Daming talker

Chapter 606: Two-year newcomer reorganizes the court

Chapter 606: Two Years of Newcomers Reorganizing the Court
Although Lin Tailai had been rushing to move around today, it was already afternoon when he finished a brief inspection of the Hanlin Academy's Champion Hall, the Ministry of Personnel's Examination Office, the Ministry of Rites's Hosts and Guests Office, and arrived at the Ministry of War.

So Lin Tailai couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the issue of "centralized office" must be put on the agenda as soon as possible, otherwise it would be a pity to waste a lot of precious time on transfer in the future.

The Minister of War Wang Yi'e was very lucky to be the first official to meet Lin Tailai after he returned to Beijing, if we don't count Lu Guangzu who was blocked and humiliated outside the gate of the Censorate.

The main reason is that there is no territory for Lin Tailai in the Ministry of War for the time being. The so-called Communications Department is still being planned on paper and even no office space has been provided.

If he hadn't visited Sima Wang, there would have been no need for Lin Tailai to go to the Ministry of War.

"You said we should hurry up and build the Communications Department's infrastructure within a month?" Wang Dasima confirmed.

Lin Tailai complained, "The establishment of the Communications Department was approved by the Emperor last year, and even the name was given by the Emperor, but the Ministry of War has not implemented it at all. It is really too delayed."

The name of the Communications Department will seem very unfashionable five hundred years later. What era is this and are we still talking about communications?

But nowadays, the meaning of the word "communication" is still different. It mainly refers to the exchange of information or the transmission of news, and is often used between two countries.

So when Lin Tailai mentioned collecting foreign intelligence last year, the emperor naturally thought of the word "communication".

On the surface it is neutral and does not arouse vigilance, but it implies the collection of intelligence and the meaning of communicating with foreign countries. The Wanli Emperor was also well-educated.

Hearing Lin Tailai's complaint, Wang Yi'e replied: "It's not that the Ministry of War is procrastinating, but because you, the initiator, are not here, no one else can take charge."

The main reason is that you, Lin Tailai, have bundled intelligence gathering with commercial foreign trade, and others don't have the ability or strength to do these tasks.

It could be intelligence gathering under the guise of foreign trade; it could be smuggling or foreign trade under the guise of intelligence gathering.

In any case, this matter is very complicated and others really can't handle it. Without you, Lin Tailai, it can't be moved forward.

Lin Tailai didn't want to continue arguing with Wang Da Sima, so he said decisively: "Let's find a venue first! Set aside a courtyard in the Ministry of War and leave it for the Communications Department!"

Wang Da Sima's eyes sparkled with wisdom, "The affairs of the Communications Department are so unique, and the confidentiality requirements are extremely high, so this department has a very good suggestion.

How about setting up an independent office outside the Ministry of War under the name of the Communications Department?"

Lin Tailai asked in confusion: "The Grand Marshal wants to kick me out of the Ministry of War?"

When it comes to setting up a new department, everyone will try every possible way to grab power and get a bigger piece of the new profits.

But you, old man, actually did the opposite and took the initiative to drive the new department out?
Grand Marshal, how unwilling are you to see a hero who has won seven battles in a row appear in the Ministry of War?
Wang Da Sima quickly denied: "How can you say that he was expelled from the Ministry of War? This department is considering this matter purely out of impartiality.

Setting up an independent office outside will not only make it more convenient for you to do your work, but also reduce the constraints you are subject to, allowing you to be more free to draw up a blueprint. Why not do it?
As an outstanding and energetic young man like you, don't you desire the honor of being able to work independently in the capital?"

Lin Tailai: "."

If it wasn't for your tone of voice like you were coaxing a child, he would have really believed it!

However, Lin Tailai was still stuck in a long struggle. Both approaches had their own advantages, and he couldn't make up his mind for a long time.

By placing the Communications Department's office in the compound of the Ministry of War, the department could use the Communications Department as a springboard to interfere in the affairs of various departments of the Ministry of War, just like the Ministry of Personnel's Examination Department and the Ministry of Rites's Directorate of Guests and Guests - probably this was what the Grand Marshal feared the most.

