I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 167 Humanity Arrives

Chapter 167 Humanity Arrives
Chapter 160 VII Humanity Arrives

Under the attention of everyone, the Kyushu tripod completed the connection of the last dragon vein node of the Kyushu land. At this moment, a powerful breath rose from the Kyushu land, and the dragon veins of the Kyushu land roared. The dragon veins of the entire Kyushu land As if it was completely activated, one after another earth essence rose into the sky, forming a huge ground net to echo the Kyushu tripod, and at the same time, the Kyushu tripod's origin was also guiding the Kyushu tripod to return to its place.

When this ground network is condensed, a trace of the origin of humanity is integrated into the Kyushu Ding, and the power of humanity begins to affect the Kyushu Ding, and begins to erode the Kyushu Ding. This is not the Kyushu barrier of the human race, but the Kyushu barrier of humanity. The power began to control the land of Kyushu, and began to affect the dragon veins of the land of Kyushu. The dragon veins of the land of Kyushu merged with Jiuding, and the enchantment of Kyushu was born.

Yes, that's right, when this moment comes, the Kyushu barrier is born, but the current Kyushu barrier is not affected by Human Emperor Dayu, but under the control of humanity, Human Emperor Dayu lost control The mastery of Kyushu enchantment.

For such a result, Emperor Dayu was not disappointed or angry, but there was endless joy on his face. The coming of the power of humanity means that the human race will always be the master of the land of Kyushu, and will always control the land of Kyushu. Without the influence of external forces, this will be a treasure land for the human race.

"Sure enough, Human Emperor Dayu really knows what he is doing. As the last emperor among the five emperors, he is also one of the Great Consummation of the Human Emperor's rule of the world. He knows far more than other Human Emperors. When he became the emperor, he knew what he was going to do, and he knew the direction of his development in this emperor's rule of the world. Everyone was deceived by the emperor Dayu, but they didn't know the people in Huoyun Cave. Does the Emperor know this!"

When he saw the changes of Emperor Yu and the barrier of Kyushu, Xiao Sheng couldn't help but heaved a sigh in his heart. Such a result was both expected and unexpected.In the control of people's hearts, I am far inferior to the Emperor Dayu. As the Emperor, Dayu's calculations are too clever. He not only deceived himself, but also deceived his disciples. Our Lady of the Spirit is a total victim.

At this moment, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, who is the teacher of the Human Emperor, has also seen through the calculations of the Human Emperor Dayu, and also understands that he has become a big joke in the assistance of the Human Emperor. Human Emperor Dayu plotted, Jujiao was plotted by Human Emperor Dayu, and now Human Emperor Dayu finally got everything he wanted.

"Da Yu, is this your plan? You have not only deceived us disciples of the Jiejiao, but you have also deceived everyone in the human race. This is the Human Emperor!" The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit showed a faint wry smile on her face at this time. , Such a result made her annoyed, why when she was the teacher of the Human Sovereign, she would meet such a Human Sovereign and face such a result.

"Senior Sister, don't be sad, this is the Human Emperor, this is the dominance of the emperor, in their hearts there are only human races, and we are just outsiders, you see, even the great sage of the human race, Xiao Sheng, is smiling wryly!" Seeing the pained look on the face of the Guiling Holy Mother, Yunxiao Empress began to persuade.

At this moment, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit also smiled lightly and said: "Yes, this is the Emperor of the Human Race, the Emperor of the Human Race. Even if we are the teachers of the Emperor of the Human Race, we are just outsiders. Don't be fooled by the past without the approval of the Human Emperor. It is just a transaction between us and the Human Emperor, more precisely, it is a transaction with the human race. Proving the Dao, and thus gaining the merits of the Human Emperor, so we have never been recognized by the Human Emperor or the Human Dao from the beginning to the end, and now it is not the Human Emperor Dayu who controls the Kyushu enchantment, but the Human Dao!"

"Well said, it seems that Fellow Daoist Jin Ling sees everything very clearly. This is the human race, this is the human emperor. We are outsiders from the beginning to the end. The human emperor Dayu never even believed the strong men of the human race. How could he believe outsiders like us? He has his reasons for doing this. This is what he should do as a human emperor, but it is unacceptable to us, it is difficult to accept, but we have to face all this. Turtle Ling Fellow Daoist, let it go. Don’t be affected by your status as the Master of Human Sovereign. After this catastrophe, it will be time for us to leave the land of Kyushu and the human race. This change is guided by humanity. We outsiders They should all leave, and the human race will be controlled by themselves!"

At this time, Xiao Sheng came to the disciples of Jiejiao, and looked at them calmly. Regarding this situation, Xiao Sheng is no longer as dissatisfied as he was at the beginning. The Human Sovereign is the Human Sovereign of the human race, and has nothing to do with outsiders like them. In the face of racial interests, the Emperor will only choose the side that is beneficial to the human race, and will not sincerely cooperate with them.

