I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 118

Chapter 118
Chapter 110

Although the strengths of today's Chanjiao disciples are good, they are all trying their best to increase their own development in the human race, but it is a pity that they can get the recognition of the human race is too low. If the teacher has a bad impression, even if the teachers of Renhuang are still disciples of Chanjiao, they will not get much recognition.

There is not much to be learned from the human race, let alone the disciples of the cut-off teaching. On the contrary, some casual cultivators or monster races have gained differently. Some guys have figured out the secret method of believing in the golden body. The big secret, as long as you have enough faith, you can bring yourself unexpected gains.

At this time, in some small ethnic civilizations, they crazily believed in their own ancestors, so gradually such golden bodies of belief appeared in those small tribes, almost most of them believed in their own ancestors, and only a few tribes were destroyed by external forces. Controlled, become the source of faith for those casual cultivators, or monster races.

Some people succeeded, which had a greater impact on the entire prehistoric world. At this time, some people were even more worried about whether Xiao Sheng's belief in the method of gold would bring disaster to the prehistoric land. After all, more and more powerful people participated in the During this feast, pressure and threats were brought to those small races and small civilizations, and it also broke the peace of the prehistoric world.

At this time, the human race also changed. The three emperors of the human race are the best example. The emperor Fuxi, the emperor Shennong, and the emperor Xuanyuan all gained the belief of the human race. The emperor Fuxi and the emperor Shennong had the most beliefs, and the emperor Xuanyuan Relatively speaking, it was much less. Whoever let him be cheated by that guy Guang Chengzi did not contribute much to the human race.

When they had huge beliefs, the Three Emperors also began to think about the cohesion of the golden body of faith. They were imagining whether they could use the power of the golden body of faith to get rid of the restrictions of Huoyun Cave. It will be a big change, which is very beneficial to the development of the human race.

It's a pity that the idea is good, but the reality is cruel. Although the golden body of faith condensed by the Three Emperors is also very good, it is confined in the Huoyun Cave, and it is impossible to leave the Huoyun Cave, as if it is the way of heaven, or Hongjun Daozu had already been prepared for such a situation, unless they ignored the pressure from Heaven and Hongjun Daozu, or the belief in the golden body would also be restricted.

Such a change cast a shadow over the mind of the Three Emperors. They were angry at the calculations of Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu, but they were powerless to resist. There is no such strength.

When the power of faith changed the prehistoric world, the human race became a force that the powerful valued.Such a change has had a considerable impact on the Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and the leader of Tongtian. It is obvious that the disciples of the three religions encountered a lot of resistance in their preaching, and most of these resistances came from those Casual repair.Facing such a huge temptation, those casual cultivators couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to share a share of the benefits of the human race.

Fortunately for those casual cultivators, the disciples of the Three Religions can suppress them, but when the Second Saint of the West also extended his hand to the human race, this made Sanqing feel the pressure and they had to pay attention to this issue.In contrast, Empress Nuwa has no such problem. As the Holy Mother of the human race, she naturally enjoys the contribution of the human race, which is something that the Taishang Laojun does not have.

Empress Nuwa can rest assured about the situation of the human race, but the situation of the monster race is different. With the appearance of the golden body of faith, the monster race in the prehistoric world has also become a kind of resource, and has also been robbed by some casual cultivators. Facing the plunder of the Second Saint in the West, it can be said that the monster race is under the greatest pressure, especially those small races, who are directly overwhelmed.

The situation of the witch tribe is much better. With the appearance of the golden body of faith, all the witch tribes are frantically believing in the twelve ancestor witches, and they start to go crazy with the twelve tribes as the main ones. The ground gathered the power of faith for the twelve ancestral witches. When such a situation happened, Empress Pingxin was shocked. The twelve golden statues of ancestral witches in her hands had obviously changed. Under this huge power of faith, ten The consciousness of the two ancestor witches began to recover, and this discovery made Pingxin Empress happy.

Unfortunately, before Lady Pingxin was happy, Sanqing, the Second Saint of the West, Empress Nuwa, and Yaochi came to the netherworld, and went directly to Empress Pingxin to discuss Haotian's reincarnation.

Faced with the appearance of these heavenly saints, Empress Pingxin sneered in her heart. She didn't want to accept the other party's request, and she didn't want to give Haotian a chance to reincarnate. If Haotian could be forced to give up reincarnation, he would have to take it Perhaps refining a golden body, this may be the most favorable situation, and it will also damage the dignity of the heaven.

