Hogwarts card system

Chapter 257 Ancient Magic!

Chapter 257 Ancient Magic!

"...So, that's it." George shrugged, and Fred spread his hands.

Before Ted could speak, Ron was already angry: "So, you are helpless and only think of us?"

George: "Oh, of course not. My dear brother."

Fred: "I just came to Ted, I didn't expect you to be there~"

Ron: "Ah~~~~" The stupid Oududou wailed and retreated.

Ted listened to the twins' narration and thought it was quite interesting.

Through the diary left by their great-great-grandmother, they found some clues about ancient magic, just under the restricted area of ​​the library at Hogwarts.

The restricted area is not unfamiliar to the two of them. Just after being abused by "Book of Adventure" from body and mind to IQ some time ago, they decided to look for that ancient magic called "very dangerous" by their great-great-grandmother. .

Speaking of which, these two brothers are really geniuses, they have pieced together a lot of content from some corners of the narrative, and determined the specific location.

They even went to look for it yesterday, and it really exists!
But they won't open!

There was a magic door there, and the two of them tried various methods, but there was nothing they could do.Then I decided to come to Ted. If he couldn't open it, then I'm afraid the ancient magic path would not work.

Although the Weasley family is a little poor now, it is because they live in poverty and live in peace, and there is also the problem of standing in line.

Their pro-Muggle, pro-Order of the Phoenix stance put them at a distance from the pure-blood families.

If they are willing to return, there will naturally be pure blood families to welcome them.

They are of ancient Celtic descent, the original natives of the land, evidenced by their red hair.

Ron finally licked his wounds and came over to read the diary left by his grandmother more than 100 years ago.

He muttered to himself: "My great-great-grandmother turned out to be the Transfiguration professor? Or the vice-principal?!"

He tried to imagine Professor McGonagall as his great-great-grandmother.Suddenly hit a chill!

It took Ted a few minutes to thoroughly scan the old diary and piece together the relevant information.

Not to mention, although the old Weasley grandmother tried her best to conceal the relevant information, it may be that this incident impressed her too deeply, so even in the future, she would often mention a few words.

This has been mentioned a lot, and a lot of information has been revealed... Too many words will be lost!

Ted and the others have already touched some ancient magic.

At the beginning, Ted got some information from the Ravenclaw Chamber of Secrets, but Ms. Ravenclaw's views on ancient magic tended to be conservative.

In other words, it does not agree with teaching or learning ancient magic.

She thinks that this is a path that will be opened up by herself after the magic path has reached a certain level.

Those so-called ancient magics are the paths of other wizards. Once they step into it, they can never go out of their own path.

So even the magic that she developed herself, she didn't leave any information, just left some ideas.

That's right, the profound magic of her era is what is now called ancient magic.

After all, the word ancient is relative. If a few hundred years pass, Ted and the others will also become ancient wizards.

And the magic of that era was not very systematic, often extremely difficult, and the effects were unimaginable.

They are all "miniature miracles" developed by each wizard according to their own wishes by relying on magic power!
They also got a few words about ancient magic in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, the specific content is not much, after all, it was swept away by Voldemort.

If it wasn't for him not having the chance to re-enter later, I'm afraid there wouldn't even be a single piece of paper left behind.

Then there is the "Book of Adventure" left by Gryffindor, although he didn't mention a word of ancient magic, not even a word of magic.

However, he has demonstrated a lot of unique magic he developed during his adventures, and the effects and principles are completely different from the modern magic system.

For thousands of years, magic has gradually become standardized, traceable, easy to learn, and easy to control, but its power and effect have also decreased.

In the past, the magic system of each wizard is different, the magic principles of each area are very different, and every outstanding wizard has his own path. It is no longer the case.

Of course, this also makes it easier for more wizards to master magic.

Popular things will always slowly replace small ones.


At night, a rare night out with friends.

The size of the team of eight is not small!

If this was in the first and second grades, I am afraid that he would not be able to escape Filch's pursuit no matter what.

But now, after Filch walked to an area that was closer to them, he would subconsciously ignore this area and bypass it directly.

Ted's psychic powers directly blocked the information about this place in his heart.

