Longevity begins with alchemy master

Chapter 745 Self-created Taoist Scripture, Divine Forbidden Infant

Chapter 745 Self-created Taoist Scripture, Divine Forbidden Infant (asking for monthly ticket!)

Under the Tiandi Peak, the river is surging and roaring.

Just like that time flies by, day and night pass by quietly.

Before I knew it, half a year had passed.

In Cave No. 78, Fu Qinglan looked at the tall sycamore tree with concern. Even though it was covered with snow, it could not conceal its lush green color.

What really caught her attention was the man in white sitting on the top of the tree.

"Grandpa, is he really okay?"

Fu Chaosheng stood nearby, also worried.

In the past, although he was quite old, he was well maintained, with a rosy complexion and few visible wrinkles.

But in just half a year, he seemed to have aged decades and showed the decadence of a mortal.

"This is a state of sudden enlightenment, which is something that cultivators can only encounter once. Once they encounter it, they will try to prolong the enlightenment time as much as possible. But it happened at this time!"

This time is too sensitive!
The Dan Saint is about to ascend to heaven and the Mirage Dragon Cave is about to open. If Luo Chen is unable to wake up from his enlightenment, he will miss out on great things.

Fu Qinglan was a little envious. "Epiphany? Is his talent really as you said, Grandpa, not inferior to the Saint Land's genius?"

Fu Chaosheng smiled bitterly and nodded.

He had no doubt about Luo Chen's talent.

When one is in the middle stage of the Golden Elixir, one can learn without a teacher and comprehend the method of forming a baby.

Later, he condensed his Nascent Soul while being a casual cultivator.

Especially at the Molan Court of the North Sea, he saw with his own eyes that Luo Chen's spirit merged with heaven and earth and entered a brief state of enlightenment.

That time was extremely short.

But this time, it lasted for a full six months!

"In the early years, he was wandering around and it was difficult for him to settle down and practice. Now that he has finally found a place to practice, he has suddenly made great progress."

"But this epiphany can be good or bad. I'm afraid I'll go the wrong way!"

Fu Chaosheng's concerns are not without reason.

Because in the eyes of these grandfather and grandson, Luo Chen's current state is not upward at all, but is falling endlessly!

The fusion with heaven and earth is vague.

The magic power is no longer full of fiery vitality, but has become dead and low.

Even his seemingly extremely young face began to develop wrinkles and turned into that of an old man.

The long black hair that originally draped behind her was now gray.

"Am I being too hasty?"

When Fu Chaosheng asked himself, he actually felt a little guilty.

"If I don't want to make him more powerful, I will give him the old version of Taihe Dan. If I don't give him all the fire skills I have collected in one go, and give him the bottle of Yanliusui after I finish it..."

Fu Chaosheng didn't know where the mistake had gone.

But he knew that Luo Chen's change at this moment must be related to himself.

This made him doubt himself.

"Am I too bold or too eager for quick success?"

"Or maybe I'm really too old to tell the difference..."

Just as Fu Chaosheng was wavering and kept questioning himself, he suddenly heard a low cry in his ears.

"Grandpa, he seems to be waking up?"

Yes, wake up!

Suddenly, a large amount of spiritual energy from the surrounding rushed towards Luo Chen.

The dead body on the paulownia tree was like a whirlpool, madly devouring the spiritual energy, and for a moment a small spiritual energy storm was formed.

In the storm, Luo Chen slowly opened his eyes.

When his eyes swept across the two of them, his deep black eyes inexplicably showed a sense of vicissitudes.


A breath of foul air was exhaled, and the spiritual energy storm came to an abrupt end.

Luo Chen stood up and landed gracefully.

As her long gray hair fluttered in the wind, the lush green tree behind her suddenly decayed inexplicably and turned into ashes on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Fu Chaosheng couldn't wait to speak: "Luo Chen, are you okay?"

"What can happen to me? It's just..." Luo Chen said with a smile, but his brows couldn't help but frowned when he spoke.

From the disbelieving looks of the two people opposite him, he also realized that his voice was hoarse just now.

"Cough cough!"

After coughing twice, Luo Chen spoke again.

"It's just a short rest."

This time, his voice was as usual, low and gentle, yet firm and powerful.

Logically, such a voice would give people great confidence, but the rich grandfather and grandson became even more worried.

Changing one's tone is extremely easy for a monk.

Luo Chen's change seemed to make his crime even more obvious.

In particular, the fluctuation of his magic power was almost non-existent, and he stood there like a cultivator in the Qi Refining Stage.

