Hogwarts card system

Chapter 28 Shocked!Voldemort fell because of this mistake!

Chapter 28 Shocked!Voldemort fell because of this mistake!
"It's better not to have expectations." Harry shrugged and spread his hands, looking helpless, "I learned from Hufflepuff that the teaching level of this Professor Quirrell is only a little better than that of Professor Spencer~"

Harley has completely lost the shadow of the original book, and now she is simply a Hogwarts courtesan. From the fifth and sixth grades, to the four colleges, she already has acquaintances!

No, I learned about Professor Quirrell's level from Badger who attended class yesterday.

Everyone couldn't help but gasp: It's only slightly better than the hypnotist Professor Spencer in the history of magic, it's so terrifying!
Ron also whispered: "I heard from George and Freddy that the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts is unlucky!"

His words attracted everyone's appetite, Jerry kept asking, and Neville and Harry moved closer to gossip.

Seeing that his news was so popular, Ron was very proud:
"I heard that the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts has been changing for more than [-] years in a row! Almost none of them can continue to teach in the second year! There are always various accidents and have to resign! I heard that there is a curse!"

Good guy, the students around stretched out their ears to listen, and when they heard the curse, they immediately yelled into a ball.

There have even been bets on whether Quirrell can continue teaching next year.

Hermione asked Ted in a low voice, "Is what Ron said true? That's not written in A Piece of School History!"

Ted smiled and said: "What is not written in the book does not necessarily exist, and what is written in the book does not necessarily mean it is true. It is better to have no books than to believe in books. You must learn to think dialectically. Oh, what Ron said is true... ..."

You only need to ask the seniors who went to school a few years ago to know about this matter.

That's how they were back then, a yearly throw-away Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Those who are lucky have to resign because of something, and those who are unlucky are so unlucky that they cannot teach.There are not a few people who are directly admitted to St. Mungo's Hospital.

So much so that the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts stinks, and it is very difficult to recruit.


Class started soon, with a purple turban covering his head and a strange smell on his body, Quirrell walked into the classroom with evasive eyes, stooped body, and timidity.

"Big, hello everyone, I, I'm the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Qi, Quirrell..."

Good guy, just looking at the image has already made people have no expectations, and I still stutter.

The students are so disappointed!
Harley even whispered to Quirrell from the bottom: "Hi everyone, my name is Qirrell~"

Quirrell may not know the truth of going too far, this is a bit too much.

You know, it's not his first day teaching at Hogwarts.

He used to be a Muggle studies teacher at Hogwarts, but later he left his job without pay to study abroad for a period of time...

Well, I went to the Black Forest of Albania.

It was precisely because Professor Quirrell went to the Albanian forest when he was traveling around the world that he brought Voldemort back to England.

Voldemort hid there for 9 years, I have to say that everything has a definite number~
It should be Voldemort's request that Quirrell changed from Muggle research to Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. He can't stop talking about pure blood. Of course, the possessed Quirrell can't teach Muggle research.What a shame!

Moreover, Voldemort had always wanted to be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, but was rejected by Armando Dippet and Dumbledore, and then put a curse on this position.

It is also because the curse has not disappeared, so Dumbledore feels that he is not dead.

Well now, he is possessed by Quirrell, and he can also enjoy the addiction of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher by the way!Finally got his wish.

It's a dream trip and it belongs~
It is worth mentioning that Quirrell's full name - Quirinus Quirrell.

Quirinus was a lesser known Roman god who was often associated with warfare.

So in fact, Quirrell may not be as docile as he seems.

The first lesson of Defense Against the Dark Arts is about how to deal with ghouls.

The ghouls in the wizarding world and the ghouls in Ted's impression are not the same thing.

Ted: Can you, a ghoul, help gather wood, eat corpses to regenerate blood, and parasite minions?

A ghoul in the wizarding world is a magical creature.They generally like to live in the attic and barn of old houses and eat insects and mice for a living.

There's one in Ron's house, it beats on the pipe every now and then, maybe it's a percussionist~
As I said before, because of the vocabulary, many different but similar creatures all use the same name, and it has not been changed until now.

That's what ghouls are.

It is worth mentioning that although ghouls bite, they are not dangerous.

