Chapter 91 Goodbye Gong Baotian

When he heard that someone was following him, Mr. Xu's heart tightened.

"It's okay, you go to Wangzhuang first, there will be someone to meet you."

Chen Zhuo's eyes were calm, the rein in his hand shook and pulled away, and he had already stuffed it into Mr. Xu's hand. He turned around and jumped off the carriage, and rushed backwards with big strides.

This time, the matter is of great importance, and there is no room for any mistakes. Needless to say, life and death meet each other.

The snow covered the world, the world was covered in silver, and with the roar of a violent tiger, Chen Zhuo looked like a fierce tiger jumping out of the winter forest. The wind and snow hit his face, and his legs were intertwined and he was already striding forward. Like an arrow, it flew towards the way it came from.

At the end of the field of vision, there really is a figure dotted far away.

Seeing Chen Zhuo approaching with terrifying evil spirit, the opponent did not retreat but advanced, and came straight to meet him.

The moment this person moved, Chen Zhuo squinted his eyes, raised his arms and bent down, and punched out a Bengquan like a cannonball.

The man came very fast, his steps were like flying, his feet moved up and down dexterously, raising his hand was the first move for a big catch, his steps were extremely shallow, and he used the amazing method of eight steps to drive away cicadas.

In this world, grasping is divided into big grasping and small grasping. The big grasping pinches people's acupuncture points, while the small grasping grasps people's joints.

This person used the dragon claw to grab the elbow, avoided the fist, and clasped the elbow of Chen Zhuo's right arm. With five fingers vigorously, he wanted to grab the acupoint, and the other hand raised the elbow and rushed towards Chen Zhuo's chin.

Chen Zhuo's eyes narrowed even more, his right arm trembled, and the muscles under the skin immediately twisted, like a twist, he deflected the force from his fingers, made a fist, and rushed to his heart.

"Chen Zhuo?"

Seeing him showing such a trick, the person on the opposite side gasped in surprise, suddenly spoke, and said his name.

Drilling Fist and Flying Elbow pause together, each step back a few steps.

It was only at this moment that Chen Zhuo seriously looked at the other party.

The man in front of him was a little short in stature, dressed like a porter, wrapped in a tattered gray jacket, the cotton was leaking from under the stitches, with a braid around his neck, but his face was like nothing he had ever seen before. His whole body was covered with snowflakes, and a layer of white frost was still condensed on his eyebrows and hair, but he recognized the voice.

"Gong Baotian?"

Sure enough, he immediately saw the porter in front of him tear off a human skin mask from his face, who else could there be except Gong Baotian.

"why you?"

It was no different from what I saw in Jinlou back then. At that time, Gong Baotian was still a little domineering and arrogant, and his gestures seemed arrogant, but now he seemed to have restrained his edge and was much calmer.

Gong Baotian looked at Chen Zhuo's thin, dark and short appearance, his eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice: "Recently, something happened to the Bagua Sect, and I didn't expect to bump into you halfway, I just think it's a hidden master, I just want to come and have a look.”

One after the other, another donkey cart came behind.

It was Ma San who was driving the cart, and he was tightly wrapped, but the things pulled by the cart made Chen Zhuo's face change.

Several headless corpses were piled on top.

"They're all from the Bagua sect?"

Gong Baotian's face sank like water, he licked his chapped lips, "Look carefully at the wounds on their necks."

Chen Zhuo glanced at it, and his expression became strange.

If it is a knife edge, no matter how the knife moves, the cut surface of the broken neck should be flat, but this wound seems to be cut off by several pieces of knife blades.

Gong Baotian looked at the dead body of his senior brother and clenched his fists, "They are all on duty in the palace. I have been letting them keep an eye on the changes in the palace all this time, but I didn't expect them to die at home after a few days, obviously they were killed by someone. After all, I killed them."

Chen Zhuo looked at the wound on his broken neck and asked, "Do you suspect that those old monsters did it?"

Gong Baotian shook his head, "If it's really those old monsters, how can they use such foreign things? It seems that after my master and I, there are masters in the palace, who should be master-level figures, and most of them are apprentices trained by those old monsters... "

He stroked the broken necks of several people, his eyes were cloudy and uncertain, "This is an old antique that I haven't seen for many years, and I only heard Master Yin mentioned it a few times, but, hum, no matter how evil it is, it is impossible to compare Foreign guns are still powerful."

Chen Zhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, he really thought of something.

