Longevity begins with alchemy master

Chapter 102 Qi Refining Experience, Auction

Chapter 102 Qi Refining Experience, Auction

"The air is soaring to the sky, and the intention is to guard the heart, what is the meaning of this?"

"The effect of Yangqi Pill is getting worse and worse, should I switch to Huachen Pill?"

"Tsk tsk, I met that monkey the day before yesterday, and it was able to spit out human words. It's obviously only first rank. I'm afraid it ate a Tongyu grass, which is worth five hundred spirit stones. That beast was wasting it."

In the Haoyue Hall, a group of monks sat in four directions.

Before everyone arrived, they chatted with each other.

Or practice exchanges, or share recent knowledge.

This kind of atmosphere is hard to find in ordinary casual cultivators.

It also exists in some Zongmen families. Now that the Poshan Gang has been in business for a hundred years, it gradually has this kind of atmosphere.

Just as they were communicating, there was a burst of laughter outside the door.

"Fellow daoists, Xiao Luo is not late!"

With hearty laughter, the tall and handsome man stepped in.

Either because he was holding a scroll in his hand recently, or because he had been practicing alchemy all year round, that face looked a little dusty and elegant against the background of the moon-white Taoist robe.

Behind Luo Chen were Sikong Shoujia and Gu Caiyi who followed suit.

The two followed closely behind as if they were accompanying guards, and stepped into the Haoyue Hall.

Mi Shuhua, who was at the top, opened his eyes and nodded to him.

Luo Chen also nodded, and sat down on the chair closest to the gate and also at the end.

Gu Caiyi obediently stood behind him.

Sikong Shoujia sat at the front, second only to Mi Shuhua.

Looking across Luo Wudi, Zeng Wen, Zhang Shicong and others, Luo Chen blinked at Wang Yuan.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start this month's guild!"

Mi Shuhua said, and then looked in Luo Wudi's direction.

As the head of the three great halls, Luo Wudi has the right to speak on behalf of Zeng Wen and Yang Wei.

"Last month's income loss is recorded in the Hall of Honor, so I won't go into details. I'll just say one thing!"

"There is an extra gang in Dahefang, and they have already begun to encroach on our interests."

"For this gang, we have to ask the leader to decide what our attitude is."

Mi Shuhua pondered for a while, then slowly said: "You mean Xuan Yi, right?"

"The leader knows?" Luo Wudi raised his eyebrows.

Mi Shuhua nodded, "This gang was established by the Duan family and the Nangong family in conjunction with the other three Foundation Establishment families."

Five Foundation Establishment Families!

Hearing this, everyone raised their heads.

"Xuan Yihui doesn't recruit too many casual cultivators, mainly the children of the five foundation-building families. The establishment of a gang is also an opportunity for these family children to enter the mountain to fight and test."

"Other mountain ranges are fine. If you encounter them in the Guyuan Mountain Range, try not to conflict with them."

"On the contrary, if they hunt monsters, you can also buy them directly at a low price. If they don't want to, then forget it."

Having said that, everyone felt at ease.

The children of the family are different from casual cultivators. Although they are also very important to resources, they are far less competitive than casual cultivators.

On the contrary, sometimes it is just to hone the fighting skills and kill monsters.

As for the encroachment of interests that Luo Wudi said, it was actually just some small frictions.

In Mi Shuhua's view, it's not worth mentioning, as long as it doesn't cause trouble.

Moreover, there are other gangs outside, but it will make the monks of the Broken Mountain Gang more cohesive, and they will be more united in their daily actions.

"The beast hall's income this month is not as good as last month, Ke Yuelin, what's going on with you?"

It was not Mi Shuhua who asked the question, but Mi Junping.

Ke Yuelin's face was gloomy, "A demon peng flew from nowhere, took away a few white sheep, and also made a hole in the animal farm, causing a group of untamed black pigs to escape."

