Hogwarts card system

Chapter 154 [Magic Plants in Zen Garden]

Chapter 154 [Magic Plants in Zen Garden]

With Hermione's "shameful look" now, group activities will naturally stop in the next few days.

Ted was almost in the school hospital during the day, talking with Hermione while studying magic.

Because of Hermione, he suddenly came up with the inspiration to study a "transformation technique".

After three days of research, referring to Transfiguration, Druid Transfiguration, DND transformation spells, and Azeroth's Sheep Transformation, he came up with such a simple and crude transfiguration.

Ted calls it "beauty transformation"!
This magic can temporarily change the subject, and perform simple micro-transformation according to a certain intention.

It can't turn people into animal forms, into objects or anything, it can only make some fine-tuning.

To put it bluntly, it is a temporary "makeup PS magic"!
Whitening, thin face, big eyes!Get double eyelids to cover freckles, dark bags under the eyes and so on.

Five-point women use this, as long as they are skillful, they can make seven points!
Ted experimented dozens of times with Ansu's snack mice, and released it on the hairless long-tailed monkey and himself a few times before using it on Hermione - help her to give the cat hair on her face to PS It fell off, revealing a fair little face.

Hermione looked in the mirror and touched her face in surprise, and it turned out that there was no hair!
"Wait!" She looked at the mirror and touched the top of her head, "Why are the two cat ears still there?"

Ted blinked, and quickly explained: "This is just a temporary transformation magic, and the effect it can achieve is limited. Magic is something that shows the heart, blah blah blah...so there are still cat ears in the end. It doesn't matter, put on a hat!"

Ted handed over a white lady's wide-brimmed hat that covered both ears.

Hermione: Are you well prepared?

Ted: I have a special way of stroking cats, and McGonagall has tried it and said it is good!

It can only be said that Furui Kong is an ancient hobby of human beings, which is deeply rooted in the bone marrow.

For example, Journey to the West - a story about a handsome guy taking four Furui to travel to the west.

Madam Pomfrey was full of praise for Ted's development of such a magic. After using it once, she was so happy - the crow's feet in the corners of her eyes disappeared, as if she was back in her 30s and [-]s~
Therefore, Hermione was barely able to leave the school hospital.

On the other side, the Gryffindor bedroom.

Jerry looked at Ron who came back from the outside with an incredulous look—he actually went to the library to read during the holiday!
Jerry: "There's something wrong with you!"

Ron gave him a blank look: "I can't be a little self-motivated, can I?!"

Jerry quickly apologized: "I'm sorry brother, you know I didn't mean that. You have made great progress in your grades recently, which is inseparable from your hard work. I should learn from you~"

Ron gave him a blank look again: "Learn from me and broke your own wand, right?"


Most of the Christmas period is over, and January is coming soon.

When Ted opened his eyes like this, hey, it was authentic.

"Ding~ The talent [Knowledge of Other Worlds (Gold)] is triggered, and the discovery of [Plant Cultivation Techniques in Zen Garden (Green)]."

[Plant Cultivation Techniques in Zen Garden (Green)] records Crazy Dave's cultivation experience of those strange plants in his back garden.Need to consume 320 experience to exchange
"Zen Garden?! It's "Plants vs. Zombies."

Don't tell me, pea shooter or something is really interesting.


Ted learned how Crazy Dave discovered and cultivated these strange plants, and finally turned them into weapons that could deal with zombies.

Here are about the mutation screening of ordinary plants, the evolution and cultivation of mutant plants, how to match each other to enhance the effect, and so on.

Because of this, Ted's herbalism was upgraded by one level, reaching the second level of herbalism.

Well, mainly because it was too low before.He didn't spend much time here or there.

After all, human energy is limited, and Ted didn't study herbal medicine very seriously, and never thought of becoming a master of biting kale, or a master of mandrakes.So there has been no upgrade in herbal medicine.

I didn't expect to be promoted to a level by accident this time.

But I really don't have that much time to study herbal medicine.

Now magic, spells, transfiguration, black magic, alchemy... There are too many things waiting to be studied and learned by myself.

I don't even have time to study such items as the blood of magical animals, which already has enough knowledge reserves, let alone herbal medicine.

But during the summer vacation, I got the knowledge of another world about the cultivation of Pokémon.

Now I feel that my research projects have begun to pile up.

