Hogwarts card system

Chapter 246 Is it finally Neville's turn to die?

Chapter 246 Is it finally Neville's turn to die?
"It's over! We're going to be late for the first divination class!" Neville's face was ashen.

Jerry was still asking directions one by one, but all the portraits fell asleep in the middle of the night, and only a few were woken up. I don't know if they really don't know, or they were disturbed and didn't want to tell. They all said they didn't know.

Ron... Ron burped, it smelled like chicken legs.

Sleeping right after eating, indigestion!
Just when the three of them were in despair, a thin and energetic knight riding a horse, wearing armor, and a goatee on his chin, appeared in the frame.

"Oh, so it's a traveler who needs help! Sir Cadogan is obliged! Divination class is in the North Tower, come with me! Charge~ Charge~"

He mounted the skinny horse, raised his lance and charged.From one portrait to the next.The portraits along the way were messed up.

Many of the portraits were shouting: Cadogan, the old madman, has gone mad again!Who released this old guy again? !
The three of them don't care about this, someone is leading the way.

Neville: "Follow up!" He ran up holding the hem of his robe.

The three of them followed the portrait all the way to the north tower. Ron was out of breath, but the two friends were fine.

Ron: Not good!Could it be that I have eaten less and my body is a little weak? !
Suddenly, Sir Cadogan in the portrait didn't stop in a hurry, and knocked the fisherman in the frame into the river.

He also seemed to realize that he had gotten into trouble, and hurriedly said: "The top of the tower is the divination classroom. I suddenly remembered something, so I won't go up with you. Goodbye!"

"Thank you! Thank you, Sir Cadogan!" Neville thanked quickly.

"You're welcome, hoeing the strong and helping the weak is exactly what knights of my generation do! Hahahaha! Charge~"

Before the fisherman could climb up, he rushed back all the way.

Those hapless portraits were messed up again.

"Fortunately, fortunately, there is this kind Sir to help, otherwise we would have..." Neville hurriedly pushed open the classroom door.

Everyone has already arrived, looking at the three late-comers who pushed the door open.

Neville, who was somewhat socially fearful, was caught by everyone's gaze, and immediately tensed up, and hurriedly moved his stiff feet to sit next to Ted and Hermione.

At this moment, Ron behind him suddenly stopped. His panting hadn't subsided yet, but he suddenly remembered something: "Wait! Cardo..."

Halfway through his speech, a voice sounded behind him, a female voice, ethereal, slow, a little hoarse, a little mysterious.

"Student, please don't get in the way. You can be late for class, but fate will not be late~"

Saying that, the lady who looked to be in her 40s bypassed the three of Ron and walked to the desk in the middle of the classroom.

It was Sybill Trelawney, Professor of Divination.

The tawny hair is naturally curly and fluffy. It looks like a big head, but a small face, with high cheekbones, or thin cheeks.

There is also a headband on the forehead, and there are a lot of small bits and pieces like beads on the body.

She wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses with very thick lenses, which made her eyes look a little abnormally large.But the eyes are a bit straight, and it's quite scary when looking at people.

Ron didn't dare to say much, and the three of them quickly bent over and trot and slipped to sit next to Ted and the others.

This classroom is a semicircular lecture hall, and the bottom and middle is the professor's desk.There is a huge crystal ball on the table.

The classrooms are surrounded by draperies, glassware, and other things that create atmosphere.

Among other things, this old lady still has a little research on stage art, performance and marketing.

There should be a market for becoming an old expert on a TV station and doing something like "violating the decision of the ancestors".

Ted took time off from the holidays to investigate Sybill Trelawney.

After all, the House of Salted Fish is really helpful for intelligence collection.

Her great-grandfather was the famous fortune teller Cassandra Trelawney.

She's half-blood and her mother was a Muggle.

She's a Ravenclaw graduate and a former member of the Slug Club.

She married once after graduation, but it is said that because she did not want to change her surname, she finally divorced again.

In the original book, she asked Dumbledore to meet in 80 and wanted to apply for the position of a divination professor.Before that, she changed many jobs, but finally resigned.

And Dumbledore's attitude towards prophecies and the like is very complicated.Originally, she wanted to cancel this course, but since her ancestors had a real fortune teller after all, she agreed to have a meeting and made an appointment at the Pig's Head Bar.