However, setting up the Communications Department as an independent office outside will bring many benefits in various aspects. The vanity of having an independent office alone is worth the money.

"I'll think about it again." Lin Tailai said awkwardly, "I'll let Da Sima know when I come to a conclusion."

Sima Wang fired a boomerang in all seriousness, "The establishment of the Communications Department was approved by the Emperor, and even the name was given by the Emperor. You must not delay too much, and implement it as soon as possible!"

Lin Tailai left the Ministry of War in silence. This was the quietest of the several transfers today.

Hanlin Academy, Ministry of Personnel, Ministry of Rites, Ministry of War, just when all the peepers thought that Lin Tailai had finally completed his visit today and should go home, they saw Lin Tailai step into the gate of Taifu Temple.

Although Taipusi seems to be a very low-key government office, it is actually the richest government office in the capital. Legend has it that the Taipusi now has more silver in its deposits than the Ministry of Revenue Taicang, which is always in deficit and crying poor.

Taipusi was the government office in charge of horse affairs. In the early years, it mainly dealt with physical objects, but later horse affairs were monetized, and the main responsibility of Taipusi became the collection and safekeeping of horse price silver.

Hundreds of thousands of taels of silver were collected every year for the price of horses. If they were not used, they would be saved. After decades of accumulation, it is said that there were millions of taels of silver stored in the old treasury of Taipu Temple.

If you look at the data from this era, you can often see information about silver being withdrawn from the Taipu Temple and transported to a certain military town, and the amount is often in the unit of 100,000 taels.

In contrast, although the Ministry of Revenue had a lot of income, its expenditure was also huge and was growing.

According to a certain unnamed minister of the Ministry of Revenue who leaked to Lin Tailai, there were only 1.7 million taels of silver left in the old warehouse of the Ministry of Revenue.
Lin Tailai believed that as the Shaoqing of the Imperial Equipage Ministry of Shaanxi Province, since he had returned to the capital, he should visit the Imperial Equipage Ministry.

Just like treating your wealthy relatives, there’s no harm in spending more time with them.

After entering the main hall of the Imperial Household Department, Lin Tai looked at the appearance of the chief officer of the Imperial Household Department and asked in surprise, "Did he change the person? Where is Old Chang?"

Before rushing to the northwest last year, Lin Tailai had dealings with the Imperial Household Department over military expenditure issues. I remember that the Minister of the Imperial Household Department at that time was a middle-aged official named Chang Jujing.

Lin Tailai had a good impression of this man and affectionately called him Lao Chang.

The current Minister of the Imperial Household was replaced by a serious old man, who replied, "Chang Taifu has been promoted to Governor of Zhejiang! I, Ai Mu, will take over as Minister of the Imperial Household."

According to the social etiquette of that era, when officials who did not know each other met, they would exchange greetings, mainly asking about their hometowns and academic achievements.

Lin Tailai felt that he didn’t need to introduce himself at all. Who doesn’t know the Nine Yuan True Immortal?
So he said directly: "I have been ordered to set up the Communications Department. I feel that the Communications Department and the Imperial Household Department will have many areas for cooperation in the future."

Lin Tailai was not talking nonsense, he really had the idea of ​​cooperation.

First of all, Taipusi has many branches in various places, and there are many "mobile Taipusi" across the country, which is consistent with the situation that the Communications Bureau needs to set up sites in other places.

Secondly, the Communications Department wanted to use the guise of foreign trade, while the Taipu Temple was in charge of the expenditure of horse price silver. The main task of horse price silver was to buy horses, which was closely related to horses, the largest trading commodity in the border city of Beidi.

Third, Taipusi is rich.

But the current Minister of the Imperial Household, Ai Mu, heard this and said bluntly:

"Don't think that others can't see it. A person like you who harms the country, don't even think about seizing or annexing the power and money of the Imperial Household Department!"

Lin Tailai: "."

