Longevity begins with alchemy master

Chapter 36 This is supposed to be my home

Chapter 36 This is supposed to be my home
"You killed Gottinger?"

At Luo Chen's house, Wang Yuan was sitting sipping a glass of crystal wine, and suddenly asked.

"Brother, you can eat whatever you want, and you can drink whatever you want, but you really can't talk nonsense." Luo Chen filled him with a glass of wine and said seriously: "You will die."

The corner of Wang Yuan's mouth twitched.

Picking up the stewed meat made by Luo Chen, he looked around casually.

"No wonder you have Lingshi and moved into the inner city. It seems that you have made a fortune!"

Luo Chen was speechless.

Some things can't be hidden from people with a heart.

I bought a set of spell cheats worth 200 yuan of spirit stones from Wang Yuan, and went to rent a house in the inner city.

That is not the property that Chen Xiao, a mere short-lived ghost, can leave behind.

In addition, people from the Dajiang Gang came to the door today.

When the two are connected, the answer is self-evident.

Luo Chen knew that he couldn't hide it from Wang Yuan, so after Wang Yuan blocked the two Dajiang gang monks for him at noon today, he specially invited him to his house and cooked a meal for him.

One is to thank Wang Yuan for taking care of him during this time.

Secondly, it can be regarded as a confession with him.

At any rate, he can be regarded as Wang Yuan's younger brother.

Of course, if he were to admit that he killed Gao Tinger, he would never admit it.

"Gao Tingyuan is not very powerful, and he is very suspicious. Since you are still alive and refuse to see him, he will have to suspect you sooner or later."

Wang Yuan put down his chopsticks, "If you still have spirit stones, buy more pills, improve your cultivation, and have more self-protection ability!"


Luo Chen had bought it a long time ago, and even made three bottles of the five bottles of Qi Yang Dan he bought last month.

Now his state progress has reached [37/100]. Thirty points are provided by Yangqi Dan, and the extra seven points are increased by his daily Changchun Gong.

But in front of Wang Yuan, Luo Chen still complained habitually.

"Brother Wang, you are the only relative I have in the world of cultivating immortals. If Gao Tingyuan bullies me, you must help me!"

"Ha ha."

Wang Yuan got up and walked outside the door.

"I've already recognized the door, so let's go."

"By the way, you should be more careful when you go in and out in the future, and don't let people come in in the dark and cut your head off."

Luo Chen was puzzled, "No way, this is the inner city."

"You don't think that the foundation-building cultivator of the Jade Cauldron Sword Sect will go to war for the death of a mid-level Qi-refining cultivator?"

Wang Yuan laughed, "As long as we don't make too much noise, the big shots won't care about our lives. It's not difficult for Gao Tingyuan of the Dajiang gang to kill you quietly."

Cold sweat subconsciously seeped from Luo Chen's back.

"Let's go, and if you encounter difficulties in the future, go to the main altar of the Poshan Gang in the outer city to find me."

Wang Yuan waved his hands, put his hands behind his back, and walked away from the courtyard.

In front of the wooden table, Luo Chen was eating his stewed vegetables without any taste, and his mind was a little confused.

But it didn't take long for him to calm down.

"Che, why did you get scared?"

"Didn't I think of these things a long time ago, but Wang Yuan said it again to make me sure."

"The countermeasures are nothing more than working hard to earn spirit stones, buying pills to improve your cultivation, practicing a few more spells, mastering magic tools, and increasing your self-protection ability."

He, Luo Chen, has this ability now.

Let him touch the headquarters of the Dajiang Gang in the middle of the night and kill Gao Tingyuan. He can't do such a rainy day.

Instead of worrying about the sky, it is better to do the current thing in a down-to-earth manner.

Thinking about what happened, Luo Chen ruthlessly ate all the spiritual food, stewed meat, and spirits on the table.

After eating and drinking, he burped.

He took out a set of black gauze bamboo hats that he had prepared earlier from the storage bag, covered his face tightly, and went out boldly.

This set of black clothes, black trousers and black gauze hat is really a bit conspicuous.

