I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 184 Flame Stone Spirit

Chapter 184 Flame Stone Spirit
Chapter 180 Four Flaming Stone Spirits

"It's deceitful, this volcano is really deceitful, it would have been better if it had been noticed earlier, even if you want to stop now, it is impossible to stop, the earth is raging, even if you want to suppress it, it is impossible to do it. This is the power of heaven and earth, Fortunately, this place is very remote and there are no living beings, otherwise it will be a big trouble, since the eruption of the volcano cannot be suppressed, let this force be introduced into my five-element world!" At this time, Xiao Sheng had to make such an arrangement , It’s just that the pressure on oneself has increased since then, this is the power of heaven and earth, if it is not controlled well, the consequences will still be very serious.

To guide this violent fire power into one's own world of the five elements, if one is not careful, it is not a matter of a volcanic eruption, but to detonate one's own world of the five elements, causing the original source of the five elements to lose balance, and causing drastic changes in the world of the five elements , but now Xiao Sheng has no other way, he can only do this, otherwise the volcano will erupt, and he may not be severely injured, but he will suffer from boundless karma, and the 'earth furnace' he forged will also be shattered!
The lesser of two evils, the balance of the world of the five elements is not considered, and the immediate danger is the priority.After making a decision, Xiao Sheng immediately distracted and guided the violent volcanic origin to introduce into his five elements world little by little, turning it into the nourishment of the five elements world little by little.Originally, Xiao Sheng had already prepared for the worst, that his five-element world would be in turmoil, but the result was not like this, things did not develop in the worst direction. Xiao Sheng was surprised by the situation of transforming it into his own nutrition.

How could this happen? Could it be that I thought too much, the world of the five elements is not as weak as I thought, such a violent volcanic origin cannot cause harm to the world of the five elements, and will only become a nutrient for the world of the five elements?If this is the case, can I absorb some violent original power from the prehistoric world and turn it into the nutrients of the Five Elements World, or even transfer those broken stars to my own Five Elements World, turning them into the source of the Five Elements World? .

Although this idea is a bit crazy, it has the possibility of success. There are too many broken stars in the starry sky. These are the stars that were blown up by the two clans of the Lich during the Lich War. These stars have lost their origin. Even the possibility of recovery is infinitely weakened.Today's prehistoric stars, even the five main stars of 360 have been seriously affected. It is conceivable how miserable the fate of those ordinary stars will be. If you can move the exploded stars to your own five-element world, can you Evolve new stars and strengthen the origin of the five elements world.

When such an idea appeared in Xiao Sheng's mind, he was moved by it.However, now Xiao Sheng doesn't have much time to think about all this. He still has the crisis at hand, so how dare he think about more things? It's not too late to solve the crisis before talking about other things, otherwise If you think too much, the only one who will suffer in the end will be yourself!

When he had such an idea, Xiao Sheng no longer thought about too many things, but concentrated on guiding the source of the violent volcano, introducing it into his five-element world, and at the same time using this power to gradually Grinding your own body, and the 'ground stove' in your hands.

With the existence of the Five Elements World as the origin of the violent volcano, the power of this volcano is gradually weakened bit by bit, the violent power accumulated in the center of the earth is guided out bit by bit, and a disaster is destroyed. Xiao Sheng dissolved in the invisible.Without Xiao Sheng's treasure refining and this crazy operation, this volcano would still erupt in a short time. Now because of Xiao Sheng's appearance, this danger has been resolved invisibly, and the magic flame in the center of the earth is eliminated.

When the source of the violent volcano was eliminated, a trace of merit appeared on the 'earth furnace', and the power of the earth's dragon veins was completely integrated into this treasure. Xiao Sheng never thought that his casting would be caused by the violent volcano. The original source appeared and became a spiritual treasure of acquired merit, which surprised Xiao Sheng.

However, it is reasonable to think about it carefully. After all, this is a volcano that is about to erupt. It is reasonable to help the prehistoric world to eliminate a part of danger and a part of pressure, and it is reasonable for merit to come.

However, why does Xiao Sheng think that this merit is directly integrated into the 'earth furnace' instead of falling on himself?Although he had some doubts in his heart, Xiao Sheng didn't have so much time to think about this problem. He still had more important things to do. He wanted to gather a clone and master the clone of the 'Earth Stove'.

Originally, in Xiao Sheng's plan, he needed to refine a clone identical to that of the Taoist of Shifang, but now Xiao Sheng's idea has changed. It is impossible to do it with a clone of the earth, what I need is a clone of the earth.

Of course, with Xiao Sheng's current strength, it is almost impossible to condense the clone of the earth, so he thought of a crazy way, using the fire stone in the volcano as the core, refining Produce a stone spirit, a clone of the Houtian stone spirit, so that no one would think that this stone spirit has any relationship with him, and the body of the Houtian stone spirit can also cover up the power of the 'earth furnace'.

