Hogwarts card system

Chapter 207 Misty Forest Dire Beast

Chapter 207 Misty Forest Dire Beast

It turns out that the demihumans are not completely without inheritance.

Although most children don't have the talent to be wizards, there are some things in their family.

For example, Sydney has also received special training since childhood!
13 years old, level 6, full-time stealth, sneak attack... okay?What are you mouse ears going to do?

After lunch, the three quietly left the village—Sydney knew a "secret road" leading to the outside of the village.

This secret passage was really secret, and it was so narrow that Ted was covered in dirt.On the contrary, Jerry and Sydney walked through the tunnel quite comfortably.

Fortunately, it was cleaned up, otherwise Ted would have been in a mess as soon as he left the village.

Ted took out a few bottles of potion from the space bag.

"This red one can heal internal and external injuries, and this green one can remove some low-level toxins. You don't need this blue one, it's for Jerry." Ted said to Sydney.

Just now Sydney said that he was worried that Ted would get stuck in the tunnel, now it's time to fight back~
After dispensing the potion, Ted let Ansu launch into the sky as a scout bird, and then the three of them walked cautiously into the forest.

Behind a rugged mountain, there is a large forest that spreads at the foot of the mountain.It is midsummer in July, and the vegetation is unusually lush.

"There will be a faint mist here in the morning and evening, so it is called the Misty Forest. A few years ago, Muggles came here to explore, but they got lost every time, and soon no one came." Jerry explained .

Sydney sneered and said, "It's not the wizards from the Ministry of Magic who say it's a large-scale Muggle confusion spell."

Also because there is no human influence, there are quite a lot of wild creatures in this misty forest.

But now, it's a bit messy.

Ted saw a snake and a rabbit running side by side.

Ansu also said that there were not many birds in the forest, and they all flew away.

What happened to scare the wild creatures away?

Ted noticed that even some of the insects were scrambling around in a panic.It's just that they are lower-level, they only know how to crawl around, and they can't really migrate remotely.

Xue Li suddenly twitched her nose and shouted: "Be careful, there is something!"

Sure enough, Ansu in the distance also noticed that it was a strange creature.

The size is a little larger than the average large dog, about the level of Alaska.

But the body shape is the kind of shape that is small at the front and big at the back. It is covered with black fur and white stripes.

[Ferocious Badger], violent beast, level 6...

There is no magic power in this badger, it is just purely berserk.

This ferocious creature began to appear one after another more than ten years ago.At that time, some newspapers in the Muggle world saw a lot of information about animals hurting people, and even triggered a hunting frenzy.

This ferocious badger has no magic power, and it just reached level 6 with its berserk powerful body, which is no different from ordinary eight-eyed spiders!

This thing is crazily biting a stag, not for eating, but purely brutal killing.

The deer's neck was almost completely broken, and the ferocious badger was still attacking frantically, bleeding all over the place.

Ted just wanted to let Sydney hide temporarily, but he wasn't worried about Jerry. How clever is Jerry?At this time, I have already hid.

I didn't expect Sydney to be smarter than Jerry!

Jerry just hid far away behind the big tree, and Sydney went straight up the tree, climbing up the tree with both hands, just like running on the ground!
Ted was taken aback: So you are the Squirrelman!
Ted was relieved that his teammates had already hid.Walk over directly swaggeringly.

Although the huge badger was ferocious, it was unexpectedly keen. It had already spotted Ted from 20 meters away. It turned its head and took a look. It just whimpered in its throat, and then rushed forward without any hesitation. Come here!

The mouth opened wide, as if he wanted to kill Ted with one bite!
At this time, behind the tree in the distance, Jerry stared for a long time, and hit the enemy with a "heavy obstacle", and the speed and movement of the badger suddenly slowed down, a bit like slow motion.

At the same time, a tiny crossbow bolt with a length of [-] centimeters suddenly shot directly at one of Badger's eyes from the tree behind him!

