Longevity begins with alchemy master

Chapter 559: The building is empty and people leave Xuanyan

Chapter 559: The building is empty and people leave Xuanyan

In the dark night sky, a ray of light flashed across like a shooting star.


Suddenly, Eun Guang seemed to have run out of energy and landed in the forest of a small island.

A beast roared in the forest, but after noticing the huge spiritual pressure released by the escape light, it immediately clamped its tail and crawled on the ground, shivering.

By the moonlight, a figure dressed in noble clothes appeared in the forest.

With a tall and straight figure and a handsome face, he is none other than Feiyunjian Senior Brother Gu Shaoshang.

At this moment, his mana was weak and he looked panicked.

Looking back at the horizon, I saw that there was no trace, and then I subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.


The long breathing showed the unrest in his heart.

There was a look of fear on his face.

"Zhen Yuanying!"

"If I'm not mistaken, that is definitely the aura that can only be revealed by the real Yuanying. Although it is weak, it is almost the same as the pressure of my father's domain."

"No wonder that man dared to seize food from the tiger's mouth on Xuanyan Island and reap the benefits. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a hidden old monster in the Nascent Soul stage!"

"I tried to wait for the rabbit, but I almost caught a tiger. I was really crazy."

There were many thoughts in my heart, and despite being afraid, I was quite happy.

Seeing that no pursuers were coming, Gu Shaoshang relaxed and checked his own condition.

Just running away with all his strength used up a lot of mana. Such a state was not suitable for flying alone on the sea.

Immediately, he took a pill and meditated cross-legged on the spot to regain his magic power.

As his mana gradually recovered and his mind calmed down, Gu Shaoshang felt more and more something was wrong.

"If it is really an old monster in the Nascent Soul stage, then why should it hide its head and tail like this? Only one person can level the black rock sea."

"Hiding his traces like that, hiding under the eyes of the Nine Palaces, is clearly a reflection of his own lack of strength."

"Could it be that my perception is wrong?"

"It should be right. Compared with the pressure that my father occasionally leaks, it is indeed the same level of power. Then this..."

In doubt, Gu Shaoshang suddenly thought of a possibility.

Soul Refining Flag!

Could it be that that wisp of Nascent Soul aura is just a Nascent Soul level soul in the soul flag.

And the person who controls this flag is only at the Golden Core stage.

Only with this possibility, with that kind of power, would you not want to start a fight with him, but release your breath to scare him away.

Just like himself, he also possesses the Nascent Soul stage method given by his father, but he still acts cautiously and steadily, and does not use that life-saving method unless it is absolutely necessary.

"The Soul Refining Banner with Nascent Soul Soul is no longer an ordinary Ten Thousand Soul Banner, but can be called a Hundred Thousand Soul Banner."

"Such a ferocious soul cannot be easily controlled by a Golden Core cultivator. The ability of its owner to release a ray of breath may be the limit."

"Based on this, I am too safe."

Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but have a look of pity on his face when he thought that he had missed the remains of the Xuanyan Demon King because he was too careful.

He can completely rely on the means given by his father to fight with that person.

If successful, the Demon King's remains would be ten to a hundred times better than the ordinary ring-headed turtle material, and the father's chance of crossing the Sunken Sea would also be several times greater.

After taking it back, when his father is happy, he will definitely reward himself greatly.

But at the last step, I gave up.

Obviously, returning to the Xuanyan Sea alone is quite adventurous, but it would be a pity for anyone to give in at the last step.

"Forget it, in the vast North Sea, a monk who can possess a hundred thousand soul refining banners of this level is definitely not someone to be trifled with. In all likelihood, they are the remnants of the Yuan Demon Sect."

"If I face him head-on, it's hard to say whether I'll win or not. If the commotion is too big and the five royal clan monster crabs are provoked, it won't be pretty."

"With my qualifications, I have great hope of conceiving a baby in the future. There is no need to risk my life in a place like this."

