Longevity begins with alchemy master

Chapter 29 The Hope Unchained

Chapter 29 The Hope Unchained

Night falls.

Luo Chen jumped from the roof and fell down like a heavy rock, but landed as light as a feather.

He entered the house with the last dustpan in his hand, and looked at the condition of drying in the afternoon, he couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

"The medicinal materials of Baicaotang really have quality assurance!"

In the past, many of the herbs he bought from Sanxiu were semi-processed.

Or in order to sell the number of catties, the useless parts are deliberately not cut off.

Or insufficient drying, too much water, resulting in insufficient condensation of the medicine.

Anyway, there are always various deficiencies.

So that every time Luo Chen purchased raw materials, in addition to special treatment, he had to use his own experience to re-process ordinary raw materials.

But this time I bought it from Baicaotang, so there are no such problems.

Just a simple treatment, it has reached the standard for refining.

Sure enough, there is a reason why you are expensive!
After putting everything away, Luo Chen took out the spell book bought from Wang Yuan during the day from the storage bag.

"A monk in the Qi refining period must know five kinds of spells".

Fireball, Traction, Wind Control, Spiritual Eye, Healing.

For this set of spells, it costs 500 yuan to sell low-grade spirit stones in Lingyuanzhai, and you have to swear not to resell them.

As for wanting to teach others by hand, there are no restrictions.

However, not many people will spend money to learn this most basic spell.

Luo Chen bought it from Wang Yuan, it only cost 200 yuan of spirit stones, it has to be said that he saved a lot of spirit stones!

Of course, the consequence was that when he was reading, his brows were always frowning.

"The monk who transcribed this book, how can he write like a dog crawling!"

"There is also this page, which is full of blood stains, which can barely be seen clearly."

Sighing, Luo Chen could only hold his nose and watch. After all, Wang Yuan had said these things before he bought them.

One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer!

"I have already learned the fireball technique, and I will be promoted to the master level proficiency soon, but it is a small loss of 40 yuan of spirit stones."

"Unfortunately, I can only buy it in packs, and I can't tear up a few pages!"

Turning to the page of traction technique, Luo Chen became interested.

The content of the book is "so and so, so and so".

"I see!"

After reading the entire traction technique, Luo Chen suddenly realized.

Rather than saying that this is a spell, it is better to say that this is more of a method of exercising spiritual power control.

Human beings are born with souls, and when monks begin to refine spiritual energy into their bodies, spiritual consciousness will be born in the souls.

However, spiritual knowledge is limited to the realm of monks. During the Qi refining period, it can only be seen internally and cannot be released externally.

This kind of confinement will not be released until the monk is promoted to Foundation Establishment.

Anyway, during the Qi refining period, the spiritual consciousness cannot be released, and the spiritual power released by oneself cannot be perfectly controlled.

Then how to control the external spiritual power freely?
Someone from the top of the mountain proposed a series of methods to gradually strengthen the control of spiritual power.

From childhood to adulthood, from entry to mastery, over time, you can easily control the spiritual power released.

"Then I'll give it a try!"

Luo Chen found a small stone and held it in his hand.

Ups and downs, small stones are flying up and down in the hands.

go with!
With a whoosh, the stone fell to the ground.

With a move of probing, the spiritual power extending from the body and wrapping on the pebbles will be slowly withdrawn according to the reversal of the traction formula.

Back is back, but the speed is very slow, and it takes a lot of spiritual energy to maintain that spiritual bond.

If it is replaced with a magic weapon engraved with a formation, it will never be pulled back.

But Luo Chen was not discouraged, being able to pull the pebble back showed that this practice method was feasible.

Next, as long as he followed the steps step by step and gradually increased his training in controlling spiritual power, he would be able to control the Jasper Saber in a short time.

After practicing dozens of times, Luo Chen didn't stop practicing until he felt that [-]% of the spiritual power in his body was exhausted.

Click on the Properties panel.

【Name: Luo Chen】

【Shouyuan: 27/75】

[Spiritual Root: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth]

[Realm: Fourth Floor of Qi Refining Period: 1/100]

[Gongfa: Changchun Kungfu Perfection: 340/500]


[Skills: First-level alchemist: Bigu San Grandmaster 590/1000, Introduction to Zhongmiao Pills 70/100]

[Achievement points: 2 points]

"Sure enough, this spell is not difficult. I can learn it easily by myself."

Luo Chen was very satisfied when he looked at the extra traction entry in the column of spells.

Except for a small spiritual power reversal formula, the traction technique is a very basic exercise.

The difficulty of getting started is much easier than fireball, which requires at least three formulas.

In fact, this is what it should mean.

If you don't learn the traction technique yourself, as long as you are proficient enough to control the spiritual power, you can also control the magic weapon during the Qi refining period.

The reason why this spell exists is that the expert reversed it, and then carried it forward.

After reading the entry of traction technique, Luo Chen also looked up other things on the attribute panel by the way.

"Shouyuan still hasn't changed?"

He was a little depressed.

It stands to reason that after breaking through the fourth level of the Qi refining period, the body is gradually getting better, so it must be a few years longer than the limit of the previous life!
Could it be that I really can only live to 75 in my life?Or, only after breaking through the Great Realm, will the lifespan increase?
Can't figure it out!
After seeing the proficiency of several spells, the depression also dissipated a lot.

Fireball is about to break through to the master level, and it's not in vain that I have been practicing it all the time.

Xiaoyaoyou's lightness skill is progressing the fastest, from entry to mastery, it should be able to break through to the perfect level soon.

Under his deliberate practice, the proficiency of the entanglement technique, which had been immobile for a long time, also began to increase.

The promotion of these spell proficiency levels can not only bring about a jump in combat power, but also provide Luo Chen with achievement points!
Changchun Kung Fu was promoted to the perfect level before, which provided a little bit.

If he accumulated ten achievement points again, he would be able to start a new kind of elixir.

Although, there is no shadow of Danfang yet.

But compared to these spells, what Luo Chen pays most attention to is the skill column.

【Introduction to Zhongmiao Pills 70/100】

Only [-] proficiency points are missing, and you can level up!
At that time, the success rate of Zhongmiao Pills should increase, and he will have the skills to truly live in the inner city for a long time.

After browsing the properties panel, Luo Chen couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

All along, the shortage of spirit stones has been a shackle on his practice.

In order to solve this shackle, he has been increasing the production of Zhongmiaowan, just to improve proficiency and generate real profits.

Now, I finally see the hope of breaking the shackles!

"It's time to celebrate!"

Luo Chen walked outside the house, and before he knew it, it was already late at night.

He glanced in the direction of Tianxiang Tower, then shook his head immediately.

Can't, can't, buddy really has no money to spend.

"Forget it, set yourself off with fireworks!"

He faced the sky and hit four fireballs.

He grinned as he watched the fireball explode in the night sky and the rustling sparks bloomed.

Then a roar was heard from the next door.

"What's the noise in the middle of the night!"

It was a woman's voice, full of air.

Luo Chen shrank his neck, making sure that it would not cause a fire, and hurriedly fled back into the house.

(End of this chapter)

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