Hogwarts card system

Chapter 217 [Gnoll Leader Hogg]

Chapter 217 [Gnoll Leader Hogg]

[Gnoll leader Hogg (red)]

Summoning card

Use: Summon Hogg, Chief Gnoll, to fight for you.

3 hours on, 7 hours cool.

Note: Proper use of duration and cooldown time, you can get the most benefit.

【Gnoll leader Hogg】


Level 9 Gnoll / Level 3 Elite Unit / Level 1 Magical Creature / Level 1 Gnoll Chief


[Cunning (green)], +2 intelligence, has a higher intelligence than the average wolf man, and it is more reflected in cunning.

[Elite Unit (Green)], +1 strength and body sensitivity, among a large number of ordinary individuals, there will often be elite units that are better than the average.

[Tall (Green)], +1 strength +1 constitution, much taller and stronger than ordinary jackals.

【Tooth and Claw (Green)】, will cause more serious physical damage to the enemy.

[Cruel (Green)], because of its ferocious character, it is especially good at fighting and killing, with high efficiency and rich experience.

[Gnoll prestige (blue)], has a natural prestige among the gnolls, and also has a certain deterrent and leadership to some creatures of the evil camp.

【Commander (Red)】, as the leader of a party, commanding his subordinates to fight is commonplace.


Excellent wolf leather armor (green), inner armor, reduces certain physical damage.

Chitin armor (green), full body armor, excellent physical defense ability, extremely light, and can resist certain magic, +1 magic resistance.

Heavy chain hammer (green), one-handed hammer, has a certain chance to cause a heavy blow.

Cruel Axe (Green), one-handed axe, has a certain chance to cause cuts.

Bestial howl, level 5: Howl to make yourself and your gnolls fall into bestial frenzy, +1 strength and body agility, +20% movement attack speed, and increase physical damage.There is a certain probability that the enemy will flee in fear.


Sarcasm, level 3: Just looking at your appearance, your enemy can't help it. Actively using it will stimulate the enemy's desire to attack even more.

Hammer proficiency level 3, one-handed axe proficiency level 3, dashing charge level 3.

Stone Skin, Level 2: Activate the Stone Skin, greatly reducing physical damage.

Lightning Shield, Level 2: Put yourself in a Lightning Shield.

Bloodsucking Strike, Level 2: Next attack deals lifesteal for 300% of damage.

Shock wave, level 2: Release fan-shaped shock waves in front of the body, causing enemies to be stunned, knocked down, knocked into the air, and stunned.

Level 2 magic power, level 2 magic resistance.

Lasso entanglement, level 1: Throw a lasso to entangle the enemy, causing deceleration, tripping, binding and other effects.

Throwing Spiral Frisbee, Level 1: Throwing a spinning Frisbee to attack the enemy, can cause repeated attacks several times.

Evaluation: An elite gnoll leader from a high-magic alien world, to some extent, cannot be ignored.

Red quality card, level 14 summons, boss?
5 green, 1 blue, 1 red, a total of 7 talents!
It comes with four pieces of green equipment, and its own skills are super fierce, especially the level 5 animal howl and the level 4 summoner.

12 gnoll teams with different professions, and they can be strengthened with a shout... not bad!Really not bad!

This is also quite useful in battles between wizards.

Moreover, Hogg comes with level 2 magic resistance, equipment +1 level, and level 3 magic resistance is already very high!

you can!

value!So worth it!

This time, Ted put too much into it, but it was worth it.

This battle finally won Master Hogg!
From now on, this will be the main summoning force!

At the end of this battle, Ted only had [Tiger’s Eye (Green)], [Malachite (Green)], [Endurance Scroll (Green)], [Emerald Ring (Green)], and the used [Constitution] (blue)], talent card [fog of fate (red)], several cards.

Satisfied, Ted planned to shut down the system and go to sleep, but accidentally saw the cards in the card library.

That's right, I killed three huge roasted whole pigs from another world in Dikamond Village before, counting the hidden mission rewards, there are still three cards.

Especially the card that exploded upon death...

Um!Simply, take advantage of this wave of luck and merge together.

Could it be that he really kept it in his hand and blew himself up when he died?

After thinking about it, Ted thought of a combination that might maximize the effectiveness of several cards.

With [Wild Boar Throwing Cannon (Green)] as the core, add [Flame Strengthening (Green)] - the throwing cannon and flames will definitely not conflict, add [Wild Boar Charge (Green)] - this will make the charge even more fierce, add [Deflagration (green)] It's a one-off anyway, blow him up for me!


"Ding~ The fusion is complete, you have obtained a new card [Self-Explosion · Charging Fire Pig (Blue)]!"

