I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 1020 The crisis is coming

Chapter 1020 The crisis is coming
Chapter 1000 Crisis Arrives
"My Lord, what should I do, give up or fight back?" Just as Xiao Sheng was sighing over the shocking changes in Egypt, the voice of Taoist Shifang rang in his ears. This inquiry made Xiao Sheng feel that something was wrong with Taoist Shifang, that he was being targeted, or even that he himself was in disaster.

"There is no choice now. Since everything has happened, let's have a fight. Rather than letting the forces you left behind be completely killed and then rise up to resist, even if we die, we must die gloriously. We must know who is targeting us and everything in the Egyptian area!" At this time, Xiao Sheng's heart was already covered with a shadow. He felt that there was a terrible deterrent and a terrifying conspiracy behind this!

"But if I do this, my abyss world will be exposed, and that will put me in crisis!" Taoist Shifang said this without thinking too much. His words made Xiao Sheng think that Taoist Shifang had been exposed, and the abyss world had been exposed. It was hard to say whether there would be other benefits next!

"Is it the time to care about these things now? If you can't even save your own life, what else can you talk about? Besides, there have been changes before. Are those chess pieces important to you? What's the use of those guys you calculated? No matter whether these enemies have discovered the problem behind this, you must speed up! If possible, I think you should just give up those previous calculations and save the Abyss World first!"

Although Xiao Sheng's proposal made Shifang Taoist feel a little uneasy, thinking that it would have a significant impact on his practice and his enlightenment, the current situation did not allow him much time to consider. If he did not take action, he was afraid that all the people in the entire Egyptian area would have been sacrificed!

There is gain in loss. If the Taoist of Ten Directions does not know how to make a choice at this time, Xiao Sheng will be more certain of the problem of the Taoist of Ten Directions, and the situation will cause more problems. If a big problem really occurs, both himself and the Taoist of Ten Directions will be in danger, and even the Dark King and the Son of Eternal Life will be in desperate situation.

If the Taoist of Ten Directions has been exposed, and the Abyss World has been exposed, how could the Dark King and the Son of Immortality not expose it all? However, judging from the current situation, things have not yet reached the worst, so Xiao Sheng needs to let the Dark King and the Son of Immortality separate from the Taoist of Ten Directions as soon as possible, hide in the dark, and pay attention to everything that will happen next!
"Well, it seems that my situation is indeed very dangerous. Just as I am worried, I and the Abyss World may have been exposed to the enemy's sight a long time ago. Giving up these backup preparations in the Egyptian area means that all my calculations have to start all over again. Perhaps my clone can directly launch a crazy suicide attack to teach these guys a lesson!"

In an instant, a terrifying murderous intent bloomed on the body of the Taoist Shifang. If he could do all this, it would be impossible to take such a risky action. Now as the murderous intent bloomed in his body, a crazy death soon came in the Egyptian area. Without any movement, those guys fell into death.

"There is indeed a problem. It seems that you have really exposed everything and are being targeted by the enemy. Don't you realize that there is something wrong with your state of mind?" At this time, Xiao Sheng had to start testing Taoist Shifang. If he allowed this guy to continue, the consequences would be disastrous, and even an unnecessary crisis would occur.

"It's the power of the ancient world!" Soon there was a hint of trembling in the voice of Taoist Shifang. When he heard Xiao Sheng's reminder, he instantly realized and understood his true situation, but now he was trapped in the game!
"Are you sure? This is not a joke. If it is the power of the prehistoric world that is affecting you, it means that the four of us have been exposed. We may even have really become the prehistoric world's thugs, used to target those invaders!" After hearing what Taoist Shifang said, Xiao Sheng had to be alert.

"There is no mistake. It is the original power of the ancient world. This power is hidden so deeply!" At this moment, Taoist Shifang exuded a strong murderous intent. Such a sudden change was a disaster for him.

"Shifang, how did you get tricked by the power of the prehistoric world? We have always been very careful. With your strength, you shouldn't be tricked without anyone noticing. What happened? Did your exposure expose us as well?"