Do not!
He is an old monk in the Qi Refining Stage!
"How could this happen?" Fu Chaosheng murmured.

Luo Chen didn't have much energy to explain at the moment. "I need to rest and summarize this time's deep-level training. I won't entertain you two. If you want to discuss matters with me, it would be best to wait three to five days."

This is seeing you off.

Fu Chaosheng didn't insist and turned away.

However, Fu Qinglan, when leaving, frequently looked at the man standing in the mountain abyss, letting the breeze blow his long gray hair.

"Grandpa, I don't know why, but the current deserter Luo Chen gives me the feeling that he is more dangerous than before."

Fu Chaosheng, who was still immersed in self-blame, worry and confusion, was stunned when he heard this.


Fu Qinglan nodded slightly, very lightly, but extremely cautiously!


After blowing the mountain breeze for a while, Luo Chen's trance-like mind that had been in enlightenment for half a year became a little more sober.

Return to the cave, take a bath, change clothes, burn incense and sit.

Her long gray hair was simply tied behind her back with a wooden hairpin, and she didn't make any seals. Her mind immediately sank into the Purple Palace.

The first thing that came into view was the wrinkled Nascent Soul sitting cross-legged next to a faint flame.

In the past, Nascent Souls had snow-white skin and delicate bodies.

How could the Nascent Soul at this moment be so wrinkled, just like a real newborn baby!

If someone who didn't know the whole story saw this, they would think that Luo Chen had gone astray and his cultivation had declined greatly.

But when Luo Chen saw this scene, he laughed from the bottom of his heart.

“I don’t know if this method of practice is suitable for others, but it suits me best.”

"I finally figured it out!"

Click on the properties panel.

The entry for the [Great Perfection Heavenly Phoenix Nirvana Sutra] that originally appeared in the column of techniques has changed.

It was replaced by the book renamed by Luo Chen [Introduction to the Kuruo Dao Sutra 50/100].

Naming it after the Taoist scripture may be a bit exaggerated, but it also embodies Luo Chen’s expectation to seek the great way with this true scripture!
In particular, Luo Chen did find the direction of the great road during his enlightenment during that half year.

This set of self-created exercises, based on the "Tian Huang Nirvana Sutra", incorporates the essence of the "Yan Huang Sutra" and the "Dong Jia Li Huo Sutra" on the routes of the meridians and acupoints, and draws on the characteristics of the "Zi Yang Divine Art" to accurately absorb the fire-attributed spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

Not only that, Luo Chen also incorporated the "Micro Dust Art" that he created back then into it to make up for the cultivation of his state of mind.

Luo Chen even absorbed some experience in soul cultivation from the Soul-Splitting Technique.

In general, the "Ku Rong Dao Jing" is a bit mixed and quite rough, but it inherits the comprehensiveness of the "Tian Huang Nirvana Sutra", taking into account all aspects from the inside to the outside, from qi to spirit.

In terms of cultivation speed, the entry level is equivalent to the previous one, and because there are too many things to take into account, it is more troublesome and tiring to operate, and it seems to be a little slower.

But Luo Chen is confident that as his proficiency improves, these shortcomings will be improved one by one, and his cultivation speed will be much faster than before!

Another point!
When Luo Chen was creating his own martial arts, he realized a magic spell by learning from the principle of the changes of the withering and flourishing true fire.

Its name is "The Divine Ban of Withering and Flourishing"!
It is not quite accurate to call it magic. This technique is more like an obscure restriction, and it also has the rudiments of an array formation.

If I really have to describe it, this technique is a bit like the innate magic of a powerful monster, or the legendary magical technique.

The focus of this technique is neither attack nor defense.

Its function is to assist Luo Chen in his practice!

With the help of the True Fire of Withering and Flourishing, the magic power in the Nascent Soul can be sealed so that it cannot leak out under normal circumstances.

Not only that, during the confinement, the True Fire of Withering and Flourishing will continue to refine the impurities of magical power in the body of the Nascent Soul.

It can be said that all the changes in Luo Chen's body now are caused by this technique.

Normally, "The Divine Prohibition of Withering and Flourishing" would seal most of his magical power, making him in a semi-cultivation state even if he did not practice his skills.

If he were to unleash this technique when in battle, Luo Chen would not only return to his peak state, but would even temporarily gain stronger magic power.

In Luo Chen's estimation, the longer the "Withering and Flourishing Divine Forbidden" is sealed, the stronger the explosion will be after it is released. On the surface, this technique has outstanding advantages, but also great disadvantages.