Human Sovereigns practice the imperial way, and those who practice the imperial way will not be affected by personal feelings at all. In the face of big right and wrong, they will choose the interests of the race, and will not be affected by personal feelings.This point, Xiao Sheng saw clearly from Human Emperor Dayu.

"Thank you fellow Daoist Xiao Sheng for your reminder. I also understand that it's just that I can't accept such a shock for a while. After paying so much and enduring such a great pressure, what I got in return is 'betrayal'. This is really hard to bear." Accept." The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and a trace of grief flashed in her eyes.Having been in the human race for such a long time, she has developed deep feelings for the human race, but now she has paid the price and suffered a 'betrayal'.

"Fellow Daoist Xiao Sheng, do you think Human Emperor Yu can survive this punishment?" At this time, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit stared at Xiao Sheng, a great sage of the human race. Don't think she is the teacher of the Human Emperor, but Compared with Xiao Sheng, a great sage of the human race, her understanding of the human race is still limited, and she still wants to know Xiao Sheng's opinion on this matter.

"Now this catastrophe is no longer aimed at Human Emperor Dayu, but against Humanity. The person in charge of the Kyushu Barrier is not Human Emperor Dayu, but the power of humanity. It is not Human Emperor Dayu who will bear the punishment of heaven. Yu is the barrier of Kyushu controlled by humanity. Perhaps the power of humanity can block this natural punishment, but the land of Kyushu may not be immune to any damage. So stimulating the power of the dragon veins of the land of Kyushu is very important for the land of Kyushu. It's a squeeze!"

Upon hearing Xiao Sheng's answer, the Holy Mother of Wudang nodded lightly and said: "Fellow Daoists are right, it is no longer our business, nor is it the business of the human race, nor is it the business of the emperor, but the relationship between humanity and Kyushu. As for the affairs of the earth, we can only wait and see the changes in this natural punishment, and we cannot interfere in any way!"

Speaking of this, the Holy Mother of Wudang fixed her eyes on the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, worrying that the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, who is the teacher of the emperor, would make an impulsive decision that should not have been made, and be involved in this natural punishment, so that himself into a desperate situation.

"Not only do we have to stand on the sidelines, but all the strong in the entire prehistoric world can only wait and see the changes, waiting for the final result. Anyone who participates in this divine punishment will suffer backlash and become the enemy of heaven!"

The conversation between Xiao Sheng and these disciples of Jujiao was completely overheard by these powerhouses of the human race, and they did not expect such a change in the situation, nor did they expect that Human Emperor Dayu would play such a big game of chess that would kill everyone. It is obvious that the consequences of doing so are a bit serious. It makes Xiao Sheng, the great sage of the race, dissatisfied, and also dissatisfies the disciples of Jujiao. Even they can't accept it.

At this time, those strong men from the Shennong Tribe opened their mouths to speak, but they didn't know what to say. After all, Human Emperor Dayu was the co-lord of the human race, representing the decision of the human race, and as a part of the human race , They naturally have to obey the orders of the Human Emperor. On the one hand, the Human Emperor Dayu, the co-lord of the human race, and on the other hand, the great sage of the human race, Xiao Sheng, who has helped the human race since the Shennong era, for the human race, and for the Shennong tribe made endless contributions.

When he saw the changes in the expressions of these strong men from the Shennong Tribe, Xiao Sheng smiled and said, "Okay, this has nothing to do with you. I am a great sage, the human race has already walked out of its own path, and it is also when I leave. Don’t feel sad, and don’t feel dissatisfied with the actions of the emperor Dayu. This is the only way for the human race, and the human race should strengthen themselves. It's time for us outsiders to leave, the human race no longer needs our help, and the human race can walk out of its own path."

The more calm Xiao Sheng behaved, the more uneasy these strong men of the Shennong tribe felt, the more they felt sorry for Xiao Sheng, a great sage of the human race, but they didn't know that cause and effect did not disappear so easily. The human race got help from Xiao Sheng, this cause and effect will always exist, and the human race will eventually repay the day.

When Xiao Sheng's words fell, the heavenly punishment above the void also began to crash down. There was no accident, it was the heavenly punishment, and it was the Zixiao heavenly punishment. Bombarded from the world, each of the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder has the power to destroy the world, and it is no weaker than what Xiao Sheng's golden body of faith faced before. This series of Purple Cloud Divine Thunder crashed down, targeting It is exactly what Xiao Sheng said about the dragon veins of Kyushu, and it is about to destroy it!One after another, the Zixiao Divine Thunder crashed down crazily. Although the Kyushu Barrier continued to condense powerful earth energy to wipe out the Zixiao Divine Thunder, the Kyushu Barrier did not suffer a devastating blow. But the origin of the land of Kyushu was hurt!
(End of this chapter)

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