I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 1000: Encirclement and Counterattack

Chapter 1000: Encirclement and Counterattack
Chapter 980: Encirclement and Counterattack
"It has begun. We are about to start a war. We will complete our transformation in the killing and accumulate ourselves in the killing!" Although Xiao Sheng did not want to be too high-profile, all this was beyond his control. The changes in the earth were completely out of his control. Under such circumstances, if he wanted to go further, he would have to take risks. Even the saints of heaven had already taken action, and so many enemies had already taken action. What should he worry about with the Dark Lord?

"Act separately. Origin, one of your origins will stay on the Earth. I will keep it for you. If you are killed, you can still be resurrected. Otherwise, we will all be in danger!" When killing was inevitable, Taoist Shifang made a decision, and what he said made sense. If Xiao Sheng was still unprepared at this time, it would be too dangerous. After all, they were facing a powerful Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level warrior. In such a big battle, the slightest mistake would cost them their lives!

"This is my original essence and blood and the imprint of the Great Dao!" Xiao Sheng, Changshengzi and the Dark King all sent a drop of their original essence and blood and the imprint of the Great Dao to the Earth, where they were preserved by Taoist Shifang. As long as this drop of original essence and blood and the imprint of the Great Dao existed, even if they died in battle, they would be resurrected in a very short time.

"Alright, now we have nothing to worry about. We can fight with all our might. We no longer have any concerns. We can madly kill those invaders and seize their essence to turn it into nutrients for ourselves. Action!" With Xiao Sheng's deep shout, the three of them no longer had any scruples and threw themselves into this crazy killing!
Everyone has a backup plan, now it depends on who has the more sophisticated means. In principle, Xiao Sheng as the original body should not risk his own life, but if he does not do so, it is unrealistic to accumulate more origin. Xiao Sheng is not the Taoist of Ten Directions, and he does not have so many means of plundering.

Precisely because he understood his own situation, Xiao Sheng did not care about the danger he was facing now, nor did he care about the strength of the enemy. Crazy killing was the best choice. Only in this way could he accumulate enough origin in the fastest time and complete the transformation and evolution of his own essence. If he wanted to break through to the Great Golden Immortal of Hunyuan, the nutrients he needed were too huge!

"Damn it, how could this happen? How could the Dark King, Xiao Sheng and that Changshengzi be so crazy? And how dare those independent cultivators do this? Aren't they afraid that their origin imprints will be wiped out by those invaders?" When seeing Xiao Sheng and the others attacking with all their might, Patriarch Tongtian had a gloomy face. In terms of background, Patriarch Tongtian believed that he was stronger than Xiao Sheng and the others. However, he did not dare to be so crazy even with the protection of Pangu's luck, but these guys did it. This was unacceptable to Patriarch Tongtian, and such a situation also had a great impact on Patriarch Tongtian's will!

Patriarch Tongtian cannot understand all this, because he has a trump card and is protected by Pangu's luck, but others do not have such an opportunity, especially Xiao Chengshi and the others, who have to rely entirely on their own fighting. Under such circumstances, they naturally have to go all out, and this is something Patriarch Tongtian cannot understand!

"Crazy, this is really too crazy. Who could have thought that the situation would be like this? Who could have thought that everything would become so terrible? Some 'ants' who are not even saints dare to fight so hard, but we can't do it!" Not only was Tongtian Jiaozhu shocked by the current changes, but Taishang Laojun, the saint of heaven, was also shocked.

Only by truly participating in this massacre and this catastrophe can one understand how dangerous and terrifying the situation is. Moreover, such a shocking change has exceeded the catastrophe of the Journey to the West and the Conferred Gods. However, no one has directly explained all this, and many people naturally cannot accept such a result. The Three Pure Ones are like this, the Two Saints of the West are like this, and so is Nuwa. Even the guys like the Poison Dragon Patriarch cannot understand such a crazy killing!
It is true that one should pick on the weak, but being so cautious all the time will have a huge impact on one's own state of mind in cultivation. Now, not everyone has such a will to fight, to face death calmly, and to be fearless of death.

When seeing the crazy actions of Xiao Sheng and the others, some people couldn't help but doubt whether Xiao Sheng and Changshengzi were really connected, and whether they were really the same person. After all, if it was a person, it wouldn't put them all in danger. But these guys didn't expect that Xiao Sheng might have other tricks up his sleeve!

Everyone has their own goals when a war breaks out. Under such circumstances, bastards will naturally appear. The saints of the Heavenly Dao have calculations and goals, and so does the Poison Dragon Ancestor and others. Under such circumstances, the situation is more favorable for the invaders because they can work together, kill with all their might, and plunder everything with all their might. However, the saints of the Heavenly Dao and others cannot do it, including the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu. To accomplish all this is not as simple as a sentence or two.

The war was going on madly, and the killing was going on madly. Xiao Sheng and his men were killing more and more crazily, and gradually they were not just killing the invaders, but also other forces. No matter if they were independent cultivators or other forces, as long as they dared to attack them, they would be killed, and there would be no changes!

"Damn it, someone is targeting me!" In such a crazy killing, other situations will naturally occur. Even if Xiao Sheng and others are fearless, the enemy will not allow them to kill so crazily, not to mention that they will show no mercy at all. Anyone who dares to attack them is an enemy and can be killed.

Not long after the crazy killing, the Dark King was targeted and surrounded. He was killed by the enemy. However, the enemy was not an invader, but Lu Ya, the power of the Earth that he controlled.

Originally, Lu Ya wanted to target Changshengzi, but unfortunately he had no way to trap Changshengzi, and his plans failed again and again, so he turned his attention to the Dark King.

