Chapter 185 The Cook Is Crazy

Liu Ke and Fu Xuance looked at each other.

People should have the right to pursue free trade.

If you are not free in Luzon, then help you to be free.

"Four months, Luzon is too hot."

"Before June, I'm going back to Qiongzhou."

"Look at the first imperial examination in the Zhaowu period, what kind of talents can it bring to the court."

"Just right, after the palace examination, it's almost time for the autumn harvest."

"It can be counted as two years of recuperation, and it's time to continue beating the Donghu people."

Liu Ke made some calculations.

In the first year of Zhaowu, Qiongzhou was recovered and the sovereignty of Yizhou was regained. At the end of the first year and the beginning of the second year, Jiaozhou was recovered.

In the first half of the second year of Zhaowu, the 20-strong army of the Begging Yan Department of the Explosive Hammer regained Gaozhou at the speed of light.

After that, I started to cultivate my health and rest, and did ecological surveys.

It is now the early spring of the third year of Zhaowu.

In fact, the speed is already very fast, that is, turning north and south, going out to sea and cruising, it took a lot of time on the road.

It can be said that since he ascended the throne, the entire Han Dynasty court has not slacked off for a single day in order to achieve such efficiency.

It was also thanks to Xiao Yuanchang who was not well-known in the rear.

If it goes well, Zhaowu will settle Luzon in the middle of three years, get a lot of money and food, and then search Luzon's gold mines.

Coupled with last year's and this year's grain production, counting the stocks, it is almost enough for the Northern Expedition for a while.

As for where it will hit, there is still some uncertainty.

We have to be optimistic about whether the eldest son is strong enough.

Whether it is using Jiangdong's money and food to secretly supply the Han army, or letting him use the name of one of the eight tribes of the East Hu to do things secretly, it will be of great help.

"Still slow."

There is money and food, but it will take time to raise food and grass, dispatch troops and horses, and deliver information.

"The official road is still not fast enough. It would be nice to have a railway or something."

Liu Ke thought about it.

He knew the thoughts of the aristocratic family, and wished that he, the emperor, could be used as a mascot.

Take a rope every day and tie it to the boat.

If the rope had been long enough, they would have had to lead it from the capital to the sea.

Although this idea is a bit whimsical.

But it gave Liu Ke some inspiration.

"It is difficult to operate at sea, and the rope falls into the sea, and it is easy to loosen and break."

"What if it's on land?"

Liu Ke feels that there is some room for manipulation.

Set up things like post stations, connect ropes to various important places, and bury them in the ground.

Then tie the donkey cart.

This rope is equivalent to becoming a track, and the donkey cart has become a high-speed rail.

In short, the speed will definitely be greatly improved.

And as we all know, the endurance of donkeys is better than that of horses.

It is unclear whether bulk cargo transportation can be carried out.

At least in terms of information transmission, the speed will definitely be faster.

In Gaozhou, he dealt with Qiyan Sirie, Qiyan Daxian and others, and he was actually fighting an intelligence war, taking advantage of intelligence.

"It's just that it's abstract to be tied with a rope all day long."

"It can be considered, but we have to see if we can find any substitutes."

Liu Ke let go of his thoughts of not knowing where he was going, and turned to look at the bustling boat.

Get Luzon done first, and then consider the rest of the matter.

"Have a banquet. I want to entertain Prigo and his Luzon soldiers."

Although they went all the way to Nanyang, they did not find the late emperor's body, but now it has been the third year of Zhaowu, so it is certain that the late emperor is dead.

But the emperor was not there, so no one dared to open the banquet.

So they waited until Liu Ke returned to the port before everyone started to prepare.

"Don't be restrained, just let go."

Liu Ke sat at the head, and had changed from ordinary clothes to dragon robes, looking solemn and mighty.

The aristocratic family is listed first.

Although they heard what Prigo said, King Rosher's restrictions on business were very unhappy.

But still solemn and respectful, nodding slightly from time to time to show respect to the emperor.

Your limit is a limit, but we can forcefully break the limit!
Many people have some understanding in their minds of why the Han navy was hired by them and came here from the ocean.

Besides, if the emperor used troops against Lu Song for no reason, he would owe the reputation of the great man and lose the face of the court.

What does it have to do with them?
As long as they have money to earn!

Your emperor wants an ecological survey, asks them to pay more taxes, and wants to use the economic benefits brought by opening the sea to make up for it, so there will always be bleeding, right?

Prigo and his soldiers were invited to the banquet.

It can be seen that these two thousand Luzon soldiers are all elites.

All of them have a steady pace and a straight posture.

At the same time, he seemed neither humble nor overbearing. When he walked in front of Liu Ke, he would bend down and perform Lu Song's salute.

