Longevity begins with alchemy master

Chapter 597: The remnants of the Yuan Demon, the name of Qingyang

Chapter 597: The remnants of the Yuan Demon, the name of Qingyang

"I, Hao Ye, have met several fellow Taoists."

"I'm sorry, this is too polite."

The two male cultivators are both middle-aged in appearance, but their temperaments are very different, one is rough and the other is elegant.

In particular, the latter was Duan Li. Whether it was his conversation or the way he saluted, he was very strict, just like those children of aristocratic families with long traditions and strict rules.

After the two introduced themselves, it was Luo Chen's turn.

Diaosou said, "This is Luo..."

However, before he could finish the introduction, Luo Chen suddenly said: "I am a loose cultivator. Thanks to the love of some friends, I have been given the Taoist name Qingyang. You can just call me Qingyangzi."

The three of them were stunned. It was rare for someone to take the initiative to say their name.

Generally, those with a Taoist title are either extremely powerful or outstanding in certain skills.

The difficulty of the task increases, but after completing the task, the star rating will skip the one to three stars corresponding to the foundation-building monks, and directly reach the four-star level possessed by normal golden elixir monks, as well as some outstanding late-stage foundation-building monks.

The previous plan of building a reputation step by step and improving the star rating can also be taken in one big step.

Come to think of it, Blood Nightmare Demon Luo isn't that bold either.

With the vaguely familiar Taoist name "Qingyangzi" in mind, Diaosou began to introduce the specifics of this demon hunter assessment mission.

Luo Chen listened to the mission and looked at the two newcomers carefully.

And, this is indeed more in line with your own interests.

"I heard that in the past, the demon hunter assessment tasks were all about short-distance escorts or hunting low-level monsters. How come this time, they turned into besieging and killing an early stage Golden Core cultivator!"

Hunting for golden elixirs!
Diaosou chuckled, stroking his gray beard and said: "The Ten Thousand Immortals Association seems to have been established for a hundred years, but for immortal cultivators like us, it is actually just a few retreats. Many of the rules are constantly being improved."

No wonder that a mere assessment task requires the participation of three Jindan monks.

Diaosou's mission introduction will soon end.

Blood Nightmare Demon Luo just wanted to recruit him. If he couldn't be recruited, he couldn't do it by force. After all, his current sphere of influence was the Ten Thousand Immortals Association, and he had direct hatred with the remnants of Yuan Mo Sect.

He glanced at the other two people from the corner of his eye, and saw that they looked calm, as if they already knew.

When the time comes, if the battle on Lengguang Island is exaggerated, the reputation will naturally spread, and interested people will also associate Qingyangzi with Qingyang Demon Lord.

Diaosou was very satisfied, and then looked at the other two people.

There are disadvantages, but it is definitely more beneficial!

When he said this, he looked specifically at Luo Chen.

Although he was shocked, he also felt a little enlightened.

"Luo Hai, doesn't he want more people to know his real name?"

After considering various factors, Luo Chen simply released the Taoist name "Qingyangzi".

"The change in mission specifications this time was only decided by the Lord of Longyuan City not long ago."

"Just think about it, the dignified Golden Pill Master will become a one-star demon hunter within a certain period of time along with those who are in the early stage of foundation building or even in the late stage of Qi refining. This shouldn't sound good to anyone!"

This Qingyangzi has a good appearance and a very confident tone. It seems that he is not an ordinary person.

"These two people should have arrived earlier than me, so they have a better understanding of the assessment content."

The only one who has some concerns is the Blood Nightmare Demon Luo.


"Who is the name of the prey? Where does it come from? What are its powerful methods? Master Diaosou, shouldn't you explain it to us clearly? The realm of a mere golden elixir in the early stage is too vague."

Luo Chen was still thinking, but Duanli patiently asked for more details.

The reason why he took the initiative to release the Taoist slogan was because he did it intentionally.

Without thinking, Hao Ye said in a buzzing voice: "I'll take it! Three against one, and there are existences like Dao Brother Qingyangzi in the middle stage of the Golden Core. This task is just easy to catch, so why can't I take it?"

Diaosou glanced at Luo Chen in surprise.

Seeing that the three of them had digested the contents of the mission, Diaosou smiled slightly and said, "Have you considered taking on this mission? Once completed, you can be directly promoted to a four-star demon hunter and enjoy great benefits in our Ten Thousand Immortals Association!"

"Then I was quite abrupt before."

After chatting with Zhang Jiadi, he truly realized that the calculation of interests among casual cultivators was more crude and brutal. If you don’t want to cause constant trouble during the Qing Dynasty in the future, you must set up your own banner!
As for the trouble on Lengguang Island?

If it were just the Jindan forces on Cold Light Island, he would actually not be afraid of them. If they came less, he would be able to handle it himself. Come too much? That's impossible. Those forces all have families and families, so how can they bring a bunch of people all the way to come to settle accounts with him.

