I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 1004 Murderous Heartbeat

Chapter 1004 Murderous Heartbeat
Chapter 984: Killing Heart
"My Lord, have you forgotten that I should not go to the ruins of Mount Buzhou?" At this time, the Dark King expressed his concerns. After all, the ruins of Mount Buzhou contain the power of Pangu, which is the killer weapon they have always wanted.

"No, I haven't forgotten the power of the Buzhou Mountain ruins. Pangu's power is very important, but you forgot one thing. Now we are different from before. I already have this innate treasure in my hand, a perfect small world, and it is a small world independent of the prehistoric world. With this treasure in hand, what do we have to worry about!"

"I understand. You want to pull the ruins of Mount Buzhou into this innate treasure!" The Dark King quickly understood Xiao Sheng's intention, but he felt that this was a bit too crazy. That was Mount Buzhou. Although only an incomplete ruins were left, it still had unimaginable power.

"No, you've thought too much. We don't need to collect the Buzhou Mountain ruins into the innate treasure. In the small world, although Buzhou Mountain has lost its function, we still have to be cautious. Whether it is the power of Pangu or the power of the chaotic gods and demons in the Buzhou Mountain ruins, they are all threats to us. What we have to do is to stimulate the Pangu power in the Buzhou Mountain ruins with the power of the innate treasure. The power of a small world should be able to stimulate the Buzhou Mountain footprint!"

“It is indeed feasible to stimulate the ruins of Buzhou Mountain with external force and inspire the power of Pangu, but this will also put the Dark King in danger. After all, if Pangu’s will wakes up, it is likely to target the Dark King! How should this danger be avoided? We can’t risk the Dark King’s life!” Changshengzi was worried about the safety of the Dark King. After all, the awakening of Pangu’s will will inevitably launch an attack on those enemies who invaded the prehistoric world. The master of a small world independent of the prehistoric world will inevitably be attacked. If the Dark King is not careful, he may be killed directly!
"Don't worry, I've thought about this a long time ago. Among us, the Dark King has the deepest connection with the Buzhou Mountain's footprints, and he himself came from Buzhou Mountain. If we were to go to the Buzhou Mountain ruins, it might be dangerous as you said, or even put ourselves in a desperate situation, but the Dark King is not in such danger. Even if Pangu's will awakens, he will immediately feel the Buzhou Mountain's aura on the Dark King!"

As soon as Xiao Sheng finished speaking, Changshengzi was stunned. He did not expect that the master had already thought of this problem, and that the Dark King had the ability to avoid the biggest crisis in everyone's eyes.

"What I said makes sense. If we were to go to Mount Buzhou, we would be in danger, but the Dark King is not in such danger. It's just that how can this guy master Pangu's power? Even if he succeeds in awakening Pangu's will, he may not be able to master Pangu's power, and he may not be recognized by Pangu's will!"

"Such a problem does exist, but we have no other choice now, and we don't need to rely entirely on Pangu's power. This is just a coping strategy we prepared for ourselves. We don't know what Pangu's power is, and even if we awaken Pangu's will, it may not allow us to master Pangu's power. But the awakening of Pangu's will is a good thing for us. We may get help from Pangu's will, and the enemy will be suppressed by Pangu's will. What do you think those 'enemies' will think and see when Pangu's will awakens? What kind of actions will they take?"

"If I were those guys, I would naturally launch an attack at the first opportunity. That is Pangu's will. Those guys are targeting the prehistoric world. All of this is the layout of Hongjun Daozu and the Heavenly Dao. When Pangu's will awakens, who would not be afraid? And if there are any secrets or temptations in the prehistoric world that can make them so crazy, perhaps it is only Pangu's will. They want to find the power they want from Pangu's will, or from the prehistoric world!"

As soon as Taoist Shifang said this, Xiao Sheng, Changshengzi and the Dark King all nodded. If they had to say what was worth scheming about in the prehistoric world, it would be only Pangu's will. Even the Heavenly Dao was scheming about all this. It was conceivable how shocking the secrets in Pangu's will were and how terrifyingly tempting it was. Moreover, those chaotic gods and demons also joined in madly one by one.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to say that those guys have no ideas, but is Pangu really dead? Xiao Sheng does not think so. The Dark King, the Taoist Ten Directions, and the Immortal Son will not have such an idea. Pangu must have his backup plan, otherwise how could the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu be so insidious and cunning to calculate Buzhou Mountain? Even after the witch clan's catastrophe, Buzhou Mountain fell, but the calculation has not been reduced. Even at this time, the ruins of Buzhou Mountain were still sent to the Earth Star. All this shows that the ruins of Buzhou Mountain are not as simple as they seem!
It is precisely because Xiao Sheng and the others are aware of this that they are all very cautious at this time, and dare not be careless in the slightest. After all, once the plan fails, it will have a significant impact on them. It would be a good thing to take this opportunity to test the situation of the Buzhou Mountain ruins.

Xiao Sheng didn't know what the current situation of the Buzhou Mountain ruins was. Changshengzi didn't know either, and the Dark King was even less clear. The Shifang Taoist might know a little, but not too much. The reason was very simple. That was Buzhou Mountain. Even if the Shifang Taoist had powerful means, he had to be cautious and careful, and dared not be careless in the slightest!

The current situation is not as simple as it seems on the surface. It is truly a situation where one move affects the entire body. If something happens to the ruins of Mount Buzhou and Pangu's will awakens, I believe that all living beings in the entire prehistoric world will be shocked and everything will change. The power of the great god Pangu will absolutely suppress everyone!

There are dangers, but no matter how great the dangers are, this matter must be done, and the Dark Lord must take action. The danger is smaller if he takes action at this time. After all, those "enemies" are hiding in the dark. They have not jumped out directly for a battle. They are all paying attention to everything in secret, waiting for an opportunity to appear. However, this opportunity also requires timing, and without sufficiently strong power, there will be no gain even if the opportunity is in front of you!

