From Reincarnated Maid Knight

Chapter 18 Border Town

Chapter 18 Border Town
Luobao is a border town in the kingdom. It looks not far from the capital on the map, but in fact, the carriage hired by Noelle and his party drove for a day and a night. It was not until the sunset of the second day that the border town was faintly seen. contour.

This place is far away from the defense line where the Demon King's army is located, the defenders are scattered, and the city walls are even more dispensable. The whole border town is filled with a lazy atmosphere.

Seeing the dusty carriage coming from outside, most people would stop and watch.

"Is it the adventurer's guild's carriage for transporting failed newcomers?" The aunt carrying the vegetable basket seemed to think of something, and sighed: "These kids are really, what are you going to do? You have to be some kind of adventurer. That's it, the monsters are gone." If you kill him, you will destroy yourself instead."

"That's right," the uncle selling fruit next to him shook his head and sighed, "I often go to the family that buys fruit, and their daughter went to the temple to become a knight servant, and she used to show it off to me.

Who would have thought that the little girl became an adventurer within a few days after she came out, but in the end, she met a goblin for the first time, alas~ After being rescued, the little girl was also stupid, and she was in a daze all day long. Soon after, he jumped into a well and committed suicide. "

The boy passing by rolled his eyes when he heard the two talking, "That's a carriage from the capital with a badge on it. Besides, you can't even kill a low-level monster goblin as an adventurer, so what kind of adventurer are you?"

When the boy left, the uncle and aunt shook their heads and pointed behind them, "He must have registered with the Adventurer's Guild as an adventurer again, and another one to die."

"The little girl can at least live when she meets a goblin, he's a man, alas~"

Robo Adventurer's Guild.

"My lords, I've arrived." The coachman from the Capital City Adventurer's Guild said, "I will stay for a week, and if necessary, please send someone to call me."

"Hard work." Orton popped out a silver coin, and the coachman thanked him again.

"Noelle, don't forget your sword." Nita reminded.

"Hmm~" Noelle just remembered that the teammates of the Lion and Spike Team asked her to carry a big sword to make her less conspicuous. She didn't buy the weapon recommended by Orton, but took out the West Wind from her backpack. big sword.

Compared with the exaggerated red angle, the sword body is more like a standard western-style broadsword, and the exquisite pattern engraved on it looks like a ceremonial sword, but whose ceremonial sword uses a broadsword?

Noelle picked up the Great Sword of the West Wind and jumped off the carriage. Compared with Chijiao who was used to it, picking up the Great Sword of the West Wind felt light and unfeeling.

With the Great Sword of West Wind on his back, Noelle followed Orton and others to the Adventurer's Guild.

The guild was quite lively at night. The lobby on the first floor had been transformed into a tavern, where many adventurers drank and had fun, bragging about their achievements today.

Noelle also saw a waitress with animal ears!
The venue of the border town guild is far less than that of the capital city, and the moment everyone entered, it has already attracted everyone's attention.

"Two Silvers! The other one is an elf!" Some ordinary adventurers exclaimed.

"It's all raw faces."

"When did our border town become so popular?"

"Look at that little girl," someone on the side pointed at Noelle, "does she wear armor like this?"

"Haha, Baici newcomer, it's really a joke to take risks."

Nita's sight shot over like an arrow, and the people at the table seemed like gooses being strangled by someone's hands, and they didn't dare to make any movement for a long while.

"The big sword on the back of that little girl is not ordinary." The silver knight sitting in the corner took a sip of her wine and said, "It looks like it's made of mithril. A little girl is wearing half-body armor and carrying a heavy sword on her back. A big sword, walking in combat boots with a barely audible sound is a master."

Seeing Noelle's gaze, the female knight toasted her, and then drank it down boldly.

Noelle smiled slightly and followed his teammates to the counter.

"Dear adventurers, hello, how can I help you?" The counter lady was also young and beautiful, facing the Lion and Wolf Fang team with a smile.

Orton took out a gorgeous envelope made of leather, "We have accepted the designated entrustment. The exact location where the victim was kidnapped was not clearly stated in the letter. We want to talk to the other party in person."

The lady at the counter recognized the envelope at a glance. She was the one who packed and sent the envelope. She didn't expect that adventurers from the capital would respond so soon.

"Okay, we will contact the client, everyone is tired, you can go to the hotel of the Adventurer's Guild to rest, or you can have something to eat here."

Orton nodded, and Noelle on the side interjected, "Please contact the client as soon as possible."

"Okay, please rest assured." The counter lady responded with a smile.

"Then let's have something to eat first?" Nita rubbed her lower abdomen, and the voice of protest was coming from it.

Following the waiter of the animal ear girl to a relatively secluded corner, the more Noelle looked at the people in the guild, the more familiar they became, especially the counter lady and the animal ear girl in front of her.

And the young swordsman who just came to the counter and wanted to register as an adventurer.

After a while, when Noelle was sipping the barbecue from the tavern, a figure sat down next to her, and then began to call the waiter to serve the wine.

When I looked up, it was the young swordsman just now.

"Seniors," the young man picked up a glass of beer, showing a free and easy smile, "I just came here too, and I really don't have any room, can I share a table?"

Noelle looked at Orton, but found that he was looking at him again, and when he turned to look at Nita and Sarina, those two were also looking at him.

The young man's eyes also shifted from Orton, a silver-ranked adventurer, to the newcomer who was also a white porcelain adventurer.

"Please." Noelle nodded to the boy.

The young man showed surprise, and just about to drink the beer in the glass, he heard the silver elf say, "Sit across from me."

"Okay, okay." The young man secretly thought it was a pity, and quickly sat down next to Orton.

After drinking a glass of beer, the boy chatted with everyone, even the elves could chat a few words, but unfortunately, the girl who seemed to have the most visual impact remained silent all the time.

The young man pondered in his heart, gritted his teeth, and said: "Seniors, I am also a newcomer who just registered, can you give me some advice?"

Nita is not interested in this kid. Selina feels that she is also a newcomer and cannot be called a 'senior'. After taking a sip of wine, Orton was about to speak, but Noelle, who had been silent all this time, said:
"It is recommended for newcomers to find an old team leader. It is not necessary to choose a high-level adventurer, but must choose an experienced one. According to the data recorded by the Adventurer's Guild, the death rate of newcomers is very exaggerated. Be careful and prudent. "

The young man was overjoyed and recommended himself: "Seniors, what do you think of me? I endure hardships and stand hard work, and I can do anything."

"Sorry," Noelle shook his head, "We don't want newcomers for now."

The young man's complexion collapsed, and he turned his gaze to other people, only to find that the attitude of the two silver-ranked adventurers followed the white porcelain adventurer in front of him, which was really inconceivable.

 Thanks to 'Nine Tailed Flame Fox' for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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