At this time, Taoist Shifang couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "I'm sorry to disappoint you, I'm afraid you have all been exposed. The power of the prehistoric world is more powerful than we imagined. The reason why I was plotted against was when I gave up the magic path and evolved the outer demon world into the abyss world. I was targeted the moment I entered the earth!" "I understand. It seems that you are right. We have exposed everything. No wonder it is so easy to take treasures from Taiyin, Taiyang and Ziwei Emperor Star. Could it be that Changshengzi got the Demon King's treasure house so easily? All this is not the so-called opportunity, but the calculation of us by the prehistoric world. It is precisely because there are so many causes and effects that we fall into the calculation of the other party! Now it seems that the sneak attack on the tunnel by the Dark Lord and I is also problematic!" Thinking about it carefully, it turns out that everything he has done has been under the attention of the prehistoric world and has been seen clearly by others.

"Yes, if this catastrophe hadn't come suddenly, if you hadn't reminded us, I'm afraid we would still be deceived, not knowing that everything we did was under the influence of the prehistoric world. We have become its thugs!"

"It's not too late to understand now. At least we still have time to prepare and a chance to break free. Shifang, do you have any way to make the Abyss World free from the influence of the Primordial World? If possible, you can even self-destruct and push the entire Earth into destruction!" Now that he has discovered his own crisis, Xiao Sheng has even crazier ideas in his mind. If even the Takamagahara World can be destroyed, how can the Earth not be destroyed? Since he has become a pawn of the Primordial World and has already shouldered the cause and effect, he will do it once and for all and drag everyone down with him, letting the Earth go directly to destruction and directly accelerating the outbreak of everything.

“My Lord, I can do all that you said, but you should be aware that doing so means that we will all be burdened with endless karma, which will put us in greater crisis and may even cause the prehistoric world to attack us directly!” Taoist Shifang was feeling very heavy. Faced with such a shocking change, all his plans were disrupted. He originally thought that he was the sixth and the one who hid the deepest, but now it seems that he is a fool. He has always been in the calculations of the prehistoric world and has always been a pawn of the opponent!
"So what if we have karma? Do we care about it? Don't forget the death of Primordial Chaos. Don't forget that we are still pawns of the Primordial World, or even abandoned pawns and cannon fodder. Otherwise, we wouldn't have so many karmas. Perhaps things have come to this point, but you haven't made up your mind? Don't forget that I have escaped from the Primordial World and am already in Primordial Chaos. This is our greatest guarantee."

When Xiao Sheng said this, the eyes of Taoist Shifang instantly lit up. Yes, I have now escaped from the prehistoric world and have jumped out of this situation. Although the Takama-hara world in the chaos is also dangerous, it is much safer than the earth. As long as it is handled properly, everything will be fine.

"My Lord, I have decided to let my clone cooperate with you to complete the attack on Takama-ga-hara, and make that guy hiding in the dark pay a heavy price. I will allow you to complete your own transformation and evolution as quickly as possible and master the power of the rules of the avenue of life!" If there had not been this shocking change on Earth, Taoist Shifang would have needed to consider more, but now time waits for no one. He has been targeted by the prehistoric world, and even the Dark King and the Immortal Son have been targeted. If he does not make preparations, he will really die.

Relying on the mercy of the ancient world for one's life and death is something only a fool would do. Destiny and life and death should be in one's own hands, so at this time only by giving it a try will one have a glimmer of hope, truly transcend everything, and have the opportunity to escape one's own crisis.

Of course, at this moment, there was still a doubt in the heart of Taoist Shifang. Could it be that the reason why he was trapped in the perfect state of Hunyuan Golden Immortal was also due to the calculations of the prehistoric world? Only when he was trapped in the perfect state of Hunyuan Golden Immortal would he be affected by the prehistoric world and become a pawn and thug of the opponent?

Although there is no evidence for all this, but with all the previous problems, Taoist Shifang has to have such thoughts. After all, he has always been a pawn of the prehistoric world. It is not impossible that the other party has more calculations and plans!

The more speculations and doubts he had in his heart, the more the negative power in Shifang Taoist's heart gathered crazily, and his good impression of the prehistoric world was also gradually eroded. After all, no one wanted to be played like a pawn, and no one wanted to be used as cannon fodder. Now the prehistoric world was targeting him like this, so the murderous intent in Shifang Taoist's heart became more and more crazy and more and more terrifying. It was precisely the prehistoric world itself that caused all this!
(End of this chapter)

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