I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 10 Differences in Ideas

Chapter 10 Differences in Ideas
Chapter 10 Concept Differences

When Xiao Sheng once again opened up a spiritual field among the Shennong tribe, the people of the Shennong tribe were surprised, because this time what Xiao Sheng planted was no longer five grains, but herbs, and many of them were common herbs. , there were only a few elixir medicines, and many medicine seeds were found by the people of the Shennong tribe with the help of Xiao Sheng.

When he saw Xiao Sheng pick up the planting again, Xuandu secretly shook his head again.Although Xiao Sheng also planted elixir, they were just common goods, and they were not in the eyes of Xuandu. As a master of human education, Xuandu had never seen any innate elixir, so how could he care about these things planted by Xiao Sheng? goods.

Xuandu thinks Xiao Sheng's elixir is not worth mentioning, but it is different for the human race, because what Xiao Sheng wants to do is to target the majority of the human race, not a few practitioners. Elixir is the most suitable.

Although the planting of medicinal materials is somewhat different from that of grains, it is generally consistent. This is not a big problem for Xiao Sheng. Although he is just a small fairy, he can still master this planting technique.

However, when it comes to refining medicine, Xiao Sheng has to face many difficulties. Although he has a lot of information from later generations as his basis, he still needs continuous research and testing if he wants to succeed.

One or two failures brought Xiao Sheng a little bit of experience. Hundreds of thousands of failures allowed Xiao Sheng to achieve one or two successes, and they were not satisfactory. Such a result hindered Xiao Sheng's research.

What Xiao Sheng wants to refine is the medicine that strengthens the origin of the human race, instead of competing with Shennong for the merits and refining the medicine for the treatment of human diseases. It's not merit, but punishment from heaven, and even being rejected by human destiny.

Seeing Xiao Sheng's failures again and again, Xuandu, the teacher of the emperor, couldn't stand it anymore, and appeared in front of Xiao Sheng and said: "Your research is useless at all, the physique of the human race is like that, you use ordinary medicinal materials How can it be possible to research a panacea to restore the physique of the human race, give up, and focus on your own cultivation, when your strength is stronger and you have access to more alchemy methods, you will naturally be able to refine such a pill!"

When hearing Xuandu's words, Xiao Sheng couldn't help but smiled wryly and said: "Senior, I also know that it is difficult, and I also understand the benefits of alchemy, but this kind of elixir is not suitable for spreading among human races, I think What we want is a precious medicine suitable for ordinary human races, even if it can only improve a little bit of origin, it is a good thing for ordinary human races."

"Wrong, your direction is completely wrong. Although the human race needs combat power, what it needs is high-level combat power. The improvement of ordinary people does not mean much to the human race!"

In Xuandu's eyes, this is the case. He feels that what the human race needs is high-end combat power. This can be done from the perspective of cultivation, starting from the high-level medicine. There is no need to study the "treasure medicine" suitable for ordinary human race. The boosted power is not worth mentioning, and it doesn't make any sense.

In the eyes of practitioners like Xuandu, ordinary humans are just 'ants', there is no need to care about their lives and their feelings, but Xiao Sheng doesn't think so.What I need is the merit of humanity, the luck and recognition of the human race, not the recognition of a few high-level human races.For those strong people standing on the top of the human race, they do not lack such auxiliary forces as pills, but ordinary human races do not have such benefits.

"I also know that this little bit of improvement is nothing to the combat power of the entire human race, but I hope that more human races can embark on the road of cultivation, instead of having no hope at all, and never having the ability to protect themselves, even if it is I am also very satisfied to let them improve a little bit!"

"Forget it, it seems that I can't convince you. Since you have to waste time on this meaningless thing, I have nothing to say. I have said everything that needs to be said, but you can't listen to it yourself. Don't worry about it. Those external forces affect your mind, and the improvement of your own strength is the most important thing. You are a mere celestial being, so there is no need to waste your energy on these trivial matters. Even if you want to help the human race, you can use your energy on your own practice. , protecting the safety of the tribe for the human race is better than such a stupid move now."