[Self-explosion · Charging Fire Pig (Blue)]

item card

Summons a giant wild boar made of flames to charge enemies with flames.

Lasts 30 seconds, cooldown 10 hours.

When it disappears, a powerful explosion will occur.

Note: It is easy to accidentally injure teammates!
Good guy, the self-destruct truck belongs to yes!

It lasts for 30 seconds, that is to say, it will explode within 30 seconds after summoning!It's really dangerous, so you have to think about it before using it.

Ted looked at the experience pool again, and suddenly realized: Hey, it seems that he can upgrade again!
To upgrade the wizard profession from level 7 to level 8 requires 28000 experience points.More than enough!
Moreover, the [Student God (Purple)] talent can reduce 2800 experience points.

"System, upgrade your wizard class!"

"Ding~ Your wizard profession has been upgraded, the current level is wizard level 8, you have obtained 1 attribute point, 1 skill point, magic resistance +1 level, and a talent draw."

Level 8 wizard's magic resistance was passively increased by 1 level, which was a surprise.

Ted now has level 4 magic resistance. For most little wizards, Ted is magic immunity!
And 1 point of attribute is added to the spirit, and now the spirit attribute is already 17 points, including the additional bonus (+2 sage stone, +3 psicrystal), it is already 22 points.

The effect is remarkable.

It can be said that the same magic is easier and three or four times more controllable in the hands of Ted than in the hands of ordinary wizards!The power is also doubled!

Many of Ted's magic variants are based on the powerful control of magic by high spiritual attributes.

These magics are simply impossible for ordinary wizards, and even a little unimaginable.

1 skill point, Ted thought about it and added it to magic penetration.It is now magic penetration level 2.

Like the old Gnoll during the day, he may face some powerful enemies in the future. They are not simple characters. If they don't have high enough magic penetration, they can only fight protracted battles.

If Ted had magic penetration level 2 before, I am afraid that many of the opponent's defensive magic would be much weaker, and it would not force Ted to use his "hands-on" - lightning strike!

This trick was left and right, and Lei Gong helped me. Ted had a lot of ideas when he was in school, and he had time to try it after he solved the secret room incident.

Let's put it this way, during the experiment, Ted himself experienced three lightning strikes and twelve electric shocks, destroying more than 150 gold Galleons of magic materials.

It can't be said to be completely successful until now, because the casting time is a bit long and the target is also a bit problematic.Difficult to use against fast moving enemies.

But the lethality is really strong!

The power of this thing is at least the effect of level 6 and 7 Shenfeng Wuying, thunderbolt explosion, and level 7 and 8 being torn apart.

And this magic is only level 1!
If this rises, it will be incredible!
Finally, "System, perform talent extraction."

Level 8 wizards can draw new talents.

The three cards in my mind are lined up in order:

A figure from the back wearing a white robe and holding a wooden staff.

【Prophet Bloodline (Red)】

talent card

You have the blood of a certain prophet, and you have certain foresight and uncontrollable peeks into the future.

Prophecy +3 level.

Peeking into the future: Uncontrollably seeing a fragment of a branch of the future at a certain time.

This seems to be a prophetic talent card.

If you choose this one, Ted's own prophecy level will directly reach level 4. If you add some local prophecy magic and some Taoist divination methods, it will definitely not be a problem to be a big prophecy master!

Not to mention the chance to randomly see what might happen in the future.

To be honest, this is really attractive!

Is it so exciting to come up with a red card?Ted continued to look down.

The second card is a person stretching out a hand with a strange light, and a thing touched by this hand, like a lamp god, whose lower body is foggy, is shattering and dissipating.

【Supernatural Purification (Purple)】

talent card

Since then, your left hand has a special ability to consume mana to eliminate all unnatural things, supernatural powers, and supernatural changes that come into contact with it.

Note: The amount of magic power consumed depends on the level of the object to be eliminated, and there is a certain degree of danger.

Purple card? !
There's something interesting about this card.Is this Toma's pick-up?
But it's different, because this ability is controllable, and it won't cause you to lose your ability to cast spells.

But there is also consumption. If you really try to purify something that is too advanced, maybe the magic power is not enough, and the result will not be certain.

I don't know if this hand will have an effect on Voldemort? !

But I'm afraid it's impossible to directly kill Voldemort's remnant soul, but it should be possible to temporarily disintegrate him, and he won't be able to reunite for a few years.

However, as a wizard himself, a great wizard with a group of subordinates who carry out a righteous siege route, should he change to a melee wizard?Swing your fist directly?

Look again, look again.

 Thanks to the book friend "Mo Le Ya" for the 240-point reward!
  Thanks for the 100-point reward from the book friend "There is a fish in the north and the ghost is Li Gui"!
  Thank you
(End of this chapter)

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