Hogwarts card system

Chapter 269 Undead Army

Chapter 269 Undead Army
Needless to say, the strength of the former demon warlock and now the necromancer Ryan.

Back in his own original world, he was also quite a famous strongman.

Otherwise, he couldn't be ambushed by four or five famous heroes because he was too much of a shit stick.

Part of his original ability was obtained from the contract demon, and part was obtained from his own wizard profession.

For example, he can control the earth to make some means such as earthquakes, ground cracks, and a large number of stabs to attack the enemy.

It can also maliciously transform weak or defenseless enemies, turning them into frogs, chickens, sheep, and the like.At that time, the enemy will really be a lamb to be slaughtered, and he will usually be controlled by him as a supplement to replenish magic power at any time.

The abilities obtained from demons include ways to absorb the vitality of the enemy and extract magic power to enhance oneself.

And the most powerful and terrifying finger of death!
Gather your own evil magic power, and send out a brain from the devil's fingers, directly tearing the soul of the enemy!
Relying on this trump card, he has defeated countless powerful enemies, making people frightened.

And after he had to change his job as a necromancer because he absorbed a semi-finished death knight, his ability changed to a certain extent, and overall it was much stronger.

In addition to controlling the land, transforming enemies, extracting the magic power of the enemy's life, and the finger of death, he also controlled the magic power of death and mastered a series of abilities about undead!
In the original world, why is he already very powerful, but still can only dodge XZ as a shit-stirring stick?
Because he is only one person!

But it's different now!

He is very satisfied with his current strength.

Although he became a half-dead spirit, which caused the normal perception and desire of living people to fade away, but for a spellcaster who pursued power, this was nothing.

On the contrary, the violent means of "reviving corpses", "enslaving undead", and "infecting living things" brought about by the ability of necromancers made him intoxicated.

Now, he is no longer a lone shit-stirring stick.

Under his command, there are seven or eight elite undead subordinates worth mentioning:
Crypt Lord Aragog was the leader of the eight-eyed spider during his lifetime.

Originally, due to old age, frailty and blindness, his descendants would be expelled from the population to usurp the throne, but they used Ted to get rid of those descendants who were too strong, and continued to enjoy the blessings.

But because they had too much territory in the Forbidden Forest, they were discovered by Ryan, who killed them with the magic of the undead and turned them into undead.

Most of its descendants did not escape, and were killed and turned into undead spiders.

Now they have a stronger ability to perceive living things, the ability to travel underground makes sneak attacks more concealed, and extremely strong death toxins.

When bitten by them, they die within a few hours and then "stand up" again that night.

After that, the eight-eyed spider is considered an endangered species in the Forbidden Forest.

And Aragog's carapace was several times thicker, and his body also swelled up.The whole incarnation is the same as the heavy tank of death!
What's even more frightening is that it can also travel silently underground and attack suddenly!
Margaret, the shadow of death, was once the main combatant faction of the centaur in the Forbidden Forest.

That's right, like goblins, a considerable number of centaurs have complaints about wizards' mastery of the magic world.

But compared to the richness of the goblin ancestors, the centaurs have always been just scraps of the magical world, so they don't have such a strong will to "rejuvenate".

But even so, there are radical main fighters.

Unlike the eight-eyed spider, which is a wild beast despite its high intelligence, the centaur is an intelligent race.

And they are especially good at astrology, much better than humans.

Their tribal groups generally have two leaders, the patriarch who is strong in combat and leads the tribe to hunt and survive, and the elder who is highly respected and has sufficient experience in astrology, herbal medicine, medical magic, and survival.

If the elders lived long enough and studied astrology deeply, they could even become "prophets"!
There is a very old prophet in the centaur tribe in the Forbidden Forest.

When Ryan first arrived in Great Britain and was hunted down by Aurors, he saw the imminent disaster through the changes in the astrology.So he planned to take the tribe to retreat to the vast jungle further south of the Forbidden Forest.

But after all, this is the ancestral land that has lived for two or three hundred years, and some horse people are very unwilling.It is the young, violent and radical centaurs like Margery.

They regard the Forbidden Forest as their own territory, and they don't like wizards very much.It is a shame to think that retreating is "a loss of power and humiliation of the country"!
When Ted visited the Forbidden Forest at night last year, he also met a young centaur, and he spoke very rudely.

Ted's magic is even more unkind.

To be honest, Ted has always been kind to others and convinced others with virtue.It's really rare to see people who have a bad mouth when they meet like this!
The young centaur who had been taught a lesson wanted to ask Hogwarts for an explanation, but was suppressed by the prophet.

