I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 1011 The Dark King's Self-Destruction

Chapter 1011 The Dark King's Self-Destruction

Chapter 991: The Dark Lord's Self-Destruction
The Dark Lord also understood that his current situation was very dangerous. It was impossible for him to escape unscathed since he was being targeted by those guys. Moreover, he had already made the decision before coming here to fake his death and escape. So now he could only bite the bullet and continue. After all, the current situation did not allow him to think more, and time waited for no one!
"Okay, you hold on for a while, I will achieve self-nirvana, but I need you to cover for me, so that those guys won't see through me!" At this time the Dark King immediately made a decision. If he didn't take action, the consequences would be disastrous, and he also needed the protection of the people from the Ten Directions Dao, otherwise it would be impossible for him to fake his death and get away.

“Don't worry, you have seen my insights. Now no matter success or failure, everything depends on your own luck. Let's get started, those guys are already getting restless, don't waste any more time!” Taoist Shifang didn't dare let the Dark King hesitate any longer, because he had already felt that some people had changed a little. If these guys really came, it would be impossible for the Dark King to fake his death and get away. Now the aura of Takama-ga-hara has not completely disappeared, and it is a good opportunity for the Dark King to fake his death. After all, the horrifying aura of death is blooming bit by bit.

"Go to hell, you bastards from Takama-ga-hara, you're dreaming about coming back!" A crazy voice rang out from the light and dark formation. It was the voice of the Dark King. When his voice rang out, many powerful people on the entire earth were startled, and there was a hint of vigilance and retreat in their expressions.

These guys are not fools, they all understand what the Dark King is going to do. It is obvious that Xiao Sheng's attack did not completely destroy these guys. Now these bastards want to come back again. It seems that Xiao Sheng's forbidden power of depriving life is still flawed and cannot directly destroy these guys completely, leaving them with a glimmer of life. Now the Dark King's back-up plan has been triggered, and he will use his own light and dark formation to destroy the opponent.

After thinking for a moment, everyone felt that the Dark King was not lying. This was entirely possible, and it also indirectly proved that Xiao Sheng's strength was still insufficient, and his forbidden power of life deprivation was still flawed. Or it could be said that this was not a flaw, but the result of Xiao Sheng's own insufficient realm and insufficient strength. Now the Dark King had to be used to complete the final killing and completely destroy these guys.

“Big Brother, do you think the Dark King has a chance of success? After all, this guy is too weak. Even if he tries his best, it is not an easy task to completely wipe out those enemies. You have to know that they are powerful Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. No matter how weak the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is, he cannot deal with him!” When he said this, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help but sighed, and a hint of loss flashed in his eyes. After all, all this was a bit too crazy.

"It should be successful. After all, the Dark King is working with Xiao Sheng. Moreover, this guy has set up a light and dark formation from the beginning. He is using his own life to seal off this void and not give the enemies in Takama-ga-hara a chance to escape. Perhaps all this is within Xiao Sheng's expectations. But I don't understand. What's wrong with Xiao Sheng? Why would he suddenly do this and kill these guys in Takama-ga-hara at the cost of his own life?"

Taishang Laojun was also confused by the current situation and had some doubts in his heart. Xiao Sheng was not a good person and should not do such a thing. After all, such a suicidal attack was too crazy and anyone with a little common sense would not do this. Moreover, this time it was not only Xiao Sheng who took action, but also the Dark King.

"Could it be that Xiao Sheng and the Dark King have been affected by the great calamity of heaven and earth, and are entangled in the calamity energy, and their minds are controlled by the calamity energy? Otherwise, these two guys would never do such a stupid thing!" Although Yuanshi Tianzun also had doubts in his heart, he quickly thought of the problem as the calamity energy of heaven and earth. Those guys who are caught in the calamity during the great calamity will be entangled by the calamity energy and do some crazy things. It is not impossible for such a situation to happen to Xiao Sheng and the Dark King, so in his opinion, all this is possible!

"What you said makes sense. Now is the time of the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, and Xiao Sheng and the Dark King have already been in the catastrophe. If their souls are eroded by the catastrophe of heaven and earth, they will indeed do such crazy things. It's a pity for these two guys. They actually directly attacked these invaders. It would have been better if they were targeting our enemies. It's such a pity!" Taishang Laojun couldn't help but shook his head, with a hint of loss in his eyes.

For Taishang Laojun, he did not want to see Xiao Sheng and the Dark King fall like this. Although these guys in Takama-ga-hara were enemies of the prehistoric world, in their hearts, there were "enemies" more dangerous than these invaders. They would rather see Xiao Sheng and the Dark King target those guys who were hostile to them.

"Big Brother, I actually think this is more reasonable. After all, this is a great catastrophe of heaven and earth. The prehistoric world has fallen into danger. In order to protect itself, it is not impossible for the prehistoric world to control strong men like the Dark King and Xiao Sheng. Compared to those guys, in the eyes of the prehistoric world, these invaders from Takama-ga-hara are their biggest enemies. In comparison, Demon Ancestor Luo Hou and Poison Dragon Ancestor are nothing at all!" At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun also expressed his thoughts. After all, in his opinion, the more so, the more it could prove the authenticity of all this. If Xiao Sheng and the Dark King had found other people, then he would have thought more and even made more preparations. Now he could completely believe that these two people were dead.

