Hogwarts card system

Chapter 250 Stand Messenger and Lupine

Chapter 250 Stand Messenger and Lupine
They saw a child in a "broken sack sheet," a dirty child with bare feet.

Looking at this picture, it is either a backward Middle Ages, or a very backward and poor refugee area.

And this child has long wavy curly red hair, green eyes, and pink skin... This should be the young Godric Gryffindor.

But it looked like he was only ten years old.Definitely under 12!
At this time, a thick and slightly joking male voice narration appeared:
"I was just 10 years old at that time, my family was very difficult, my parents were farmers, there were six children in my family, and I had no time to take care of me. That time I forgot my mother's instructions and ran into the 'cursed forest' to play , I met two red hats...that was the starting point of my magic path."

Hermione suddenly looked at Ted, and the narration revealed a message - Gryffindor turned out to be a bitch wizard!
That is, Muggle-born wizards? !
But when Ted thought about it, it was normal.

After all, according to Slytherin's research and conclusions, magic power comes from the soul, and will eventually act on the blood.

Therefore, the first generation of hemp wizards are often exceptionally good, and they can be regarded as the ancestors of this bloodline.

Maybe this kind of research conclusion is drawn from a good gay friend.

Before Ted could think about it, the friends realized something was wrong. There was something in the bushes not far away!

There are two red hats, one old and one young (the hats are not completely red yet, and not many creatures have been killed), staring viciously at the ignorant Gryffindor!

At this moment, Neville finally couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted: "Be careful! You have a red hat, run!"

They couldn't imagine how a 10-year-old child escaped from the hands of two ferocious red hats.

However, the young Gryffindor continued his game as if he hadn't heard it.

Obviously, as an audience, you can only watch but not participate, and cannot affect the "protagonist".

You have to play the audience well~
The two red hats quietly hid in the shadows and approached slowly.That withered hand with long black nails had already grasped a murder weapon that looked like a large cone!
Neville even took a swoon, but the spell passed through the bushes, through the red hat, and disappeared.There is no way to affect anything at all.

His nose was sweating from anxiety, and he completely forgot that he was "watching a play".

If the young Gryffindor died at the hands of the red hat, what would happen afterwards!
Sure enough, the young Gryffindor seemed to have a sudden shock, and when the red hat was about to launch a sneak attack, he suddenly found two monsters!

Then the chase begins.

Eight people including Ted, as spectators, saw how the young Gryffindor was wounded and bled under the pursuit of the red hat, and then the magic power exploded, killing the two red hats.

This is the protagonist template!

"Exciting! Really exciting! Let me do it! I'll come first!" As soon as she came out of the book, Harley wanted to be the first to "enjoy" the treatment of the protagonist.

No one of the friends argued with her, mainly because they were afraid that the Gryffindor champion would use his fists to reason.

Soon, Harley fought two red hats.

After all, the young Gryffindor hadn't become a wizard yet, and he didn't have a wand or anything.It was by relying on the burst of magic power that was at stake to turn defeat into victory.

And the famous Gryffindor boxing champion is already a 13-year-old third-year wizard, who has mastered as many as thirty or forty spells.

Not to mention anything else, even a pair of iron fists are quite powerful!
Taking risks in the book, he kicked his arms and fists, and knocked the young red hat to the ground, and the hat fell off.

It took less than 3 minutes to solve the two red hats.

"Cool~" Harley shouted after successfully clearing the level.

"Did you see it? Have you all seen it? This kind of fist-to-flesh feeling is awesome!" Harry couldn't help being excited.It seems to have found a human flesh sandbag.

"Let me come! Let me come!" George volunteered.

After all, he is in the fifth grade, and he is usually a top student. He is stronger than Harry in terms of magic power and spells, but his fists are not as good.

In less than 2 minutes, the two red hats were solved, and they were even played in a playful manner.

Then came Fred, also very easy, not even a minute.

Because he used the twins' unique cheats - substitute messenger!
After everyone came out of the book, his younger brother Ron immediately asked, "You two, what kind of magic is that?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, then looked at Ted: "That's a long story!"

Ron: "Let's make a long story short."

"This starts with Ted's "Jojo's Magical Adventure"..."

