Chapter 70
Chapter 70 Huangdi Neijing
When I once again felt the luck of the Lord of the One, under the blessing of this luck, this set of five-element spirit swords changed. Under the mutual generation of five elements, a powerful force was condensed, The power of the source is condensing, which is bestowed by the power of the Lord of the One. Although the original quality of this set of five-element spirit swords is not bad, they all have the quality of the best acquired merit spirit treasure, but they are only the lowest best acquired merit spirit treasure. But with this gift of good fortune, they directly completed the transformation and directly became the best acquired merit spirit treasures of the perfection level, and with the cooperation of this set of acquired spirit treasures, they can exert the combat power of supreme treasures.

Of course, if it is combined with the "Five Elements Dao Diagram" that I forged before, the burst of power will be even stronger, and this set of Houtian Lingbao was completed by myself, and it was bestowed by the Lord of the One. So even if someone wanted to snatch this set of Houtian Lingbao, it would be impossible. This set of Houtian Lingbao is closely related to Xiao Sheng himself, as long as he does not die, no one can forcibly take it away.

From this moment on, Xiao Sheng had a sense of security, and felt that he had a little bit of self-protection power in the prehistoric world, instead of relying on his own merits to deter the enemy as before. The enhancement made Xiao Sheng also heave a sigh of relief, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

When this set of Acquired Five Elements Spirit Sword was successfully forged, Xiao Sheng completely withdrew from cultivation. Just like his previous telepathy, this was the last opportunity brought by his transformation. Fortunately, his own caution saved this opportunity. By chance, and let my heart refinement method go one step further, one step further than the one of refining treasures.

After finishing his practice, Xiao Sheng checked his own situation for the first time. His physical body not only broke through the realm of Jinxian, but also possessed the combat power of Jinxian. The benefits brought to me by the law of enlightenment are the benefits of facing the test before.

Above Yuanshen, I didn't have such a great advancement, I was only in the middle stage of Golden Immortal, but this is also an amazing harvest. Most people break through Golden Immortal, and it is only in the early stage, but Xiao Sheng directly has the Dao of the middle stage of Golden Immortal. , which saves itself more precious time.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Sheng couldn't help but think of the prehistoric world, and muttered to himself: "Maybe it's time for Human Emperor Xuanyuan to prove the Tao, and I don't know that Human Emperor Xuanyuan is assisted by that bastard Guang Chengzi." The next meeting ended like this, did you get boundless merit? However, thinking about it, I think it is impossible. Guang Chengzi is too arrogant, it is difficult to give the emperor Xuanyuan a powerful help, especially in the battle of the emperor. The war between the Xiong Tribe and the Jiuli Tribe made Huang Xuanyuan tainted with too much human karma, even if he wanted to prove the Dao, it would not be an easy task."

Just when Xiao Sheng thought about the matter of Human Emperor Xuanyuan proving the Dao, suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind, and a crazy idea appeared. "The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine", at this time Xiao Sheng thought of the classic "Huangdi's Internal Canon" in Chinese medicine. They all said that it was written by the Emperor Xuanyuan.

When Xiao Sheng had this thought, his mind instinctively reminded Xiao Sheng that the myths of the prehistoric times are different from those of the later generations. I am afraid that the Emperor Xuanyuan did not write the "Huangdi Neijing", as the experts of later generations infer, this is the people of later generations. A medical masterpiece written in the name of the emperor.

Xiao Sheng didn't have any malice towards Human Emperor Xuanyuan, but towards Guang Chengzi, a bastard, Xiao Sheng had endless hatred in his heart. If Human Emperor Xuanyuan didn't have the medical masterpiece "Huangdi Neijing" when he preached the Tao, it would be It is one's own chance, one's chance to acquire new human merits.

