Hogwarts card system

Chapter 219 Thunderhead Hippogryph and Dwarf Squad

Chapter 219 Thunderhead Hippogryph and Dwarf Squad
Thunder Peak is a gathering place planned by the Ministry of Magic for dwarves and gnomes.

Compared with Kia people, the treatment of the former two is better.Because they all have their own magical powers.

Dwarves have their own rune system, and even have a special ability to infuse rune power into metal to create equipment.A bit of a threat to the status of the goblin.

Gnomes also have their own magic technology and are good at making many strange magic tools.And he is good at all kinds of transformation and illusion magic.

According to Ted's understanding, these two races did not come from the same world, and they didn't know each other before they came to this world.

However, after coming here, the first person they met was the other party, and the relationship was quite harmonious—maybe it was because they were all about the same size?
Two or three months later, he was discovered by the Ministry of Magic and contacted him.

As the so-called hugging together for warmth, in a strange world, facing strange forces, the two chose to form an alliance.

Therefore, when choosing a gathering place, they also live together and take care of each other.

Gnomes aren't very good at building, but dwarves are very good at it.

On the mountainside of Thunder Peak, they used rune magic and magic to dig a bunker directly on the mountain!
Jerry: "I heard that the gathering place of dwarves and gnomes is called Fort Hammer."

Ted nodded: "Yes, it is said that those dwarves brought a very powerful magic hammer from another world, which can create advanced magic weapons and protective gear."

This is what Ted heard from Hermione, and Hermione's roommate Clara Flash is the dwarf.The relationship between the two is not bad, and the dwarf is not a strict-mouthed person, and the story of the dwarf and the dwarf is often talked about when chatting about nothing.

As the so-called Wangshan ran dead horse, although I can already see it, it is still far away.

Especially now in the mountains, one peak follows another, one mountain stream follows one cliff, ups and downs, turning left and right, it is impossible to walk in a straight line.

Ted and the others stayed until noon, and it seemed that they had only gone less than half the distance.

"It's really hot this year! It's only July!" Jerry wiped the sweat from his forehead.

It is indeed a bit too hot, it feels like 35 to [-] to [-] degrees!

Ted chose to give the three of them an "Ultra Thin Frost Armor", which has no defensive power and is purely for cooling down.

While Ted was cooking, he suddenly sensed something.

"Ansu, go, drive him away!" Ted shouted without looking up.

Ansu flapped his wings and took off, and returned after more than a minute.

"I don't know how to live or die! I almost swollen its face!" An Su said triumphantly.

Just now, when Ted was cooking oil, there was a giant mountain lion peeping in the nearby bushes, and Ted caught his gaze.

Then he was chased by Ansu and chased him away with a big mouth.

I don't know the reason, but the further you go this way, the more magical animals you encounter, which is not normal.

There shouldn't be such a dense concentration of magical animals in the wild, and it's not the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts.

There was a weak magical reaction in the mountain lion's body, which was not much stronger than the magic power of the little mouse who was turned into a magical animal by Ted at the beginning.It belongs to the kind of existence that can barely be called a magical animal.

It's like... just because of some reason, it mutated, produced magic power, and became a magical animal!

And there are so many bugs!
It's a cicada!Cicada nymphs that are not fully developed and should not climb out of the surface at all, they burrow out of the ground in large numbers and die.

There is a rustling sound when you step on it!

After dinner, Ted proposed to move faster.

It is too slow to count on the six legs of the three.Need to change.

Let's ride!
Cabbage, it's time for you to act!
However, although cabbage is a tall horse, it is still a bit crowded for three people.After all, Ted and Sydney are not very familiar.

So, he proposes: we can use a little magic.

Human reduction surgery!
Jerry and Xueli were originally small, but now they have shrunk to a little over one meter, like seven or eight-year-old children.I can sit down now~
What?Ted!He has to deal with changes at any time, so it doesn't change.

For being ridden by three people, Bai Cai still had some complaints, and kept muttering in his mouth.

It wasn't until Ted stuffed it with a Sutter County cool apple that it ran away satisfied.

Cabbage: Cool!Is a horse that doesn't run still called a horse?

Cabbage is flying over mountains and ridges with lightning speed. It jumps directly over the ditches and ridges. It basically ignores 50% of the terrain. Sometimes when it encounters a deep ditch that needs to be bypassed, it even jumps over seven or eight meters away like a glide. up!

This speed is too fast!

Until Ansu in the sky sent a signal that there was a situation.

Through Anzu's eyes, Ted saw the battle below.

A team of three dwarves and two gnomes are fighting a huge beast.