The animal farm of the Poshan Gang was built in a large canyon near the Guyuan Mountains. The main domesticated animals are white sheep and black squirrels, and there are also some small-scale cattle, Qingshan foxes, and deer.

Usually, if the monks in the mountain break the mountain to hunt live monsters, if they have domestication value, they will also be put in the animal farm.

For example, the Lingyu Lake owned by Qin Liangchen and his wife is also under the management of the animal farm.

It can be said that the income of the beast farm is only lower than the three battle halls and the medicine hall.

It is much stronger than the mining hall and the newly established Jiaotang and Dantang.

Moreover, in a place like this, many casual cultivators with low levels and no combat effectiveness can be placed.

Hearing what he said, Mi Shuhua couldn't blame him.

After inquiring about it, and knowing that it was only a first-order demon peng, he said that he would find some time to arrange it.

Next, the Mining Hall, Medicine Hall, and even Wang Yuan's Jiao Hall reported the corresponding situation.

Among them, the mine hall suffered heavy casualties.

The reason was that a nest of monster snakes was dug out in a mine, and most of the monks died on the spot.

It seems that mining has been a dangerous thing since ancient times!

Finally, it was Dan Tang's turn.

Under everyone's gaze, Luo Chen shrugged.

"What are you looking at me for? I'm only in charge of alchemy, purchasing raw materials, and selling elixirs. Elder Sikong and Xuntang are in charge."

When he said that, everyone had to focus on the other two.

Sikong Shoujia's face was stiff, "Let me be honest, the 30-member Danguarding Team is too many people, and the Dantang can't afford their salaries right now."

The implication is that I don't want to care about those people eating and drinking.

Mi Shuhua shook his head, "There's no need to remove them. We can let those people do their original work in their spare time. But this number cannot be reduced, and may increase in the future."

Sikong Shoujia was helpless, with this group of people, the spirit stones he got every month would be much less.

"Luo Chen, the alchemy hall lost thousands of spirit stones last month. As the master of the alchemy hall, you must give an explanation!"

Mi Junping stared at Luo Chen with a frosty face.

Luo Chen had a black question mark on his face, "What's the explanation? I do my part in alchemy, and I sell all the alchemy to you. Ask me if you're in the wrong?"

"By the way, you haven't paid me last month's dividend yet."

Mi Junping gritted her teeth and said, "You have lost so much, do you still have the face to share?"

Luo Chen put away his cynical look and said seriously: "It was agreed at the beginning. My dividend is a single pill, the profit after deducting the cost of raw materials and part of the monk's monthly salary. The loss last month is not on the Zhongmiao Pill. , and on the chalcedony pill."

"If you have any objections, then I can stop refining chalcedony pills and focus on Zhongmiao pills."

Hearing this, Mi Junping hesitated.

It is true that Zhongmiao Pills can earn Lingshi, although it is not much, but it is an income anyway.

But just when she was hesitating, Mi Shuhua's voice sounded, flat but firm.


"Jade Marrow Pill must be practiced, and more investment must be made to refine more and better grades!"

He looked at Luo Chen quietly, "In the future, you don't even have to refine Zhongmiao Pills, and try your best to refine Chalcedony Pills, and the gang will give you the greatest support!"

"Father, but..."

"To shut up!"

Glancing at Mi Junping, Mi Shuhua forced a smile.

"Luo Chen, tell me how long it will take to steadily increase the alchemy rate, and even refine the middle-grade chalcedony pill?"

After a month of observation, Mi Shuhua has already determined that the low-grade chalcedony pill can't earn many spirit stones at all.

Even because of the success rate, the cost has been greatly increased.

The chalcedony pill refined by Luo Chen last month was sold, but it lost money!
A furnace of raw materials is five spirit stones, and a bottle of chalcedony pill is sold for ten spirit stones.

However, it takes ten furnaces to produce a little more than one bottle, and everyone will calculate this account.

The Poshan Gang is in trouble!