If it wasn't for the badger to turn its head slightly at a critical moment, the arrow might have pierced through its brain directly, and it would have died immediately.

It seems that during this period of time, Jerry and Sydney have been exploring and adventuring in the mountains, and they have cooperated quite well.

The badger had a thin crossbow stuck in one eye socket, and blood gushed out.

But after receiving such a serious injury, it was not afraid to shrink back at all, but was aroused to become fierce. Its whole body swelled up again, and blood came out from one eye, with a lot of saliva dripping from its mouth, and it went straight to Tai De rushed forward, even the effect of the Obstacle Curse couldn't slow it down!
But Ted didn't respond. He stretched out his left hand in the shape of a claw, and then raised it violently!
Suddenly, the badger seemed to be caught in the air by an invisible big hand, and it was directly lifted into the air. Then, following Ted's waving motion, he fell to the side of the big tree.

This trick was inspired by Ted from the Weasley twins, and the "Mage's Hand-Change" was researched.Nice effect~
I saw the tree trunk as thick as a bucket vibrate violently, and the badger struggled on the ground with blood spurting from its mouth.

The vitality of this thing is extremely tenacious, and it can still struggle to stand up!And the fighting spirit has not diminished at all, and the eyeballs are red!

Ted didn't have the habit of teasing his prey either. He raised his left hand again, and then raised his wand with his right hand. An invisible sharp blade cut off the badger's neck, which the volley couldn't dodge...

550 experience points, without the help of teammates, should be able to reach 600 points.

A material card, the material [violence (green)].

Jerry came out, "It's better to be agile. Before our team encountered a vicious beast that was smaller than this one, it took more than ten minutes to kill it. They are so fierce that they are not afraid of death at all!"

At this moment, Sydney also jumped down from the tree and looked at Ted unexpectedly. Although Jerry told her that Ted was not an ordinary wizard, it was too special!Is that an understatement?

After that, the three of Ted continued to move forward along the established direction, and encountered a group of Timberwolves, about seven or eight of them, all of them were strong and not small in size.

The leader, the wolf king, had a crescent white on his chest, and he was very handsome.

The wolf king's IQ is not low, and he is very aware of current affairs. The other forest wolves were planning to attack, but they were stopped by his barking, and then they slipped away vigilantly around the three of them.

Ted and the others were not butchers, so they didn't take the initiative to attack when they saw that the other party was so knowledgeable.

But then I met a giant bear again, its fur was scorched, with scorched marks everywhere and green smoke.

He was also blind in one eye, half of his face was burnt to death like a piece of hot coals embedded in his face.

This situation of emitting green smoke has been continuing, as if the body has been on fire.

Ted's identification: scorching brown bear, level 7 mutant beast/level 1 flame erosion/level 1 magical creature...

This brown bear has been tormented mad by the fire attribute magic power and severe pain on its body. Before Ted and the others showed up, it was destroying trees crazily.After seeing them, they attacked crazily.

Ted and the others had to kill it, which took several minutes.

This thing's vitality is terrifyingly tenacious, and its neck is still thick. Ted cut off its head after several sharp strikes without a trace.

The blood it squirts is like boiling water, steaming in the summer!

922 experience points, material card [hot blood (green)].

Jerry opened the map and looked at it: "Less than two miles ahead, we are about to walk out of the misty forest."

It took less than two hours to get out of the forest. The main reason was that Ted's combat power was strong. He walked straight in the forest and was hacked to death in a few minutes when he encountered crazy beasts, so he didn't waste time.

Like Jerry and the others before, if they wanted to cross the misty forest, it would be impossible without six or seven hours.

After the misty forest is the low-lying Hongfeng Valley.The water often rises here during the rainy season, so there are river beaches full of pebbles everywhere...

 Since it was posted one night in advance, please accept my belated blessing!
  I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival~
(End of this chapter)

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