Hogwarts card system

Chapter 295 The Dragon Egg Hatches, Lupine Resigns

Chapter 295 The Dragon Egg Hatches, Lupine Resigns

Ron has been a little sleepy lately.

According to Jerry, Ron is now conducting incomprehensible research and experiments day and night, and the entire notebook has been used up in a week.

Every day the wastebasket is full of waste paper!
Jerry said: Weird!Too strange!Either Ron is just being bewitched by some weird diary again, or he's entering puberty~
Although Jerry didn't want to admit that his good friend was really doing research without sleeping and eating, Ron was indeed doing research.

He actually invented a new magic metal!
Ted couldn't believe it when he got the small piece of metal that he had made, the size of a fingernail, and the shape was too natural.

"You said, you seem to have created a magic superconductor?" Ted's expression was a little strange.

Any energy transmission in the medium will be lost, the greater the loss, the more "insulated", and the smaller the loss, the better.

Otherwise, if 100 points of magic power are passed on, only 30 points will be left when receiving it, and the bureaucrats of the Celestial Dynasty are not so picky!

Red Lions? !

Therefore, the magic power transmission loss is extremely important.

It is still quite difficult for Ron to use his magical power alone and at most several secondary energy sources to urge the seven-meter-high No. [-] machine to fight.

He is already the kind of wizard who is born with a lot of magic power. The Weasley family is descended from the ancient Celtics, and the magic has been passed down for nearly 2000 years!

His talent in magic power is not weaker than that of Harley or the savior Neville.

But even so, it seems stretched.

Now, there are not many things that can be optimized in mechanical design, so we can only find a way in terms of materials.

Ted was worried that it would hurt his friend's heart, so naturally he couldn't put his disbelief on his face, so let's test it on the machine first!

As soon as the results were tested, guess what?

There is a door!

Although it is still far from the magical superconductivity that Ron said, it is not worse than the magic of the goblin magic silver.Even stronger!
Ted asked in surprise, "May I ask, where did you get the formula?"

Have you also obtained the knowledge of other worlds?
As a result, Ron scratched his red hair shyly: "I... I dreamed about it!"

If anyone else said that, they might be lying to Ted.

But Ron's thoughts were in front of Ted, which was as transparent as a glass window.

He didn't lie, it really was a dream.

The replacement of seven or eight simple steps, the resulting strange alloy is really an excellent conductor of magic power!

This is not surprising, being enlightened in a dream, this kind of thing happens from time to time.

Otherwise, how could Duke Zhou interpret dreams?

Mendeleev discovered the periodic table of elements, isn't it also a dream~
Never forget, there must be an echo!

But the reality is not so good. Ted repeated the experiment ten times, but only succeeded three times, and the effect was different three times.

In the best time, 3.58 kg of superconducting metal was produced, and the "superconductivity" was 76.87%.

The best effect was 83.46%, but it was only the size of a finger.

Ted looked at the sample and the experimental records, and said: "It is valuable, but it is still some distance away from superconductivity, but at least it points out the direction. It may be that there are too many accidental factors in the preparation process..."

Ron: "You mean...conducted but not fully superconducting?"

This is impossible, after all, Ted and the others are doing magic.

This thing has a strong sense of idealism.

Sometimes the exact same process will have different results because of your psychological fluctuations.

This is magic!
Normal temperature superconducting material science can't do it, you can only count on magic~
In short, Ron's new discovery is already very good, at least it can increase the magic power utilization rate of the first machine by 14.58%!

This is just the replacement of key components. After more production and replacement of more main bodies, it can continue to improve.


While Ted was still experimenting with the newly discovered materials at night, a strange feeling suddenly came to his mind.

Ted looked up at the wall, next door was the dragon egg hatching room.

After scooping up Hogwarts' wool for a semester, is it finally time to knit a sweater?

Ted quickly put down his work and came to the next room.

The magic lines all over the floor, walls, and ceiling of the room are shining, and the materials in the magic circle have all been reduced to ashes, and the dragon eggs in the middle of the magic circle began to tremble, and there was a small crackling sound.

When Ted approached, a sharp, hard little nose broke through the eggshell and leaked out.

Azeroth red dragon egg, hatched!
Hermione, Harley, and Neville were woken up overnight by Ted's double-sided mirror: Come on, come on!It's too late to see it!

They were so scared that something happened!

He ran to the secret base in his nightgown, only to see the young dragon breaking free from the eggshell.

"It's a dragon!" Ron's eyes widened.He was bitten by a dragon, and his memory is very deep.

Although at the beginning of school, Ted said that he was hatching dragon eggs, but after such a long time, he never believed it. Who still remembers it!

Suddenly it hatched?
Harry also stared at the red dragonling crawling around on the table, muttering to himself: "If Draco sees it, he will pass out from excitement!"

Draco Malfoy is a severe dragon obsessed patient.

Although his family is quite rich, they can only raise peacocks and the like.I can't afford to raise a dragon, so I can only enjoy myself in the game.

Ted picked up the red dragonling that could only crawl around, "Well, it's a little girl, from now on you will be called... Anna! Anna Epifani!"

The birth of the young dragon made Ted and the others excited for several days, and the young dragon grew very fast, referring to the psychological growth of the young dragon.

In a few days, she could already understand that "Anna" was called it, and it also corresponded to the names of each of Ted and the others.

It can even fly around the house.

In order for Anna to appear blatantly in public.

Ted is working with the twins to develop a realistic figure!
It is a doll that can interact, shout, and move like real creatures.

Ted even applied the preliminary "simulated soul" he developed into it, just in time to collect data by the way.

When the samples of this realistic figure were released by the twins, many little wizards became excited.

Who wouldn't want a pet that doesn't need to be fed or shoveled?
This product will be sold at the same time as Ted's "LAN hotspot double-sided mirror" released before the holiday.

This double-sided mirror can consume the user's magic power and form a temporary Utopia network hotspot.

In this way, the little wizards can also play games together in Utopia during the holidays.

Ted: Experience must not be wasted!

Of course, the cost is not low, 3 Galleons and 8 Sickles, which is already the ex-factory price.

Ted: I really didn't make any money~

It will be June soon, and the final exam will be held in early June, and then there will be a holiday.

Ted finds Lupine, who is packing his bags.

"It seems that I don't need to remind you more." Ted laughed.

"It's a pity that I can't teach you a whole semester, but I have already finished the papers for the final exam." Lupine smiled.

"Then Ron Jerry and the others may be very disappointed~"

This time, Snape's situation seems to have become bigger after killing Peter.No more "accidental" revelations that Lupine was a werewolf, forcing him to resign.

But the end of the term is approaching, and we can't stay any longer.Otherwise, the curse will become stronger and stronger, which is very dangerous.

Although the werewolf transformation suppression has not been fully accomplished, it is mainly because Dumbledore's main energy is focused on the crown Horcrux.

Presumably there will be a good harvest in the next semester, Lu Ping's mentality is already very stable.

His relationship with Tonks seems to have improved a lot.

At least he took a pair of double-sided mirrors from himself, so he wasn't video chatting with Sirius, was he?

Lupine's school year is very important to many little wizards.

He not only taught the little wizards about Defense Against the Dark Arts, but also pointed out their life paths.

For example, Neville, he told Neville that kindness is far more important than excellence.

And Neville also said: Remus is the best teacher he has ever had.

Now, it's time to say goodbye.

Of course, goodbye is not too far away!
(End of this chapter)

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