Hogwarts card system

Chapter 85 2 meat kills 3 monsters and an accident

Chapter 85
"I have a plan..." This sentence does not need to listen to the sound, the friends can guess who is speaking.

Harry: "Let's steal the keys while they're asleep!"

Ron: "Good idea!"

Jerry: "So, who's going to put these three big babies to sleep?"

Everyone: "..."

Friends seem to see Jerry spreading his hands~
Harley's plan must be spoken~
After pondering for a while, Ted said: "Maybe there is a chance for Harley's plan. Let's do this..."

Ted whispered, telling his plan and his backup plan if something unexpected happened.

Although Ted has not made up his mind whether to participate in this adventure, he is actually prepared.Perhaps he also longed for this adventure in his heart.

For example, some potions!
Because most of the time when Harry was in confinement, Snape was going to "handle the medicinal materials (open a small stove)", so Ted also asked Harry to either ask for it explicitly, or take it secretly, and got a lot from Snape. Less herbs.

They were all cheap and commonly used medicinal materials, and did not involve high-end potion materials. Snape really couldn't talk about Harry, so he just turned a blind eye.

Harry was the only one who could withdraw the medicine from Snape's storeroom.

Among the potions prepared by Ted is the water of life and death!
This is a powerful sleeping pill, which was born very early, with a history of hundreds of years.

This potion must be taken in strict accordance with the dosage, if you drink even one drop, you may fall into a coma for three days.That kind of drowsiness with pulse and heartbeat a few times a minute is like death.

That's why it's called the water of life and death.

According to rumors, Shakespeare's Juliet drank this kind of medicine, which led to a misunderstanding and this eternal tragedy.

Ted's plan is to use food to lure the giant monster. At first glance, these three things thought they were fat pigs that had mutated into spirits. They knew how greedy they were by their size.Will definitely be fooled.

But there are many variables.

Because Ted knows the dose of water of life and death, that's for people.He has no idea what dosage the troll should use!

You said you have used them all, but it is not enough to use them all.

It's just such a small bottle, if it is divided into three, it's really hard to say whether it can knock down these three pig monsters with extremely high magic resistance and transformed by Professor Quirrell.

And there is not enough food to bring with you!

Finding all Jerry's cheese and Ron's hidden chicken legs is enough for the troll to take a big bite.

In the end, Ted decided to split it into two parts just to be on the safe side.

In ancient times, two peaches killed three warriors, but now there are three monsters fighting for food.

Let them rob, the two most powerful eat.Then there was the one with the most hip stretch, and everyone killed it.

While the plan is good, there is no guarantee of success.

Will the three giants fall in love with each other, will the giants give in to each other?

Is the dose of water of life and death enough for how long can the troll sleep?

What if the plan fails?

What Ted means is to get the key at the first time. If the plan doesn’t go well, he will step up and let the friends go to the next level first, and then find a chance to escape and catch up.


The three trolls are actually only eight years old!

That's right, the giant monster grows extremely fast, and is usually abandoned by its mother after one year old to live alone.

And these three eight-year-old monsters are about to reach adulthood.

They were all captured and studied by Professor Quirrell from the age of one or two.There have been more than a dozen large-scale experiments that have been experienced in these years.

There were a dozen trolls at the beginning, but in the end these three were the only ones who succeeded.

However, although Professor Quirrell devoted himself to the study of "genetically modified giant monsters" in the early years, he has not cared about monsters in the past two years.Because Voldemort is already attached to the back of his head.

Professor Quirrell's research is already a taboo, but in Voldemort's view, it is also a stupid little trick, not worth mentioning.

Although it was said that in the Albanian forest, he told Quirrell many taboo blood knowledge and experimental methods.

But this time and that time!

Although the three giant monsters are no longer welcome, they are mature products after all, and their combat power is not weak, so Quirrell has always been raised like this-mainly because Dumbledore arranged for the professors to set up checkpoints. place to stay.

They have been trapped here for more than half a year, but eating and drinking is not a bad thing for the trolls.

It's just that today seems to be a bit of a surprise.

First, his master appeared in a hurry, disappeared through the opposite wall, and then the door opened by itself!
But it is impossible for these three well-domesticated monsters to think about running away. Who cares if they run away? !

Speaking of rice, why does it seem to have a fragrance? !

The three giant monsters twitched their noses at the same time, and then turned over or sat up one after another.

