Hogwarts card system

Chapter 192 Reaching an Agreement with the Principal

Chapter 192 Reaching an Agreement with the Principal

In fact, Dumbledore was wary of Ted's talent.Also normal!

Extraordinary talent, amazing charm, a natural conjurer, hardworking and frightening... This Dumbledore looks a little familiar!
Isn't this the childhood version of an old friend?

Why did Dumbledore hate and always be wary of Senior Tom in school?
At the same time, senior Tom was loved by everyone, from students to teachers to ghosts, everyone admired him.But Dumbledore hated him very much.

So much so that after the Chamber of Secrets incident, Tom didn't dare to open the Chamber of Secrets again.

This is not because Dumbledore knew what Tom was doing in the orphanage, so he was disgusted.It was Dumbledore who once suffered a loss when he was young, and was deceived by a young and handsome scumbag exuding dark charm!

So Tom Riddle, a young Dark Lord, wants to repeat Grindelwald's great achievements on Dumbledore. It's like Empress Wei imitating Wu Zetian, learning from others but not learning from others everywhere.

And Dumbledore is already immune to this style, so Riddle don't try to confuse him by imitating Grindelwald.

Now, the old students have not been completely resolved, and the new students have come again.

This really aroused Dumbledore's vigilance, the same talent, and even the same support from everyone.

Back then, Voldemort spoke as if he had magical powers - he was very good at persuading others.

So is Ted, if not better at it.Ted's popularity in the school now, not to mention among the students, even among the professors, everyone except Snape is very partial.

And Ted's provocative ability is too similar to the Muggle mustache he saw back then!The same speech skill points are full...

At this point, Ted planned to have an open and honest chat with Dumbledore.

After experiencing the Chamber of Secrets incident, Ted thought about it instead.

As long as I was still at Hogwarts, I couldn't always role-play an ordinary little wizard.

Instead of trying to deceive, be sincere.

Ted: "Principal, is it because of Tom Riddle that you pay so much attention to me? You were also so wary of him back then?"

"You are different!" Dumbledore immediately concluded.

He lowered his head slightly, with a sad expression on his face.

"I'm sorry I've become a little sensitive about it after what happened to Tom, and I have to apologize to you."

He knew that lying to Ted at this time was the worst choice.

You can't treat Ted as a child, you have to talk to him as an equal existence.In many cases sincerity is more useful than skill.

Ted spread his hands helplessly, "After experiencing Tom's senior, I can somewhat understand it. After all, to some extent, we do have a lot in common."

"However, I have to emphasize that I am not born with a personality defect like Senior Tom, and I am extremely afraid of death the day after tomorrow. To be honest, I can't understand why he was afraid of dying of old age when he was a teenager, and for so many years, Is he in such a hurry?"

Dumbledore did let down his guard and vigilance, and even let go of his mental defenses, and faced Ted with a very relaxed and friendly attitude.It's like an elder facing a naughty younger generation.

He felt that Ted had really hit the point, and curled his lips: "I have to admit that the way I was educated back then was indeed ill-considered. But Tom is indeed bad. I also have a hard time understanding why he is so afraid of death. Leaping to death, ha, he is really arrogant..."

The spelling of the word Voldemort means "fly to death".

Tom successfully made a horcrux at the age of 16 in the fifth grade. Afterwards, he split his soul continuously and drove himself crazy. He was really afraid of death too much.

After chatting for a while, Ted pointed to the diary on the table with a big hole in it.

"Professor, what do you think of this? A thing that has its own thinking and can even absorb other people's emotions and manifested entities of life..."

Dumbledore looked at the diary under his nose, his eyes serious: "A very evil black magic item, very high-end. I even rarely heard of things with similar effects..."

Obviously, Dumbledore was certain that the diary might be a Horcrux.Old Malfoy's judgment was right, this diary is very likely to be a Horcrux!

The "Secrets of the Cutting-Edge Dark Arts" on the office bookshelf already represented that Dumbledore had already looked for clues.

But he thinks it's better not to talk to Ted about this kind of thing.

Dumbledore has always felt that those gifted children should not be exposed to the dark arts too early.That is very harmful to the three views of young people.

Little did he know that Ted had already read the banned book.

But Ted understood him, and it was the mature and correct thing to do.

In fact, if he is not a mature adult with a lot of knowledge of other worlds, he is likely to be attracted by those powerful and mysterious black magic.

The more curious you are, the deeper you are, and the deeper you are, the darker you are.

The side effects of black magic will slowly affect the spirit. Ted himself dare not be careless. His research on black magic has always been conservative, and he will conduct psychological evaluations on himself every month, worried that there will be changes that he has not noticed.

After he reminded the principal that he should pay attention to the diary, the rest is none of his business. He will only be in the third grade next year.

If this matter were handed over to a reporter for reporting, it would look something like this:
At the invitation of Mr. Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, Ted, an outstanding student and winner of the Special Contribution Award, paid a friendly visit to the headmaster's office for the first time at the end of May.

The two sides had comprehensive exchanges on the relationship between teachers and students, as well as cooperation in various fields such as their positions, emotions, and values, and reached an agreement on Tom Senior's Diary of common concern.

The two parties recalled the harmonious scene when they entered school two years ago, and agreed to further deepen the cooperation between teachers and students when the magic society is undergoing profound changes.

Both parties expressed their satisfaction with the progress and depth of magic learning, the lively, cautious and serious attitude, and reiterated that it is very important to be cautious about the learning of black magic.

Both parties emphasized that Voldemort's failure was a historical necessity and the unanimous choice of the wizarding world.

As a kind teacher-student partner, the two sides have a high degree of trust in each other, and the friendship between teachers and students is very precious in the life of both parties.

Dumbledore congratulated the outstanding student Ted on the successful conclusion of the salty fishnet held in Diagon Alley, and wished Ted and his friends greater achievements in building a prosperous and prosperous British magical society.

Ted is determined to work with Dumbledore to continue to stabilize the order of the wizarding world...


Ted heaved a sigh of relief after solving the problem of Dumbledore's suspicion.

As long as he is still at Hogwarts, or as long as he is still in the wizarding world of Great Britain, Dumbledore cannot be avoided.

Now that Dumbledore has expressed his trust and support for himself, then he can take a bigger step.

In the past, I was just a Hogwarts student, an orphan in a Muggle orphanage, without any backing.

But it's different now. At least there is Dumbledore's shadow behind him. Although he can't directly use the tiger's skin as a banner, with this relationship, at least he won't be flattened and rounded at will.

Even if Minister of Magic Fudge wants to make a fuss about himself, he has to weigh Dumbledore's attitude.

Without affecting his official position, Fudge wished he would never have contact with Dumbledore in his life.He was actually very afraid of Dumbledore.

He was especially wary of Dumbledore suddenly running for the Minister of Magic. He was afraid that Dumbledore would be impeached and resigned that day if he let out a word.

Not to mention, Ted now has a hidden ally behind him, and that is the Malfoy family.

Oh, by the way, I am still the business partner of the Black family - the magic smooth shampoo business.

Like the protagonist in many novels, he is obviously very strong, but when he arrives in a strange world, he always hits a wall, as if God (the author) is against him.

But to integrate into a new environment, it is necessary to establish a network of contacts.Otherwise, there will be a situation where the strong dragon does not suppress the local snake, and everything goes wrong.

Not to mention that Ted is just a baby dragon now~
(End of this chapter)

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