From Reincarnated Maid Knight

Chapter 288: The Visit of the Holy Emperor "New Law on Gastrea"

Chapter 288: The Visit of the Holy Emperor × "New Law on Gastrea"

Howaki Takuto dislikes this place very much, even hates it.

'Witch Camp. What a disgusting name. As the captain of the Holy Emperor's guard, Baohe Zhuoren suppressed the disgust in his heart and became vigilant about any threats around him.

Today is the day when the Holy Emperor officially visits Keli Camp. A series of motorcades parked in the office area of ​​Keli Camp. Among them, the nominal supreme ruler of Tokyo, "Holy Emperor", is having an interview with Keli, Sima Weiwei and others. Have cordial conversations.

The lolita not far away looked curiously at the motorcade that appeared in the camp, standing on both sides chattering in discussions.

"They are strangers again. Why do those people always like to run to our home?" Seven-year-old Maria puffed up her cheeks. She didn't like people from the city entering the camp. After all, the camp of the camp partners belongs to everyone. 's camp.

"Idiot Maria, didn't you see that Keli and Sister Weiwei came out to greet us~ The person who came must be someone who can bring benefits to our camp." Kyoko said.

"Yes, the sister in the beautiful dress is super beautiful, she seems to be shining." Xiaomi looked at Shengtianzi with a longing face, and whispered: "I used to think that Sister Weiwei was pretty enough, but I didn't expect that she was so beautiful. Beautiful, I wish I could be that beautiful when I grow up."

"Don't just look at the appearance! What if she is a bad person! We still have to be vigilant! Otherwise, everyone's new home will be gone, and you will never grow up!"

"Don't worry~" Yanzhu said with a smile as she passed by: "Do you know who she is?"

"Yanzhu? You came just in time!"

"Come on, come on, come on, Yanzhu You will definitely know. You stay with Qiuzi and the others all day, and you will definitely know the first-hand news!" Xiaomi grabbed Yanzhu's little hand excitedly.

"Hmph~" Yanzhu puffed up her chest proudly and said, "She is the Holy Emperor~"

"The Holy Emperor!" Kyoko and others exclaimed. They had received education from the 'elders' and knew who the Holy Emperor was.

"Isn't that the boss of everyone in the city?"

"What?" Nanasha, who had just sneaked over to watch the excitement, said in shock: "The boss of those people in the city? The majority of the bad guys in the city are, so isn't she the bad guy among the bad guys? No, she is the big bad guy!"

"Shh~!" Yulu hurriedly grabbed Nanasha, raised her index finger to her mouth, and said: "Nanasha, please don't speak so loudly. What if someone hears it? What will happen to our cooperation?"

"Ah?" Nanasha stretched out her hand and scratched the back of her head, her face slightly red, "You're right, Emu, I shouldn't say bad things behind other people's backs."

Nanasa thought for a while and then said: "Yeah~ It doesn't matter whether she is a bad guy or not."

"Alas~" Eurasia rolled her eyes and explained to everyone: "Don't worry, everyone, the Holy Emperor is the nominal ruler of Tokyo, but the actual ruler is Tendo Kiku no Cheng who died unexpectedly a few days ago.

And this Holy Emperor once promoted the "New Law on Gastrea"~ To us, the Cursed Sons, he is considered a rare good person in the city~
Now that Tendo Kiku no Cheng has passed away, if this Holy Emperor who favors us can officially take over, it will be beneficial to the future development of our camp. "

All the lolita looked at each other. Many of them were wandering children in the outer area before joining the camp. They have also received some education these days and have a general understanding of the purpose of the "New Gastrea Law". It is used to protect the hated and cursed animals. children, but it has not been implemented due to various reasons.

Yulu continued to speak, but his voice was softer, and it seemed a bit like talking to himself, "It's a pity that the Holy Emperor is too young, and he can't see through some things, and he can't convince the people below." No, maybe it’s because of her young age that she is kind to us. No, no, no, a person of her status should have compassion for us.
No, no, oh, oh, oh, how can you trust others so easily?What's more, it's the Holy Emperor. Maybe she has long wanted to gain support through this method, and then start to take charge of the government. However, the path she chose before was wrong. Now that she has Keli and everyone, her path has suddenly changed. Get right, huh huh."

All the lolita had long been accustomed to the Emu talking to himself, and they couldn't quite understand what the Emu was saying, so they communicated with each other in low voices.

"I heard that the Holy Emperor must be a good person, right?"

"I don't know. After they finish, let's go back and ask Keli, right?"