After all, no Yuanying Zhenren is willing to remain in a semi-weak state all the time. If he encounters the enemy in a hurry and has no time to unlock the seal, the consequences will be unimaginable.

But for Luo Chen, this shortcoming is almost non-existent.

Because in addition to his enormous magical powers, he also has a higher level of body refining!

There is no counterattack that will be faster than the body's instinct.

After half a year of enlightenment, the benefits seem to be more than just this!
"How could my realm be improved so quickly?"

Luo Chen looked at the realm column and saw that he was getting closer and closer to the second level of Nascent Soul. The progress bar had reached ninety, and he was secretly surprised.

He remembered that when he had his epiphany, he clearly didn't practice very hard.
Most of the time, I was thinking about how to create a technique that was more suitable for myself.

"Could it be that state that caused it?"

Luo Chen remembered that when he comprehended the method of forming a baby in the Jindan stage, he also attracted the infusion of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

It’s the same epiphany, maybe…

"No, this time I didn't attract much spiritual energy from heaven and earth, although I could feel the spiritual energy from the outside world gently blending in."

Luo Chen couldn't quite understand how the external spiritual energy could actively merge into his body without practicing any martial arts.

After thinking about it for a long time, I still don’t have an answer.

Luo Chen had no choice but to give up.

In other words, he is used to it.

The path of spiritual practice is like this. For many things, at their current level, practitioners know what they are but do not know why.

Often when you reach a higher level and look back, you will suddenly realize that it was like this at that time.

At this time, the monks will be inspired and will write books from a higher perspective, creating techniques for later generations to practice.

Later generations will practice according to the exercises step by step, and even if they don’t understand them, they will gradually reach the level of their predecessors.

To put it in a broader sense, this is what is called inheritance!
After accepting the current situation, Luo Chen quickly decided on his next training plan.

That means not practicing!

The realm is improving too quickly. Even though the foundation seems solid, I always feel a little uneasy.

As for the martial arts technique, Luo Chen also felt that it could be adjusted.

Therefore, don't be in a hurry to improve, but focus on consolidating your realm first.


Without being in a hurry to practice, Luo Chen's life suddenly became more leisurely.

After meeting the rich grandfather and grandson, he explained that his strength was not affected. At that time, they didn't believe it, so Luo Chen showed off a little of his skills.

The signature spell, Qingyang Handprint, was still extremely powerful, which barely put their minds at ease.

Luo Chen was not in a hurry to prove himself, as he had a clue in his mind anyway.

In addition to adjusting his skills, Luo Chen spent the extra time on refining pills.

Whether it was the Hongyuan Pill or the Dahun Pill, the proficiency was previously stuck at the perfect level.

The reason why it got stuck had nothing to do with Luo Chen's alchemy skills, it was simply because there were not enough medicinal materials.

After Fu Chaosheng sent a large amount of resources last time, Luo Chen was able to start the furnace again to improve his proficiency.

He calculated time very well.

Once your proficiency reaches the Grandmaster level, your realm will be almost stable.

When you start practicing again, you will have the top-grade Hongyuan Pills and top-grade Dahun Pills as aids, and your realm will soar rapidly again.

Everything is in order, so leisurely and beautiful!
Perhaps because he was worried about Luo Chen's condition, when Luo Chen was refining the elixir behind closed doors, Fu Qinglan came to Cave No. 78 more and more frequently.

The length of stay is getting longer and longer.

The two of them got along with each other, and gradually became familiar with each other from being unfamiliar at the beginning.

Luo Chen was not opposed to this way of getting along. He knew that the Tianyuan Dao Sect's five hundred years competition was not as simple as he imagined.

According to historical records, there has never been a case of the death of a cultivator in the Mirage Dragon Cave Heaven trip, but in order to obtain generous rewards, trust between the contestants and the protectors is essential.

Luo Chen is also taking advantage of this opportunity to develop a tacit understanding with the other party.

As for how to cultivate it?

That's playing chess!
In the cave, on the small chessboard, the man was struggling to move, while the woman was calm and composed.

"I support it!"

"I press! No, you have to hold on here. If you don't, how can you kill it?"

"You're pushing too hard. We're surrounded on all sides, and there are ambushes everywhere."

"Then you can try to ferry the ball across. Didn't I teach you how to ferry the ball across? The Chunshan Hall Chess Manual also records in detail the seven solutions for this situation."