Perhaps it was because I helped the Great Desolate Earth to resolve the danger of this volcano before, so when condensing this Houtian Stone Spirit clone, there was no obstacle at all, and everything went very smoothly.Soon, a flaming stone spirit appeared in front of Xiao Sheng. This stone spirit possessed powerful earth and fire supernatural powers, and its origin was the 'earth fire furnace'.

Like the 'Human Desire Furnace', if the 'Human Desire Furnace' is the companion spirit treasure of the Taoists of the ten directions, then this 'Earth Fire Furnace' is the companion spirit treasure of the flaming stone spirit in front of us. This avatar wakes up.Stone Emperor, this is the name of this flaming stone spirit avatar. When completing the avatar, Xiao Sheng left it in this volcano. Now the strength of the stone spirit is still very weak, just like the original Shifang Taoist. It is the strength of an immortal, who has almost no ability to protect himself in the prehistoric world.

Making two clones in succession, moreover clones of acquired creatures, consumes a lot on Xiao Sheng himself, and makes him have to rest.After returning to Qingcheng Mountain, Xiao Sheng immediately retreated to practice, recovering his own consumption, and even let go of the other eight golden crows in the prehistoric world.

In Xiao Sheng's thinking, he has done what he should do now, and he just needs to keep going, waiting for the arrival of Fengshenliangjie, waiting for the time to come.But the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. As time goes by, troubles will inevitably appear, because at this time the Great Xia Dynasty has come to an end, and the land of Kyushu has become chaotic.

No one can tell whether such chaos is man-made or God's will.However, with the emergence of the turmoil in Kyushu, the catastrophe between heaven and earth is also increasing crazily, and the entire prehistoric world is quickly eroded by the catastrophe of heaven and earth.The Conferred God Quantity Tribulation is coming, and the danger is approaching all living beings in the prehistoric land.

At this time, the secrets of the heavens began to be chaotic, and all the secrets of the heavens were covered by the catastrophe, making it impossible for people to see through the situation in the prehistoric world.The worst case is that after Haotian returned to the throne, the disciples of the three religions did not take Tianting seriously, and repeatedly ignored the majesty of Tianting, making Tianting almost become the laughing stock of the Three Realms. How could Haotian, who is the Jade Emperor, accept .

So, when oppressed to the extreme, Haotian and Yaochi made a crazy decision to go to Zixiao Palace to meet Daozu Hongjun and ask Daozu Hongjun to make decisions for themselves.When Haotian and Yaochi appeared in Zixiao Palace, the Great Tribulation of Conferring the Gods kicked off, and soon Daozu Hongjun summoned the saints of the Dao of Heaven to discuss the matter of conferring the gods.

However, Daozu Hongjun did not invite Empress Pingxin, nor did he invite Emperor Fengdu, as if he had directly abandoned the Nether World, excluding it from this Conferred God Calamity.

When the saints were summoned to Zixiao Palace, Emperor Fengdu, Patriarch Minghe, Xingtian and Empress Pingxin felt the change.Feeling the pervasive atmosphere of heaven and earth calamity, Lady Pingxin sighed softly, and warned the Wu Clan, Emperor Fengdu, and Patriarch Minghe that the heaven and earth calamity had begun, so that there was no need for them not to leave the Nether World, lest they be killed. Involved in the calamity of heaven and earth.

Regarding the arrangement of the Nether World, and the arrangement of these heaven and earth, Empress Pingxin didn't say much, leaving Patriarch Styx and Xing Tian at a loss.However, the Golden Body of the City God knew the horror of the Conferred God Calamity, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Although this heaven and earth calamity has nothing to do with the nether world, it is not impossible for those sages of heaven and earth to insist on pulling the nether world into the catastrophe. Be vigilant, and issue a warning to all creatures in the nether world. Unless it is to lead the dead to rebirth, otherwise, all creatures in the nether world are not allowed to enter the wild land, so as to prevent being entangled in the heaven and earth disaster, and reduce the pressure and danger of the nether world to the greatest extent.

To prevent oneself from being dragged into the God Conferred Tribulation, and end up in a dead end.In such a dangerous situation, even the Golden Body of the City God would not dare to be careless in the slightest, and would not dare to do something that should not be done.

Seeing the actions of the city god's golden body and Emperor Fengdu, Patriarch Minghe's heart was moved. He felt that the other party might know about this calamity, otherwise he would not have been so cautious, and would not have faced it with such prudence. all of these.If this movement of heaven and earth spreads to the nether world, will Asura in the sea of ​​blood be targeted by others, will he be targeted by others?

(End of this chapter)

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