From Reincarnated Maid Knight

Chapter 103 The Trial of Courage

Chapter 103 The Trial of Courage


Taking advantage of the moonlight, everyone stretched their necks like turtles, gathered around Fennel, and looked at the thick book in her hand.

Fennel blinked his eyes twice, flipped through the cover with his slender hands, and everyone scrambled to look inside.



"You hit me!"

Everyone covered their heads and took a step back, while Fennel sat down on the beach.

"How can it be repaired! Can you hit the head of the noble Thunder Hammer? Are you trying to fight?"

Seeing Sanae waving her twin ponytails again, Tomikashi Yuta and Morinaka were not in the mood to pay attention, because Anise was still flipping through the books in her hands, exclaiming from time to time from her small mouth.

"Wow~ that's amazing!" Fennel glanced back and forth on the text with wide eyes.

"What the hell is it?" Senxia stepped forward quickly, lowering her head to look at the book with the help of moonlight.

There is beautiful handwriting on the paper, which looks like it was written by a girl, but none of the words on it can be understood by Senxia and the others!
"What the hell is it written in!" Sanae snatched the book from Fenix's hand and read it hard, but still couldn't understand the incantation.

"Could it be!" Sanae looked at Fennel in disbelief, widened her eyes and said, "Senior sister, can you understand? You are the one-of-a-kind spell genius in the legend?"

"I don't understand." Fennel shook her head.

"Then why are you so good!" Sanae was speechless and discouraged.

"I just feel that the fonts in the book look like paintings. Isn't that amazing?" Fennel got up and patted the sand on her buttocks. "And, after reading it, I don't feel sleepy anymore!"

Ozzy's crow's head turned aside, it really didn't see the performance of this group of children.

'Why did Miss choose them? Ozzy's crow eyes reflected Fischer with an inscrutable look, and he said in awe, "Since the lady chose them, there must be a reason for the lady. '

"Stop it!" Liuhua, who had been silent all this time, said suddenly.

Sanae and the others looked up at Liuhua, completely unaware of what happened.

Liuhua lowered her head and said, "The secret realm is very dangerous. Even if Her Royal Highness suppresses the monster, the monster is still a monster, an evil existence that can easily kill everyone!"

"Hmph~" Sanae stood up, "My lord, I know you are worried about us, but as a thunder hammer user, how can I submit so easily?"

"Sanae, I'm not joking." Liuhua clenched her small fists and put them on her chest, no longer using the difficult words, and said directly: "The danger in the secret realm can kill people, you will die, understand? "

"My Thunder Hammer has never experienced death, isn't it?"

"Sanae!" Liuhua looked at the crowd headed by Morixia, "It's too late to exit now, I entered the secret realm to find the 'invisible boundary line', to find my father, the power of the evil king's true eye is in those monsters It's vulnerable to a single blow!"

"What about you? There's no need to risk your life." Liuhua turned to Fischer, bowed her head and said, "Your Highness, please forgive my selfishness, I don't want them to enter the secret realm."

"Everyone's rights cannot be judged by the evil king's true eyes." Fischer said.

Oz faced Senxia and the others: "The choice is in your hands, and those who give up will be sent back to the real world immediately."

Fukuoka Yuta retreated in his heart, he just longed for extraordinary power, but if there is a risk of death on the way to gain power, then forget it.After all, he is quite satisfied with his life now.

However, she has already approached Her Royal Highness in another world, so forget it, he is not reconciled!

So, Tomikai Yuta's eyes shifted to Danshengya Morixia, hesitating in his heart and thought, "Let's see what Danshengya thinks first."

Senxia glanced at the tip of the novice spear on the ground, "Although Qiuqiu people are powerful, they are stupid. There are so many of us, even if we design some traps, we can kill monsters, but..."

Senxia looked at Liuhua, wondering: "Is she the real eye of the evil king who is on par with His Royal Highness, or is she just a second-year-old disease that was imagined in her youth?" '

She wasn't sure before, but now, she thinks it's more likely that Liuhua is the latter.

For the power of monsters, Sanae has only seen it in the video, and doesn't have much real experience.

"Ah?" Sanae asked: "The great ruler of Youye Pure Land, isn't Your Royal Highness going?"

Ozzy said for Fischel: "You are going to participate in the trial. If there is a way out behind you, how can you force out your potential?"

"That is to say, we don't have those magical dishes like those spread in the forum?" Sanae frowned.

"It's all up to you." Fischer waved his hand again, and five neatly packed backpacks fell on the beach, "There are three days' worth of food in it. Remember, the ultimate will and desire are what you need to break through the limit. Prelude to the extraordinary."