Luo Chen was not a fool. After a little analysis, he realized that this was actually a rule that benefited them, the new Jindan cultivators of the Ten Thousand Immortals Association.

In this way, you can save yourself countless efforts.

"Everyone, you can judge the pros and cons for yourself!"

After hearing this mission, Luo Chen couldn't help but ask questions.

However, there was no explicit conflict between him and Blood Nightmare Demon Luo. There was only a conflict between him and He Yuan.

"Therefore, for the new Jindan monks who have joined the Ten Thousand Immortals Association, the specifications for the star-level demon hunter assessment tasks have been upgraded. As long as you complete them, you can be directly promoted to four-star demon hunters and enjoy more generous treatment."

Luo Chen's heart was clear.

"To be honest, with our lineup, even the mid-stage Golden Core cultivators can fight. But the prey is just an early-stage cultivator. If you want to say that there is nothing powerful about it, then this assessment task is really too easy. It's like letting us pass in vain. ”

"No such good thing has ever happened in this world!"

Facing his gaze, Luo Chen nodded in agreement.

When you are sure that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, you still have to think about it for the reason Duanli mentioned.

The task is so easy!
Diaosou smiled, his wrinkled face piled together like a piece of crumpled paper.

"Be cautious!"

"Originally, I wanted to tell you these details on the way there. Since you are so anxious, I will tell you directly!"

"I don't know the real name of the prey, nor the alias, nor the powerful means. Hidden on a small island near the Quyang Sea, the reason why he became the hunting target of our Ten Thousand Immortals Society is because of the concealment circle he arranged. It is the most famous Ten Directions Shadowless Formation of Yuan Mo Sect.”

"Those who can master the Ten Directions Shadowless Formation, or possess the equipment to set up this formation, must be the true successor of the Yuan Mo Sect."

"As we all know, if you want to become a star-level demon hunter of the Ten Thousand Immortals Society, the first rule you must abide by is to kill the remnants of the Yuan Mo Sect whenever you encounter them!"

"This mission can be regarded as your certificate of submission."

Spoken with a smile, gentle and without any frustration.

When it fell into the ears of three people, it was like a thunderbolt, making people change their color!

The remnants of the Yuan Demon, the true inheritance of the Golden Pill!
Without giving the three of them more room to think, Diaosou put away his smile and asked directly:
"Will you accept this mission or not?"

While looking at each other, Hao Ye was the first to nod heavily, "Take it!"

Luo Chen thought for a moment and nodded solemnly, "Took it."

Duan Li, who had a lot of history, was still hesitant before, but as Luo Chen, who was at a higher level, accepted the task, his indecision was cut off.

"Duan, I am also willing to go with you."

Seeing the three people taking over the task, the smile appeared on Diaosou's face again.

"So, very good!"

"This assessment task will be supervised by me, who will record the entire task process."

"Tomorrow morning, we will meet at Longyuan Teleportation Formation. I hope the three of you will not be late."


Luo Chen walked out of the Demon Hunting Department and was stopped by Hao Ye before he could get far.

"Qingyangzi, do you have time to chat?"

"What to talk about?"

Hao Ye smiled slightly, "Of course we are talking about the assessment mission. After all, the target is the True Legend of Yuanmo Sect's Golden Pill. Even if the three of us join forces, the True Legend of the Holy Land cannot be underestimated. Before setting off, it will be easier for us to get to know each other better. Come down and cooperate." Indeed!

The strength of ordinary sect true disciples is stronger than that of ordinary cultivators, let alone the true disciples of the Holy Land?

Even early-stage Jindan monks who are at the same level as them are probably not that easy to deal with.

Hao Ye, who had shown himself full of confidence before, announced twice in advance that he wanted to take over the task. He originally thought he was a reckless person, but he actually had a bright future.

Luo Chen pondered for a long time and suddenly asked: "Is it just the two of us?"

What this means is that we are willing to talk.

Hao Ye perked up and pursed his lips in one direction, "Fellow Taoist Duanli has been waiting for a long time."

Looking in that direction, in front of the window of a restaurant across the street, the elegant Duan Li nodded gently to Luo Chen.

"In that case, let's talk about it!"

Luo Chen smiled casually and followed Hao Ye into the restaurant.


This chat lasted all afternoon.

After such a long time, the content of the conversation was not limited to assessment tasks, but also focused on the rumors related to the Ten Thousand Immortals Association.

When we left the restaurant, the sun was setting.

Luo Chen looked back at the private room and was heartbroken.

"It seems that everyone is full of confidence in passing this assessment task!"

"You talk about being cautious, but in fact you have already begun to fantasize about your life in the Ten Thousand Immortals Association after becoming a four-star demon hunter."