Moreover, some wizards strangely regard ghouls living at home as a good omen, and even regard them as members of the family in many cases.

This is kept as a pet!
The teaching of Defense Against the Dark Arts focuses on dangerous magical creatures.

Including Ted's textbook, Quentin Trimble's "Dark Power Self-Defense Guide", most of the records are about preventing and dealing with dangerous magical creatures.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts class does not teach how to deal with black magic, it is a bit similar to the criminal law class of Muggles - it does not teach you how to deal with criminal crimes, but teaches you how to sentence~

Until the end of get out of class, Quirrell always looked like that, following the script.

After class, the students complained in the hallway that Professor Quirrell was unreliable, and Defense Against the Dark Arts was a pill!

Neville didn't speak, he actually liked Quirrell quite a bit.He felt quite similar to Quirrell.

After a few days of getting along, the aura of the Boy Who Lived gradually faded, and many students would realize that Neville was not outstanding.

On the contrary, he still looks like a cowardly and clumsy person, so there will be a lot of criticism about Neville-Malfoy played a very critical role in fueling the flames.

It can be said that there are nine out of ten gongs!
Ron, Jerry and Harry will still help Neville, the feelings are there!

But I have to admit that Neville is not a particularly good wizard, and he will criticize him in private.

Ron: Maybe the mysterious man was in a bad state at the time, and his stomach was ruined?
Harry: Neville's biggest advantage is that he has no disadvantages, and his biggest disadvantage is that he has no advantages.

At this time, Hermione, half-believing in Harry's criticism of Quirrell, finally complained to Ted with a look of disappointment: "Professor Quirrell doesn't seem to be very good at teaching? Is it because you are nervous about being a professor for the first time?"

She didn't believe this herself, but she just didn't want to speak ill of the professor.She is still a good student.

Ted said: "It's not the first time he's been a professor. He taught Muggle studies at school before. He was also a student of Ravenclaw back then. I heard he was very talented."

"It's just that there was an accident during the vacation adventure later, and it became what it is now. I heard that I encountered a vampire zombie in Africa, and I may have suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder~"

Disappointment was written on Hermione's face, and she worried that the course might be difficult.

She felt a pang of despair at the thought of seven years of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Ted didn't think so, much worse than Lockhart?

Quirrell's theoretical level is still there, as evidenced by his own experience.

It's just that that attitude makes people not respectful, so they can't listen.

But at least I answered several questions myself and added 5 points.It's just a pity that the task was not triggered.

Ted: "Don't be nervous, a year at most."

"Because of a curse?" Hermione asked.

"Yes. All the professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts can't survive a year. You can go to the upper grades to ask. The teacher of this class changes every year, and the progress of the course is messed up."

"That would be worse. Can't even Dumbledore lift the curse?" Neville asked.

"I'm afraid that's the case, otherwise Dumbledore would have solved this problem long ago. After all, new professors are recruited every year. Those who didn't know thought that Hogwarts sacrificed professors!"

Think about it!
Except for Quirrell, Lockhart, and Barty Jr. who died and went crazy during the teaching period, Lupine, Moody and Snape, the three teachers who "safely" survived the teaching period, are also in the seventh volume. died……

Even Voldemort himself is dead!

The Defense Against the Dark Arts class really can't be taught, whoever touches it will die.

The curse was so severe that Voldemort himself could not resist it.

Voldemort: I curse myself to be afraid!
In fact, it makes sense that Voldemort would not live to be 73 years old.

Firstly, 7384 is a hurdle, and secondly, he was born in 1926 under the tiger sign, and the finale in 1998 happened to be the year of his birth, so he either had great luck or a catastrophe.

I guess he didn’t wear red underwear either, and his opponent Harry was born in the year of monkey in 1980, which is a conflict in his zodiac sign, and since ancient times, he must lose against Bozuo, tsk tsk tsk~
Speaking of which, Harry Potter and Voldemort are still distant relatives. Harry is the descendant of the third brother who has the invisibility cloak among the three brothers in "The Tales of the Poet Beedle", and Voldemort is the descendant of the second brother who owns the resurrection stone.

Of course, there are only so many pure-blood families in the UK, and there have been intermarriages for thousands of years. It can be said that all of them are relatives going back five generations.

(End of this chapter)

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