This beast looks very strange, the body of a moose, but the front claws are eagle claws, a pair of huge wings and a beak, but a pair of forked antlers grow on the top of the head!

The fur on the body is dark blue, and the feathers on the wings are red, blue and black with distinct layers!
This thing is nearly three meters long, and a pair of wings spread almost five meters!
And it can even spit lightning beams!
Ted saw a dwarf hit by a small lightning bolt on his shield, and was sent flying more than two meters away. He was covered in smoke and couldn't get up for a long time.

Thunderhead Hippogryph, Level 10 Fantastic Beast/Level 1 Outsider Creature...

Ted took a closer look and found that there was an acquaintance among the beaten people——Clara!

Ted quickly opened his eyes, "It's Clara and a few dwarves! They're fighting! Come on, go help!"


"Mr. Swallow, be careful! With Clara's wand pointing, an obstacle hit Hippogryph hard. Although it only lasted for two seconds, the dwarf leading the team reacted and dodged the horn in time. The sudden collision of the eagle beast.

This thunder beast hippogryph has 17 points of strength, 18 points of constitution, and level 2 magic resistance. It has the ability to suddenly flap its wings and slam it, and it can also spray lightning beams from its mouth. It can be said to be very difficult to deal with.

If it weren't for the dwarf Swallow's shield engraved with dwarf rune magic, which can resist negative states and can resist the front, I'm afraid this team would not be the opponent of this raging hippogryph at all!
But the savior has come~
I saw a big white horse jumping up and down on the bushes and branches in the distance, flashing past, and approaching quickly.

Before they could get there, two spells had arrived first—Jerry's Lisong Jinxie and Ted's Multiple Frost Rays.

Lisong's power release can make the target weak for a short time, so that this huge raging behemoth will not hurt people.

The multiple frost rays entangled the Hippogryph's wings and four legs like several silver-blue threads. Although it broke free in a few seconds, its body was already covered in frost, and its speed became slow.

Clara was taken aback when she saw the person coming, "Ted? Jerry?!" She pushed the newly made magic goggles on the bridge of her nose, and looked at the two classmates carefully.

It should be my classmates who are convinced and have not seen the flaws.

Clara: Even the magic light on Ted is even more dazzling, oh, and there is a third person, also a girl from the Rat Ear Tribe?And this horse, why does it have such a cheap expression?
Clara is very interested in the ancestral magic, so she researches the magic device when she has nothing to do. After the basilisk incident, she vigorously improved the magic goggles, and now there are many new functions, such as "seeing the details".

Consume magic power to activate the goggles, and can observe every detail carefully, and there is nothing to hide from any irregularities and awkward places.

So seeing Bai Cai's dicky narcissistic expression is also extremely uncomfortable.

Cabbage: Blame me~ I've always been so cool!

With the addition of two wizards, Ted and Jerry, the battle became easier at once.

Jerry's various disturbances such as slide spells, release spells, and leg-lock spells, although the effect is usually only a second or two, made the hippogryph very uncomfortable-couldn't stretch its legs, couldn't keep up with the slide, Did you say it was uncomfortable or not? !
Ted only cared about the "connections" one after another. As the ice rays touched the Hippogryph many times, it finally couldn't take it anymore. Its legs began to freeze, and its moving speed slowed down. .

As a crispy assassin, Sydney can only wait and see from afar.

This hippogryph was so fierce that the group of dwarves in armor could resist it a couple of times, even after falling a few meters, they relied on their rough skin and thick flesh to get back up and fight again.

But for her, she can be admitted to the ICU after being exposed to this giant beast.

This hippogryph was more than two meters tall at the shoulders and more than three meters long, and the oppressive feeling became stronger when it got close.

This kind of giant beast is really rare in the wild. I don't know why it has such a bad temper. At first, its eyes were red.

But under Ted's physical cooling, he quickly calmed down.Slowly also have the intention to retreat.

Although those dwarves and dwarves were a little embarrassed by the giant beast, they didn't mean to kill them all.Seeing this, Ted gave up the more than 1000 experience points.

You can't ignore big kills for the sake of experience points, you're not playing a game.Otherwise, he would really be the Dark Lord.

Even if you want to kill, you have to look for ugly, bad-looking, annoying people like eight-eyed spiders and jackals.

Finally, the Hippogryph limped away, ran to the edge of the hillside, flapped its giant wings, flew up, and flew crookedly towards the distance.

Ted took a physical cooling down and almost froze it on the spot.

"Are you all right?" Ted asked.

 Thanks to the book friend "Flying Catman" for the 100-point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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