But in the inner city of Dahefang, it is not abrupt.

There are similar dresses among casual cultivators, and you can always see more than a dozen in a day.

Not everyone can master the so-called concealment spells that conceal one's breath and change one's appearance.

Things that can be solved with a set of clothes, for some casual practitioners who are in trouble, they are not stingy to do it.

Luo Chen didn't panic, but he had already started going in and out according to what Wang Yuan said, be careful!

"Today Zhongmiao Pill earned 400 yuan, Bigu Pill earned 20 yuan, plus the 420 yuan I saved, my net worth is 840 yuan in spirit stones."

Walking on the street, Luo Chen calculated his savings and began to make corresponding plans for the next purchase.

Leave at least 300 Yuan Lingshi for that Ziyun Copper Furnace.

The raw materials of Zhongmiao Wan are also purchased, so let's tentatively set a budget of 400 yuan for Lingshi!

Compared with before, it has undoubtedly doubled.

But as long as it is refined, the benefits are predictable.

There are 100 yuan and 45 spirit stones left, and one hundred spirit stones are reserved as working capital in case of accidents.

Now he is no longer the poor monk with a net worth of only 50 yuan.

Although there is no lack of courage to make a comeback after failure, there is no need to really push yourself to that level.

It is necessary to keep a working capital.

As for the other 45 spirit stones, five are used to buy food.For the remaining forty, Luo Chen planned to use all of it to refine Bigu Pill.

Yes, Bigu Dan.

Although it is true that this thing doesn't make much money and there are many competitors, he still plans to practice more.

Whether it is to enrich the variety of products, or as a starting point for selling Zhongmiao pills, it is very necessary.

The plan was completed quickly, and Luo Chen didn't intend to dawdle.

With the blessing of Yufeng Jue on his body, and in conjunction with Xiaoyaoyou, Luo Chen turned into an afterimage and ran towards one direction.

A figure swished past, causing pedestrians to scold.

Fighting is strictly prohibited in the inner city, but there is no restriction on the use of spells.

What's more, Luo Chen just ran a little faster.

After spending an afternoon, Luo Chen finally finished the purchasing work.

Even the firewood was greeted by the people in Lingyuanzhai, and they were taken directly to the courtyard where he lived.

After doing this, Luo Chen came to a building complex full of attractive fragrances.

Raising his head, through the black gauze hat, Luo Chen looked at the three large characters on it.

"Tianxiang Building"

It was the first time to enter this kind of place, and I have to say that Luo Chen was still a little excited.

There is a feeling of being a little virgin, avoiding friends, and quietly going to indecent occasions by himself.

"Bah, bah, bah, even though it's an indecent place, what I'm going to do is a serious thing!"

Luo Chen sternly despised some dark thoughts in his heart, and then entered Tianxiang Tower openly.

As soon as you enter, you will feel like a fish in water.

"This should be my home!"

Heck, he was talking about the concentration of aura.

Just standing there for a while, Luo Chen noticed the difference between inside and outside the building.

The feeling that just taking a few more breaths will make the whole body feel comfortable, and the Changchun kungfu even wants to run on its own, which made him deeply realize how powerful Gu Caiyi's "gathering spirit array" is.

How nice it would be to live here every day!

"This guest, we have to wait a while before picking up the guest."

"I'm here to find Fellow Daoist Gu Caiyi, I'm her neighbor."

"Oh, that's it, then go in. Go straight along the lake, there is a Yuyi building, and everyone in Gu is usually there."

Care everyone?
I still take care of my family.

Luo Chen didn't expect Gu Caiyi to have quite a status in Tianxiang Tower. The servant just now spoke with respect both inside and out.

But if you think about it carefully, Gu Caiyi has eight layers of Qi refining, with a bright and majestic appearance, a figure with long legs, a slender waist, and a rich chest.

If this kind of posture is matched with good dance attainments.

In any era, it can be called "everyone".

Thinking of these things in his heart, Luo Chen came outside Yuyi Building.

(End of this chapter)

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