In order not to lose money, the only way to increase the success rate of pills is to increase the level of pills.

If it is a middle-grade chalcedony pill, then a bottle can be sold for 50 or [-] yuan of spirit stones.

If casual repairers can't afford it, they can sell it casually!
Even if it is a low-grade chalcedony pill, if Luo Chen can increase the success rate to more than half, it can barely maintain it.

Facing Mi Shuhua's gaze, there was a wave of foundation establishment coercion, faintly present.

Luo Chen was a little uncomfortable, but as he stayed in this world of cultivating immortals for a long time, where interests were paramount, he became more and more used to his role.

Even on various occasions, he showed his proper reaction.

Under the control of facial muscles, Luo Chen showed a helpless wry smile.

"Master, it's really not that I don't try my best. It's really something like alchemy that can't be forced and requires a lot of experience."

"I know this, so you failed so much before, and I never blamed you."

"Also, my cultivation is too low to deal with long-term alchemy."

"Every month, I'll give you another bottle of Qi Yang Pill."

Is there such a good thing?

Luo Chen's heart skipped a beat, but his expression remained unchanged.

He shook his head bitterly, "It's not about the elixir, but some confusion in practice. Xiao Luo, there is really no one to give advice!"

When he said that, everyone immediately understood.

Both of them are casual cultivators, and there are many confusions on the way of practice.

But apart from occasional small gatherings, few people can answer their own questions.

Moreover, even when discussing the Dao between monks, there are many reservations.

Luo Chen tentatively said: "I don't know if the leader of the gang has any corresponding experience in this regard, but if you can give me some pointers, it must be of great use in refining chalcedony pills."

Mi Shuhua hesitated for a while, and finally his eyes fell on Mi Junping.

"Ping'er, give that jade slip to Luo Chen!"

Mi Junping froze for a moment, knowing that she could not disobey her father.

He had no choice but to cruelly take out a jade slip from the storage bag and throw it to Luo Chen.

As soon as the jade slip was in his hand, Luo Chen tried to check it, but there was no response to the injection of spiritual power.

"This is a jade slip that can only be made by foundation-building monks. It requires spiritual knowledge to view it. Your spiritual knowledge cannot be released at present, so you can browse it by sticking it on your forehead."

Mi Shuhua's voice rang in his ears.

Luo Chen suddenly realized, and quickly put it on his forehead.

"Qi Refining Experience", written by Mi Shuhua.

In this small jade slip, there is actually Mi Shuhua's lifelong cultivation experience from the early stage of Qi refining to the late stage of Qi refining.

And there is almost nothing hidden, just some records in the early stage of refining Qi, which made Luo Chen feel a sense of suddenness.

Since Luo Chen was in a meeting, he simply browsed a little bit, and put it away carefully.

When the others saw this scene, they were envious.

Some people even secretly thought to themselves, isn't this Luo Chen really Mi Shuhua's illegitimate son?

Too good for him too!

If Luo Chen knew this kind of thinking, he would just sneer.

I, Luo Piaoling, have never met the Lord of the Ming Dynasty all my life.

If Mi Shuhua doesn't dislike him, he doesn't mind having a adoptive father either.

Then, squeeze his wool hard!

When the meeting was about to end, Mi Shuhua threw out a message.

"When winter comes, Dahefang will hold a large auction as usual."

"I have a few places here. If you want to go, you can tell me."


That is a place where countless good things will appear, and many monks in the Qi refining period may not be able to participate in a large auction in their entire lives.

As soon as these words came out, many people were moved.

Luo Chen's eyes also lit up!



After the meeting, Luo Chen approached Mi Junping.

From the other party, he received five bottles of nourishing qi pills, a box of calming incense, and a dividend of 750 spirit stones.

At that time, Mi Junping's face was very ugly.

Even when she practiced in the past, she never enjoyed this kind of treatment. Her father treated Luo Chen better than her own daughter.