What does it mean to have no idea what you are talking about? This is it!
So Lin Tailai turned around and walked to the next door Zuotang to visit Zhao Qing, the Shaoqing of the Imperial Household Department.

After observing his words and expressions, Lin Tailai discovered that Zhao Qing's attitude towards him was quite enthusiastic.

He asked Zhao Qing bluntly, "What is the origin of the old man surnamed Ai in your main hall?"

Zhao Qing replied very positively: "Emperor Ai was a juren in the 40th year of Jiajing."

"Just a juren?" Lin Tailai was a little surprised.

As we all know, in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, those who could hold high positions as Juren were all ruthless characters, such as Hai Rui. Zhao Qing knew what Lin Tailai wanted to know, and introduced: "When Ai Taipu entered the officialdom, he was an instructor in Beizhili and taught at the academy. Zhao Nanxing was his student."

Shit! Lin Tailai understood immediately. Just based on this relationship, and just based on the fact that he could become the Minister of the Imperial Household Department with his academic achievements, he was definitely a member of the Qingliu Party!

These Qingliu Party members are really invincible! Whenever I am away from the capital for a while, there will always be a few new Qingliu Party members who come to power!

He just didn't believe it! Let's see which one is faster, his knife or the Qingliu chives!
Zhao Qing gave a detailed account, saying: "Later, Ai Taipu was transferred to the Imperial College as an instructor, and he became good friends with Wang Xijue, who was also an official at the Imperial College at the time.

When Zhang Juzheng was in love, he wrote a petition to speak out and was punished with eighty strokes of the cane. He was carried out on a door panel and exiled to the northwest. He was also famous throughout the world at that time.

Lin Tailai could only say that the eighty beatings that old man Ai received were truly worth it.

After the eleventh year of Wanli, having offended Zhang Juzheng became the most solid political capital, especially if one had been beaten.

"No need to say more!" Lin Tailai interrupted Zhao Qing. "Tell old man Ai to get out of here later. You will be promoted to Minister of the Imperial Household Department, and I will be transferred to Junior Minister of the Imperial Household Department. It's settled!"

Zhao Qing: “.”

Although he was lying down properly, Jiuyuan Gong, isn’t your posture a bit rough?

Alas, as a person like him who came from a small military guard family, he really has no connections in the literati circle, so he must seize the opportunity when it comes.

After coming out of Taifu Temple, Lin Tailai finally stopped visiting other government offices and dragged his tired body back home.

Last night, Lin Tailai met with members of the Renewal Society, but tonight he completely closed the door and refused to see anyone.

I decline all invitations, regardless of whether from the cabinet ministers, chancellors or vice ministers.

Only a fourth-rank official with a strong physique dared to break into the Lin Mansion, which became the biggest news of the night.

But what shocked everyone even more was that this person actually succeeded and forced Lin Jiuyuan to go to the main door to receive guests.

This middle-aged official, who was only a head shorter than Lin Jiuyuan, patted Lin Tailai on the shoulder and called him "little brother".

"It's faded, the feelings are probably faded." The middle-aged official's face was full of vicissitudes, as if he had seen through the ways of the world.

"My little brother is now a Nine Yuan True Immortal, and a mediocre person like me who can't even write poetry will eventually be despised.

I have done too much. Maybe I shouldn't have come tonight. The door is right here. If they don't open it for me, what can I do? "

Wang Zhidu is the powerful protector of Lin Tailai, the former customs commissioner of Hushu, Suzhou and a new social force in Suzhou.

Not only did he provide Lin Tailai with the identity of a customs officer, but he also protected Lin Tailai safely through the early stages of his development.

Lin Tailai was also entrusted with the establishment and operation of the Mudu branch customs, which played an important role in Lin Tailai's original accumulation.

Later, he was forced to transfer to Jiujiang Customs, which was "remote" and far from home, to protect the cross-regional grain business of Lin Tailai and the Huguang grain merchant Yuan family.

Later, he accidentally made a military achievement in capturing a fleeing rebel, and was reluctantly promoted to the position of Jiujiang prefect and deputy envoy of the military preparation department, continuing to protect the cross-regional grain business.