The old horse man understands that he can live in the Forbidden Forest because of Dumbledore's permission for multi-racial harmony.You really have lived here for a long time and regard it as your own home?
This group of procrastinators, who just refused to leave, followed Margaret and became Ryan's undead cavalry.There are a dozen.

Especially Margaret, he is different from other skeleton-covered centaur undead of the same race. His flesh and blood have shriveled at this time, leaving only skin and bones, lifted by a gray death magic power, moving like the wind!
He was good at spears and bows before he was alive, and he is even more terrifying now!
The arrow entwined with the curse of death also has the effect of +1 magic power penetration.The Iron Armor Curse is very threatening to ordinary wizards!
Haituo, the rune snake king, is the snake king of a nest of rune snakes in the mountains. After being killed by Ryan and transformed into an undead, he devoured all the other rune snakes and grew to the thickness of a bucket, more than ten meters long!

Rune snakes are born with three heads. They are powerful and poisonous. They are native to Africa.

They have natural rune patterns all over their bodies, and are regarded as magical animals with stronger magical powers among magical animals.

Now, Haito, the Snake King who swallowed hundreds of his own family, the runes on his body have changed into three meanings representing death, poison and devouring!It can be said that the potential is huge!
The four-armed giant Pruitt is two giant monsters on a hill deep in the Forbidden Forest. After they were injured by other undead, they became undead.

Under Ryan's operation, the two giants merged into one, turning into two heads and four arms!
Others include Ghost-faced Tebo Warthog, Corrupted Three-Headed Basilisk, Apocalypse Aggregation, Corpse-spotted Giant Toad... and other powerful magical animal undead.

On the wizard side, there are 11 elite Aurors, that is, those who can exceed level 6, including Moody who is level 14.

There are more than 8 Aurors and elite strikers with an average level of 10 to 30 left.

There are four at the professor level: Snape, McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout.

Among them, Snape was level 16 and had entered the master level.

Flitwick and Professor McGonagall are level 14, one step away.

Professor Sprout was a little bit worse, a normal professor level of level 13.

Of course, the main force is Dumbledore, who is at level 20.

Moreover, it has been 40 to 9 years since they reached the full level, and they have reached the full level of [-] in many aspects such as alchemy, transformation, and magic spells!

The necromancer Ryan on the opposite side is level 18. If both sides are unprepared, he can stabilize Snape.

But if both sides are fully prepared, he can fight two or three Snapes!

Because he is a necromancer now, just look at the two hundred or so undead behind him.

Unless Snape was given a few years to develop a potion for the undead, he could only find a way to escape.

The battle between the two sides began with the finger of Ryan's staff.

Ryan smiled ugly: "Go!"

More than 200 undead with disgusting rot, empty eyes, and pale eyes rushed over. For wizards who have never seen any big scenes, they are too impactful.

Many wizards held their wands tightly, and their palms were sweating.

Fortunately, they are not novices anymore, and they were not so scared that they forgot to fight back.There is no need for anyone to direct, and subconsciously throw out the spell that he is best at.


"Thunderbolt explosion!"

"Burning flames!"

"The stone platform bulges!"

"The whirlwind sweeps the leaves!"


A large number of magic spells are shot out colorfully, just like fireworks during festivals.

On the scene, fire and wind rushed towards the undead army, and a high stone platform rose from the ground to block the undead, and the explosion sound was deafening...

At this time, only Dumbledore was motionless in the audience, just holding up his wand, illuminating the entire battlefield in the dim environment under the black sky.

Ryan on the other side was the same, leaning on his staff to observe the wizards, especially Dumbledore.

And farther away, the dead bones of magical animals that drilled out of the ground also staggered and staggered towards this side.

Those are the skeletons of magical animals that died in the Forbidden Forest and can still be used. There are thousands of them!

Fortunately, the semi-finished death knight absorbed by Ryan was the initial product of the shadow council of the orc warlocks, not the finished death knight under the Lich King.

So Ryan only mastered the ability of death. If he becomes a decent death knight, then there are two powerful fields of coldness and blood!

If Ted was here, he would have laughed out loud, a huge number of undead monsters that could be killed reasonably.

And these are 11 to 13 small boss level undead monsters!
For Ted, this is a target group that is easy to kill, has no risk, and has high returns.Can you explode some cards? !
Unfortunately, what he has to face now is another enemy...

 Thanks for the 100-point reward from the book friends "I am offline" and "Ao Manman".

(End of this chapter)

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