Longevity begins with alchemy master

Chapter 54 1 Week Summary

Chapter 54
Good news, because of everyone's follow-up support, this book has been recommended for the second round.

You can find this book on the Xianxia Channel's new book selection.

This is a successful step, but also a gratifying step.

Xiaoyu sincerely thanks everyone for your follow-up support last week? (′???`) Compassion!

Of course, the current performance of this book is not very good. During the same period, others recommended it, and it increased by five or six hundred favorites every day. Our book can only increase by two or three hundred.

Generally speaking, it is not inhaled.

The specific reason, as I said last week, is that there are too many homogeneous books.

The current environment is like this at the starting point, the better the score, the more chance to enter the next round of PK.

I heard that in the light novels, there is a shocking scene where four thousand follow-ups can't make it to Sanjiang.

four thousand?This book is currently estimated to be only [-] follow-ups.

And the third round of recommendation requires [-] follow-up readings.

Therefore, I still have to trouble everyone, especially the follow-up reading on Tuesday, which is very critical.

When the time comes, please click on the latest chapter more, just click to the end.

This is Xiaoyu's most humble request, and I don't expect extra rewards for other monthly tickets.


In view of the poor performance of this book, it is very likely that the next single chapter will be a testimonial.

Therefore, I will expose the update after it is put on the shelves in advance.

Xiao Yu will turn thirty in one year, so she is not considered middle-aged, and she still has a lot of momentum.

Therefore, as soon as it is put on the shelves, I will start the iron-blooded explosion mode of young people!

The four thousand daily changes do not exist.

At least [-] to start, [-] to [-] is not a problem.

Some friends said that the pace of this book is too slow, I think it is a shortcoming, and it is not a shortcoming.

As long as there are enough updates, no matter how slow the rhythm is, it can fly fast.

That's all there is to say, and it is estimated that there will be no frequent posting of single chapters in the future, which will affect everyone's reading experience a bit.

This time, please everyone.

Tuesday, order a little!

(3[▓▓]Good night
(End of this chapter)

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