Chapter 5
"Bang bang bang..."

"It's the third watch!"

The trembling yell of the watchman spread far and wide through the wind and snow.

In the huge bodyguard bureau, everyone had already fallen asleep, and there was silence everywhere.

But in the snowy night, there was an imperceptible abnormal sound at some point.



The tiles trembled slightly, very faintly, and then another low meow sounded from the roof, but it was gone in an instant.


"Stop going, thief!"

There was a burst of shouting outside the escort agency, and the sudden footsteps smashed the falling snow all over the ground, and the torch was held high, coming quickly.

Then there was a hasty knock on the door.

"Open the door! Open the door!"

Rows of lights lit up one after another in the dark snowy night.

Chen Zhuo and Zuo Zongsheng opened the door and walked out almost at the same time, they lived at the end of the row of rooms, looked at each other, they were both sleeping in their clothes.

Hearing the commotion outside, Zuo Zongsheng comforted him: "Don't worry, this posture is not aimed at us, it's probably because something serious happened in Beijing again, you guard the teacher's wife and the others, I'll open the door."

After he explained, he walked quickly to the front yard and got into the snow curtain.

Before Liang Chaoyun and Wang Zhangshi got dressed, they hurriedly asked through the window, "What happened?"

Chen Zhuo walked over to the window and comforted him: "It's okay, I think the guards and the police in the yamen are looking for some thieves. Brother Zuo has already passed, and it has nothing to do with us. Mistress, Chaoyun, you are weak, so don't come out. .”

In a short time, Zuo Zongsheng came back again, followed by two men, one tall and one short, both wearing gray satin robes and blue mandarin jackets, their foreheads were shaved clean, and their feet were shaved. Stepping on a pair of black-faced and white-soled official boots, a braid hangs down the back.

Behind the two of them, a skinny old policeman bowed and held a torch. Seeing that he had fallen a few steps, he hurriedly followed.

"Brother Zuo, forgive my blindness, who is this?"

The speaker was short, with a friendly look, smiling eyebrows, and two short mustaches on his lips. He looked like a rich man. He was white and fat. He wore a pair of horseshoe sleeves and hid his hands. Chen Zhuo.

The tall one was thin and tall, with a face as black as old carbon, a long face with narrow eyes, and a blue-black complexion, without saying a word.

After the two of them stopped walking, they both stood upright, with their feet uneven. Just by their stance, they could see the way of "Tai Chi Gate", and they had practiced that kung fu to the bone, and they had developed a climate. , Even the footprints behind him are shallower than others.

"He is my senior brother."

Zuo Zongsheng responded casually.

The short man's eyes showed surprise, "Oh? I don't know when Wang Wuye had such an apprentice? How come he never heard of it?"

Zuo Zongsheng rolled his eyes, stood with his arms folded, and said with a bland smile: "This is an apprentice my master took as a dart in the early years. He has been wandering in the pass, and now he belongs to the gate wall. Do I need to inform you?" No?"

"Brother Zuo was joking, right?"

The short man looked at him with a smile on his face, but after a few words, his smiling face seemed to be top-notch.

"Brother, forgive me. Tonight, someone did something against Tiangang, trying to assassinate the Queen Mother and her old man. Our brothers also obeyed orders."

Good guy, when the other party said this, Chen Zhuo's heart shuddered.

No wonder there was such a big battle, it is likely that someone assassinated the Queen Mother.

Through the wind and snow, one could see that the sky outside was illuminated by torches, and there were loud knocks at the door, which was astonishing.

As for the two in front of them, nine out of ten are the so-called masters.

While the short man was talking, the tall man had already started searching in the bodyguard office, his pace was faster than that of a galloping horse, his movements were like rabbits, his pair of slightly bulging eyeballs were spinning rapidly in the eye sockets, like a goshawk seeing things, Stripped down.

There was no expression on Chen Zhuo's face, he just squinted his eyes habitually, and stood dumbly.

The tall man walked around the escort office quickly, then returned to the short man and whispered, "No."

The short man didn't change his smiling face, he just glanced at Chen Zhuo's tense hands, and said with a smile, "What an offense, I'll leave!"

After speaking, he turned around and left, and the old catcher behind him hurriedly followed up with a torch again.

Zuo Zongsheng looked at the backs of several people leaving, and murmured: "It is estimated that tomorrow morning the capital will be turned upside down."

Seeing his appearance, Chen Zhuo was curious, "Why?"

Zuo Zongsheng lowered his voice and said, "It's the White Lotus Sect who did it."

After the dust settled, everyone went back to their rooms.

The officers and soldiers outside tossed for nearly half an hour before leaving one after another.

There was no sound, and the snowy night returned to silence.

I don't know how long it has passed, suddenly, the wind and snow poured in, a black shadow leaped down from the roof, and as soon as it landed, it darted into Chen Zhuo's house nimbly like a wild cat.

He only had time to close the wooden door before he collapsed to the ground.

The wind and snow outside the window are getting bigger and bigger.

"Finally I'm willing to come down."

Chen Zhuo on the kang slowly opened his eyes, he couldn't see the other person's face clearly, but he could hear the short and weak breath, he must have been severely injured, no wonder he hid until now.

Save or not?
Before, he only thought that the person from Lao Shizi's "God's Hand Gate" was looking for death, but he didn't expect such an accident, and this door was also left on purpose by him. He didn't want the other party to really touch it. .

With a sudden change in his mind, Chen Zhuo rolled out of the bed without a sound, and helped the man up, but unexpectedly, the man's face brightened as soon as he picked up his bones.


The scorching hot body fell into his arms, Chen Zhuo's eyelids twitched, and he was about to let go subconsciously, but at this moment his head drooping on his shoulders was weak and said: "I was hit by a hammer in the back, and my bones are about to fall apart... If you want to save me... Then help me connect..."

The scorching breath and the smell of blood rushed to his face, Chen Zhuo's loosened hand suddenly tightened again, and he hugged him onto the kang.

With the faint skylight coming in from the window, he could vaguely see a delicate face with frowned brows and a face full of pain.

Seeing that he was still standing motionless by the bed, the people on the bed understood, swallowed a mouthful of Nixue reluctantly, straightened his upper body, struggled to get up, and prepared to leave with force, but before he got off the bed, he fell down as soon as his body softened When it fell, it seemed to soften into a puddle of mud.

Seeing this, Chen Zhuo secretly sighed, and carried him back to the kang again.

He asked quickly, "How to answer?"

"The tip of the buttocks goes inches...along the vertebrae, from the bottom up...use gentle force to push the uterus through the blood, straighten out the meridians..."

The woman's voice was intermittent, and she was already sweating profusely after barely finishing these words, twitching in pain.

Chen Zhuo stopped hesitating at once. A second late rescue of this kind of injury would be more dangerous. He turned around and wanted to light the oil lamp, but the person on the bed suddenly spoke in a crying voice, begging: "Don't... don't light the lamp..."

Hearing this, Chen Zhuo felt troubled in his heart, the vertebra was shifted, he didn't know how to connect it, otherwise the person would die in his hands instead of being rescued.

The person on the bed seemed to know that he was hesitating, so he said with difficulty: "You just need to take off my upper body clothes, follow the breath I hang up, and use your hands to feel the trend of the tendons on your back to identify... They are all children of the world... Don't be rigid ……Kindness without saying thanks……"

"Shut up."

Chen Zhuo took a deep breath, and with a flick of his fingers, a section of the bright blade slipped out of his sleeve. The light of the blade was like lightning, and the cloth on the woman's upper body was split apart silently.

(End of this chapter)

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