"What you said makes some sense. Under the current circumstances, it would be a lie to say that the origin of the prehistoric world has not felt the danger, the pressure and impact from the outside world. However, it is impossible for our good teacher, Tiandao, or even the Poison Dragon Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor Luo Hou to stop the invaders and kill them. In comparison, it is easier to use Xiao Sheng and the Dark King. As long as these two guys succeed, I believe that the tacit understanding will be broken, and everyone must face it seriously. However, we need to be more vigilant. Now it is Xiao Sheng and the Dark King who have sacrificed, who will be the next sacrifice? You and I must also be prepared, so as not to be calculated by others accidentally!"

Yuanshi Tianzun naturally knew who was plotting against him. It was the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu. The current situation was all the result of the plot of these two people. However, their plot had gone wrong now. Xiao Sheng and the Dark King had been treated as pawns by the prehistoric world. More pawns would be used and released next!

With Yuanshi Tianzun's current wisdom, he can naturally see through the problem behind this, but they dare not discuss such things in more detail. If they are not careful, they will get into trouble and fall into an irretrievable desperate situation, causing their own death. Now they don't know what the situation between the Dark King and Xiao Sheng is, but the situation is a bit too crazy at the moment.

"Big Brother, what should we do? We are now in the open, and even if we want to hide in the dark, it is impossible. Even our good teacher has appeared. I believe we are also being targeted." When he said this, Yuanshi Tianzun showed a faint sneer on his face, which was dissatisfaction with Hongjun Daozu. Although Hongjun Daozu's actions were also concealed, Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun still felt his appearance and the changes in Tongtian Jiaozhu. Now Hongjun Daozu did not even let go of Tongtian Jiaozhu who had escaped from the Heavenly Dao, so how could he let himself go? The more so, the more it can prove that all this is true.

"Wait, now we just need to wait and see what happens. No matter how chaotic the situation is, it will not affect our existence. Moreover, Tiandao and our good teacher have already targeted Tongtian. Do you think they will also target us? And will there be more people targeting us as well?"

"This is a natural thing. If I were those guys, I would do the same. After all, this is not a trivial matter. There are more calculations and conspiracies behind it." Yuanshi Tianzun sighed again. He also felt the changes in the underworld and the changes in Xiao Sheng.

Even though Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun did not interfere too much, their control over the three realms was not that simple, so the changes in the underworld at this moment were a bit too much.

Just when Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun were discussing, the Dark King moved, and a terrifying aura burst out from the Dark King's soul. Such a change at this time would naturally make people more frightened and uneasy.

The power of the light and dark formation was frantically eroding the Dark King's original power of rules, and such erosion was not as simple as it seemed. It was not an easy task to accomplish all of this, especially now that the Dark King's attack had caused a great loss of his own original power. If it weren't for the fact that there was still time, this guy would have been dead!
The power of light and darkness was blooming crazily, and the origin of the Dark King was also dissipating rapidly. Soon, the Dark King touched the power of the rules, which made them feel a slight change in themselves. It was a pity that they did not have enough power to face it all! When the power of the light and dark formation was fully stimulated, the Dark King was also clearing up everything. Soon, the entire Dark King was affected by a terrible fluctuation of space aura.

When the power of light and darkness was fully blossoming, and when the Dark King devoted his body and mind completely to the Avenue of Time within the Avenue of Light and Darkness, a terrifying force of time acted on the Dark King's body. In an instant, the Dark King found that his own life-saving treasure was already collapsing.

Soon, the Dark King followed in Xiao Sheng's footsteps. This guy was even more amazing and did all this directly. The power of time acted on the Dark King's origin, allowing him to further understand light and darkness, and also let him understand the avenue of time. However, the Dark King did not dare to invest more energy to complete all this, and could only let the power of time devour the power of light and darkness. In this devouring evolution, the Dark King gradually understood the reason for all this.

The power of light and darkness comes from the two stars, the Moon and the Sun. The power of light and darkness is obviously the power of time, just like the Moon and the Sun. It's just that the King of Darkness did not expect that things would happen so quickly and that such a sudden change would occur, which would lead to the current situation.

Time waits for no one. Although the Dark King still has many ideas at this time, unfortunately no one is willing to listen to his opinions. The Dark King also understands that he can only give it a try now. He can only let go of his own control and let the power of time attack him, or even let the power of time make changes. You must know that the Dark King is not simple!
"Self-destruct quickly and don't hold back any longer. The power of time is not something you can fully comprehend now. It is almost impossible for you to transform the power of light and darkness into the power of time. Time is running out!" When seeing the situation of the Dark Lord, Taoist Shifang also became a little crazy because he did not have that much time to waste.

When the voice of Taoist Shifang sounded again, the Dark King felt a little lost in his heart. This was not the result he wanted. He wanted to get things done, but now he did not have that much time.

The Dark King knew very well that if he didn't hurry up, all his previous arrangements would very likely turn into nothingness, so he could only directly detonate his own light and dark formation. The terrible shock wave began to wreak havoc on everything. Even the most powerful man would pay a heavy price if he fell into such a disaster!

When the power of the light and darkness formation self-destructed, the life source of the Dark King was condensing and changing. A trace of the life source was completing the transformation. Unfortunately, the Dark King could no longer turn back. His physical body had begun to break down. The self-destruction of the light and darkness formation directly made this world even more cruel and ruthless.

When seeing such a crazy situation happening, many people sighed. Not only were they angry that the Dark King would play so crazy, but they didn't even have time to prepare themselves. All this happened. This directly disrupted the calculations and conspiracies of some guys, and also plunged the earth into a greater disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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