The two sides conducted in-depth exchanges on actively promoting cultural exchanges and trade exchanges, and maintaining friendly cooperation with neighboring countries.

Those descendants of aristocratic families are really geniuses in communication.

He is good at receiving people and things.

Especially in places like Luzon, where the etiquette system is not very serious.

The stern movements of the Han people, their toasting and chopsticks in a serious manner, surprised the group of Luzon soil turtles.

It's cumbersome, it's a bit cumbersome.

But it's cool!
And the other party's doing so can really make them feel what it means to "treat each other with courtesy"!
Fu Xuance accompanied Prigo.

One is, in order to show the respect of the big man for Lu Song, you are an important minister of Lu Song, and we will also arrange for a big man to accompany you.

The second is to practice Luzon dialect.

After all, he still has to do some work on the fire.

Lu Song closed the door, how can the big man get in?
Of course, it was their own family who made a fuss and accidentally set the house on fire.

The big man will be able to justify his name and kick the door open to put out the fire.

As for who the owner of the house will become, that doesn't matter.

Prigo was a little curious about the culture of the big man, especially when he saw that there were chickens on the boats, he was even more puzzled, so he asked:

"Master Fu, why do you keep chickens on your boat?"


Fu Xuance raised his glass and took a sip, saying:
"Today, His Majesty's nickname is Pheasant. We raise chickens to keep His Majesty in our hearts."

"And this chicken is quite fun."

"On the boat I was on, there was an old hen who laid a brood of chicks."

"At the beginning of a month, I held it in my hand and played with it, but the old hen chased after me and pecked at my hand."

"Thinking about it now, I feel a little tingling in my hands."

"However, that old hen died later."

He Hong on the side heard it and gave Fu Xuance a blank look:
"It's all in your stomach, and you don't know how you died?"

This is embezzlement of public property, harming the public and benefiting private interests, Fu Xuance really deserves to die!
"Ha ha."

Fu Xuance chuckled, and instead of being as knowledgeable as He Hong, he took a roast chicken and said to Prigo:
"Do you want one?"

Prigo was stunned for a moment, he only knew a little bit of Chinese, and when he finished talking, he only understood the general idea.

It seems to be asking him to eat chicken?
Prigo was about to reach out to take it, but he didn't want Fu Xuance to take it back again, and took a bite with lightning speed:
"It seems that you Luzon people don't like chicken very much."

"Then I'll do it for you."

Fu Xuance proved his loyalty to the emperor by his own actions.

Put the chicken directly in the stomach and protect it.

"No, it's not."

Prigo is an honest man, he hurriedly spoke the unfamiliar Chinese and explained:

"Actually, we Luzon people also eat chicken."

"There should be vendors selling live chickens at the port."

As a cook, from a professional point of view, Fu Xuance's roast chicken should taste good.

Except that there are less spices, it should be delicious, and he really wants to taste it.

Seeing that Prigo wanted to eat chicken, He Hong quickly stopped him and handed him a bunch of chicken:
"Eat this, this is delicious!"

"Roasted corn, this crop, we discovered in Yizhou."

"Come across the ocean from far away in the east, and now some are planted in Jiaozhou, very rare!"

Seeing He Hong dancing and dancing, Prigo probably understood the meaning, looked at the string of yellow and orange things, and said:

"I've seen someone bring this kind of crop on Boni Island. It's really delicious."

It's just a little abstract.

The fruit of this thing is like a thick stick.

To bake it and eat it is to put it on directly and bake it whole.

Who stepping on a horse is skewered one by one, and then roasted? ?
A single piece of corn can roast forty or fifty skewers for him!

Even Liu Ke, who came over to make some fuss about Prigo, was frightened by He Hong's stinginess.

Grandet was ashamed of himself.

Without you in Sichuan and Sichuan, the governor of Chengdu would not dare to open the door and surrender.

Putting it on Xiaofu Xiaomai, even if only the corn from his family's manor is left, he will not lose money at all!
Liu Ke asked Fu Xuance to get some normal skewers for Prigo, and then said as usual:

"I heard that you were born as a cook?"

Prigo imitated the appearance of those aristocratic families, cupped his hands and said:
"Yes, my background is not good, and His Majesty laughed at me."

He looked a little uncomfortable, and he didn't know whether it was because he was not used to etiquette, or because he was inferior because of his background.

"Isn't it bad to be a chef?"

Liu Ke snatched He Hong's corn kernel skewers, and said while eating:

"Yi Yin is a cook, but he helped Shang Tang unify the country, and helped Tai Jia rejuvenate the great merchants. The world respects him as Yuan Sheng."