She even wondered if Luo Chen was her half-brother.

Luo Chen didn't care about these.

He shed blood for the Poshan gang (the skin was broken when he knocked it out on the alchemy furnace during alchemy), and he did his best for Mi Shuhua, all of which he deserves!

After happily putting the things into the storage bag, Luo Chen called Gu Caiyi back to the inner city to start a sweep.

It's a new month, and Peiyuan Lingye also needs to buy medicinal materials.

A box of Anshenxiang can only be used for twelve days, and I have to pay for another purchase.

After some purchases, the wallet that was so hard to swell before was deflated again.

Only 700 yuan of Lingshi deposits are left.

But everything is worth it. Only by increasing the horsepower in this way can we be brave and diligent on the road of practice.

The resources have been prepared, and Luo Chen is looking forward to the scenery in the later stage of gas refining in a month's time!

In the open-air courtyard, the copper pot erected was bubbling on the stove.

Today is Luo Chen's treat.

Somehow, after Fu Xiuxiu left, Luo Chen took over the work of uniting the neighbors.

Every month, please have a meal together to promote harmonious relations among neighbors!
It's just that this time, other people also contributed some ingredients more or less.

Qin Liangchen was the most generous, and directly brought a piece of one-horned mutton over.

It is said that this kind of monster is different from ordinary green goats in that it is irritable and powerful.

Its strength is calculated according to the antelope horns on its head, the first-order one-horn, and the second-order double-horn.

If the first four horns are born, it can become a real beast emperor Liyuan emperor sheep.

With Luo Chen's superb knife skills, everyone ate hot boiled mutton on this cool autumn night.

"Dahefang is really different now. Who would have dared to hunt one-horned sheep before? This is the strongest of the first-order monsters."

"Who says it's not? Those strong men whose names are on the Tianjiao list not only fight human monks on the Dao Discussion Platform, but also often go to the mountains to hone themselves."

"I don't know whether they want to live forever, or they like to fight."

"Maybe they all have their own reasons!"

The neighbors were chatting, and Luo Chen also knew some recent changes in Dahefang from these chats.

For example, on the Dahe Tianjiao list, the most famous people are almost all the children of the nearby Jianji family.

Their competition on stage is not only related to their respective paths, but also represents the prestige of the family.

If someone remains undefeated for a long time, then his family can become more famous, and he can take the lead in some cooperation, business struggles, and turf battles.

Luo Chen curiously asked about the follow-up news of the death of the monk in the late stage of foundation establishment in Ailao Mountain.

But no one can give a precise answer.

Qin Liangchen and his wife said that the matter should be left alone.

Through some friends in Tianxiang Building, Gu Caiyi found out that the master Jindan in Ailao Mountain had returned to the sect in a rage.

On the contrary, Bai Meiling said that the grand elder of Ailao Mountain went to the Jade Cauldron Sword Sect to ask for his punishment.

The last piece of news is the most believable, but also the most ridiculous.

It is reasonable to ask Yuding Jianzong Xingshi for his crimes, but you are only a Jindan sect in Ailao Mountain, so how dare you provoke Yuanying Dazong?

Therefore, Luo Chen did not get accurate information.

He didn't take it too seriously, after all, things related to Zhu Jindan, or even the Nascent Soul Sect, had nothing to do with his life.

While chatting, the door of the house was pushed open.

The man with sword-like eyebrows went straight into the yard.

He may have never seen this kind of scene of boiling mutton around the stove, so he hesitated for a while.

Did I enter the wrong yard?

This is not a place where cultivators live, but a secular farmhouse?
The others looked at Duan Feng, wondering how to start a conversation, but Luo Chen had already got up.

"Fellow Daoist Duan, come back so late!"

"Come, come, sit down and have a bite, let's get to know other neighbors!"

Not only did Luo Chen speak, but he even got started, he forced Duan Feng to sit down.