"Me, actually, the same thing!"

After laughing at himself, Luo Chen also realized why this situation occurred.

The destruction of the aloof Holy Land of Transformation shattered the impression that the Holy Land was unattainable in the minds of all ordinary monks.

The holy land can be destroyed, so how can the monks inside be invincible?
Especially since it was still three against one, and with an eight-star demon hunter like Diaosou standing in charge, it was absolutely foolproof!
The so-called assessment tasks, in their eyes, are more like a formality.

Everyone can't wait to settle in the Fulong Mountains and enjoy the third-level spiritual land!

After returning to the Zhang family courtyard.

Luo Chen immediately called Tianxuan.

"I will leave Longyuan City tomorrow."

Tianxuan was startled and asked subconsciously: "Is that the assessment task?"

Luo Chen nodded, "Yes, this mission can last as short as one day or as long as three days. While I'm away, you have to do something for me."

Tianxuan looked stern, "Master, please give me your instructions!"

"Don't be so nervous, it's just a small matter." Luo Chen smiled slightly, "Do you still remember the tour guide who found a boat for me at the Whale Port pier?"

Tianxuan said hesitantly: "Remember, his name is Liu Fu."

"Yes, you return home, find him, and ask him to spread the word about Lengguang Island for me. And it is best to pass the results of the battle on Lengguang Island to the Ten Thousand Immortals Association through the Giant Whale Port."

Tianxuan is a little confused, why hasn't this kind of thing been done before?

Instead, he had to wait until he got here to do it. Was it the master's whim?

However, since you have a task, you must do it well!

Tianxuan thought for a while and asked, "Do you want to highlight the master's glory in that battle?"

Luo Chen was speechless, he ran away in such a mess, how could he talk about the scenery?

"That's not necessary. The main focus is on the battle between the four great Nascent Souls between good and evil. But in this process, you have to take me with you. This matter is not difficult. The battle of Lengguang Island serves as the guide for the war between good and evil. The news has already spread. All you have to do is add some details."

"You may not know that when human monks talk about rumors, they are always keen on the details in order to increase the credibility of the talk."

"All you have to do is add a handful of firewood and the fire will burn brighter."

Tianxuan seemed to understand, but she had already kept these words said by Luo Chen firmly in her heart.


Early the next morning.

Longyuan City, inside Wanxian Palace.

The three golden elixir monks were waiting quietly.

After a while, Diaosou, a man with gray beard and hair, appeared in front of the three of them.

There was not much greeting during the meeting, he just said a few words.

"follow me!"

Luo Chen and the others followed him into the depths of Ten Thousand Immortals Palace, and finally stopped in a heavily guarded hall.

Luo Chen's eyes fell on the circular high platform with complex patterns and dim aura, and there was a strange color in Luo Chen's eyes.

Teleportation array!

Teleportation formations that are rare in the Eastern Wasteland are common in the world of Beihai Immortal Cultivation.

The reason is that the North Sea is vast, and there is often a long sea between Immortal Island and Immortal Island.

Because of war, business, and the needs of certain high-level monks, teleportation arrays became popular over time.

However, as far as he knew, most of the teleportation arrays in Beihai were short-distance teleportation arrays.

I have never heard of a super teleportation array like His Highness Cangwu Mountain Duzhen's that covers most of the mountains and seas.

Seeing the three people looking at the teleportation array, Diaosou ordered someone to start it and introduced it at the same time.

"This teleportation array is a directional teleportation array and only targets the three directions of the Sanyo defense line."

"Normally, if you want to activate it once, you need to spend millions of spirit stones. Even if there is a demon hunter discount, after the discount, it will usually cost hundreds of thousands of spirit stones to start."

"This assessment mission is free. If you want to use it in the future, except for special wartime recruitment, you will have to pay for the spirit stones yourself."

This price made the three of them secretly stunned.

Ordinary Jindan cultivators only have a net worth of one million.

How can I be willing to be so lavish?

Might as well spend mana and fly alone.

Luo Chen thought further. It turned out that the world of immortality was no different from ordinary people. Everything from food, clothing, housing and transportation could be used to make money.

Even more profitable than ordinary people's methods.

"Okay, it's already warmed up, come on up!"

Diaosou said, then went straight to the teleportation array and stood at the center.

Luo Chen and the others didn't waste any time and stood up immediately.

During this process, although Luo Chen and Duan Li kept looking at each other, they still looked calm in the end.

On the other hand, Hao Ye's exposed skin tightened from time to time, showing that he was uncontrollably nervous.

"Are you so nervous?"

Luo Chen muttered secretly in his heart.

Then, under the auspices of the monks from Ten Thousand Immortals Palace, the dim teleportation array shone brightly.

When all the spiritual light went out, there was no trace on the high platform.

(End of this chapter)

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