During the holidays, when Ron and Neville were buying wands, the twins chatted with Ted alone, saying that they had developed a "substitute messenger", which shocked Ted.

However, the two did not lie!
They developed a new magic that has the same effect as the substitute messenger in Ted's "Magic Reform Jojo's Bizarre Adventure".

You know, the two were in school at the time, but they were quite obsessed with this story, and even made up a set of "Weasley Gentleman Quotes".

I even cosplayed the characters in Halloween!
And the core of this magic evolved from the "invisible servant" Ted taught them.

Ted didn't pay much attention to this magic at first, and usually used it as a free servant.Help me move the experimental equipment or something.

But the twins obviously put their heart into it, and it was Melaleuca who was riding in a convertible car—a big brainstorm!

Integrating the magic spells he has mastered, even adding contract magic, some sacrifices contributed to the birth of this magic.

They all have -1 to their enchantments and magic levels!

And things like magical beasts and herbalism are -2 levels!
The magic of the invisible servant also disappeared, and became this "substitute messenger"!
This kind of sacrifice is somewhat like Lockhart's specialization in the Forgetting Curse.

But they do gain something.

This kind of stand-in messenger is not only an enhanced version of the invisible servant, but also has different abilities due to the skill level of "sacrifice" and different characteristics of itself.

For example, George's stand-in messenger can be split into 7 smaller stand-in messengers for multi-line battles.

And Fred's stand-in messenger can absorb magic power to become bigger and stronger.

When the boys heard this, they were all very interested in it, and they all expressed that they wanted to learn and learn, and if they wanted to learn, learn this!

However, this is not easy and comes at a price.Still have to think carefully.

Ron thought about it and gave up, because he didn't seem to have that much price to sacrifice!

Ron: Ah~~~~~
In fact, the current stand-in messenger still needs a magic wand to activate, and the duration is short, and it will continue to be developed and improved in the future.

Although this may also ruin some of the twins' other magical paths, like Lockhart, the Oblivion Curse is superb, but other spells have degenerated to the student level.

But it's not a bad thing, after all, many wizards are proficient in just a few spells.

In addition, the twins have also developed and perfected magical props such as transformation candies, amulets, and prank fireworks.

Even during the holidays, some were listed for sale at the Salted Fish House, but the sales volume was very mediocre.

But it’s not that the things are not good, but that the consumer groups are different, and the adult wizards of Salted Fish House account for a large proportion.

Therefore, Ted suggested that after the start of the school year, they should conduct business experiments among the students first, and modify the product and sales strategy as soon as possible according to the instant feedback.

And when they graduate, they can partner to open a magic joke shop.

They are already in grade 5 this year, and they are two years away from graduation.

It has entered a period of rapid progress for wizards.

Basically, the progress made in the four years from the third to the seventh grade will determine the future achievements of the wizard.

Speaking of which, during the vacation, Ted quietly helped Mr. Weasley transform their flying car!
Mainly the engine is magical, the magic circuit is optimized, and some alchemy circles are added.

Because the economy is not very affluent, their Ford car has not been retired after all~
After that, everyone should experience it one by one, but Harley felt that it was too slow, and suggested: "Why don't we go together!"

Everyone thought about it and wanted to try it.What happens if you are not an audience, but the eight protagonists?
As a result, there was an accident. Eight people entered the adventure together, and 16 red hats appeared to launch an attack together.

And Ted also wanted to teach them a lesson by deliberately paddling.

This battle was fought, rolling and climbing!


"Have you heard? The new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor has been found!" a student whispered in the corridor.

"Really?! When did it happen?"

"Just in the morning, Grade 2 had its first Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It is said that the new professor's class is great!"

It seems that the unlucky Professor Quentin Trimble, after all, is still a day trip to Hogwarts.

No, he didn't make it to Hogwarts, he had an accident on the way.

"What's the new professor's name?"

"Looks like Lupine, Remus Lupine."

Ted, who didn't care much about which unlucky guy came to fill in the lines, suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Lupine? !Is he here?

Is this the inertia of fate?
Lupine, who was not doing too badly, came to take up this unlucky position after all.

Ted thought for a while, and went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office alone to meet Lupine.

(End of this chapter)

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