"One of his most famous words is that governing a big country is like cooking a small fish."


The emperor spoke Luzon dialect, and Prigo had no communication barriers and could hear clearly.

The cook can unify the country and rejuvenate a country?
"Governing a big country is like cooking small fish?"

Prigo repeated.

Most of the Han Chinese who came to Luzon under his command were from bad backgrounds.

How do you know these allusions?
Unexpectedly, Han culture is so broad and profound.

Prigo is a motivated person. Hearing this allusion, he enjoys it and seeks knowledge:
"A sage of a big man actually had a cook's background?"

On one side, Fu Xuance said in broken Luzon dialect:

"In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a cook named Yi Ya."

"Duke Huan of Qi was the head of the overlord in the Spring and Autumn Period. He once "joined the nine princes and ruled the world under one roof". His prestige was prominent, and Yi Ya won the trust of Duke Huan of Qi."

"But in his later years, he was incompetent and devoid of principles, eating, drinking and having fun."

"Duke Huan of Qi was tired of eating delicacies from mountains and seas, so he wanted to taste the meat of babies in a whimsical way."

"Yi Ya doesn't want to do it, but if he doesn't do it, he will be disloyal and could be killed at any time."

"But if it is done, it will be a disservice to the nature and reason to go to someone else's baby."

"In desperation, Yi Ya had no choice but to make up his mind and kill his son."

Prigo was stunned, sighed a little, and admired:
"This Yi Ya can also be regarded as a sage, he is not willing to do things that hurt nature and reason, but he is also loyal to the monarch."

He Hong couldn't understand Fu Xuance's half-familiar Lusong dialect, but he heard the word Yi Ya.

Names can only be transliterated.

He looked at Prigo's expression of admiration again, and felt strange.

He Hong is not ignorant, his background is here, and he has read some history books.

Yi Ya is a treacherous minister, he is in favor of the monarch, cooks his son, and even starves the monarch to death.

Fu Xuance smiled and continued:
"At the same time, in the Spring and Autumn Period, there was also a famous chef in the Wu Kingdom, Taihe Gong."

"Duke Taihe is proficient in making aquatic dishes, and he is especially famous for his broiled fish, which is especially loved by King Wu Jiliao."

"There was a chivalrous man called Zhuan Zhu, who worshiped Lord Taihe as his teacher on the bank of Taihu Lake. He learned how to be a chef. After more than three months of learning, he finally learned the skill of searing fish."

Prigo nodded again and again:
"This is also a sage."

"Have unique skills, don't hide secrets."

He admired Mr. Taihe very much. If the cook had a famous dish, he would hide it.

As expected of a big man, in history, there is such a big-hearted person.

He Hong was puzzled again.

It seems that Zhuan Zhu directly assassinated Wu Wang Ji Liao with the help of Tai Hegong's skill?

These allusions are quite dangerous.

Liu Ke understood what Fu Xuance meant.

It was intended to subtly influence Prigot.

Needless to say, there are quite a few rebellious cooks in history.

For example, the chef Lan Jing chopped Gao Cheng into meat sauce, so that he could no longer have private meetings with Yuan Shanjian.

There was also Zhang Zuo, king of Liang, who accepted all three generations of his half-brother's mother, wife, and daughter.

Suffering from Meng De's disease did not kill Meng De, and was killed by the cook Xu Hei while running away.

Emperor Yelvjing of the Liao Dynasty was hungry one day and asked a cook to cook.

The cook Xin Gu couldn't cook without ingredients, and was afraid of being retaliated, so he was stabbed to death by Yelujing.

There is also Jiaqing, who was assassinated by the hopeless cook Xu De, which is recorded in detail in historical records.

It's a pity that this time the cook was not as fierce as his predecessors, and the assassination failed.

Baobuqi, these few people all have the destiny of being a cook, maybe they can produce a special cook who can assassinate the king.

After some chatting, Fu Xuance became more proficient in Luzon dialect.

Even Liu Ke was quite surprised.

This kid is indeed good at diplomacy.

As far as this language talent is concerned, others cannot learn it.

When the wine was half drunk, Liu Ke suddenly sent a box of silk.

The atmosphere during the banquet suddenly changed.

The children of the aristocratic family all looked over.

The atmosphere becomes more subtle.

The emperor paid bribes himself!
Speaking of which, this is also a way.

After all, King Luo She is far away in Batangas, beyond his reach.

Prigo is in charge of how to buy and sell, how much the Han people can sell, and what the Luzon people can buy.

If Prigo turned a blind eye and fooled King Roser with them, this matter would be over.

Even He Hong's eyes fell on Prigo.

He is greedy, why did he give that box of silk to a Luzon soil turtle? ?