As the level of psychic powers increased, various miraculous effects began to gradually appear.

The group arrived at the forbidden book area smoothly, opened the magic channel that the twins had found after several nights of research, and came to the secret room below.

Here it is said to be below the restricted book area, but it is not necessarily more below.Because this is a spatial transfer, not a physical location.

There is only one magic stone door here, and in the middle of the stone door is a strange symbol like a flame or a vertical eye.

George touched the stone gate and sighed, "It's this gate that blocks our dream of appearing holy!"

I originally wanted to learn ancient magic, pass customs and take risks, and show off in front of others, but it ended before it even started.

"Alahoo hole is open!" Harry directly cast a spell on the stone door that blocked his dream.

But nothing happened.

"The door is open!" Hermione saw the old version of the door opening spell.It should be said to be a door-kicking curse!

But the curse hit the stone gate, and no dust was stirred up.

Since it is a magic gate to prevent non-identified wizards from entering, it must have taken a lot of precautions against wizards.None of these opening spells worked.

Even used sesame seeds to open the door, the curse of exploding the door!

But it didn't work.

Everyone looked at Ted.

Ted was already thinking just now, I'm afraid magic won't work.

The magic resistance of this door has reached a terrifying level through materials, ritual magic and casting spells.

How about a physical breakthrough!

Wizards often forget more direct means because they rely too much on magic.

Maybe it's the same with the wizard who set up this door. The magic defense is perfect, but is it useful to destroy it directly?

As a result, Ted cut a stalactite from the roof and threw it at it, and the door remained motionless, leaving no trace.

Protection was not overlooked at all.

Then you can only try wizards who can touch things outside the domain, such as... psionic power!
Esoteric penetration!
Psionics not only interfere with the mind, but also interfere with reality.

The transformation of matter into ectoplasm, or vice versa, is the domain of psionic energy.

So, Ted used psychic energy to fossilize the stone wall by the door, and then directly opened a new door!

How do you say that?

The one who defeats you is not necessarily your peers, it may be cross-border!
On the other side of the door is a hall. Although it is neatly built, it is empty. There is only a small stone platform with a basin on it, and a small crystal bottle floating on the basin.

"It's a Pensieve?!" Harry recognized it.

The number of this thing is very small now, and only the ancient pure-blood families may still see it.

Like Hermione and the Weasleys, they don't even know what it is.

Ted carefully took off the crystal bottle, which contained a little silver liquid.

"Is it quicksilver?" Hermione asked.

"No, it's a memory. A memory left here." Ted uncorked the bottle and poured the silvery liquid into the Pensieve, which filled up immediately and then became crystal clear.

"Okay, let's see what the senior who left the memory wants to say..."


Everyone raised their heads from the Pensieve in a daze.

After watching other people's memory, there will be such a little side effect, maybe dizziness for a little while.

Harry was the first to speak: "So, is it really that strong?!"

The first reaction of the friends is: ancient magic, so terrifying!
This memory was left by the guardians of the previous generation, and it has been more than 100 years.I'm afraid Dumbledore didn't even enter school at that time!

And the memory records a series of events surrounding the ancient magic that happened in the school as the owner of the memory, the guardian of the previous generation, as a transfer student.

Probably the ancient magic was passed down hundreds of years ago, but because it was extremely difficult and powerful, it was only passed down in secret.

As a result, one of the inheritors was a bit ambitious, and something happened.In the end, he was killed by other guardians.

But before the inheritor died, he built a secret library to store a huge amount of power that belonged to her.

And the villain in this incident is a descendant of the goblin who built the secret library, an extremist of the goblin revivalist school.

He learned about this from his ancestor's notes, so he naturally thought that the secret library was built by his ancestors, so that power should belong to him.Just use this power to overthrow the wizard's rule and revive the goblins!

At that time, only a few decades had passed since the last large-scale goblin rebellion, and the remnants of the revival faction among the goblins were not small.

The two sides fought for the secret library.

In my memory, the magic power released by that transfer student, that is, the guardian of the previous generation, was indeed extraordinary. Compared with the current ones that wipe out your weapons and faint, it is much more powerful.

No wonder Harry was surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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