Longevity begins with alchemy master

Chapter 1 Loose Asura Dust

Chapter 1 Loose Asura Dust
The thunder shook, and the power of the heaven and earth made the whole Dahefang quiet.

In the past, the bustling scene that filled the sky with light was much less at the moment.

After all, no one can guarantee that flying in the sky will be unlucky enough to be struck down by lightning.

I don't know if that counts as crossing the catastrophe in advance.

Dahefang City occupies a very large area, and there is an inner city, which is equipped with a three-level formation, which is enough to defend against the attacks of monsters below the third level.

Even a sudden attack by a Tier [-] monster can often be resisted for a while, enough for the people in the city to react.

Of course, the daily maintenance of such a large array requires a lot, so it only covers the inner city.

In contrast, the scattered cultivator gathering places that spread out from the inner city are not so safe.

In the four directions of east, west, south, and north, tens of thousands of wooden and stone houses stand scattered.

Next to a stream in the southwest corner, there is a wooden house with one bedroom, one living room and one kitchen, staying there quietly, and it is nearly two miles away from the nearest casual retreat.

It's quiet outside, but the kitchen inside the house is full of heat.

"One catty of yam sliced, two liang of white poria cocos, three liang of annual ginseng"

"One catty of first-class monster yellow beef, cut into minced meat, not a little bit of bone residue."

"Scallion ginger, japonica rice, cumin"

The chanting voice came from a shirtless young man, who was staring intently at the pot, and from time to time skillfully took some ingredients from the wooden shelf next to him and added them into the pot.

The spoon in the hand is even more stir-frying.

Luo Chen couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief as a large pot of snow-white beef bone soup fell down.

Fiddled with the firewood in the stove, pulled out a few firewood from time to time, and then quietly waited for the finished product!
An hour later, the young man lifted the lid of the pot, looked at the sticky pot inside, and took a deep breath.

"Look at the color, it's white and bright, top grade!"

"Smell this fragrance, paste but not dry, top grade!"

Luo Chen stretched out his fingers, poked a little from the spoon, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Take a sip!
"Yuanzu Lingxian, inspired by angelica and ginseng, the spiritual energy of the five catties of first-level monster yellow beef has been evenly distributed in this bigu powder."

"Okay, the taste is also very good, top grade!"

Licking his fingers, Luo Chen couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

According to the experience of these days, with just one pot of Bigu Powder, at least five bottles of Bigu Pill can be made.

It sounds funny, but in fact Luo Chen is doing alchemy!

Moreover, it is the most commonly used Bigu Dan by most monks. Although it is only a low-end version, it can be called Bigu San at best.

Before the temperature drops, get out of the pot and pour it on the chopping board.

Luo Chen picked up a yellowed bamboo slip, poured the viscous paste on it, poured a few drops of potpourri honey, and started rolling the bamboo slip.

Under the rolling of the bamboo slips, the hot bigu powder gradually becomes cylindrical, and the color becomes slightly yellow due to the infusion of potpourri honey.

He moved extremely quickly with his hands, crushing strips of cylindrical ointment into round pills, about the size of a thumb.

One, two, three.
When Luo Chen stopped working, fifty bigu pills were neatly placed on the chopping board.

Looking at the results, Luo Chen had no time to be happy, and focused on the panel in front of him that was invisible to outsiders.

【Name: Luo Chen】

【Shouyuan: 27/75】

[Spiritual Root: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth]

[Realm: The third layer of Qi refining period: 75/100]

[Cultivation method: Changchun Gong mastery: 235/300]


[Skill: First-rank Alchemist: Bigu San Grandmaster 501/1000]

[Achievement points: 10 points (can be used to get started with exercises, spells, and skills corresponding to the realm)]

"Once you get ten achievement points, you can use them to get started with Zhongmiao Pills!"

Looking at the proficiency panel, Luo Chen was moved for a moment.

Been here for a year!

In his previous life, he was just a social animal who went out early and returned late, and occasionally he could only play the Xianxia upgrade game on his mobile phone in his free time.