After saying these words, Xuandu left without waiting for Xiao Sheng's answer. In his opinion, Xiao Sheng was an ignorant person who couldn't see everything clearly. Waste of time and words.

Seeing the instantly disappearing figure of Xuandu, Xiao Sheng couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart. This is the thought and philosophy of the strong. In their eyes, the weak are just 'ants', pawns, or even cannon fodder. Ignore them directly, there is no need to waste time and energy on them, but they don't know that for the human race, these "weak people" are also very important, because they are a part of the human race, and their existence supports the development of the human race.

Different ways do not conspire with each other, this is the difference between Xiao Sheng and Xuandu, as the human race continues to carry out currency transactions and the use of weights and measures, Xiao Sheng's merits are also increasing, but gradually he has doubts again , this time seems to be a little different from before, I didn't get the Tao seeds brought by these two great merits.

"What's going on here? Why did the time avenue condense the seeds of the avenue before, but now the promotion of 'Luobao Money' and 'Siji' actually have great merits but there is no new avenue seed condensed? Could it be that I think too much , Was it just an accident before?" Facing the situation in front of him, Xiao Sheng could not help but shake his faith.

However, Xiao Sheng didn't realize that 'Luobao Money' and 'Close Closer' have become different now. They are absorbing luck merits from the human race, and are transforming and evolving in an unknown direction. Perhaps when the local emperor Shennong proclaimed the Dao, this Both innate spiritual treasures will evolve into innate meritorious treasures, or even meritorious treasures.

These two congenital spirit treasures are different from ordinary acquired merit and virtue spirit treasures. They can actively absorb the merit from humanity. It can be said that as long as the currency is still in circulation and the weights and measures are still in use, they can have an endless stream of merit and good fortune. , you have the opportunity to evolve yourself bit by bit.

Xiao Sheng didn't realize that this change was also related to the environment he was in. He was in the tribe of Shennong, and every move he made might fall into Xuandu's eyes. It is not a good thing to entrust one's own life and death on Xuandu's kindness, and Xiao Sheng did not dare to do this, dare not risk his own life, his fate is still in his own hands. good.

Although I didn't get the seed of the Dao this time, it didn't affect Xiao Sheng's research. With the blessing of new human luck, Xiao Sheng's thinking was constantly changing, and he was rapidly deducing his own way of refining medicine. Law.

Not too long later, Xiao Sheng finally researched a precious medicine suitable for most human races. Although the efficacy is not strong, it is a new beginning for human races, allowing them to see the spring of refining medicine and see hope .

Naturally, Xiao Sheng would not hold back his achievements, and handed them over completely to Shennong, and soon the strength of Shennong's tribe grew stronger.Although the increase in strength is not great, it has increased the combat power of the tribe a lot. Such a change made Shennong very happy. If the alchemy technique is popularized among the entire human race, it will definitely bring endless benefits to the human race. Humans have more power to protect themselves in the prehistoric world.

Looking at the joyful Shennong, Xiao Sheng had a hint of disappointment in his eyes, because he still hadn't created a more powerful method of refining medicine, and hadn't brought him better benefits.

"Human Sovereign, I don't know if I want to find any news about the ore veins. The human race needs to have its own method of smelting weapons. Only the human race has its own magic weapon to survive in the prehistoric world!"

"Great Sage, the mine veins are being searched for, it takes opportunity and time!"

Xiao Sheng naturally understands how difficult it is to rely on the power of the human race to find mineral veins, but such a thing cannot be done with the help of immortals, it is related to his own merit, even if he knows that Xuandu is in the Shennong tribe, Xiao Sheng He never thought about asking him to help, it's not because Xiao Sheng didn't want to share his merits with Xuandu, but because he was worried that his own merits would disappear!
"Do your best, and hope everything goes well!" Under such circumstances, Xiao Sheng had no other choice but to wait.Although he didn't have much time, there was nothing he could do about it. The most important thing was that Xiao Sheng understood that maybe this was his last chance to gain merit in the human race.

(End of this chapter)

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