if he didn't want to elaborate further on the matter, and said in a deep voice: "It takes a lot of effort to talk. In the end, you have to rely on means to compete."

Zou Zi smiled calmly and said, "Little friend, just concentrate on fighting him, and we will do the rest."

As soon as he finished speaking, the five figures behind him all spoke in unison, taking a step forward and standing side by side with Zou Yan.

These five people were faceless, their costumes were old and scary, their bodies were old and young, male and female, and the most unusual thing was that the energy in their bodies was invisibly connected to Zou Yan.


When Guang Chengzi and Chen Zhuo saw these five people, they both looked strange.

Chen Zhuo's eyes flashed with light and he praised: "What a good method."

These five people are actually somewhat similar to his Ran Min body, and they are much more advanced. This is because all five people are controlled by Zou Yan's spirit. They are guided by their spiritual thoughts, and each of them cultivates the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. , the breaths merge into one, it looks like five people, but in fact it is just one person, and they can all be regarded as the incarnation of Zou Zi.

The energy here is getting thinner and thinner. It seems that Zou Zi is not willing to use others to supplement himself, so he uses this method to increase his strength.

"Watch out."

"Kill them."

In a matter of seconds, Chen Zhuo and Guang Chengzi each left a word and moved hundreds of feet away to find another battlefield.

The two of them were facing each other tit for tat, their qi and energy clashing with each other. Their hands and feet did not move, but their bodies were already moving sideways quickly.

The color of the sky and the earth changed, the wind and clouds stirred, and the figures of both sides were lifted up. After a moment, they both stood in the sky.

"You dare to compete with me even if you have just a thought?" Guang Chengzi's face was stern and calm, but the murderous intent in his eyes was soaring. "Others may not be able to see it, but you can't hide it from me. You and we are obviously the same existence."

Within a few words, a battle started in the distance.

The sky and the earth seemed to be covered by a huge black curtain, and a huge gap was torn open, enveloping Zou Yan and others as well as the Nine Heavens Xuannv. The momentum was truly horrifying to the extreme.

"It turned out to be a formation. It seems that those five people are the core of Zou Yancheng's formation." Guang Chengzi understood everything without even looking, "I want to see how long his exhausted body can last. How long can you last?"

Chen Zhuo didn't say anything, but just raised his fingers towards the other party.

Guangchengzi's cheek immediately twitched unnoticeably, and then he spat out softly: "Kill!"

With the thought of killing, the intention to kill is stirred, and the sound of killing is uttered.

A wisp of sharp and powerful sword energy came out of this man's mouth.


Exhaling like a sword, the sword energy broke through the air for a moment. Guangchengzi raised his finger and drew it in the air. The divine energy on his fingertips bloomed, dragging a mysterious trajectory in the void. The sword energy instantly turned from empty to solid, turning into a bright sword. The utensil turns with the finger, and then one turns into two, two turns into four, and four turns into eight.

In just one breath, hundreds of swords were floating in the air in front of Guangchengzi, slowly turning, the swords were screaming, and the murderous intent was soaring to the sky.

"From imaginary to real?"

Chen Zhuo's face showed solemnity, he made a decisive decision and moved back, the clouds flowing around him flowing backwards.

And in front of him, Guangchengzi raised his finger and pointed with his expressionless fingertips. The sword suspended in the sky, like a roaring dragon, turned into thousands of things in the endless trembling. The shadow of the flowing sword rose into the sky like a swarm of locusts passing by, breaking through the sky.For a moment, Chen Zhuo's eyes were filled with criss-cross sword shadows, densely packed, criss-crossing and converging. They gathered like big waves and dispersed like streams of light dancing wildly, with endless murderous intent.

Just half a beat later, Chen Zhuo's body was already covered with dozens of bloody mouths.

These swords have evolved from formlessness to form, from qualitylessness to quality. They are all condensed by the power of Guangchengzi's spirit. They are shaped out of thin air. With the thought of a sword, there is no place in the world that cannot be a sword.

Chen Zhuo was also surprised in his heart. He quickly moved and changed among the intertwined shadows of the sword, while secretly paying attention.

Thinking that his true body had gone through all kinds of twists and turns and disasters, but he still swallowed the "Great Black Sky" in the "Dragon and Tiger Gate", and the spiritual power of all the people in the world was greatly increased. Half a step of destiny, he realized the "True Immortal of the Land" "Why.

But this person, trapped in this cage, actually understood the true meaning of the word "immortal" and figured out a way to "golden immortal".

Not bad.

It seems that this ancient god-man is really great and should be his life and death enemy.

Seeing that the sword light was becoming more and more urgent, Chen Zhuo made a decisive decision and turned down, falling straight to the ground like a meteor falling from the sky.

Guangchengzi stood in vain above the nine heavens, with his eyelids drooped, like a fairy overlooking the world. The clouds were flying around him, one hand was behind his back, and the index finger of the other hand was guiding the torrent of sword energy. He swiped lightly, and the overwhelming swords all turned around. The tip of the sword was like a migratory locust crossing the border, raining down a shower of arrows and following closely.

too fast.

Chen Zhuo only heard the roar of swords in his ears and realized that he was surrounded by thousands of swords, flying side by side with him.

But the murderous intention suddenly dropped. Guangchengzi crossed his index finger in the air, and the sword that was falling straight was split into two. Like two torrents, one on the left and one on the right, they rushed straight up to kill Chen Zhuo. The flying swords reciprocated and intertwined. Bring out a sword net.