After some self-reflection, Gu Shaoshang suppressed the regret and concentrated on adjusting his breath.


And on Xuanyan Island.

After a great battle, everything was devastated.

That's not right. Xuanyan Island has sunk to the bottom of the sea. Under the flow of sea water, those ferocious battlefield traces seem to be less terrifying.

However, the injuries on the demon crabs who survived the battle were shocking enough.

Jin Hun was lying inside the half-broken colorful clam shell, looking miserable.

He withstood the thunder tribulation that was mainly aimed at the five chiefs of their clans, relying on the shell of this colorful clam, but the power of thunder and lightning filled his body, making him still not feel good now.

A demon crab next to him was calmly reporting the losses in this battle.

Listening to the huge numbers of casualties, Jin Hun's heart continued to sink.

Suddenly, he interrupted the report of the calm monster crab.

"Jinjia, I didn't do anything wrong, right?"

Jin Jia was startled, and then responded clearly: "The clan leader is certainly right. Although there were huge casualties in this battle, it was a tragic victory, but it was still a victory."

Jin Hun felt much better.


"The remains of the Xuanyan Demon King fell into the hands of others. I..."

Jin Jia said in a deep voice: "Why should the clan leader be so concerned? The black tortoise shell is indispensable to our clan. What is important is the land of the fourth-level spiritual veins and the resources of this huge sea area!"

Jin Hun's eyes narrowed and he looked at Jin Jia.

The other party raised his head and said slowly: "Although Xuanyan Island is sinking, the foundation of its spiritual veins is still there, which can fully supply the third-level monsters to break through the transformation stage. In addition, the Blue Emperor Crab and the Nine-clawed Poison King Crab have lost their lives." Even more so for us, if we take the opportunity to annex their power. Our King Crab clan will not only be able to recover our strength, but we can even go one step further."

Jin Hun was thoughtful.

If that's the case, even if it fails to achieve the previously planned unification of the five clans and the unification of the Xuanyan Sea, they can still stand out and maintain the dominance of the King Crab clan.

I, on the other hand, have gone a bit too far.

"Then do you think, when will those two tribes be annexed?"

"Sooner rather than later, we must capture them in one fell swoop when their clan leader has fallen and there is no leader in the clan."

"Who's going?"

When asked about this, Jin Hunyi looked at Jin Jia pointedly.

In normal times, when the Overlord Crab clan goes to war, the Golden Pincer, who is always good at fighting, is in charge.

As for Jin Zha, he is also his favorite candidate for the next clan leader, and he even plans to give him his clan's heritage to help him break through the transformation stage.

If we can conquer the two races before breaking through the transformation stage and open up territory for the Overlord Crab clan, then it will be more justifiable to reward them with accumulated resources.

This time, there was a small accident.

Jin Jia took a step forward, and the two intact giant chelates came together.

"Jin Jia is willing to accept the order!"

Jin Hun raised his eyebrows, "You are good at internal affairs, but not good at foreign wars."

Jin Jia was not afraid, "There is no one in the Overlord Crab clan who is not good at fighting! What's more..."

Having said this, he paused, and then said without any concealment: "What's more, one of the golden pincers was broken, which greatly damaged his strength. And under the sneak attack of the human cultivator, he was seriously injured, and he still has difficulty moving. In this kind of situation, Under the circumstances, it is reasonable for me to take orders in the face of danger!”

Jin Hun was silent for a long time.

Then he nodded slowly.

"Then go ahead and act quickly before Chi Yan and Zhu Xiang react."


Jin Jia took out the colorful clam shells, counted the manpower, and dispatched directly.

The old patriarch Jin Hun stayed in the colorful clam and sighed quietly.

After planning a war for many years, I didn't expect that such a big mistake would happen at the last minute.

First, Hailuo refined the basalt armor, and then the Seven Rings were extremely decisive. He would rather fail to overcome the catastrophe than drag them to death together. Finally, Cheng Yaojin came out halfway and was taken advantage of by a race of immortal cultivators.

