I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 417 Change of Luck

Chapter 417 Change of Luck
Chapter 4 Changes in Luck
The luck of the Baijia family lacks the luck of the Zajia family, which has impacted the human power of the entire earth star, and the great power of human nature has been severely damaged. The luck of the Baijia family is not entirely the luck of the human race, but more for the maintenance of humanity. Existing, it is only because of my own stupidity and ignorance that I made this crazy move, which caused the fate of the Za family to collapse and caused a shocking change in humanity. This situation happened. At this moment, Zhang I felt the boundless cause and effect. , this is the backlash from the Earth Star, the backlash from Kyushu’s luck.

When Zhang Jiao felt the backlash of his luck, the luck of the Han Dynasty also suffered a backlash. The dragon veins of the dynasty were mourning, and the luck of the Han Dynasty collapsed bit by bit under this backlash. At the same time, Guangchengzi also Feeling the backlash from the earth star, a terrible karma fell on him. This made Guangchengzi instantly dumbfounded. What was going on? How could he suddenly be affected by karma?
Not only did Guangchengzi have such an experience, but Emperor Haotian was also entangled in karma at this moment. Unfortunately, he was protected by heaven's luck and had merit. Although the karma from the earth and stars was huge, it was still Within his tolerance, Haotian soon mobilized his own merit and luck to wipe out this karma.

Although doing this will cause you to lose part of your luck and merit, it can at least ensure that you are not affected by this power and ensure your own safety. Unfortunately, Guangchengzi, the senior brother of the interpretation, does not have such good luck. Although there are interpretations Teaching Qi Luck can help offset some of the cause and effect, but that karma is not so easily erased.

"Haotian, are you okay?" When she felt the fluctuation of heaven's luck, Yaochi instantly understood the problem. This was the backlash of the earth star. She was very worried about something going wrong with Haotian and worried about the fate of humanity. Under the influence, Haotian's practice will be ruined.

"I'm fine, my karma has been wiped out, and only the cause and effect with the human race is left. As for the cause and effect of the Changsheng Son, it's nothing. It doesn't have much impact, and it's not much. Maybe it's because he gave up on his own. He has lost his identity as a sage of the human race and separated from the human race, so this cause and effect almost all falls on the human race."

After hearing Haotian's explanation, Yaochi couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. She was really worried that something would happen to Haotian again. If he was forced to reincarnate again, Heaven would be in great trouble, and even the majesty of Heaven would be completely destroyed. , Fortunately, everything did not develop in this direction, the human race did not use this as an excuse to launch an attack on Heaven, and the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors did not take action!

Of course, Yaochi also understands that karma will not disappear over time. As long as this karma is still there, it must be repaid, because this is the racial karma owed.It is not feasible to imitate the way the two sages in the West treat Hongyun. As long as the human race is still there, this cause and effect will exist, and the human race is the protagonist of heaven and earth, so this cause and effect must be repaid!

"Haotian, why don't we go see the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to see what their demands are. It would be a good thing for you and Heaven to settle this cause and effect as soon as possible. The longer it takes, the worse it will be for us. The next calamity will be It’s the time when the West is booming, and if it’s delayed until then, this cause and effect will become even more terrifying!”

At this moment, Yaochi thought about the next calamity. Although he didn't know when it would come, it would be a good thing for Heaven to end the knot earlier. And now they no longer dare to act rashly. After all, so many inheritances have flowed into Earth Star. If Heaven has another What kind of behavior can be easily noticed by others.

Losing his wife and losing his troops, this is the most real situation of Haotian now. Not only has he failed to win the power of Zhou Tianxing, but now he has even suffered the backlash. If most of his plans in the human world were not successful, I am afraid that Haotian will Cursing loudly, although this harvest is not enough to offset one's own karma, it is better in the long run. As long as there is enough time to accumulate, there will be an endless stream of luck, and the inheritance of Confucianism will always bring good benefits to oneself. .

"It's useless. The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors will not give us a chance to resolve the cause and effect. Do you think it is ordinary cause and effect? ​​No, this is the cause and effect of the fate of the hundreds of families. It is the guardian of the earth, star and humanity. The fate of the hundreds of families is because of the fate of the miscellaneous family. The collapse of the world, so there was a loophole, and all this happened. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the outer world of heaven and demon to send the inheritance of the devil's way to the earth. This is the biggest cause and effect. We have all underestimated the influence of hundreds of schools of luck. The importance of Earth Star!”

As the Emperor of Heaven, Haotian soon learned the true situation of the Earth Star, and understood why the attack in the outer Heavenly Demon Realm was successful. Everything was caused by himself and Guangchengzi. Let's say he regrets it. Haotian has no such thoughts. In his It seems that the advantages of this result outweigh the disadvantages. Although there are countless inheritances flowing into the Earth Star, not many can really be passed down. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Earth Star is limited. With so many inheritances pouring into it, it will only Accelerating the dissipation of the spiritual energy of the Earth Star and Heaven and Earth, eventually these inheritances will only disappear in the Earth Star, but the influence of Confucianism on the rulers of the Earth Star will not be affected.

