Hogwarts card system

Chapter 451 The undead stop

Chapter 451 The undead stop

Although Voldemort is now obsessed with pondering the way of life and death, he only wants to master life and death by pondering. But the Dark Lord is the Dark Lord after all, and he can do this kind of poisonous trick at will!

Blood purification plan!

Fortunately they can speak out!

The success rate is three thousandths, which is simply to exterminate the human race!

At that time, there will be no need for the stars to converge or the alien world to enter, you will just kill them all.

The problem is, this stuff has really aroused the interest of many Muggles and wizards. Even inside Hogwarts, many students are discussing this matter.

Of course, under the leadership of Ted and others, little wizards are not so easy to fool these days - when a topic comes up, don't discuss it first, first find out who raised the topic.

Voldemort and the Death Eaters proposed purifying Muggle blood, which sounded quite mysterious.

Therefore, most young wizards expressed their distrust of Voldemort and Death Eaters very cautiously, so their words were also worthy of question.

This can be said to be a considerable progress. We have already entered the Internet age. If you still believe that the wind is the rain, and believe only one thing, without any idea of ​​dialectics or doubt, and just believe whatever others say, then it will be a disaster. It's too dangerous.

Under Ted's subtle influence, everyone was at least calm.

The few hundred students in the school can still hold on, but the entire wizarding world, and even the powerful and powerful people in Muggle society, cannot sit still.

Even in the past two days, a large multinational biotechnology company in America approached Death Eaters to inquire about the situation, saying that they wanted to buy technology.

The Death Eaters haven't experienced this either?

Buy technology? Can this thing still be sold for money?

But think about it, if it is sold, it will be much more convenient for more Muggles to do this "blood purification" than to do it bit by bit by themselves.

The most important thing is that this is a lot of money! There will be a lot of benefits in the future.

I am among them. As long as the fat passes through my hands, even if I don’t take a bite, my hands will be covered with oil!

But now there is an important question - after all, this is the Dark Lord's technology, and you just sold it like this. If it's too light, you'll have to dig out your bones; if it's too serious, you may have to eat a big melon!

This is not a joke.

The Dark Lord is notoriously moody.

If he really thinks that you are cooperating with Muggles and selling his technology for money, many people may die.

So they are still discussing internally.

Although the Death Eaters here are still discussing, many old men on the Muggle side can no longer hold it in any longer.

Although I have bought a lot of magic potions from the wizard, which can strengthen the body and prolong life.

But their old and decaying body really made them despair.

The world is still so beautiful, and I still have so much money that I haven’t spent yet. I can't die!

If, if you could become a wizard, master magic, and live for one or two hundred years, that would definitely be great~

quick! Go and convince the Dark Lord that we must get this blood purification technology.

They also know that sometimes this stuff sounds nice, but the real thing may not be that good.

Don’t watch ads to see the efficacy! After all, they are all masters in this field.

But for them, any hope is precious.

Even for those super medicines, they have invested tens of billions to research and test them.

In the cities on the east and west coasts of America, there must be tens of thousands of homeless people who "disappeared" because of the experiment on super drugs and the bottom class who volunteered to do the experiment after getting some money, right?

They don't care.

These are necessary losses as long as you can succeed.

Even if you fail, you should still try your best next time you have this opportunity.

One truth that must be recognized is that the gap between humans is even greater than that between humans and dogs.

Those at the top of the privileged class never consider themselves to be of the same species as ordinary people.

This principle is applicable everywhere and is the same at all times and in all countries.

According to the news Ted received, there are currently twelve or three forces in various countries around the world that have begun contact with the Death Eaters.

And I don’t know how many are ready to move.

Even in Great Britain, the old lady wearing the crown and the Prime Minister are with the Ministry of Magic, so it doesn't necessarily mean that no one is interested.

Judging from the current situation, the old lady can drink all kinds of magic potions vigorously, and there is no problem in living to more than ninety.

Is this already a long life?

But wouldn’t it be wonderful if I could become a wizard and live for more than a hundred years?

Damn it, if the Death Eaters trade with other countries at this price...the consequences will be disastrous!