There is food more than ten meters ahead!

One left and one right about 20 meters apart.

It smells so good!Today's meal is ahead of schedule?And it's so fragrant?

I eat eat eat eat~
The troll's brain can't think too deeply, and the body is several steps faster than the brain.Before they could turn their heads, their bodies had already rushed over.

However, the three giant monsters are divided into two portions of food, which is not easy to divide!
At the same time, they rushed to the two giant monsters on the left, and there was no doubt that they fought.

The protruding giant crocodile was staring straight at the food, but it had already swung its hands up, giving the monster fish that was crowded next to it a super ruthless charge.

The fish giant was staggered by the slap, and fell behind by two positions.

Seeing that the giant crocodile was about to reach out to grab the food, the giant fish directly hugged the giant crocodile's leg and dragged it back.

In the blink of an eye, both trolls fell and rolled into a ball.

Both parties want to reach for the food, but both want to thwart the other.

The fights were fist-to-flesh, ping-pong-pong-pong, more exciting than an octagonal iron cage!The sound of the fist colliding with the face is crackling!
The salt-baked monster on the other side has no one to fight, and has already stuffed the food into its mouth.

It was Zhu Bajie gnawing ginseng fruit, which went straight into his throat, but he didn't taste it.

It is the strongest among the three monsters, and it is covered with thick salt armor, which is thicker than the other two.In the past, the battle for food was also the strongest.

At this moment, he clicked his tongue, finished eating his own food, and turned his attention to another food.

The two giant monsters also saw the salt-baked giant monster running over, and they didn't care about anything else, they just grabbed whatever they got and stuffed it into their mouths!
"Not good!" Hermione whispered, each of them ate part of it!

Ted comforted: "Now we can only see the effect!"

To be honest, Ted himself had no idea.

With the size of a giant monster, coupled with its natural magic resistance, it's really hard to say how effective the water of life and death can be.

Giant monsters can eat anything in the wild, so their digestion ability and resistance are definitely not enough.

The three giants fought for food.

But because the food had already been eaten, the motivation to fight was lacking, and it soon calmed down.

The three giants lay down on the ground again.

The salt-baked monster seemed to be unable to hold on, and its eyelids were fighting.Soon there was a roar like a tractor engine.

The other two also started to feel confused, but they still managed to hold on, rolling their eyes and not falling asleep completely.

"I have no choice but to try first. Me, Harley, and Jerry will attack our own targets separately. The others are going to prepare. If the troll is disturbed, they will use spells such as smooth slides and floating spells to restrain them." , remember not to use spells on trolls, it's useless."

Ted let go of the hands of his friends and started to move towards the giant crocodile.

Although everyone couldn't see each other, Ted and the three of them were actually approaching the giant on tiptoe.

Because of his racial talent, Jerry moved silently, his feet were light and fast, and he was the first to approach his target fish monster.

This thing looks disgusting with slime all over it.

Although the bubble head curse covered his head and he couldn't smell it, Jerry also grinned disgustedly.

On the chest of the fish monster, there is a flat metal part the size of a palm, which is part of the key.

Jerry carefully adjusted his position, stretched out his body and stretched out his hand, and picked it up quietly...

Ted's target is the crocodile troll, which, like the fish troll, is in a light, half-asleep state of sleep.Seeing that he fell asleep, his facial expression moved from time to time, and his hands and feet were disheveled. All in all, it was very dangerous.

Tad moved closer and cast a Levitation Charm on the key part.

it works!Professor Quirrell did nothing with the key.

Ted cast a cutting spell on the rope tied to the key part, cut the rope silently, and controlled the key part to fly into his hand.

The last Harley, her target is the salt-baked troll who sleeps the deadliest.

There is a layer of white salt crystal skin on this thing, which is harder than a stone and very rough. At this time, the snoring is like thunder, and it is deafening to the ears when it gets close.

Because Neville Ron and the others are not particularly flexible in their hands and feet, they are not as good as Harley in this respect, so she volunteered to take this risk.

She quietly cut the rope, then stretched out her arms on tiptoe, but found that she still couldn't reach it.So I put my wand through the hole in the key part and picked it up...

Just when Ted had got the key parts, stepped back carefully, and turned to leave.The giant crocodile behind him suddenly opened his eyes, and a layer of transparent nictitating membrane trembled on the eyeballs!
"Roar~~~" The roar resounded through the entire space in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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