Soon more people understood the situation of Earth Star. It was not that Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu intentionally left such a loophole, but the result of Taiping Dao and the Han Dynasty breaking the luck of hundreds of schools. Only when everyone has the opportunity can they send their inheritance to the Earth Star, waiting for it to bear fruit.

Good people, Guangchengzi and Haotian who are so self-sacrificial for others are good people. It is precisely because of their actions that everyone will have such an opportunity.At this time, countless people are 'grateful' to Guangchengzi and Haotian. Compared with Haotian, the emperor of heaven, they have gained something. They use the power of Confucianism to influence the rulers of the earth and star. However, Guangchengzi wants to use Taiping To establish the kingdom of God on earth with the hand of Tao is a foolish thing that is impossible to succeed.In the Kingdom of God on earth, all the faith of the entire Jiuzhou land belongs to the Taoist sect. How is this possible? Not to mention the inheritance of the sages of the human race, the appearance of many inheritances dropped from the sky directly broke the Taiping Taoist plan and caused it to be counterattacked by luck. Now Zhang Jiao's vitality has been severely damaged, his longevity has been damaged, and Taipingdao's luck has also fallen into a low ebb.

In contrast, although the fate of the Han Dynasty collapsed, the influence of Confucianism still existed. Without reasonable excuses, no one directly took action to destroy everything in the Han Dynasty. It can be said that the changes in the earth and stars today are due to the many inheritances. Astonishing changes have occurred from the sky, countless casual cultivators, and even the gods from heaven are sending their inheritance to the earth star.

For a time, whichever of the inheritances above the Earth Star is more intense, it is really like a hundred flowers blooming. Everyone has selfish motives, and everyone wants to get the faith of the Earth Star. Therefore, no matter how crazy Taiping Dao is, it is impossible to stop it. There are still many The inheritance spread among the human race, and those who were lucky among the human race quickly used the inheritance to further their strength.

Chaos, the entire Earth Star is now a word "Chaos", the Earth Star and Jiuzhou are now in chaos, but such opportunities are limited, the fate of hundreds of schools is shattered, it is only temporary, with the collapse of the fortune of the Han Dynasty , as Taiping Road continues to suffer heavy losses, the fortunes of hundreds of families are gradually recovering on their own.

Yes, that’s right. The luck of the Bai Family is recovering. Although the luck of the Miscellaneous Family has collapsed, after the Changshengzi cuts off this cause and effect, the fate of the Miscellaneous Family will gradually re-condensate with the emergence of other wise men from the human race. In troubled times, the power of Confucianism has also been weakened, so the fortunes of the hundreds of schools of thought will gradually recover and regroup into a new heavenly dimension to protect the safety of the earth and stars.

However, the newly emerged miscellaneous family fortune is no longer controlled by the Changshengzi, but by a new human race wise man, or a human race sage. The Changshengzi has completely separated from the human race and is no longer a human race sage.The current Changshengzi is only the ancestor of the Qi Refiner, but the current Qi Refiner line has also suffered a big impact. The appearance of so many inheritances falling from the sky has also shaken the beliefs of some people. After all, there is no one in the Qi Refiner lineage. Ascend to immortality.

Perhaps this situation occurred because the Changshengzi gave up the name of the sage of the human race and cut off the cause and effect of the human race. The strength of the Qi Refiner lineage was based on the inheritance of the human race. Now the luck of the human race is no longer with the Qi Refiner lineage. , but turned to those many inheritances, which will naturally affect the inheritance and luck of the Qi Refiner.

This is a drastic change, and it is also a test. Regarding everything about Earth Star, Changshengzi just glanced at it lightly and did not care. If some people feel that the inheritance of the Qi Refiner lineage is not strong enough, they feel that other inheritances are more suitable for them. , if they want to leave, if they want to give up the practice of Qi Refiners, then let them go. Changshengzi will not do anything to stop them, but giving up also means that the relationship between them and Changshengzi has come to an end. Luck will also disappear.

Those inheritances that dropped from the sky are indeed very powerful, but the power of those inheritances requires huge amounts of heaven and earth spiritual energy. There is not so much heaven and earth spiritual energy in Earth Star and Jiuzhou for them to absorb and practice. When Earth Star's heaven and earth spiritual energy comes to an end, When the time comes, those inheritances will also dissipate.The world has changed, and those inheritances that rely on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will naturally have no room to exist. However, the inheritance of Qi Refiners will not be affected by heaven and earth, and will not disappear due to the arrival of the Age of Ending Dharma. At the time of the Tao, the eternal son was ready.

More and more people are turning to other inheritances. When those Qi Refiners living in deep mountains and rivers receive other inheritances, many people are tempted by them, especially those younger generations. Once they come into contact with Qi Refiners, The inheritance time of pulse is very short. When they see a new inheritance, they can't help but be tempted by it and make changes. Under the temptation of becoming an immortal, they can't keep their original intention and their cultivation. The trust inherited by Qi Shi.

(End of this chapter)

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