Hogwarts card system

Chapter 244 You have broken the law, do you know? !

Chapter 244 You have broken the law, do you know? !
As a result, the officials of the French Ministry of Magic didn't know whether they felt that the family should not be publicized, or they also wanted to see their old enemy, the United Kingdom, suffer, so they did not inform the United Kingdom of the relevant information immediately.

Five days later, when the news came from the French Ministry of Magic, the dark wizard also made a move.

But this time he didn't kill, but robbed!

He stole Gringotts!

Of course, without success.

But he killed 6 goblin staff!
This happened when Ted and the others were going to the train station.

Whether it's killing people to absorb magic, or invading Gringotts and killing 6 goblins, it's no small matter.

The former will cause panic, and the latter may arouse the goblin's strong dissatisfaction.

You must know that they have been dissatisfied all the year round. The last time the Diagon Alley monster riot killed a goblin guard, it took a lot of energy for the Ministry of Magic to calm down.

This time, there are 6 directly, and two of them are senior consultants of goblins, and their status is not low.Is this worth it? !

Immediately afterwards, the Wizengamot, who felt that the situation was serious, issued an order that the dark wizard must be arrested.

So there was the chase at noon...

Ted read the newspaper, lost in thought.

A black wizard is nothing more than a black wizard from another world.

It's nothing more than a dark wizard from another world, but he can still absorb other people's magic power?

Moreover, this guy was so powerful and cunning that he traveled across the Three Kingdoms without being caught.

What's more dangerous, if the speculation in the newspaper is correct and he is more willing to attack the little wizard, wouldn't it be very dangerous?


Although the news in the newspaper made people worry, life had to go on, and classes had to be attended.

The courses to be added this year have already been taken last year.

Ted took Divination, Runes and Care of Fantastic Beasts.

This year Ted and their courses will be more intense.

The first of the three courses is Rune.

The full name is Ancient Rune, and the teacher is Bathsheda Babbling.

It can be regarded as a part-time professor, because there are not many courses taught in the school.

She just took the opportunity to study at school and sort out more magic text materials.

Many of the ancient texts are magical.

And the magic text class is a subject in which the professor masters and combines more magic words to exert a stronger effect.

Textbooks include "A Simple Introduction to Ancient Runes", "Runes Dictionary", "Magic Phonetic Table", and advanced professional books include "Advanced Runes Translation", "Magic Symbol Collection" and so on.

After all, Ted had already started to study runes in depth last year, and he was quite good at this subject.

It's just that after one class, Ted was somewhat disappointed.

Like the dark arts, the school's teaching of ancient runes is a bit of a stretch.

If it is this level of teaching, it is useless to Ted.

His research on rune is quite deep.After all, there are materials left by Ravenclaw and Slytherin, which are quite precious and systematic.

Unlike many current books on the study of runes, which are very one-sided and incoherent, the interpretation of runes is often not very appropriate.

This is the advantage of those ancient pure-blood families, they often monopolize some key knowledge.Therefore, it has a great advantage on the road of magic.

Based on Ted's research and understanding of rune, he felt that rune was the magical programming language of different civilizations.

First make up a programming language, and then rely on this language to develop various magical effects.

In this way, the talismans of the Celestial Dynasty should also be regarded as a kind of magic script.

It's just that it is not compatible with Western alphabetic languages.The two cannot be mixed.

The magic text is somewhat innate, mainly in terms of learning and logic.

People who have never learned programming are like people who have never learned programming. When they see various software and apps, they have no idea of ​​the operating rules and principles.

Ordinary wizards who have taken magic text classes seriously are similar to code farmers who have been trained by training institutions for several months. They can do some simple and repetitive tasks, but they are very limited.

And the real bosses, there are too many things they can do!
I heard that ordinary people cry when they are born, but programming masters are born with "hello World~"

The only difficulty is that this magic programming language is not public. How to get more information about the language is also a threshold.

This threshold simply does not exist for Ted.

Ted: I have penetrated the rune, you lose!


On Wednesday of the first week, Ted and the others had their first Care of Fantastic Beasts class, in a small forest on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Hagrid's original idea was to let everyone see a new species he had bred—the fried-tailed snail.

When Ted was developing Pokémon, he wrote to Hagrid to discuss a lot about breeding new types of magical animals.

