Chapter 54

Quick knife!

What a quick knife!

A layman watching the excitement, an insider watching the doorway, let alone the people in the building look stupid, even some onlookers will change their faces when the knife goes down. I lost strength in shock and was crushed.

The blood flowed all over the floor and trickled down the stairs.

Upstairs and downstairs, everyone leaned their shoulders against their backs and looked at the five corpses with pale faces.

The whole hall was silent, and a needle could be heard.

It wasn't until the corpse was put into the coffin and carried out that everyone came back to their senses, gasped and exclaimed.

It is not uncommon to compete here in the past, and there are also those who were injured and disabled, but they were not killed, let alone such a bloody scene that was neat and blood splattered for several feet.

But it was more impactful and cruel than beheading in the execution ground, so cruel that some people couldn't help but vomited.

The blood spread, one person vomited, and many people's throats twitched and their faces turned blue and white, and they also bent over and covered their mouths and vomited.

Fast, too fast.

Before the person could react, he had lost his breath and moved his head.

"This is the sword-wielding ghost from the north? What a ruthless sword technique."

Many people unconsciously shrugged their shoulders, clamped their heads tightly, and their hairs stood on end.

Chen Zhuo's clothes were spotless and not stained with blood. He put away his facial makeup, took a handkerchief from a small teapot, wiped his hands, and asked, "Who else wants to try?"

He looked at that Renbo and everyone around him.

Looking away, the gang members on the first and second floors dodged their eyes as if they were electrocuted, their weak hands and feet were numb, shaking like chaff.

"Sure enough, it's not that the dragon crosses the river, Mr. Chen's ruthless sword skills!"

When Renbo saw the five corpses lying on the stairs, he shook his body, his old face was stiff, and he was stunned for a few seconds before he applauded and praised with a smile on his face: "It's just that you don't know it when you're new here, don't you?" The six people killed were all four generations of disciples of Hongjiaquan. You are definitely not interested in their names, but you must have heard of their ancestors. They are the 'Guangdong Ten Tigers' Tieqiao San And the master of the six of them is named Lin."

Chen Zhuo tapped his fingers lightly on the table, and said following the other party's words: "Then let someone send these six corpses to their master... It's fine if you are not good at learning, the most fearful thing is to follow the wrong one." Humans can share joys and sorrows with someone who values ​​love and righteousness, but with someone who will die badly, they can only go one step ahead."

The smirk on Renbo's face dissipated in an instant, his cheeks tensed, his eyes bulged, and he seemed to be trying his best to restrain something, even his breathing was quite heavy, but fortunately he endured it, "If that's the case, this battle will Mr. Chen won."

An old man on crutches beside Renbo got up and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen is very good at swordsmanship. My surname is also Chen. The brothers on the road all call me 'old knife handle'. Today we are not acquainted with each other. The few of us old guys are willing to bow down, and we will talk about it another day."

The man looked around as he spoke, and it turned out that during the short-term fight, Jinlou's attendants, teapots, three aunts, six women, girls, and the accountant had all arrived on the opposite side without knowing it, not even the girls under his hands. No exceptions, all gone.

"I told you a long time ago, don't be too greedy, and be nice to your subordinates. Now that you have lost face and power, you have to leave. This kid looks reckless. I didn't expect to have such a skill. Not only is it amazing, but you also know how to win people's hearts first. If you have a delicate mind, it must be a serious problem, and you need to get rid of it as soon as possible."

The old swordsman showed a kind smile to Chen Zhuo, but lowered his voice, saying cruel words of murder and robbery.

Then there is Chen Zhuo's previous sentence, which clearly showed his killing intent, and if he waits any longer, there will be variables.

Renbo took another puff of the big cigarette, looked around carefully, and recalled it, the previous confrontational momentum was gone, and his old face covered with brown spots was gloomy and terrifying.

"Let's go!"

However, just as he was about to move, a cold light pierced through the air, brushed his throat and hit the window edge with a "snatching" sound, trembling endlessly.

But it was a flying knife.

Renbo staggered back, slumped back on the chair, his face was ugly, panic flashed in his eyes, he quickly touched his neck, and when he saw that the skin and flesh were intact, he suppressed his anger and asked coldly, "What are you doing?" what for?"