"Yeah! Just ask Keli. Keli can't go wrong."


Thinking of being able to be with Keli soon, all the lolita smiled on their cute little faces, and the atmosphere suddenly became relaxed. The rugao shook his head and said something that no one could understand, something like:
"It is not advisable to be particularly superstitious about a person."

"If she makes a mistake, it could be a fatal blow to our new home."

"You have to have your own thoughts, friends."

"It seems we need to strengthen education."

The lolita laughed and looked at Emu, they didn't care what she said, they just liked Keli.

Baowei Zhuoren stared closely at the noisy group of Cursed Children not far away, the disgust in his heart almost seeping out of his eyes.

'whispering sound!A bunch of disgusting primitive animals, an uncivilized species with no manners at all!The dignified Holy Emperor came to visit your small camp. Even if there was no decent welcome ceremony, he actually allowed a group of dangerous elements to gather not far away!

What if there is an assassin among them?The eldest lady from Sima Heavy Industry cannot be trusted either, she is a traitor to mankind! '

The group of happy children were reflected in the eyes of Howaki Takuren, and those undisguised scarlet eyes hurt him deeply.

'This damn place shouldn't exist!Lord Holy Emperor, why would she visit this dirty place! 'Howaki Takuto subconsciously glanced at the Holy Emperor. That noble and beautiful girl actually squatted on the ground regardless of etiquette, smiling and talking to the dirty cursed son!

Baowei Zhuoren almost lost his teeth. When he looked forward, his heart suddenly felt cold.

The person whom the Holy Emperor squatted down to communicate with in person was the witch who almost single-handedly destroyed Scorpio!
The witch was very cute, but Takuto Howaki didn't like the color of her eyes. When he thought about this witch's achievements, he saw in a trance that the originally cute and non-threatening witch had a strange demonic beast condensed on her body. Such momentum!
"Gulu~" Baowei Zhuoren broke out in a cold sweat, his throat rolled up and down, and he swallowed hard.

"Captain?" The team members on the side noticed something was wrong with Baowei Zhuoren and stepped forward to ask with concern.

"Be alert all around!" Baohe Zhuoren scolded in a low voice: "Don't forget our responsibilities!"

"Yes!" The team members were speechless and thought to themselves: 'What danger is there in the witch camp? Scorpio was defeated by the witch. Who has the guts to assassinate the Holy Emperor here?
Moreover, Lord Shengtianzi ordered all weapons to remain silent after entering the witch camp.If there really is an assassin, we can't stop it. We have to rely on the Witch. '

At this time, Shengtianzi stood up and entered the conference room in the camp with Keli and others. Baowei Zhuoren followed immediately, but before he could reach the door, the door of the conference room was already closed.

"Wait!" Baowei Zhuoren rushed forward, and then was stopped by a small hand.

"The meeting is confidential, and no one else has the right to enter." The silver-haired Loli stopped Takuto Howaki expressionlessly.

"I am the captain of Lord Saint Emperor's escort, responsible for protecting Lord Saint Emperor's safety! You cannot take Lord Saint Emperor away from our sight privately!" Baowei Zhuoren looked down at Isabella, his expression uncontrollably gloomy. Go down.Isabella: "Oh."

This time, Howaki Takuto was confused, "Just 'oh'? No more?"

"Those are your rules, but in the camp, our rules have the final say." Isabella pointed in the direction of the Holy Emperor's motorcade, "Please, otherwise it will be ugly when I invite you over in person. "

"You, you." Baowei Zhuoren was so angry that veins appeared on his head, and his fists under his white gloves were clenched tightly, wishing to teach this hateful cursed son a lesson.

"I'm sorry, we didn't fully understand the contents of your camp's visit manual." A member of the escort team saw something was wrong and hurriedly stepped forward to grab Takuto Takahiro, who was not in a normal mood. He lowered his head slightly and said to Isabelle. La apologize.

"Let me go!" Baowei Zhuoren glared at the team member who was dragging him.

"Captain," the team member whispered, "there is this in the visitor manual. We guards have no right to enter the meeting site. Lord Shengtianzi also agreed. Have you forgotten?"

Howaki Takuto was stunned. It wasn't that he had forgotten, but that he didn't look at it at all.

"And this one?"

"Yes, captain, I will tell you slowly when you get back. Don't stand at the door of the conference room, otherwise it will cause a diplomatic incident. Come with me quickly." The team member persuaded him while forcibly holding Baowei Zhuoren. Drag away.