Originally, Hagrid was eager to try, knowing that Ted was also doing similar research, so he couldn't hold back his "creativity" at that time, so he started doing it during the holidays.

So this snail seems to be a little earlier than in the original book.

This thing was bred by Hagrid with 1 manticore and 60 fire crabs.

The Manticore is a Class 5X dangerous creature native to Greece.As expected of Hagrid, he can breed new species with other species according to this thing~
The fire crab is not a crab, but a magical creature that resembles a sea turtle, native to Fiji.

It has jewels of different colors on its shell, and is considered a natural cauldron of exceptional quality - a bonus for brewing potions.

So the fire crab is a protected magical animal, and wizards have built a sanctuary for them on a beach for this purpose.

When threatened, the fire crab's tail can shoot out flames.

Ted asked Hagrid for the shell of a fire crab, not for making medicine, but for divination!

But Ted couldn't figure out how to make a manticore and 60 fire crabs breed new species. Just thinking about the possibility, he felt that it was worthless!
Hagrid played too hard, didn't he?

Don't say it, really don't say it, really let him figure it out.

The newly hatched snail looked like a big lobster without its shell. It was gray and slimy, and looked very disgusting.

They appear to be headless, with many feet protruding from their abdomens in a criss-cross pattern.

Each of these creatures is about six inches long and emits a very strong smell of rotten fish and shrimp.

Ted wrote a letter to persuade Hagrid to give up this kind of thing, there is no future.No future at all!
It's not powerful, it's not economical, and it's not pretty at all.

Is there any use for this thing besides disgusting people?
You teach little wizards a lesson with this, and they'll despise you for the rest of their lives.

Besides, your behavior of breeding snails without permission has seriously violated the "Prohibition of Animal Breeding Experiments" law passed by the Ministry of Magic in 1965!

You broke the law, do you know that?

Don't even think about running away!Don't even think about smuggling ships out of the UK and going to Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia...

Finally, Ted persuaded him to get something that looked mighty or pretty and cute.

Being pretty and cute is really not an advantage for Hagrid, so he finally chose the griffon vulture he raised himself, scientifically known as Hippogriff.

The research object of Ted and his class was Buckbeak.

Buckbeak eats animals under national second-class protection every day, Malfoy must be careful~
For Ted, there was no benefit in taking this class, other than being able to take care of Hagrid's emotions.

After all, I have already stepped out of the scope of magical animal protection, and I have already started creating Pokémon~
For him, Fantastic Beasts are either of economic value, or they are good-looking to keep and play, or... where are the Fantastic Beasts?Fantastic Beasts in a Pot!

Should I write a Fantastic Beasts Cooking Guide?

In addition to the new courses, the original old courses have also begun to be difficult.

For example, in the transformation class, the mouse should be turned into a turtle!

Living things become living things, and they have already begun to screen those little wizards who have no talent in transfiguration.

If the courses in the first two years were already quite difficult, then starting from this year is the real watershed.

The course content of the previous two years belonged to serious study and practice, which can be mastered after all.

But starting from this year, the difficulty of transformation has increased. For students without talent, even if you redouble your efforts, you will be greatly pulled down.

Even after two or three years, you will not be able to keep up with the progress of the course at all.

This is also a kind of screening, allowing students who are not talented in this path to find other paths earlier.

Transformation class.

Hermione: "Ted, don't you think I don't look like a turtle?"

Ron was angry: "Please forgive me! Isn't this like it?"

In front of Ron is his masterpiece - the mouse-headed mouse-tailed turtle!

Well, he's the one who doesn't have the talent for transfiguration.

Hermione was very dissatisfied with her results: "It's not like! It's not a turtle, it seems to be a turtle?"

Ron was in a trance when he heard the words, as if seeing the Palace of Versailles appearing in front of him~
Although he was defeated by Versailles, Ron strongly supported Hermione.

Ron: Hermione is right!
Because Hermione learned the runes one year in advance, she is now appreciated by the runes professor, who specially asked her to help correct the runes homework for this grade.

Ron: As long as Hermione is still grading rune homework, I will always support Hermione.

Jerry: Bah!I have never seen such a brazen person!Hermione, I'm your number one fan!

(End of this chapter)

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