Ted sensed the risks and had already taken action.

The first thing is to meet my dear Professor Geller and reach an agreement with the first Dark Lord on this matter.

"If you don't come, I will go find you." Grindelwald still admired his dear student very much.

Especially after reading the experimental information and data that Ted brought out.

The success rate of three thousandths, the high probability of death, and the low probability of turning into a monster, all stunned this old wizard who was not stingy with killing people.

Can this thing be taken out and used?

Is this the result of a failed experiment?

But Voldemort and the Death Eaters thought it was okay and could be used!

"It's really crazy. It seems we have to take action..." Grindelwald offered to cause trouble, and Ted naturally wanted it.

If I had this person in front of me, I could hide for a while longer.

After the two parties discussed it, Ted said goodbye and was about to leave. Grindelwald suddenly asked: "Ted, is it true that Albus can't come back?"

Ted looked back at him: "I also hope he can come back, but..."


Two days later, Grindelwald led an attack on a hidden magical gathering place in Spain.

There are two groups of people from Americo who are conducting technology transactions with the Death Eaters here - the Death Eaters want to sell it at a good price, so they find these two groups to bid together or cooperate in the bidding.

Grindelwald took action, and those superpowers, genetically modified dinosaurs, and Death Eaters were naturally sent away in a wave.

One of the three parties in this transaction is Walter International, the company that develops super medicines and super compounds from AmeriCor, which is the force behind the Newts.

Two-thirds of the good and bad super medicines on the market in America are related to their family.

According to Ted's understanding, the people in this company are related to many Aramco congressmen and chaebols, and they even have close contacts with the military-industrial complex and have deep backgrounds.

On one side is the Fessenden Genetic Programming Company, which is the company whose main markets are in Southeast Asia and South America. It sells, breeds and deploys dinosaur genes.

They have a technology that can embed dinosaur genes into the human body, allowing people to gain the physical strength and even special abilities of dinosaurs.

This strange force is very complex. On the surface, it is a collection of countless street gangs and dark network forces, but its core should be a group of people with special technical skills and even magic-related abilities.

Through some hidden information, Ted discovered that they were related to some special "lizard people".

Originally, Ted had no time to care about them. After all, they were all far away. And there was Voldemort waiting to be dealt with in front of him, so he had no time to care about their machinations.

But I didn't expect that they could still connect with the Death Eaters!

In fact, in addition to these two groups of forces, there are other forces that have also left for Europe and plan to get involved. However, these two forces came the fastest and were blocked by Grindelwald.

Grindelwald killed all three groups, and then opened a live broadcast and personal account on the Utopia Forum, making all relevant data and content of the "Blood Purification Experiment" public, and condemned Voldemort and Death Eaters. Crazy behavior.

Cutting through the mess with a sharp knife, everyone calmed down at once - yes, there is another Dark Lord in this world.

Since the success rate of that technology is so low, even if you get it, it will definitely not increase the success rate in a short while, so there is no rush, let the two dark lords decide the winner first, and don't mix it up yet.

This bloodline purification plan was stillborn.

And Ted also felt that he could not delay it any longer. It was precisely because of this crazy move with a success rate of 30% that it aroused the anger of all teachers, students and wizards, so he began to give a speech in the school. "Since Voldemort and Death Eaters wreaked havoc in the wizarding world more than ten years ago, countless families have been broken, countless wizards have lost their lives, and people have lost their fathers, husbands, and sons..."

"Now, the pain has come again. These people are back, stronger than ever. They invade countless countries, force wizards to surrender, and take away their freedom. They enslave magical creatures and direct monsters to attack wizards and Muggles. They!"

"They bring pain and death, and they are extremely powerful. But are we going to succumb and live under this kind of horrific pressure for the rest of our lives, knowing that we will die one day?"

"Never! I say never! Life is precious, but if someone wants to take away our freedom and enslave our spirit, we will fight them with our lives!"

"What I want to say is, no matter which country you are from, no matter what race you are, even if you are a Muggle, as long as you dare to roar at evil, we are comrades in arms!"