Next to the motorcade.

"Asshole!" Baowei Takuto cursed, "How can there be such a rule!"

"Captain, just be patient. It's not like you don't know the situation of our Lord Holy Emperor," the team member advised: "With the support of the witch, Lord Holy Emperor has a high chance of taking over the power in Tokyo. When the time comes, he will Isn’t it also beneficial for us?”

"Let these cursed sons come to help Lord Holy Emperor"

"Keep your voice down! This is the base of the witch camp!"

Howaki Takuto recalled what he had just done, the shame and anger in his heart were intertwined, and his face turned the color of pig liver.

"Captain, you don't know. The person who stopped you at the door of the conference room just now was none other than Isabella, who participated in the Scorpio battle! She is a powerful starter who can tangle with Scorpio! If she throws you out , what do you think, Lord Holy Emperor?"

Takuto Howaki gradually calmed down, listening to his teammates' analysis and nodding from time to time.

The team member who came from a political family was respectful on the outside, but he was particularly disdainful in his heart, "If it weren't for the fact that neither of them obeyed the other, I wouldn't have chosen you, a fool, to take the position of captain of the escort team."

The chief graduate of the National Defense University, bah!Today's matter is seen by so many people, and it won't be long before it reaches the ears of Lord Shengtianzi and many ministers. By then...haha~'

The meeting lasted all morning, and after a break for meals, the meeting continued until it got dark outside, and then it seemed that the results had been reached.

"Haha~" Xiao Keli, who was sitting on the chair, yawned loudly. She couldn't remember how many yawns she had and how many times she suppressed sleepiness to prevent herself from falling asleep.

There was no way, Xiao Keli didn't understand anything about the discussion and negotiation at the meeting, and she just felt super boring.

But for the sake of her friends in the camp, Xiao Keli knew that she could not leave the meeting without permission, otherwise it would make Tokyo think too much. This is what Qiuzi, Sister Weiwei and Sister Mie told her.

'Is it almost time for dinner?Keli is so hungry~' Keli wanted to lie down on the table, but she looked up at the old people sitting across from her and steeled herself.

'I heard from Qiuzi that it's normal for such a meeting to be held for several days~ It won't really have to be held for several days, right?Keli is so bored and hungry. Keli, who has always been full of energy, is as wilted as an eggplant beaten by frost.

After Qiuzi, Sima Weizhi and others had another brief discussion, a smile finally appeared on their pretty faces.

Both Shengtianzi and Tokyo asked for help from Keli Camp, and the price they offered was very generous from the beginning. Akiko and the others just increased the price a bit.

Sima Weizai sorted out the documents and said with a smile: "Lord Shengtianzi, after our discussion, we agreed that this contract is close to perfection."

The Holy Emperor did not show a smile, approaching perfection?Isn’t that not perfect enough?
It looks like we still have to talk!

However, they had already spent all they could afford, and were completely drained by the witch camp!I really can't afford the price.

Some ministers looked unhappy and signaled to each other with their eyes, thinking that the witch camp was deliberately making things difficult for them!
Sima Weizhi knew what they were thinking at a glance, and the smile on her pretty face grew stronger and stronger. She just wanted to tease him at the last moment. After all, there were not many opportunities to negotiate a contract with the Holy Emperor face to face. .

"Let me tell you now." Qiuzi, the think tank in Keli's camp, sat up straight, her cute little face full of seriousness, "We are mainly dissatisfied with the following two points."

The anger in the hearts of the ministers of the Tokyo government is burning. This is really too much!The contract they gave already treated the Cursed Sons very favorably, and included a large number of assistance projects.

You must know that the urban area of ​​Tokyo has also suffered extensive damage and is in urgent need of funds and materials for reconstruction!
There was a touch of bitterness on Sheng Tianzi's beautiful face. She could no longer hold on. If the other party was not satisfied with the contract this time, she would have no choice but to find another helping hand.

A smile suddenly appeared on Qiuzi's serious face, "We are very concerned about the "New Gastrea Law" and the 'Witch Camp'."

The Holy Emperor's heart was in his throat.

".We are not satisfied with the names of these two items and we think they need to be renamed."

The Emperor Sheng and the ministers of the Tokyo government were stunned for a moment.

"What?" Sheng Tianzi couldn't help but ask, and for the first time, he neglected etiquette.

Qiuzi repeated it again.

The ministers suddenly had countless grass and mud horses galloping past in their hearts.

Just change the name?
That's it?

That's it!

(End of this chapter)

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