"Don't worry, hold on a little longer, wait for me to come and save you, don't expose your treasure, we can't take risks at this time!" Xiao Sheng was worried that the Dark King would expose his treasure in a moment of impulse and attract more enemies, so he reminded him. Before the war, Xiao Sheng, the Dark King and Changshengzi all gave their treasures of enlightenment to the Taoist Ten Directions for safekeeping, because they were worried that the treasure of enlightenment would have problems and be taken away by the enemy, which would end their future of cultivation!

Of course, that was just for safekeeping. They could recall their own treasures of proof at any time, so Xiao Sheng was so worried, afraid that the Dark King would impulsively recall his own treasures of proof, causing unnecessary crisis. Although they all have backup plans and can come back, this requires consuming their essence, and such actions can also expose more of their power. "Don't worry, I won't take risks, and since these guys have already taken action, I believe they will also be targeted and hunted by the other side!" The Dark King was very sober. Although his situation was very dangerous, he did not give up, but continued to deal with the enemy, delaying time and buying time for Xiao Sheng!

Is this the power of the demon race, or Lu Ya's self-esteem, or is it the calculation of those guys in the Lingkong Immortal Realm? Taoist Shifang was thinking about this question. After all, this crazy siege happened on the Earth Star, so Taoist Shifang could naturally feel the battle on the Earth Star, and this situation was something he didn't want to see. It had only been a short time, and the siege he was worried about had appeared, and it was so crazy!

If possible, Taoist Shifang wanted to rescue the Dark King directly, but he didn't dare, and he couldn't. This would easily expose his identity and even make the Abyss World a target. The more this happened, the more he had to calm down!

"Damn it, how could this happen? How could this guy the Dark King hold on for so long? He could escape even when I was leading so many forces to surround and kill him!" Lu Ya was so annoyed when he saw the enemy he had surrounded and killed with all his strength escape. It was a pity that he couldn't change anything. No matter how many ideas he had, it was useless because the Dark King had escaped from the encirclement!

Why could the Dark King hold on for so long? Because he could draw on the power of the world, and he could also rely on the help of the Taoist of Ten Directions. Although the Taoist of Ten Directions could only provide a little help, it was precisely this little help that allowed the Dark King to escape, and the guys who surrounded and killed him failed!
However, the Dark King was branded by Lu Ya and had no way to escape this guy's pursuit. The most important thing was that the Dark King had no time to eliminate this power. That was why everything was so terrible and dangerous. The Dark King was worried that the power of the brand would affect his own resurrection and that he would be ambushed!
“My Lord, how much time do you need? I can’t hold on any longer. Lu Ya and those guys from the demon clan have gone crazy. They are trying their best to kill me?” Although he escaped from the siege, the Dark King was soon surrounded and killed by these enemies again, and his situation was even more dangerous now, which made the Dark King extremely anxious!
Xiao Sheng said: "Take them to the place we agreed on before. I have made comprehensive preparations. If these guys dare to chase you there, they will be dead!"

Xiao Sheng's voice made the Dark King heave a sigh of relief. He did not have so much time and energy to continue fighting with the enemy. The longer it took, the more dangerous he would be. Fortunately, Xiao Sheng, his family member, finally completed everything. Now he did not need to continue fighting with these guys!

"The damn Dark King runs really fast, and his reaction is too terrible. Every time we surround him, he escapes from the siege at the fastest speed. How does this guy do all this?" Seeing the Dark King successfully escape danger again and again, Lu Ya couldn't bear it anymore. Every siege was a big blow to him, and it was also a waste of his own essence. Lu Ya didn't have too much essence to consume so crazily!

"Will there be any danger? The Dark King and Xiao Sheng have a good cooperation. We have been besieging the Dark King for such a long time, but Xiao Sheng has not taken any action or even shown up. This is a bit abnormal. Could it be that these two guys have set up a trap and are waiting for me?" It is not Lu Ya's fault for having such an idea, but this was the situation back then.

"It's better to be safe than sorry. For my own safety, I'd better be careful and stop chasing this guy!" After a long time without any results, Lu Ya finally decided to give up hunting down the Dark Lord.

At this moment, a voice rang out: "Lu Ya, since you are here, don't leave, stay here!"

This was Xiao Sheng's voice. As soon as the voice fell, the entire space was enveloped by the power of the formation. Xiao Sheng took action. The trap he had set up finally began to work. Those guys who wanted to escape were trapped in the formation! Now they could be killed by the formation at any time!
"Xiao Sheng, you bastard, is this a trap that you and the Dark Lord have planned? You two bastards are too insidious, if you have the guts, challenge me!" Lu Ya yelled madly in anger, he did not expect this result. If he could not break out of the situation quickly, he would only die!
"Haha, it's not that I'm insidious, but you're too greedy. If you weren't so petty and didn't want to scheme against us, how could this happen? It's useless even if you talk big. In a word, you're dead!"

Now Lu Ya is a little anxious. He did not expect that such a situation would happen. He would fall into such an embarrassing situation and fall into a trap set by the enemy long ago. If he had been a little bit more vigilant, it would not be like this now, and there would be no other problems!

"You insidious villain, how can a guy like you become a great sage of the human race? You don't have any courage at all. You only know how to use petty tricks and schemes. If you have the ability, kill us quickly. We are not afraid of death!" Although Lu Ya's slogans were loud, he was not really not afraid of death!

There is no one who is not afraid of death, and this guy Lu Ya is even more so. If he had a little more courage, he would not have survived until now. So the more he shouts, the more it proves that he is panicking, and the more it makes people feel that he dare not continue fighting. This guy wants to negotiate and wants to retreat safely instead of being killed!

(End of this chapter)

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