Because there is no money, this kind of game can only rely on the liver, if there is nothing to do, the progress bar of the liver skills.

Who knew that he couldn't sleep late at night, brushing the copy of the game, and timetraveled through it.

The original owner of this body was also named Luo Chen, and he was even as old as him.

In his early years, he went deep into the mountains, had an adventure in a cave, and met the remains of a cultivator. Since then, he has embarked on the road of cultivating immortals for ten years.

Following the guidance of the map in the remains, he came to Dahefang City and wanted to participate in the recruitment of disciples from nearby sects.

However, ten years ago he was already 17 years old, past the [-]th age limit of the Zongmen.

In addition, he has a balanced physique with five spiritual roots, which is comparable to a mortal without spiritual roots, so no sect wants him.

It stands to reason where it should come from and where it should go back.

But the original owner's heart to seek the way is very firm, relying on a bottle of elixir, a scroll of Changchun kung fu, and a few pieces of spiritual stones in the adventure, he settled down in Dahefang City.

Even in the early days, because of the lack of cash, they couldn't even afford to live in a wooden house close to the inner city, so they could only rent a house by the outermost stream.

It is not easy to live in Fangshi.

Even for the outermost houses, half a spirit stone is required to rent for a month.

Although he built the house by himself, half of the spirit stone must be handed in every month.

After spending a few spirit stones, the original owner did not sit still.

Either helping others to look after the stall, or hunting in the mountains with others, in short, it was difficult to stay.

Later, he also felt that this was not a matter, so he simply thought about the two prescriptions in the remains.

Zhongmiao Wan is a bit difficult, and we can only start researching from the lowest level Bigu San.

It can only be said that people who have adventures are more or less blessed.

After several initial failures, Bigu San was successfully refined.

Although the quality is mediocre, for casual cultivators who often go hunting in the mountains for ten days and half a month, someone will always buy them.

As a result, the original owner reluctantly settled down in this Dahefang City.

However, there are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings.

After feeling that Bigu powder was not enough to support his practice, the original owner focused his attention on a broken pill that he had collected.

Then when I tried alchemy for the first time, the pot exploded!
The violent explosion even destroyed the wooden house at that time.

At that time, Luo Chen came across and occupied this body.

Thinking of the situation at the beginning of time travel, Luo Chen wanted to cry but had no tears.

It was also raining heavily at that time, and amidst the ruins, he faced the world in a daze and at a loss with blood on his face.

But fortunately, everything has passed.

"It's been a year, and Bigu San has finally reached the master-level proficiency level from the perfect level, and it can satisfy daily life in general."

"The biggest gain is that the achievement points have accumulated to ten points, which can be used to start Zhongmiao Pills!"

Luo Chen now has three pill recipes in his hand.

The first-rank Bigu San pill formula, the first-rank Zhongmiaowan pill formula, and a second-rank incomplete pill formula that the original owner got by luck.

The alchemy formula is called Yuludan. If the refining is successful, you can get a second-level Yuludan, which is very useful for monks who practice water attribute skills.

The usual price of a bottle is even as high as a middle-grade spirit stone!
With such a huge amount of income, it's no wonder that the original owner came to the top.

Maybe it was because he believed in his own luck, maybe it was the easy introduction of Bigusan that gave him confidence, or maybe it was the reality of poverty that made him take risks.

Anyway, he bravely went up.

The final result is that the pot exploded, the house collapsed, and people disappeared.

Now Luo Chen has also come to this moment of decision.

Relying on bigu powder alone can only survive, and it is definitely not enough to practice.

If he wants to have the resources to practice, he has to open another way of making money besides Bigu San.

His goal was not on Yulu Pill at all, and ten achievement points were not enough to get started with refining second-tier pills.

Therefore, after he discovered the achievement point function on the proficiency panel, he had already made up his mind.

"Zhongmiao Wan must be refined!"

"If you don't practice, you can't do it!"

"Even if you don't want fame!"

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(End of this chapter)

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