I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 122

Chapter 122
Chapter 120 Two Heaven Swallowing Taoists

After the situation of the human race was over, Xiao Sheng did not return to Qingcheng Dongtian in a hurry, but carefully yearned for Buzhou Mountain again, to see his last clone, and at the same time, he also wanted to see the reality of Buzhou Mountain. After hearing Taoist Primal Chaos's reply, and knowing what Empress Pingxin said, Xiao Sheng felt that he should be more careful, and he should be cautious about Bu Zhoushan. If there is a problem with his avatar, he should stop the loss in time.

The danger of Buzhou Mountain that even Lady Pingxin doesn't want to talk about is probably more terrifying than what I imagined. If this is the case, maybe my avatar will be eroded by the power of Buzhou Mountain. This is not what I want to see. With great difficulty, the threat of humanity and authenticity was cut off, and now Xiao Sheng didn't want to face the threat of the mysterious force in Buzhou Mountain again.

Greed is unacceptable, otherwise you will have to pay a heavy price, Xiao Sheng knows this very well, so after stepping into Buzhou Mountain, he carefully guards his soul with the power of his own merits, so as not to let his soul suffer any erosion .This time Xiao Sheng did not have the slightest intention to kill, he would not have the slightest intention to kill those beasts in Buzhou Mountain, he tried his best to lock his own breath, prevent his breath from being exchanged, and avoid attracting the attention of the beasts.

The more he understands the situation in Buzhou Mountain, the more cautious Xiao Sheng must be. He dare not have any crazy thoughts before. Caution is the root of everything. The more secrets he has, the greater the pressure on himself. Before he didn't know how dangerous Zhou Shan was, he could act recklessly and have some thoughts that he shouldn't have, but now Xiao Sheng will no longer have such ignorant thoughts.

After some careful progress, Xiao Sheng came to the place where his 'Innate Gourd Root' avatar was located. When he entered the formation, Xiao Sheng was shocked by everything in front of him. Originally, he wanted to Wanting to take back my primordial spirit, what I didn't expect was that my avatar had been conceived successfully, and just as the Primordial Chaos had guessed, the avatar of the 'Innate Gourd Root' did not come out directly, but with the innate spiritual root. The square root exists.

Calculations, there really must be calculations in that 'world-destroying black lotus dao seed', that's why my avatar can't return to its original form, can't become a body with innate spiritual roots, everything is clear now.

It's just that the situation in front of him still makes Xiao Shengneng unbelievable, because his avatar is not what he originally imagined, there is only one gourd on the root of the entire innate gourd.Yes, that's right, there is only one gourd, and the properties of this gourd make Xiao Sheng even more unbelievable. 'Darkness' is the avenue of darkness, and now my avatar is also practicing the 'Avenue of Darkness'.

This is what Xiao Sheng did not expect that the dark avenue is the avatar's main avenue. This is the influence of Buzhou Mountain on the avatar. avatar avenue.

"My lord, I am darkness, but I am not swallowed by darkness as you think, but I am darkness myself."

"How is this possible? Your original source is not the innate spiritual root reborn from the original source of the 'innate gourd root'. How could it be of the dark attribute? You should be of the wood attribute. After all, you are the innate spiritual root body?"

"My lord, you are wrong. The body of the innate spiritual root is not necessarily the wood attribute, and you don't understand the innate spiritual root at all. For the innate spiritual root, every transformation is an opportunity and a qualitative change. Back then, the origin of the 'Congenital Gourd Root' was damaged, and the last gourd did not take shape, but its origin was integrated into the spiritual root! '

"You won't tell me that the attribute of the last gourd is 'darkness'?"

"Yes, it is darkness, darkness covers the earth, and darkness swallows everything. The last gourd is the most powerful and powerful. It is a pity that God did not give it a chance to be born, so I have the present me, just like your deity. Like the "innate banana tree" encountered on Buzhou Mountain, after completing the breeding of the four elephants, the next step is the Five Elements Avenue. If it is not eroded by external forces and goes to destruction, it will become stronger and go further. Breeding a new avenue, this is where the innate spiritual root is the most powerful, and why the innate spiritual root is the most difficult to transform."

'Hiss! 'When he heard these words, Xiao Sheng gasped involuntarily. This was something he had never thought of. This is the rule of the Dao conceived in the innate spiritual roots, and it is also the innate essence. Perhaps all of this can only be done Only the quasi-sage with the top ten innate spiritual roots knows, because he is the only life with the top ten innate spiritual roots.

"Okay, then your dao name is darkness? What is your current situation like? Have you been eroded by Buzhou Mountain?" At this moment, Xiao Sheng collected his mind and asked about the clone who was still in the state of innate spiritual root.