Especially the human race immortal cultivator!

Although the previous accidents were unexpected, they were also reasonable. After all, the survival of the race required resistance.

It can be said that as long as the human cultivator does not appear, their Overlord Crab clan will still be the biggest winner.

But unexpectedly, that person suddenly appeared, snatched away the demon emperor's remains, and killed three and injured four with one palm.

Jin Hun's heart trembled when he thought of the palm that looked like the blazing blue sun in the rain during the day.

It must have been a palm that had been saved for a long time and was delivered at the right time.

Not to mention that Jin Zha and the others, who were already surviving under the thunder tribulation, were still intact. If they received that palm, they would be seriously injured even if they were not dead.

In one breath, three died and three were seriously injured. Only Jin Jia relied on his incomparable defense ability and was only slightly injured.

"Don't let me know who that person is, otherwise, I will repay you ten times!"

A trace of cruelty flashed in the old eyes.

Then, as if he remembered something, he sent out a message. After a while, a monster crab crawled in.

"Clan leader, what are your orders?"

"What's going on with the other four tribes now?"

This monster crab seemed to have a clue, and immediately responded: "The Blue Emperor Crab clan is mourning the death of the clan leader, and there is trouble with the Nine-clawed Poison King Crab, and they are competing for the position of clan leader. There is something weird over there with the Red Rock Crab, I After checking, it seems that they are recruiting people from the clan to camp at the old site of Xuanyan Island."

These are all within reason, and Jin Hun is not surprised either.

The first two are suitable for Jin Jia to take action. As for the latter, he can also negotiate with Chi Yan.

But what about the Demon Spider Crab?

The subordinates were also puzzled by this doubt.

"It's strange that they only left a small number of demon crabs at the old site of Xuanyan Island, while the large army left Xuanyan Island in a hurry with the clan leader Zhu Xiang."

"Huh?" Jin Hun was full of doubts.

At this point, instead of staying to divide the spoils, we run out. What does this mean?

So what is Zhu Xiang planning?


In the coral trench, red light filled the air.

Time passed, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past three days, Luo Chen was recovering his condition while working hard to process the batch of demon king materials he had obtained.

The auxiliary materials he had for refining the Black Emperor Paste had long been exhausted.

Therefore, this batch of materials can only be processed in advance and refined after returning.

During the process, Luo Chen also took advantage of the situation to take stock of the gains and losses of this battle.

Taking advantage of the magic weapon Xuanhuo Sword being destroyed, two of the three Soul-Breaking Nails were removed, leaving only the last Soul-Breaking Nail and some minor injuries.

This is a loss.

And the harvest is huge.

It is enough to support his late third-level demon crab king materials, basalt armor, cliff snake remains, and tens of thousands of demon beast souls in the soul flag.

Calculated in this way, it can be said that the gains outweigh the losses!

"Sure enough, the greater the risk, the greater the profit. This time I made a lot of money."

"In addition, after some actual combat, I also discovered the shortcomings of my own fighting methods. When things stabilize and I can make up for them one by one, my fighting methods will definitely be improved to a higher level. This is also a huge achievement. reward!"

After counting, Luo Chen packed up the things in the cave.

Everything is packed into a huge storage ring.

By this time, it was time to leave.

Although the Coral Trench is secretive, it is within the scope of the Demon Crab's rule after all, and will be discovered sooner or later.


Before leaving the cave, Luo Chen heard a thunder.

But he knew that it was not the sound of thunder, but the sound of hiccups.

After putting away the Fengshen Compass, the red light immediately dissipated, leaving only wisps of red light naturally emitted by blood corals filling the trench.

And in the winding trench, a giant black-scaled dragon was curled up.

His eyelids were droopy, his abdomen was swollen, his mouth would open from time to time, and his saliva would flow, making buzzing sounds from time to time.

That thundering sound was made by the Black King.

After he swallowed all the cliff snakes, he stayed like this, as if he had indigestion.