The result of this conversation was not very good. Dumbledore felt that it was better to cancel this class. As a result, Trelawney suddenly entered the "second vision", predicting the birth of the golden boy and the defeat of Voldemort.

And Snape overheard half of the previous prophecy on the other side of the wall, and then fled after being discovered, and there were those things after that.

It's just that this old lady can't control her abilities, so most of the time she is bluffing and deceiving.Just cheating!
Soon, she was acting on her own.

First, "face to face", said a few specious "prophecies".

The very vague kind is street fortune-telling.

Do you have a dog at home?
If you keep a dog, the dog is in the way of you, and you have to send the dog away.

If you don't have one, you have to raise one to protect your house from disasters.

Commonly known as blocking at both ends!
However, it is obvious that Professor Trelawney will not be satisfied with such a small performance, which cannot show her ability.

So she has other life~
Tea divination begins!

Since the British began to trade with the East, drinking tea has become the top priority in life.

Therefore, there is this new technique of "tea divination".In fact, it only emerged in the seventeenth century.

Looking at the texture of burning tortoise shells in ancient China is a bit similar.

After drinking the tea, look at the pattern of the tea dregs left in the teacup, and start "guessing"!
The mural on the inside of the tea bowl helps to interpret the symbols of tea, and there is a sentence printed on the edge: the fragrance of drinking tea, the aura of fate.

The students here began to drink water after the automatic teapot poured water, waiting for the shape of their own tea leaves to appear.

Trelawney snuggled up to Neville's table, and Ted and the others sat at two tables.

Trelawney stared at Neville with her big eyeballs behind the thick glasses: "My child, you have to be careful with the teacup."

She was so close that Neville kept leaning back in fright, and his arm touched the teacup all at once.

What she didn't expect was that Neville's reaction was unusually quick, he scooped up the dropped teacup and put it on the table.

Neville: "Phew, it's dangerous! The tea didn't spill out!"

Trelawney: Uh... what's going on?What's the next step?


"Ominous! It's ominous! God~"

Trelawney pointed at Neville's teacup and backed away again and again, with a look of sadness and fear on her face, and she was already laughing in her heart.

The tea grounds in Neville's cup presented an abstract grimace with a horned head and fangs.

But what to say?

If Trelawney hadn't said it was unknown, most people would never have imagined that this thing could be regarded as a grimace.

But it can be regarded as being seized by Trelawney!
Trelawney: Huh~ finally back on track!
Trelawney's voice trembled, her body movements were exaggerated, and she had a nonsensical acting style.

"Son! Child, you, you must be careful! This is an ominous omen, a harbinger of death! Be careful, be careful!"


Well, by breakfast the next day, the news that "Neville is going to die" was spread all over the school!
Neville himself was scared too!

You all say I'm going to die, isn't it impolite for me to live on?

The friends are somewhat nervous.

Although he has experienced many things, but after all, he is still young and easily influenced by the outside world.

The professor and a large number of classmates have a "be careful" attitude, which will inevitably make them feel sympathetic.Three people become tigers!

Seeing this, Ted had no choice but to comfort them: "Okay, don't pay too much attention to it. As far as I know, Professor Trelawney predicts that a student will die every year."

At this time, the twins ran over happily: "Neville! Neville! Is it finally your turn to die this year? Two years ago, Lee Jordan was predicted by Professor Trelawney that he would not survive Christmas, and he didn't say which year it was. It's disappointing!"

Lee Jordan on one side: Thank you so much!You are really my good friends!
Twins: You're welcome, we'll show off your tribute at your funeral!

Neville's complexion improved a lot, at least he wasn't so worried, after all, his friends still supported him to live.

Ted laughed and said, "Let's do it! Let me tell you a prophecy that must be accurate!"

The little wizards around heard this and all stared at Ted.

Ted: "I prophesy that anyone who drinks the water will die!"

After two seconds, Jerry jumped up suddenly: "Ted, your language is so accurate!"

The crowd laughed!

As the saying goes: It is better to make decisions by yourself than to ask immortals and divination, to be able to do it is better to be in the body than to chant Buddhist scriptures, to use sticks and boxing is worse than to meditate.

For divination and prediction, it depends on how you do it.

As the saying goes, three points are destined, seven points depend on hard work, how can there be a fixed future!
(End of this chapter)

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