"Fellow Daoist Pingxin, although Haotian did something wrong, he was beheaded by Xingtian after all, which is enough to repay his mistakes. Yaochi also represents his confession to the Wu Clan, so you can let go of the six realms of reincarnation and let him reincarnate! "Although the saint Zhunti was unwilling to speak, he had to do so under the pressure of Sanqing and Empress Nuwa. Who made the relationship between Sanqing, Empress Nuwa and Empress Pingxin not good? It is most suitable for the two Western Saints to speak.

"Fellow Daoist, it's not that I intend to refuse, but that you are not sincere enough. The death of Jiufeng and the death of Haotian are completely different concepts. It is just an apology to erase this matter. Impossible, and you don't have to use Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao to suppress me, this is the nether world, and the power of Tiandao can't affect the tunnel, nor can it affect the netherworld."

"Okay, what kind of sincerity does Fellow Daoist Pingxin want us to show to allow Haotian to be reincarnated?" Upon hearing Empress Pingxin's answer, the guiding sage couldn't help sighing, although he already knew This is not an easy task, but I am still affected by Madam Pingxin's answer, and also annoyed by Haotian, an ignorant guy.

"Receiving fellow Taoists is not what I want, nor what the Wu Clan wants, but what you can come up with to end this karma. Of course, if you think you can forcefully break through the six reincarnations, I have nothing to say It can be said that the premise is that you have the ability to withstand the pure anger and the backlash from the nether world. This consequence is definitely not what you want to see, and you can't bear it!"

"Pingxin, what do you mean? Are you threatening us?" At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't bear the anger and shouted. In his opinion, these heavenly saints are willing to lower their identities to come to the Nether World to meet Pingxin. , This is already giving the other party enough face, but Pingxin teased them like this, how can this be accepted by Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Yuanshi, even if I threaten you, so what, what can I do?" Pingxin Empress didn't care about Yuanshi Tianzun's feelings at all, this is the nether world, even if they join hands with the six sages of Heaven and Dao, Pingxin Empress is confident that she can suppress it Even Empress Pingxin wanted these guys to fight impulsively, so that she would have the opportunity to suppress them in the nether world with the help of authentic power, and let them suffer from the nether world.

"Fellow Daoist Pingxin, Senior Brother Yuanshi has no malicious intentions. Don't worry about it. I don't know what you want. What price will we have to pay to resolve this cause and effect?" Zhunti Saint had no choice but to stand up to smooth things over at this moment. If the situation continues like this, there will be no agreement between them and Empress Pingxin. Today, Empress Pingxin has become aggressive and aggressive. Perhaps this is the impact of her increased strength.

Grasping the power of the "Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons" and occupying the home court advantage, Lady Pingxin doesn't care about these saints of heaven at all. From Zhunti's point of view, if they dare to make moves in the nether world, Immediately they will be suppressed from the tunnel, and then the situation of these heavenly saints will be in danger.

"Fellow Taoist, what price do you think Haotian should pay to eliminate the cause and effect of Jiufeng's death, you should know how important a great witch is to the witch clan?" At this moment, Empress Pingxin still did not make her request , but let the sage Zhunti make his own decision. Such a situation gave the sage Zhunti a headache.

Soon, the Zhunti sage set his sights on Taishang Laojun, and handed over this trouble to this Xuanmen senior brother. Such a matter cannot be decided by himself, since Taishang Laojun got Hongjun Daozu's decree, then he will take care of everything. He has done what he should do and said what he should say. Now it is time to retire.

When the Zhunti sage stopped speaking and turned his gaze to Taishang Laojun, the situation became a little embarrassing.For a while, the Taishang Laojun didn't know how to deal with this matter. The death of the Nine Phoenix Great Witch did have a great impact on the Wu Clan and damaged the strength of the Wu Clan. This is why Empress Pingxin was so angry s reason.Just thinking about how to resolve the conflict, Taishang Laojun couldn't think of a reasonable solution. After all, I feel unhappy if I give too much, and I won't accept it if I don't give Pingxin and the witch clan. This makes Taishang Laojun can't help but frowned.

Lady Pingxin can delay the time, because she doesn't care about Haotian's situation, but Taishang Laojun can't, this is the order of Daozu Hongjun, to let Haotian reincarnate quickly, if she can't do it, it will take too long , maybe the situation will undergo new changes again. The most important thing is that the prehistoric land is changing three times a day. Whether it is those human tribes, monster tribes or other races, they have all been greatly affected. The reason why they dare to stay in the Nether World for a long time is that if they stay in the Nether World for too long, no one knows what will happen to the Great Desolate Land. If another great change occurs, these heavenly saints will also bear a lot of pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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