With my own strength, I'm afraid I can't digest all the valuable knowledge of other worlds, so I have to find help.

For magic, you can count on Hermione, and for herbalism and magical plants, you can only see if Neville can do it.

Well, take the time to write down this part of the introductory knowledge, and say that I discovered it from Ms. Ravenclaw's legacy.

Ah, praise lady~

"Neville, I discovered this booklet about miraculous plants by accident. You know I'm not very interested in herbalism. Take it and study it to see if you can get the seeds in the book!"

Ted handed Neville the thin, handwritten pamphlet.

"Get the seeds?" Neville took the booklet in a daze, flipped through a few pages casually, and opened his mouth wide.

Neville: "What kind of routine is this? The seeds of magical plants can be induced to mutate?"

A door to a new world slowly opened to the boy who saved the world~
In the days that followed, Neville fell into this path.

I spent all my free time in the greenhouse, made a lot of various seeds and flower gardens, and tried and tried again and again according to the method in the booklet.There are achievements but insignificant. It can only be said that it proves the authenticity of the booklet, but how to cultivate those magical plants in the booklet is far away.

However, he aroused the curiosity of the bull-horned boy, Gufu, and the two had a good relationship. Gufu Oasis has much higher attainments in herbal medicine, taught a lot of knowledge in herbal medicine, and found a lot of strange seeds to join experiment.

It is said that the Niujiao people are naturally close to the earth, and have a special talent for architecture and herbalism.

Their main income is also growing herbs.

This is why Professor Sprout attaches great importance to Gufu Oasis.

Neville found Ted and said that he wanted to invite Gufu Oasis to study together.Ted naturally agreed.

There is some foreign knowledge that must be in my hands, but I can't hold everything tightly.

Learn to share and make more friends, this is the pattern.

But Ted didn't have time to worry about how Neville and the others transferred to Hogwarts Farmhouse. He also had important research going on.

In July of last summer vacation, Ted got the knowledge of another world [Pokémon Training Manual (Green)].

This thing is not simple, it involves a wide range, especially it can be linked with the research of the magic blood left by Professor Quirrell.

Ted has never studied it in depth. His current main goal is magic, and everything else has to be left behind.

But some time ago, he changed his mind.

Because of mission rewards.

[Forbidden books are the essence of the library Mouth teeth (red)] is a red quality task.

However, the difficulty of this task for other students may take several years to complete, because you not only have to sneak into the restricted area to steal books, but also have to read them all.But that was too easy for Ted.

And the reward card given by this mission is a prop.

【Dark Stone (Red)】

item card

Contains mysterious dark power, a strange gem that can make magical creatures evolve.

Note: The dark ones cannot be any darker.

This thing is a diamond-shaped polyhedron black lens stone, the size of a walnut.

When it first materialized, Ted was taken aback by the terrifying dark fluctuations.

If it weren't for Ted's habit of being cautious, the thing he took out in the Ravenclaw secret room just to be on the safe side might alarm Dumbledore.

At that time, it will be broken, and there is no way to explain it.It might even be confiscated!

Dumbledore: Classmate Epiphany, please explain, what is this dark thing like a Horcrux?where did you get it
Ted: Principal, listen to my quibble...

Dumbledore: Azkaban~
And the reason why Ted started to learn the knowledge he planned to hide temporarily after he got this thing was because he knew what it was.

This is an item that can evolve Pokémon.

But not all Pokémon are suitable, it has to be a dark type.Otherwise it would be hard to say.

And [Pokémon Cultivation Manual (Green)] contains knowledge about the cultivation and evolution of the Dark Crow.

Now Ted has the Dark Stone again.

He couldn't help looking at Ansu, his eyes were shining...

Ansu: What do you see me doing?Don't scare me!

During this period of time, Ansu had a very bad time. He had nothing to eat but was fed strange magic ingredients, which tasted terrible.

Ted designed four plans, and after experimenting with the magic mouse and long-tailed monkey he created, it was determined that two of them were more reliable.

Long-tailed Thief Monkey: Let me die first!
Magic Mouse: I'm not full yet~
Ted didn't have time to take care of them, and now it's time to carry out the most critical steps.Then it can't be carried out in the castle, Ted decided to go to the Forbidden Forest, where there are conditions to realize his plan.

Ted went to see Hagrid on Friday afternoon.In the sky above, Ansu is flying freely...

(End of this chapter)

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