Chen Zhuo's face was cold, and his skin was as cold and white as ice. He took a deep breath, and his steep fall increased. He narrowly avoided the torrent of swords behind him. He touched the ground with one foot, and he turned over and dodged. To the side.

When the body is already far away, the place where the toes are pointed will collapse.

And the sword that kept trembling, like a stream of light, turned around the moment it touched the ground, emitting balls of dazzling cold light, biting Chen Zhuo tightly.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Chen Zhuo's feet suddenly sank, and he pressed down with one palm of his right hand. Sharp edges were immediately gathered in the palm of his hand. The sword's intention was arrogant, the sword's energy flew away, and there were more slash marks on the ground for no reason. .

As soon as I thought about it, I saw the wind and dust from all directions suddenly gathered, and in an instant it turned into a four-foot-long knife.

Broad body, thick spine, dull and dull.

The moment the sword was made, Chen Zhuo clenched his fingers tightly, standing in front of him with the blade of the sword facing outward.

ding ding ding...

In an instant, the torrent of sword energy arrived.

Chen Zhuo's feet seemed to be rooted on the ground, motionless. He held the handle of the knife with one hand and pressed the spine of the knife with the other. The sword merged into one, and the sharp edge spread out. The terrifying thousands of sword energy actually separated like waves under the edge of the knife and broke to both sides.

The swords struck each other, just like the collision of gold and stone. The swords, which looked like real objects, were broken and shattered in front of the edge of the knife, and then disappeared between heaven and earth again, becoming invisible.

Chen Zhuo's black hair was scattered, and a chaotic brilliance came out of his eyes. A mad look appeared on his face. While grinning, he just dragged the handle of the long knife in his hand, then turned up the blade, and screamed: "Death! "

As he dragged, he saw a ferocious sword energy spread across the sky and the earth, and a wisp of sword energy cut across the sky, not only smashing all the unfinished sword energy, but also covering Guang Chengzi in the air.

Guangchengzi was unmoved by the shocking sword energy, with a calm look on his face. His right hand opened wide and he actually took the sword alive.

"Tips for carving insects!"

The stalemate lasted less than half a breath, and the sword energy dissipated silently.

The two faced off again.

One person is standing in the sky, the other is standing on the earth, one is looking down, the other is looking up, their eyes collide in the sky, and a ball of strange flower flames burst out.

The two seemed to be equally matched, but something unexpected happened suddenly. However, Chen Zhuo saw the long knife in his hand scattered like dust. Bloody holes appeared one after another all over his body, and wisps of sword energy burst out from his body. Bring out hundreds of blood arrows.

Feeling the pain all over his body, Chen Zhuo's eyes felt calm.

There was a huge disparity in strength between the two. They had just fought. After the opponent's sword energy entered the body, it was like a gangrene attached to the bone, condensing and not dispersing, making it impossible to guard against it.

He was covered in blood at the moment, his body was riddled with holes, his face was bright red, and blood pooled under his feet. No matter how strong his body was, there was no chance of winning with such injuries.

How many years has it been, how many years has it been since I met such an opponent?

At the same time, the sounds of fighting, screams, and laughter came from the distant horizon from time to time. The battle was also in full swing.

"Sending you on your way!" Guang Chengzi said no nonsense. He jumped out of the way and was already in front of Chen Zhuo. He pointed his index finger between his eyebrows. "Today, all of them will die."

"Wait a minute." Chen Zhuo suddenly said.

Guang Chengzi actually stopped, his eyes dull, as if he was waiting for Chen Zhuo's next words.

When their eyes met, Chen Zhuo suddenly grinned and said, "You..."

But with just one word left, his head exploded in the air, leaving his headless body standing on the spot, blood spurting out like a roar.

Ran Min's body was shattered.

Then he saw a strange smile appear on Guang Chengzi's expressionless face, as if he hated Chen Zhuo so much. If he moved his index finger again, the headless body would be torn apart.

But just when he was feeling happy, something unexpected happened. Among the scattered flesh and blood, a ball of sparks suddenly rose into the sky, and then expanded and expanded at an extremely fast speed. In an instant, it turned into a blazing ball of fire. The red fireball enveloped Guang Chengzi.

The terrifying high temperature spreads between the sky and the earth, the earth dries up into scorched earth, and the rocks melt, as if it is ushering in the end of the world.

Guangchengzi's smile gradually disappeared, the hair all over his body was scorched, and wisps of blood mist spurted out from his skin and flesh, and then evaporated quickly, and then wisps of flames shot out from his seven orifices.

at the same time.

In the wilderness of the secular world, in the demon market, at the moment Ran Min's body was shattered, Chen Zhuo, who had been sitting cross-legged in meditation in the temple, slowly opened his eyes.

Although the two worlds were separated and it was difficult for his thoughts to connect, the death of that thought still made him feel an inexplicable strangeness.

Ni Huihui saw that he had a different look on his face and couldn't help but ask: "My lord, what happened?"

Zhu Faqing on the side also followed suit: "It's been two months now. Could it be that there are changes in Cave Heaven Paradise?"

Chen Zhuo's eyes changed, and he said softly: "My spiritual will must have been cut off by someone, and Ran Min's physical body has been destroyed. It seems that he has encountered a strong enemy."

Before the two of them could respond, he stood up and said slowly: "Go and call Cang Qi. Now only one of the three pendants is left. No need to wait. I will go there in person... I want to see it." Look at all the great people in the Cave Heaven Paradise!"

(End of this chapter)

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