Action is not as good as heartbeat. When he had this thought, Xiao Sheng quickly sorted out his memory and recorded the "Huangdi Neijing" in his mind. As long as he waited for Huang Xuanyuan to testify, he would not find this great book , then hand it over to the leader of the Shennong tribe as quickly as possible, and let him help him pass it on to the human race, so as to obtain more humanitarian merit and restore his own golden wheel of merit.

Of course, Xiao Sheng would not foolishly pass on the 'Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic' to the people before the Human Emperor Xuanyuan proved the Tao, so that Guang Chengzi, the Human Emperor's teacher, could take advantage of him in vain and get a share of humane merit. Xuanyuan made a move after proving the Dao, and did not give Guang Chengzi any chance to obtain the merits of humanity.

After sorting out the 'Huangdi Neijing', looking at the boundless Buzhou Mountain, Xiao Sheng felt a little confused. Should he leave Buzhou Mountain or continue his own exploration? They are unwilling to leave Buzhou Mountain, and even want to continue.

Today's Buzhou Mountain has already changed. I don't know if it's because of the release of the origin of Chaos Gods and Demons, or other reasons. The current Buzhou Mountain seems to be a complete world, which makes Xiao Sheng feel a strong world atmosphere.If it hadn't been for the fusion of his own body with the companion treasure 'Five Elements Divine Orb' to open up a perfect small world of the Five Elements in his body, Xiao Sheng would not have noticed the changes in Buzhou Mountain.

Of course, this was not a change that occurred just because of Xiao Sheng's arrival, but a change that had already occurred before that, but at that time Xiao Sheng's strength was too weak to detect the abnormality of Bu Zhoushan.Now that Xiao Sheng himself is already in the realm of the Golden Immortal, and he has the Five Elements Small World, this is the only way he can perceive the world atmosphere of Buzhou Mountain.

As for whether the current Buzhou Mountain is the Middle Thousand World or the Great Thousand World, this is beyond Xiao Sheng's ability to know, because the gap between the two is too great. This is a secret that Xiao Sheng cannot touch. You can see through the current Buzhou Mountain, and this place will not become a forbidden place in the prehistoric world.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Sheng tried his best to throw away the crazy greed in his heart. Although Bu Zhoushan had great opportunities, he also had great dangers. This time he had a strong luck. That's why I was able to get this opportunity but I also paid a huge price. Just like I thought before, this is an equal exchange. Now my luck has been affected, and most of my merit has been consumed. If you continue to explore Buzhou Mountain, this is not a treasure hunt, but self-destruction, making a joke of your own life.

"Greed, this seems to be engraved in people's hearts. When facing opportunities and temptations of interests, I can't help but want to risk my life. I don't know how many creatures are going to destruction because of greed. With the strength of my mere golden fairy, I want to explore the reality of Buzhou Mountain and find more opportunities. There will be greed in it, maybe this is human nature."

As he said that, Xiao Sheng shook his head lightly, so as to clear his mind and not be tempted by this external force.Regardless of whether all this was caused by his own greed or the temptation of Buzhou Mountain, Xiao Sheng did not dare to stay in Buzhou Mountain any longer and continue the so-called treasure hunting. Go on by yourself, there is only a dead end waiting for you.

Without enough luck and merit, stepping into Buzhou Mountain is killing yourself, no matter how powerful you are, maybe only a saint has the ability to retreat from Buzhou Mountain, but for all the saints , They no longer care about Bu Zhoushan's chance, there is no need to get involved in this karma.

Although Xiao Sheng is unwilling to admit it, this is the fact. There is a great cause and effect in Buzhou Mountain. Every treasure will consume one's own luck, and even every opportunity will consume one's own merit. Such consumption is not something ordinary creatures can bear Even Xiao Sheng didn't dare to continue.

Without the blessing of luck, walking alone in Buzhou Mountain is undoubtedly suicidal. The most important thing is that now Xiao Sheng's meritorious golden wheel has lost its function, and the acquired meritorious treasure 'Chunyang Furnace' is also scarred and needs time to recover. Wen Yang, without these two protective spirit treasures, it is really difficult to walk in Buzhou Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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