Duan Feng was a little uncomfortable, he who always spoke sarcasticly, sat there like a pinch.

Under Luo Chen's introduction, the others got to know Duan Feng one by one. Duan Feng didn't pretend to be aloof, and simply informed his family.

"Try this mutton. This is a one-horned lamb. Brother Qin bought it specially."

"I know, I killed the sheep."


Everyone's chopsticks froze, Duan Feng didn't notice anything.

"If you bought it from the butcher shop in the west of the city, it should be the one I killed."

Qin Liangchen nodded, he did buy it at the butcher shop in the west of the city.

The atmosphere turned cold for a while, but soon became lively again under Luo Chen's greeting.

"Brother Duan is very strong, he can even kill a one-horned sheep."

"Last time I saw it, you are ranked nineteenth on the list of Tianjiao, you are really powerful!"

"Now there are fifteen."


Luo Chen froze for a moment, then casually chatted with the other party.

After several contacts, he found out.

This new neighbor named Duan Feng only looks aloof and indifferent on the surface.

In fact, he is a cold-hearted guy.

He will say thank you, and he will not forcibly reject other people's kindness. After getting acquainted, he can chat for a while, although he often chokes people.

Such a person is actually very suitable to be a friend.

Usually looks deserted, but at critical times, he will not hesitate to help.

Of course, judging a person's temperament is not something that can be done in two or three exchanges.

But Duan Feng felt a little embarrassed after he went whoring for a while to boil mutton.

He went into his house and took out a few white eggs.

Even when the door was closed, everyone heard a rooster crowing.

"This is?" Qin Liangchen was dubious, and spit out a name, "Yangwudan?"

Duan Feng hummed, washed the eggs, and threw them into the copper pot.

Qin Liangchen and Murong Qinglian looked at each other and smacked their lips.

"This is a good thing. It is said that one spirit stone and one egg will cost you money."

"It's okay, that Yangwu chicken is my mother's legacy, and I can only eat one egg a day."

Duan Feng's tone was normal, but Luo Chen was a little stunned.

Isn't that chicken a rooster?

It still crows every morning!

Why does my brother chicken still lay eggs?

But for Duan Feng's generosity, Luo Chen still has to praise him.

When he attended the dinner party for the first time, he was a prostitute for nothing, and nothing came out.

Sure enough, honest people have thin skins.

Then, when he ate the Yangwu egg, he felt it was even more delicious. This is the egg laid by my chicken brother.

After the dinner, Murong Qinglian and Feng Xia will do the aftermath.

Gu Caiyi put her hands aside, her eyes fell on the three men who were drinking and chatting over there, and she sighed softly.

"I thought that if Fu Xiuxiu left, the tradition of having dinner in the courtyard would be gone."

"Unexpectedly, it was Luo Chen who continued."

Murong Qinglian brushed her drooping hair behind her back, and smiled softly.

"Xiao Luo is like this. He usually looks laughing and joking, but he is actually very sensitive. He should like the simple atmosphere in the yard very much, and he doesn't want to become a place that only cares about interests like the Poshan Gang!"

Thinking back to the scene of the Haoyue Hall gang today, Gu Caiyi could only remain silent.

The communication between monks is indeed too complicated.

Benefits, power, cultivation resources, and even opportunities, etc., no one is willing to give up casually, and they always compare pennies and pennies.

Therefore, it appears indifferent, naked, and even ruthless.

In contrast, in their yard, although the neighbors are from all over the world, getting along with them is much simpler and purer.

In the room, Luo Chen walked out of the copper furnace.

He casually put on his clothes, under the wet hair, his eyes were cold.

The practice environment at home is not as good as the Lingmai Cave under the Oblique Moon Valley.

Even with the cultivation spirit liquid and tranquilizing incense, the progress of one night's practice is not as good as in the cave.

"It seems that I have to find more excuses to stay in Dantang."

(End of this chapter)

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