"No, I can't use the name of darkness. Although I have cultivated the Dao of Darkness, I can't use the name of darkness. The name of the Dao will have great karma. My deity, don't be affected by the name of that chaotic guy. He is a Taoist of Chaos. Because the Dao of Chaos has not been occupied by people, he can do this, using 'Chaos' as his Tao name, but I can't, there are dark gods and demons among the three thousand Chaos Gods and Demons, if I use 'Darkness' as my Tao name, There will be a great cause and effect with him, and now I am unable to bear such a cause and effect, I am 'Swallowing Heaven', Taoist Swallowing Heaven is my Taoist name, darkness covers the earth, and darkness swallows everything."

"Well, everything is up to you to decide, but are you sure you have nothing wrong with you? Also, in your inheritance, is there any inheritance of supernatural powers? What does our situation have to our own practice? Influence?" At this time, Xiao Sheng wanted to know from Taoist Tuntian how much influence the secret method of avatar had.

"Yes, almost all innate spiritual roots have inheritance of the secret method of clone. After all, all innate spiritual roots will bear fruit, and of course there are some that will not bear fruit, but the secret method of clone exists. I believe that the golden body of the two Western Saints The method is the secret method of avatars, and that's why they can divide the golden body to kill the three corpses. As for the deity's secret method, there are naturally disadvantages. It is impossible to cut the three corpses. This road has been completely destroyed, and every time Every avatar will affect the speed of your practice, it can be said that every time you cut off a avatar, your practice will slow down a bit, and you have killed two avatars in a row, so your own practice will be very slow. "

Dumbfounded, Xiao Sheng was dumbfounded for a moment. He never thought that the limitation of the secret method of avatar was actually the practice, and it was the limit of his own practice speed.However, if you think about it carefully, you can understand that if you cut out such a second soul clone with your soul and practice different ways, there will be problems if it does not affect your own practice.At this time, Xiao Sheng also understood the reminder of Empress Pingxin to Taoist Primal Chaos that although avatars are good, they have great restrictions on their own practice.

"In this way, my cultivation speed is slower than normal innate gods, but I don't feel such restrictions, so what's going on?" Xiao Sheng asked suspiciously, with his own cultivation speed Judging from it, it is not affected by the avatar at all, which is completely different from what Tuntian Taoist said.

Taoist Tuntian thought for a moment and said: "My lord, maybe this has something to do with your five-element world. You have inherited everything from the five-element gods and demons. With the origin of the five-element gods and demons, you have the five-element world. It is the power of the world that makes up for you. For your own problems, perhaps the power of the Great Dao of the World is the reason why you are not affected, if possible, it is best to let that chaotic guy restore his little thousand world, maybe that is his greatest chance!"

"Recovery, how to recover, in order to get rid of the shackles of the tunnel, in order to get rid of calculations, he burned the origin of Xiaoqian world, and even cut off the reincarnation of Xiaoliu. The origin of the entire Xiaoqian world has been severely damaged, and now even Fengdu The emperor's authority was cut off by him and handed over to the city god's golden body, how do you let him recover."

"No, deity, you and Chaos are both wrong. Your thinking limits your development. For Chaos, his situation is not as difficult and dangerous as imagined. There is a way that you can't stand without breaking, and you can stand after breaking. Since he has Burning the source of Xiaoqian World has already cut off the reincarnation of the Xiaoqian world, so why not destroy everything in the entire Xiaoqian world, let the world return to chaos, practice the way of chaos, what world can be more helpful to him than chaos !"

When Taoist Tuntian's words fell, Xiao Sheng was startled at first, and then ecstatic about it. These words are indeed reasonable. Since the origin of the small thousand worlds has been burned and damaged, why not break it and then set it up? Moreover, for Taoist Primal Chaos, if he can completely destroy the Little Thousand World and turn it into Chaos, maybe all the price he paid before will be recovered. If it can evolve into a chaotic world, everything will be different.

"Okay, your idea is really great. As long as it succeeds, Chaos will change its current appearance in one fell swoop, and now Chaos has been reminded by Empress Pingxin, and has found the entrance to Chaos in the Netherworld. It is a land of death, but it contains a powerful source of chaos, if he can complete this transformation, it can transform the world of Xiaoqian, and everything will change." At this moment, Xiao Sheng finally didn't have to worry about the chaos Taoist anymore. You don’t have to worry about the speed of Taoist Primal Chaos’ practice anymore. As long as you can accomplish all of this, everything is worthwhile. As long as you can break through and then stand up, and transform the small thousand world into a chaotic world, no matter how weak you are. The chaotic world will give him endless help.

(End of this chapter)

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