"Friends, comrades! Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not the day after tomorrow, maybe not next month, but one thing is certain, Voldemort will be defeated! Voldemort will be defeated! Voldemort will be defeated!"

At the end of the live speech, Ted sang a song "Legends Never Die" for everyone, which is the theme song of the 2017 League of Legends Global Finals~

This Hogwarts singer has not sung for a long time.

This time, Ted fully activated his [Heartbeating Sound (Red)] talent to let his singing influence every listener.

In the exciting music and singing, everyone's fighting spirit seemed to be inspired, and their hearts were full of confidence and strength!

We must fight for ourselves!

Originally, during this period, Ted represented the Order of the Phoenix and student representatives, attended many wizard meetings, and met with representatives of many forces. Coupled with the invention of the Magic Network Utopia and the performance of the Seven Wizards Tournament, it attracted much attention.

Now that he has issued a "crying message" to Voldemort and the Death Eaters, he has confirmed his identity as the leader of the young generation of wizards!

This may also be Dumbledore's unplanned plan - to push Ted to the forefront and become the leader of the next generation of white wizards.

This way he won’t become the third generation Dark Lord!

So scheming, Old Deng!


Grindelwald's attack and Ted's public speech undoubtedly angered Voldemort.

Voldemort: I don't have time to care about you old ones and the young ones, so you are just kicking your nose in the face, right? Die to me!

As a result, the Death Eaters who were originally scheming and arguing with each other began to increase their power under the control of the Dark Lord's will.

In the past, it was just a daily job to do small things, but now it was going to the battlefield again.

The Death Eaters have recovered most of their strength in more than a month. Many foreign monster cannon fodder and living dead wizards, especially the undead monsters recently created by Voldemort, have appeared in large numbers in the UK.

Then the Death Eaters began to push, and a large number of Death Eaters, dark wizards, and cannon fodder began to advance northward, pushing one city after another.

In the past, the Ministry of Magic could use guerrilla warfare as a small team of wizards, playing hide-and-seek with the Death Eaters, attacking and defending each other and causing trouble.

But now in front of an army of six to seven hundred wizards, that was nonsense, and they all evacuated.

There was almost no decent resistance and overwhelming momentum. In less than three days, the Death Eaters reached the Scottish Highlands and began to be sporadically harassed by the Ministry of Magic.

The number of fighting wizards at the Ministry of Magic, including the support sent by other races, can be gathered to about 400. Including the students in the school, there are probably more than 600.

It seems that they are almost the same as the opponent, but now only one-third of the Death Eaters are coming, and there are more people, monsters, and undead behind. You can't do it all in one go, right? This time it's not crazy bitch Bella taking charge.

Besides, they have teleportation arrays!

Throughout the morning, despite the large-scale harassment from the Ministry of Magic, the Death Eaters built several teleportation arrays at high altitudes in Scotland and began teleporting again regardless of losses.

The Ministry of Magic even thought that the other party didn't need to go to such trouble. It might be cheaper to send people over directly and let the monsters run over on the ground.

But this is definitely not possible. If you don't spend money, where will the Death Eaters make money?

It is completely unnecessary to lay down floor tiles, do greening, and build roads every one or two years. But I still have to do it~

If you don’t repair it, how can I get it? I don’t take it, so Commissioner Geng? If Commissioner Geng doesn’t take it, how can you and I make progress? ! You can’t keep making no progress!

However, I don’t know if it’s because of the inferior quality of the magic materials here in the UK. The quality of the teleportation array this time is very unstable. If ten monsters come here, two and a half of them will die!

This afternoon, there were a bunch of half-body monsters.

Death Eater: Damn it, someone actually dares to tamper with the materials used in the teleportation array? How dare you hide it from me and refuse to share your profits with me?

This was because they had misunderstood. It was naturally Ted's fault. He picked some more troublesome monsters and killed them secretly to save trouble.

Don't tell me, the Death Eaters' cannon fodder troops are really comprehensive!

This is almost as good as the new Hogwarts textbook "How to Fight Magical Monsters".

There are even many varieties that are not written in the books. Hagrid spent most of the night looking at the remote magic telescope at school, and had to rewrite the textbooks when he got back.