"Black King, let's go!"

The Black King opened his eyes with difficulty, "Are you going home, Master?"

Luo Chen frowned, "Can you still shrink in size?"

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult, I'll give it a try..."

The Black King rolled his body, filled with evil spirit, trying to shrink his size.

But after a struggle, it only shrunk from thirty feet to a dozen feet in size.

Still too big!

Such a huge figure is not suitable for leaving quietly.

Luo Chen shook his head, "You greedy guy, get out of here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a small cauldron flew out. Under the control of Luo Chen's magic power, it soon became extremely huge and directly pushed away the surrounding sea water.

The Black King felt a little cowardly when he saw this.

"Master, I can't digest the remains of the cliff snake inside, and it's too crowded."

Within the Hunyuan Cauldron, there is a world of its own.

The source of that space was formed by Qingluan, an extremely powerful person in the late Nascent Soul stage, who exerted the power of space laws and cooperated with Tian Yezi's weapon casting method.

However, Luo Chen's current mana and restraint methods are not enough to completely expand the internal space.

Hence, the Black King’s saying “it’s too crowded”.

"Just come in if I let you in. No nonsense. When I go back, I will find a place for you to sleep."

Luo Chen scolded, showing displeasure.

This guy, relying on the great achievements he has made for himself, is becoming more and more arrogant.

When Luo Chen was angry, Black King shuddered and quickly flew into the Hunyuan Cauldron.

After pinching the Dao Ling Jue, the Hunyuan Cauldron shrank in size, and then got into Luo Chen's sleeve.


Luo Chen shouted low and rose into the sky.

After breaking through the sea, a divine voice was sent out.

After a while, a seagull came out of the sky and hovered obediently in front of Luo Chen.

"My mana hasn't been fully recovered yet, so you will be my mount."

Luo Chen gave an order, stepped on the back of Tianxuan Douou, and pointed in a direction. Tianxuan immediately flapped his wings and flew in that direction.

Not long after they left.

The location of the Coral Trench attracted a group of uninvited guests.

"Cough cough..."

Zhu Xiang, who was making a strange coughing sound, stood outside the trench, puzzled.

"Is that person inside?"

A round ray of light flew out from the crab swarm, making a respectful sound.

"Sir, that person should be inside."

Zhu Xiang shook his head, "But except for some residual breath, I didn't find any trace of anyone."

With his perceptual ability, within a certain range, he is already as good as the Demon King in disguise.

There is no need to even send clansmen in to investigate.

However, just in case, he still asked his subordinates to go in and search around.

The final result was no different from what he perceived.

"Is this the answer you, the Yinchensha Clan, gave me?" Zhu Xiang asked coldly, his aura bursting out.

Although he is a bit strong on the outside but weak on the inside, he still makes this ray of light silent.

The round light trembled, and he quickly replied: "According to Master Yuan Yin, that person should be here! For this reason, we also determined the habitat of the Tianxuan Fighting Gull."

"Is the fighting gull still there?" Zhu Xiang suddenly asked.

Yinchensha, who had just entered the third level, was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously replied: "It occasionally goes out to look for food, but it doesn't seem to be on that small island now."

"Damn it!"

Zhu Xiang felt depressed in his heart.

This place clearly looks empty with people gone.

The disappearance of the fighting gull can further support this guess.

It's just that in this way, he didn't even take care of his injuries, and his plan of rushing here was in vain.

"I want Yuan Yin to give me an explanation!"

"Otherwise, although the Xuanyan Sea is huge, there will never be any living space for your Yinchensha clan!"

After saying that, he led the remaining elites of the Demon Spider Crab clan and left angrily.

The round light stayed in place, feeling a little overwhelmed.

Let Master Yuan Yin explain it?

He doesn’t even know how to contact the other party!

Looking at the deserted Coral Trench, Yinchensha couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Sir, where have you gone? If you don't come back, the little ones will have to move again."

(End of this chapter)

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