“My Lord, if you want to use the power of the world to stimulate the awakening of Pangu’s will, there is no need for us to use the innate treasure in your hand. We are practicing our own original path, and the Fengdu Ghost Realm is also on the earth. We can completely use the power of the Fengdu Ghost Realm to accomplish all this. You know, the Fengdu Ghost Realm is less likely to be targeted by the enemy!” At this time, the Dark King thought of the power of the Fengdu Ghost Realm. Since there were so many calculations behind this matter, the Dark King couldn’t help but think of the power of the Fengdu Ghost Realm, and this was his own opportunity!

"What you said makes sense, but this is not a trivial matter. If something goes wrong, none of us can afford it. Can you be sure that nothing will happen? The Fengdu Ghost Realm is not suitable to be fully exposed at this time. In comparison, the small world opened up by the innate treasure in my hand is safer!" Xiao Sheng also understood the benefits of doing so, but he could not take risks with the Fengdu Ghost Realm. Any slight gap would bring us a devastating disaster!

"That's right, Animation, you act now, go to me and get the treasure. I'm monitoring the situation at the Buzhou Mountain ruins to prevent anyone from getting there first and ruining our plans!" Taoist Shifang felt that this matter could not be delayed any longer. The longer it was delayed, the more disadvantageous it would be for them and the more dangerous it would be!
"No, I don't think it's a matter of completely destroying the Buzhou Mountain ruins now. On the contrary, I think we should target those guys in Takama-ga-hara first and kill those damn guys first. You know, the power of the innate treasure is not so easy to activate. After all, this is not an ordinary offensive treasure, but a treasure that possesses a small world. It's better for us to kill the enemy first, and then find a way to deal with all this!"

The Dark King's idea was opposite to Xiao Sheng's, but soon Changshengzi and Shifang Taoist also agreed with this statement. They also felt that at this time they could not spend their precious time and energy on the ruins of Buzhou Mountain, but should focus on the enemy and stabilize their current situation!
"Are you sure? Darkness, I have to remind you that this is not a joke. Once the plan is launched, you will have no chance to regret it. And you should understand that starting a war now is not very advantageous for us. The enemy cannot be without any defense or preparation. We still need to be cautious!"

"My Lord, I think you have done something wrong. You have been avoiding life-and-death battles. We have been doing the same before. But under the current situation, can we really avoid this danger? And can we really succeed in faking our death and escaping? All of this is unknown to us. Even if the Ten Directions are secretly helping us, the enemy is not a fool. We have such an idea and such a plan. What will other strong people think? The Three Pure Ones, the Two Saints of the West, Nuwa, and the Poison Dragon Ancestor, are they not prepared at all?"

Xiao Sheng sighed and said, "You are right. We have indeed been avoiding life-and-death battles and conserving our strength to avoid conflicts with the enemy. The current situation is indeed as you said. We cannot know their calculations and ideas. The situation is not in our hands, but do you think we still have a chance to change it? Taking the initiative is good, but exposing ourselves to the enemy is also a disaster. This is why I want you to go to the Buzhou Mountain Ruins first, just to make those guys shift their attention to the Buzhou Mountain Ruins!"

"Darkness, I also think what I said makes sense. Our strength is still insufficient!"

When the Dark King heard that Changshengzi also began to persuade him, he shook his head and said, "Okay, everyone stop persuading me, let's do it this way. I also know that there are great dangers in it, but if we don't act quickly, the enemy will not leave us precious time, and the enemy will not wait for us to be ready. I don't think we have the strength to be fully prepared before them. I think those guys will attack soon. Now the environment has become so dangerous that we have no choice. If we don't do this, there is only a dead end waiting for us. If we don't take action, won't the enemy keep an eye on us secretly? Moreover, if something happens to the ruins of Mount Buzhou, the first people the enemy will investigate are us. I don't think I can escape the attention of those guys. I believe that the ruins of Mount Buzhou have been targeted!"

As the Dark King finished his words, Xiao Sheng couldn't help but sigh, and Changshengzi and Shifang Daoist also sighed. They all had to admit that the Dark King was right. How could the Buzhou Mountain Ruins not be noticed by others? Not to mention the guys like Poison Dragon Ancestor, there were also enemies. Even the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu would not be keeping an eye on the Buzhou Mountain Ruins?

If possible, Xiao Sheng did not want to persuade them, nor did he want to attack the ruins of Buzhou Mountain at this time, but time waits for no one, and the current situation forces him to do so. Everyone is worried about being targeted by the enemy, but Buzhou Mountain is safer, and Buzhou Mountain has Pangu's will. The sooner you act, the more chances you have. If you wait until Pangu's will in the ruins of Buzhou Mountain is wiped out, I'm afraid it will not be easy to attack Pangu's will. In Xiao Sheng's mind, Pangu God is not that simple!
The Earth is changing all the time now. If we don't act now, it will be too late when those guys are lured out! Killing those guys in Takama-ga-hara will indeed give them a way out, but it is not absolutely safe. Maybe they are not the only force that is eyeing Takama-ga-hara.

The current situation is that the arrow is on the string and has to be shot. Although Xiao Sheng has many concerns, and they have not reached a consensus, they must act now. Time waits for no one, and the longer they delay, the more disadvantageous it will be for them!

"Okay, everything is up to the Dark King. We shouldn't have so many concerns. Since we are going to start a war, let's have a bloody battle and both sides will suffer losses. Maybe the ruins of Mount Buzhou don't need us to do it! I'm ready, Darkness, are you ready too? Changshengzi, don't join the battle. Leave this battle to me and the Dark King!"

(End of this chapter)

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