At noon the next day, those 24-hour teleportation arrays had transferred all the Death Eaters' attacking troops.

There are more than 800 Death Eaters, Dark Wizards and Living Dead Wizards!

There are over six thousand cannon fodder for various monsters!

Among them, there must be more than 14 elite unit monsters over level such as giants, trolls, ogres, large trolls, and strong orcs.

Even if professors and elite Auror-level wizards take action, this thing will definitely not be solved in a short while.

At the Ministry of Magic, there are only about forty wizards of this level, including the leaders of various races and the school professors.

Moreover, the Death Eaters also brought everyone Voldemort's greetings - more than three thousand various skeletons, zombies and wraiths.

These were all unexpected products of his experiments on the rules of death during this period. The cemetery here in the UK was almost wiped out by him.

If these three thousand undead souls of all kinds rushed into Hogsmeade village, they would be enough to drink a pot of more than 600 wizards here.

The Death Eaters naturally had the same plan, since cannon fodder also has levels.

The undead are the lowest level. Let the undead charge first, followed by the monster cannon fodder. Finally, the wizard attacks simultaneously from the air and the ground. The little Hogsmeade village can be destroyed with a snap of the finger!

A group of Death Eaters were on a super large flying carpet in the sky, looking at the almost endless monsters and undead below, feeling proud in their hearts.

One of them said: "Everyone, do you think it's time for us to attack?"

Everyone looked at Bella, who waved her hand sadly, "Kill!"

A "kill" sound, accompanied by loud magic, resounded for kilometers around.

The blue soul fire in the eyes of the undead on the ground shook violently for an instant, and then the skeletons, zombies, etc. began to stagger and trot, holding weapons and rushing towards Hogsmeade.

On the Hogsmeade side, Ms. Bones and some other people had their hands clenched and sweaty.

It had been more than a month of preparation, but the large number of undead that suddenly appeared was unexpected.

If all the prepared firepower is wasted on these skeletons and dead bodies, it will be what the other party wants. What to do with more monsters then?

At this time, Ted stood up and said, "Neville?"

Neville nodded: "Yes! I understand!"

At this time, the power of the large magic circle cannot be used, and more cards must be left behind.

Neville raised his wand: "Calling God to Guard! The Holy Sword is revealed!"

The bright golden light spread on the wand, forming a magnificent golden sword, which was Neville's patron saint. Like Ted, he is the patron saint of "alienation".

The tip of the holy sword pointed at the sky, and suddenly a golden holy light appeared and shot straight into the clouds.

Ted flew into the sky, stretched out his wand to guide the holy light into his hands, and then held up the holy light and merged it into a magic shield.

This magic shield encompasses the entire five-kilometer radius of Hogsmeade and is buckled to the ground like a huge energy bowl. After the holy light merged into the protective shield, the protective shield turned golden!

Ted began to cast spells: "Protect evil! Heroic skills! Endure pain! Treat minor injuries! Brilliant halo..."

Ted added more than a dozen large-scale blessing magics to the protective shield in one go, and the last one was: "The undead stop!"

"With" Neville's holy light, Ted completed the blessing of the entire protective circle, and all his own units were given more than a dozen buffs in an instant!

At this time, Ted was floating in the sky, with the golden shield beneath his feet, and the fluctuations of his magic power were beating against everyone like a stormy sea.

Most people were dumbfounded. Although they knew that his strength was amazing, far superior to his peers, and even far superior to most wizards, they didn't expect that he was so strong?

He is only 17 years old!

In an instant, even the Death Eaters opposite were frightened, as if they were facing a young Dark Lord!

Those undead souls don't know how to be afraid. They keep charging after receiving orders, rushing into the golden shield without any scruples.

The shield did not stop them, but after rushing in, the death magic power on their bodies began to be dissolved. The furthest ones only ran a few dozen steps before they were scattered on the ground and turned into withered bones.

 Thanks to book friends "Depressed Fairy Tail", "Xiu Yu Tears" and "Tail Number 0635" for their 100 point reward. Thank you~



(End of this chapter)

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