Chapter 48 Foshan Golden Tower
Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Where there are rivers and lakes, there will be swords and swords.

It has been a few days since foreign enemies from the north entered Beijing, and the news spread to the south without causing much trouble.

The heavy rain came suddenly, and it couldn't break the chill of the street.

The rain in the south is really heavy, the wind is heavy and the rain is pouring on the face.

On the closed long street, there was only one three-storey building with its door wide open, and lights were shining from outside.

Looking inside through the rain curtain, the whole house is gilded and brightly lit, and you can faintly hear the movement of singing in the building, and the laughter of the Yingying Yanyan.

Under the charming lights, upstairs and downstairs, in all corners, there are many pretty girls in cheongsams who are good at dressing up.

Some are dignified and beautiful, with light brows and eyes like smoke; With a long and slender jade cigarette holder sandwiched between them, a wisp of smoke was exhaled from his mouth, his delicate eyes were half-closed, as if he had just woken up.

There are also large and small teapots for serving tea and water, and welcoming guests, and the accountant sitting in the corner listening to a little song, knocking melon seeds, and some aunts and six women who are chatting.

The resplendent and resplendent hall is set off by the color of fire lights, like a golden mountain falling in the rain.

Isn't it Jinshan?

In Guangzhou, the most famous playground is Chentang's Liushang; in Foshan, the most famous is this building.

Gold and Silver Building.

Or, it should be called Jinlou.

Outside the building, there were people in the rain, with the golden building as the distance, the two sides were facing each other.

Most of the people in the building were watching the bustle, and glanced at it from time to time.

In the turbulent times and the turmoil in the north, those who are bloody can still join the Boxers and fight with the foreigners, and those who are afraid of their lives can only seek refuge in the south, or go to Shanghai or Guangzhou, all of which are good places to make a fortune.

But as an outsider, it is inevitable to deal with local gangs. For example, in Shanghai, there are Qinggang, Hongmen, Axe Gang, Cao Gang, etc., involving black and white, and the forces are intricate.

Although Foshan doesn't have so many stories, but there are many warriors, and most of the gangs are martial arts masters and rivers and lakes. They earn their fists, one horizontal and one vertical. Today you sing, and tomorrow I will be on stage.

No, five northerners came to Foshan a month ago, and within seven days, they robbed a batch of goods from the local gang.

If it is any other small gadget, it will be lost if it is lost, but this batch of goods is unusual, it is a batch of high-quality tobacco soil, to put it bluntly, it is opium.

These five people were also ruthless. They not only robbed things, but also killed people. They even said that if they wanted something, they had to buy it back.

At first, the local gang only thought that the other party was a few blind-headed youths, so they called the gangsters to take a trip, but they didn't want to go back, and the body was skinned and hung out the next day.

This formed a life-and-death enmity, which must be settled tonight.

The heavy rain was pouring, and the local gang had a large number of people. A rough scan could not tell you less than a hundred people. On the other side, five northern men were dressed in bunts. They looked like coolies. There was a bad breath between his brows, as if he was used to licking blood with a knife.

These days, if you want to stand out in the arena, you can only rely on your own fists, which are crisp and sharp, and speak with strength, win or lose, win or lose, one sideways and one upright, the loser lies down, and the one who stands up speaks.

For the people in Jinlou, this kind of scene has long been used to, eight words, people die for money, birds die for food.

It's just that despite the fact that there are many people in the local gang, there are not many people doing it. Three men came out with umbrellas, wearing black shirts, white shirts, and gray shirts respectively. While putting away the umbrella and handing it to the subordinates behind him, he said: "Nian you are from the north, we don't want to bully you because of the number of people, as long as the five of you can go through forty moves under the hands of the three of us, that lump I'll share the fat with you."

The five northern men stood under the rain eaves, not talking to each other, as if they were afraid that they would have nothing to eat tomorrow, they grabbed a few live fish from the fish stall beside them, and stared at the three with blank expressions. , The mouth began to bite, the fish meat, fish bones, and fish scales rattled between the teeth, the mouth was full of blood, and the fish was still jumping between the teeth.

Seeing the frightening appearance of the five outlaws, the three on the opposite side squinted their eyes and laughed, only wrapped their braids around their necks, and walked out suddenly.

As soon as they lifted their feet, the five people threw the half-eaten live fish in their hands, moved in unison, and rushed out.

The legs slipped and swiped against the ground, and the moment the water splashed, the five of them took out objects from their arms one after another, and quickly pressed them on the toes of their left feet.

Those are five foot hoops, all made of brass, in the shape of the heads of the five beasts of a lion, wolf, tiger, leopard, and bear. A sharp weapon designed to injure people, designed to knock muscles, bones and internal organs.

"Poke foot?"

The eyes of the three of them froze, their breath sank, and their arms were blocked in front of them.

In the next second, several shadows of legs swept over, accompanied by foot hoops, poked and pointed, and the shadows of legs flew around, forcing the three of them to retreat again and again.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Under the violent and messy kicks of the five people, the three of them suddenly had murderous intent in their eyes, and their footsteps sank. Seeing that the three men's thick arms were wearing bright silver rings, tightly fastened like an iron wall, no wonder they were able to block the violent kicks.

The bridge hand fully opened and closed, and immediately saw fists and legs colliding, gold and iron clattering, the rain burst in the lightning, and the two figures had turned to one side, spitting blood, sternum collapsed, and they seemed dead.

Just at this time, there was the sound of horseshoes in the rain, and the wheels were rolling, as if to avoid the rapid rain coming faster.

One, two, three...

A total of nine carriages entered the street one by one.

Seeing outsiders intruding, a group of people watching the bustling in the Jinlou changed their expressions one after another. Several accountants, big and small teapots, three aunts and six women put down the dim sum trays in their hands and stood up to save people.

But they are fast, someone is faster.

In the blink of an eye, there were only three of the five desperadoes on the ground. Seeing that the situation was not right, they knew that they had met a master, and regardless of the brotherhood and brotherhood, they turned around and rushed towards the carriage in front, intending to seize the carriage and escape. escape.

"Go away!"

The coachman who was driving the car seemed to be frightened, and froze in place.

At a critical moment, under the shadow of the three people who were about to die, a big hand stretched out from inside the carriage and dragged the driver in.

But the pupils of the three were shrinking sharply, and their cold expressions were already twisted crazily, because in their eyes, a frightening knife light flew out of the carriage, unimaginably fast, like a shadow, the knife light suddenly returned Shrunk back to the carriage, as if it had never appeared before.

And those three people, under the momentum of flying, passed the carriage, and swung a part like a kite with a broken string, but before they landed, a trace of blood burst out on the necks of the three people unexpectedly, not waiting for everyone to see clearly , the three big heads have silently slid down with their frozen expressions.

The heads rolled to the ground, and the three headless corpses fell with a thud, blood splashed from the broken neck, following in the footsteps of the two brothers.

The three Hong Quan masters who had rushed forward to chase after them saw this situation, their scalps exploded, and they backed away quickly like frightened wild cats with a strange cry.

"What an offense, I hope you will forgive me!"

 When will I be able to get rid of the name of chief executive, what a pit!

(End of this chapter)

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