If it is true as Gong Baotian said, then there is a high possibility that there are no such old monsters in the palace. Otherwise, why let these dark knives who have never seen the light of day show up? up.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Have you made up your mind?"

Seeing Chen Zhuo returning to the north again, Gong Baotian knew what he was going to do, and his cold face turned even paler.

If this happens, the world will be turned upside down.

Without waiting for Chen Zhuo to respond, Gong Baotian said: "It is inconvenient for me to take action in the capital, but if I go out of the capital, I may be able to help you."

"it is good!"

Chen Zhuo met the other party's eyes and said in a low voice, "Lantern Festival."

Gong Baotian's eyes were burning, he nodded, and he turned the direction of the donkey cart, gradually going away.


Wang Zhuang.

A courtyard in the deepest part of the village.

Hearing the movement outside, the people in the courtyard got up one after another, with swords in their hands, all of them were murderous, but seeing that it was Chen Zhuo who came in, they immediately became vigilant and looked at the wind.

Fang Tian poured him a bowl of tea and asked, "How is it?"

Chen Zhuo took the tea bowl and took a sip, "Come on, a group of Goshhas have been wandering around the capital with a few foreigners in the past few days, and they have found many artisans to perform in the palace. I will go there again in the next two days." Show your face on the street, bump into it head-on, add some momentum, and it will probably work."

"This General Fang Tianfang guarded Jinmen in the Year of Gengzi. This is Xu..."

He turned his head and wanted to introduce Mr. Xu to Fang Tian. Unexpectedly, when the old man heard the word "Fang Tian", he guarded Jinmen again, his eyes widened, and he said excitedly: " are General Fang?"

Fang Tian was puzzled, seeing the old man rushing forward, he helped him up, "Who are you?"

The old man said in a hoarse voice, "My surname is Xu. I don't know if you remember the night when Jinmen fell. Two rangers led No. [-] descendants to fight the enemy side by side with you. In the end, seven returned..."

Fang Tian's eyes turned red instantly, "Who is the brother of the Xu family to you?"

The old man had tears in his eyes, "They are my sons."

When the others heard about the Xu family brothers, they also quickly surrounded them, full of excitement and eagerness.

"Old man, brother Xu has blocked the bayonet of a foreigner for me!"

"Old man, Brother Xu saved me!"

"And I was also saved by Second Brother Xu."


"Where are the third brother Xu and the fourth brother Xu? Let me meet you soon."

Fang Tian was both surprised and delighted, the reunion of an old friend who lived and died together, he should be delighted.

Mr. Xu looked at his grandson who was held in Chen Zhuo's arms, his old face trembled, he turned his head and looked at the faces in front of him, and laughed hoarsely, "He died in the year of Gengzi, he died a long time ago ...I have searched through several corpse pits, and I can't even get the two bodies together..."

After saying a word, everyone froze in place.


Fang Tian suddenly dropped the tea bowl in his hand, his eyes were red, he held the knife in both hands, he shook his shoulders and turned his neck, a braid had already fallen from the top of his head.

"Brothers, anyway, we are now carrying the infamy of being a traitor, so we simply go to the fucking imperial court. Today, we cut our braids and show our ambitions. We are at odds with the Qing court. It is not a pity to die."

With a twist of the blade, the light of the blade turned sharply, and a section of braid broke off at the root and fell to the ground.

Fang Tian's eyes showed a cold and murderous intent, since he fled to the south and entered Hong Kong, even if he was acquainted with ambitious people like Chen Shaobai, he never thought about breaking his braid.

Just because their braids were broken, they admitted their stigma as traitors.

It's not that they can't admit it, but those brothers who sacrificed their blood for this country still have to bear their names after death.

He still had a little fantasy in his heart from the beginning to the end, but now, with a big event imminent, he suddenly figured it out.

"There is no balance between power and power, and death is not a pity!"

The twenty or so brothers in the courtyard looked at each other, and all raised their knives and chopped off their braids.

"Old man, you will treat us as your own sons in the future."

A group of people surrounded the old man and entered the house.

There were several large boxes in the room, and when the lids were removed, there were bundles of explosives inside, and everyone wrapped them around their waists twice.

Another Maxim machine gun was also shipped.

Fang Tian and Chen Zhuo sat around the table, a lamp was lit in the center of the table, reflecting the uncertain faces of the people around them.

"This time let ten brothers follow me into the city, each carrying [-] catties of explosives, and cooperate with the inside and outside, and the rest of you are like this... we must win the battle!"

(End of this chapter)

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