Prigo immediately sobered up a bit.

Sweat started to break out on my forehead.

I never expected that the Han people would not hide it, and the means of bribery to buy people's hearts were so aboveboard.

In the eyes of Luzon people, a box of silk, which is equivalent to gold, was stuffed in like this.

This is too outrageous!
But he has already reached this point, and a realistic choice is placed in front of him.

Should I have this silk?
Prigo instinctively sensed something was wrong.

Regardless of whether he accepts it or not, this behavior of the Han people has been seen by everyone.

Especially the Luzon soldiers he brought with him during the banquet.

Word is bound to get back to Batangas.

He naturally trusted King Luo She.

King Luo She will not doubt him because of this.

But what about other courtiers?

Those people who were dissatisfied because King Roche rejected all the opinions and let a cook lead the army and shoulder heavy responsibilities, might not do something about it.

Prigo groaned again and again.

He still put away the heavy box.

He even opened the box and carefully figured out the quality of the silk.

Seeing that he took a bribe.

In an instant.

The atmosphere became peaceful.

The children of the big man's aristocratic family smiled.

It turns out that Luzon people can't stand the money offensive!

They are good at this method!

In the Han Dynasty, there was the imperial court and the old-fashioned embroidered clothes envoys supervised, and they all restrained.

but here in Luzon
I must let you have a good understanding of what it means to obey the yang and violate the yin, to run around, drip, and fish in troubled waters!

Today you receive a box of silk, tomorrow you have to spit out ten boxes of gold!
The smile on Fu Xuance's face became more sincere, and he hurriedly said:

"Come on, eat chicken... eat chicken!"

But He Hong forcibly turned his head away and curled his lips.

But he squinted over again, staring straight at the silk in the box.

Although he also knows the secret, let alone earning ten boxes of gold from a box of silk, he would be reluctant to sell a box.

At this time, Prigo had already closed the box.

"Do you have a pen and paper?"

Luzon has its own culture and its own characters.

It is improved from the ancient font called Baibayin, and now it is called Boni because Lu Song originated from Boni Island.

Immediately, someone brought a pen and paper.

Prigo held the pen and paper, and suddenly paused.

Dahan is indeed developed.

This pen and paper is much better than the pen and paper in Luzon.

Even the caravans of the Han people can earn a lot of gold just by selling paper and pens.

He doesn't have a big picture, nor is he as far-sighted as King Luo She thinks.

But I also know that if the Han Chinese caravan makes money, the merchants in Luzon will make less money.

But now is not the time to think about that.

Prigo pushed the bowl and chopsticks in front of him.

Arrange the paper.

After pondering for a while, he wrote a line of incomprehensible handwriting.

While writing, he explained in that unfamiliar Chinese dialect:

"Prigo, the drawer, borrowed a box of silk from a big man, and the interest is one cent per month. The period is until December, and they will be paid back together..."

This turned out to be an IOU.

And it is clearly written in black and white.

Prigo did not accept bribes, but borrowed a box of silk from the big man.

for a period of one year.

One year later, the principal and interest will be paid off in one lump sum.

According to the situation of the Chinese-style handwriting, he signed and drew the deposit.

Prigo put the IOU on the box.

With a serious look, he said honestly:

"Since it is a loan, it is natural to leave a certificate. Please take it away, Your Majesty."

He Hong was dumbfounded long ago, this kid won't take in oil and salt, and won't take bribes?

Fu Xuance also frowned.

Liu Ke was not surprised. Since King Roser dared to send Prigo, it would not be so easy to solve.

"People in Luzon actually know etiquette."

Prigo smiled again and continued eating.

He Hong is a bitch, and he would pass corn kernels to him from time to time. If you don’t pick it up, it’s not polite. If you pick it up, it’s a waste of time and you can’t get enough to eat.

Many descendants of aristocratic families also looked at each other in blank dismay.

It is still a bit difficult to do business in Luzon.

a long time.

Prigo ate and drank well, took his Luzon soldiers, and left.

Fu Xuance looked at the IOU and said:

"Your Majesty, it seems that it will take some time."

Liu Ke smiled slightly and waved his hand:

"Let those descendants of the aristocratic family first do some business according to King Naluoshe's regulations, and get in touch with Luzon people more."

"It's also good to learn Luzon dialect."

"In a few months, some of them are busy."

He Hong hurriedly and secretly smelled Fu Xuance:
"Has Your Majesty already had a plan to open the gate of Luzon?"

Fu Xuance smiled and said:
"invite to a meal."

The seeds have been planted, and the rest can be done step by step.


You didn’t earn much money, and you just spent it outside. Are you here to promote the economic development of Luzon?
(End of this chapter)

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