Tonight, Lin Tailai's former protector appeared outside the gate of the Lin Mansion and forced Lin Tailai to receive guests.

Sitting in the study room of the Lin Mansion, Wang Zhidu glanced at Lin Tailai and said sarcastically: "The threshold of the Lin Mansion is so high now? Even I can't get in?"

Gu Bingqian, a retainer of the Lin residence, rushed out in time, bowed and apologized to Wang Zhidu:

"It's all my fault! I've only been with the boss for a short time, so I don't know all of his old friends, and that's why I didn't recognize him!"

Lin Tailai explained: "It's not entirely Mr. Gu's fault. I have instructed that all visitors are not allowed in tonight. I didn't expect you to come.

Besides, I am really too busy to see visitors. "

Wang Zhidu just took it as an excuse and said frankly: "Now that you have returned victorious, what else do you have to do?"

Lin Tailai pointed to the half-foot-high manuscript paper on the table and said, "See? These are the drafts of the memorials I am going to submit."

Capital of Kings: "."

A half-foot-high manuscript? Lin Jiuyuan, are you planning to write a general outline for the policies of the two capitals, thirteen provinces and six ministries of the Ming Dynasty?
Lin Tailai asked back: "Why? You don't believe me? I have too many things to do right now."

Wang Zhi didn't believe it and signaled Lin Tailai to continue making up stories.

Lin Tailai then spoke incessantly: "In the Hanlin Academy, I will launch a major rectification movement against the infiltration of the Qingliu Party; I will dismiss Sun Jigao, the tutor of the Shujishi, and consider new candidates for the tutor of the Shujishi; I will also consider how to warn the president, Chen Xueshi.

In the Ministry of War, I have to set up a Communications Department. There are so many aspects of the affairs that need to be dealt with that even the site selection requires a lot of thought.

In the Ministry of Rites, I will take the lead in preparing the ceremony of presenting prisoners, which requires coordination with the Taichang Temple, the Honglu Temple, the Jiaofangsi, and the Jinyiwei.

In the Ministry of Personnel, eight censors have impeached me before. I must find a way to teach them a lesson!
I also have to deal with the three ministers of the ministries and agencies, Lu Guangzu, Song Xun, and Sun Piyang, and try to bring one of them down to completely prevent the counterattack of the Qingliu Party.

I also need to study the future work of Taipu Temple and arrange more capable people to take charge of the work of Taipu Temple.

The above are just my top priority tasks for the next two weeks, and there are too many others to mention.”

Capital of Kings: "."

I was careless! I didn't dodge! I got hit in the face by the little guy!
The honest Wang Zhidu didn't want to cooperate with his former little brother's pretense, so he changed the subject and said in indignation:
"It's been six years. I've known you for six whole years. I've been working for you most of the time and have never done what I want to do!"

Lin Tailai asked curiously: "What do you want to do?"

Wang Zhidu said: "I prefer the northern climate and food. I either want to be an official in Beijing or stay close to home! I don't want to go to the humid south again!"

Lin Tailai said in confusion, "You can ask your second brother Wang Situ or your nephew Wang Xiangmeng, the deputy director of the Ministry of Literature, to do this. Why are you yelling at me?"

Wang Zhidu said depressedly: "They all said that the direction is up to you."

Lin Tailai nodded, "I understand! This time I will definitely choose an official position for you according to your requirements!"

Wang Zhidu then said goodbye, "I am satisfied with your words. Since you are so busy, I will not disturb you for now. Let's have a drink at your leisure!"

Before leaving, Wang Zhidu took another look at the half-foot-high draft of the memorial.

Thinking about what Lin Tailai had just done, and then looking at these memorials, it was like seeing a pile of explosives.

After these memorials are submitted, I’m afraid the court will immediately become a mess!

You, my little brother, have only been in the court for two years. Strictly speaking, you are still a newcomer. Do you think you can reorganize the entire court?
(End of this chapter)

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