"Of course I remember it clearly, but it's obvious that you have a backup plan, right?"

"I've made you see it."

The woman smiled slightly, and with one move she made she was ready to slay a dragon.

Luo Chen had no choice but to drop the chess piece in his hand and declare defeat calmly.

He discovered that this woman might not have the temperament of a Yuanying Zhenren in her dealings with people, but that was simply due to her lack of experience.

But when it comes to playing Go, he is quite confident and has the courage to decide the life and death of others.

If we can transform this demeanor into our style of doing things, it will not just be talk.

Fu Qinglan counted the chess pieces while casually asking, "Brother, do you have any research on the twelve opponents?"

Luo Chen smiled slightly and said confidently: "Generally speaking, I have already read the intelligence and made an analysis."

"Lin Bufan's protector, Lin Jingtang, was a servant of the Lin family. He has never joined the Tianyuan Dao Sect and has been traveling in other continents for many years. He formed a fetus at the age of 478. He has average aptitude but outstanding fighting skills. He owns a real weapon, the Jinghuang Bell..."

"Yu Xu's protector is the leader of the declining Tianshan Sect in Southern Xinjiang. He uses his sect as his name and is called Tianshan Zhenren. He has just reached the Nascent Soul stage, so he should not be feared. But he must have something special to be able to cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage in a place like Southern Xinjiang. I will be careful with the poisonous insects."

"Gu Yuan, a descendant of a wealthy family..."

When this name was mentioned, Luo Chen paused, as if he recalled a familiar place in his memory.

Fu Qinglan was looking forward to what was to come.

Luo Chen chuckled and told the story.

"His protector is Mou Jianxiong, from the Mou family, one of the thirty-six noble families. This person should not be underestimated. Although he is from a noble family, he has been taught by the ancient family since he was young. However, this person is good at water magic. I am confident that I can suppress him with the method of water and fire counteracting each other."

"The information about the protector of the Shi family's participating disciple is a little unclear..."

Luo Chen spoke in an orderly manner, with extraordinary confidence in his words.

Fu Qinglan felt relaxed as he listened.

The other party is not as indifferent as he seems. In fact, he has remembered all his opponents as much as possible.

the end.

Luo Chen said: "Of course, these are just information on paper. The specific situation still needs to be analyzed in detail. If I can see these people with my own eyes, or have a video record of them taking action, I will be more confident."

Fu Qinglan nodded in agreement.

"That's true. After all, it's possible that they deliberately spread false information to mislead others."

Suddenly, she changed the subject.

"Right now, there is an opportunity for you to meet these people."

"Oh?" Luo Chen raised his eyebrows and became interested.

Since coming to Zhongzhou, he has actually hardly had any dealings with the Yuanying Zhenren here.

Even among the foreign cultivators on Tiandi Peak, apart from the elder in the late Nascent Soul stage, there was little contact with the others.

If he had the chance to get to know one or two right now, he wouldn't mind.

"Tomorrow the Peach Garden will be open, and the famous Dao Yin will challenge the chess master Ke Lianshan. By then, there will be a great gathering of heroes. Brother Dao, why don't you come with me and take the opportunity to take a peek at the details of those opponents."

Taoyuan, the place where the chess master Ke Lianshan practiced.

Compared to those opponents, Luo Chen was more interested in this legendary chess master.

Anyone who can be described as a saint must be someone who has reached the pinnacle of something, just like the alchemy saint Chu Yan.

Especially, that chess master was a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage!
To be honest, after coming to Zhongzhou, Luo Chen was still quite uncomfortable.

The Yuanying Zhenren, who were rarely seen in the Eastern Wilderness and the North Sea in the past, seem to be everywhere in Zhongzhou.

When you go out, you might see a Yuanying Zhenren when you look up or down.

This completely destroyed all the pride he had gained after working so hard to achieve this level.

Of course, he also knew that this was not a normal situation.

Zhongzhou is the place where the essence of the mountains and seas gathers.

Since ancient times, it is also the only peaceful place that has not been threatened by monsters.

It is normal to have such a foundation after thousands of years of accumulation.

"I've been stuck here for too long, so let's go for a walk!"

Luo Chen stood up, stretched, and said so.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements today and get an invitation for you, Brother Dao!"

Fu Qinglan left Luo Chen's cave happily.

Seeing her cheerful look, Luo Chen couldn't help but shake his head. He didn't know whether she was happy that he cared about her affairs, or was happy to witness such a grand event in the chess world?
(End of this chapter)

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