Sanae was the first to rush forward and unzip the zipper, and took out a pack from it with great anticipation. "Compressed biscuits?!"

"Food for three days." Fennel worried: "Then my family will be worried if I can't go home within three days."

Fischer raised his hand and said with a smile: "Hehe~ Everything in the secret realm is in my hands, and time will only be spinning at the fingertips of this princess."

Oz: "Miss means, it won't affect the time in the real world, don't worry."

"Oh~" Fennel picked up the backpack and put it on her back, "Then I'll go and have a look."

"Sister!" Liuhua exclaimed in surprise, "It's really dangerous!"

"If it's dangerous, I'll sleep right where I am, and I'll be with everyone anyway." Fennel hugged the lamb pillow with a calm expression.

"Oh hehe~ The messenger of the nightmare has already taken a crucial step in his destiny, and I!" Sanae said loudly: "Thunder Hammer, the first servant of my lord, the evil king Zhenyan, how can I not follow? Her master is leaving?"

"Sanae." Liuhua didn't know what to say.

"I'll go too," Senxia picked up the novice spear, "It would be a pity to give up after getting to this point."

"Then I'll go too!" Seeing that everyone had already made a decision, Yuta Fukashi didn't hesitate, and treated everyone equally with a herd mentality.

"Then, choose the weapon you want." Fischer said, "With your strength, it's better not to choose the apprentice's notebook. Without the driving force of the elements, it's useless for you to learn spells."

"Your Highness, can you take the note with you for safety?" Senxia asked.

"My queen has granted me permission."

Senxia picked up the apprentice's notebook and stuffed it into the backpack. Everyone followed suit when they saw it. Fukuoka Yuta even had a backpack in the front and a backpack in the back, which were full.

Fu 樫 Yuta finally chose a one-handed sword without a sharp edge. Even so, it still took a lot of energy to swing this long sword continuously.

Sanae wanted to hold the epee, but her strength was not as strong as that of Tomikashi Yuta, so she finally picked up a novice spear angrily.

Liuhua thought for a while, Her Royal Highness has repeatedly reminded her that the secret realm is dangerous, now is not the time to play cool, the spear is obviously the best choice.

You can stab the monster from a long distance, why do you have to cut it head-on with the monster?

Fennel glanced at everyone's choices, and then picked up a novice spear.

"Go, people who are on trial, I hope you can all get the approval of the gods in the secret realm, and realize your dreams!"

Liuhua nodded to Fischer, took the lead, and led everyone to the cave not far away.

At the entrance of the cave, a golden light curtain blocked everyone's way.

Seen from a distance, this light curtain is like a golden eye, staring at the people who came to the trial.

"This is." Sanae exclaimed: "My lord, it's like your evil king's true eyes!"

Liuhua directly lifted off the blindfold that was in the way, revealing the right eye with a golden colored contact lens, in which faint patterns spread to the surroundings, causing the vision of Liuhua's eye to decline a lot.

"How do we get in?" Senxia looked back and forth in front of the entrance of the cave, "Is there any mechanism or something?"

"Hey!" Yuta Fukuoka saw that Liuhua directly printed his palm on the light curtain, and just wanted to stop him, only to see an extremely bright white light flashing in front of him, and when he regained consciousness, he found himself in a dark and cold place. on the forest path.

"here is?"

"Keep down." Senxia looked around vigilantly.

The blue will-o'-the-wisps floating in the air in the surrounding forests, as well as the strange whistling wind, sent chills down everyone's backs.

"The first level of the test, the test is your courage." The voice of the princess appeared in everyone's ears, "Your dreams and the excitement of stepping into the secret realm, if these two precious qualities are not enough to make you Overcome your fear, then make up for it with courage."

"Don't worry! My lord, your loyal servant 'Thunder Hammer' will protect you!" Sanae held a spear and pointed it at the blue will-o'-the-wisp floating in the dark forest.

"It should be fine," Senxia thought for a while, and said, "Analysed from a scientific point of view, these ghost fires that seem to permeate people are nothing but phosphorus fires, because human bones contain phosphorus elements, and after the corpse rots, it will change and form Phosphine, phosphine has a very low ignition point and can spontaneously ignite."

"I understand the truth." Yuta Fukashi swallowed, "Student Danshenggu, have you ever wondered why there are so many phosphorus fires here?"

Fennel at the end clapped his hands and shocked everyone!

"I know!" Fennel said happily, "Because there are many corpses buried on both sides of the forest!"

 ps. There will be more at 21:30 in the evening, my dear children!

(End of this chapter)

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