Chen Zhuo didn't even look at the other party, picked up the jug on the table, and filled three glasses of wine, "I have a habit of always squinting at people on weekdays, but it's not like I can't see clearly. , This is the problem of falling down in sword practice, people always like to pick the place where the sword is dropped first, the master said that I offend people so easily, it is not good."

He said this in one breath, and drank the wine in one gulp.

"For the first cup, let's respect the people in the building. I can't change this habit. Don't worry about it in the future. Although I am not a good person, I have never killed a good person. I will take more responsibility for offending people."

"As for these two cups..."

Chen Zhuo turned his head to look at the two old men and ghosts on the second floor, Lang Gu Zhixiang only stared at everyone who caught his eye.

Since Na Renbo is relying on the momentum of the business gang, this old swordsman is probably the talker on the first floor, the chief executive of the local gang, one is rich, the other is powerful, and he works in collusion.

"I respect you for these two cups. After drinking them, you two can leave."

Seeing that there were steps, the expressions of the two old men eased a lot, but there was still a bit of suspicion in their hearts. Chen Zhuo's sudden change in tone really caught people off guard.

Surrounded by a group of gang disciples, the two went downstairs, took the wine glass, and did not forget to test it with a silver needle before drinking. They saw that it was just two ordinary glasses of wine, and then drank it all in one gulp.

"Good wine, farewell!"

Both of their old faces twitched into smiles.

Chen Zhuo also laughed, "Wait!"

Amidst everyone's astonishment and doubts, he held the wine cup in his hand with a normal expression, rubbed his fingers together, and only in bursts of exclamation, he raised his head and raised his hand, and a wisp of porcelain powder fell into his mouth from between his fingers .

With lips and teeth together, Chen Zhuo looked as usual, chewing the porcelain powder in his mouth, but his voice was a little lower, he said: "I mean, let you finish drinking it, can't you understand human speech?"

What a lawless villain.

The second elder's breath was stagnant, but he saw two followers running out from behind him, but they were Chen Zhuo's opponents. As soon as he walked out, his knee was smashed by two flying stones, and he fell to his knees on the ground, terribly hurt and sweating profusely.

The old knife slapped the wooden crutches with a gloomy face, "Boy, don't push yourself too hard. Believe it or not, I'll let you know. Before dark, there will be two or three hundred gangsters blocking the door of the Golden Tower." .”

"Yes, of course I believe it, but guess what, can you live to see the dark?" Chen Zhuo glanced at the gloomy dusk outside, and said with disdain: "They are all foxes who have become spirits, why are you pretending to be a liar? Well. Picking up something, seeing blood, just want to go out like this with a word of "willing to bow down"? I have given you enough face, I posted the post, and I also respected the wine. Now, where is my face?"

He wiped his hands, lowered his eyes, and said softly: "I don't care whether you chew or swallow, if you eat it, I will let you go, otherwise, I will feed you with my own hands."

The two elders have been domineering for half their lives, and they never thought of encountering such a situation.

But when they thought that the person in front of them was an unscrupulous desperado, who dared to kill even the prince, they really didn't dare to bet.

Seeing the growing coldness in Chen Zhuo's eyes, the old knife handle looked numb, picked up the wine cup, clenched his fists, and put it into his mouth.In front of Chen Zhuo's face, he started chewing, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding after a while.

Although Na Renbo hated him very much, he didn't dare to say "no", he gritted his teeth and smashed the wine cup, took a few mouthfuls of tea, and let it go.

Chen Zhuo chuckled, "It's quite courageous."

"Good talk!"

The faces of the two were distorted, but they didn't dare to make too much movement, for fear that the fragments would cut their intestines and be helped out.

"Mr. Chen is proud!"

I don't know who yelled, and the crowd who didn't dare to breathe, immediately burst into cheers.

"Young shopkeeper, are you really going to let them go?"

Mr. Rui brought over a cup of tea, the tea soup inside was like amber, with white hairs floating like silver needles, he asked calmly and lowered his voice.

Chen Zhuo took it, and put the tea and soup into his mouth, and after he swallowed it, he said softly: "How can I, the face is torn, how can I let the tiger go back to the mountain, besides, they still have something they shouldn't have." The thought of death is the way to take death."

When he said this, he thought for a while, "Wait first, let them live for two more days, or don't do it, if you want to do it, you must do it, kill it all, so as to avoid future troubles!"

(End of this chapter)

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