I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 78 Taoist Lunzhang's Crazy Idea

Chapter 78

Chapter 78 The Crazy Thoughts of the Taoist Reincarnation
"Hey, the deity is out of the gate, and he also teased Guang Chengzi, which is a good result!" When Xiao Sheng gained the merits of humanity, and when he gained the merits of heaven, the reincarnation of Emperor Fengdu in the netherworld The Taoist has also woken up from his practice, and was awakened by the boundless merit of the prehistoric land.

Human Emperor Xuanyuan has proved the Tao, and this deity has obtained the merits of the "Huangdi Neijing". It seems that the rumors are still true. The traditional Chinese medicine classic "Huangdi Neijing" was not written by Renhuang Xuanyuan, but someone from later generations wrote it in the name of the Yellow Emperor. Taoist Samsara was shocked by this result.

Similarly, Taoist Samsara was also shocked by Guang Chengzi's stupidity. Human Emperor Xuanyuan really did not get great merit as he had guessed in his heart before. Human Emperor was framed by Guang Chengzi and lost a great opportunity in vain.Of course, there may be other people's calculations behind this, otherwise Guang Chengzi's ability would not have caused the Human Emperor Xuanyuan Keng to suffer so badly. Perhaps it is possible that the Dao of Heaven is suppressing the Dao of Humanity, suppressing the human race, and not giving the human race a chance to stand on their own.

Why did you choose Guangchengzi to start, and choose Xuanyuan, the Emperor of Heaven? If you want to make a move, you can easily grasp Guang Chengzi's mind. The reason why you choose Xuanyuan is because he is the last human emperor among the three emperors, and he is also the human emperor with the strongest luck in the human race. As long as his luck is broken, the human race will It is difficult to be perfect with humanity.

Although I was eager to contact the deity, get the origin of Yin and Yang from the deity, and complete the condensation of my own yin and yang, but the way of reincarnation did not act in a hurry, but quietly waited for the end of the emperor's elucidation, waiting If all the saints leave, otherwise, if one is not careful, the heavenly saints will discover the connection between himself and the deity, which will destroy his practice with the deity, and even he will not be able to stay in this nether world.

The Samsara Taoist doesn't think that when his relationship with the deity is exposed, the Pingxin Empress and the Wu Clan will let him continue to sit on the Fengdu Emperor's seat, and even the tunnel will not give him the opportunity to sit in the Nether World. Under the circumstances, Taoist Samsara naturally had to be cautious and not dare to be careless in the slightest.

It's not that Taoists of Samsara insist on thinking in the worst direction, but the reality is so cruel and ruthless. When you choose to fight against the Wu Clan, the relationship between the two parties will never return to the original time. As long as there is a chance, the Wu Clan He will inevitably exclude himself from the nether world, and his position as Emperor Fengdu is not absolutely safe.

It is precisely because he understands how dangerous and difficult his situation is that the Samsara Taoist is not in a hurry to act, but is waiting for the opportunity to come, and is also waiting to further grasp the authority and power of the nether world, and even to fight with him. The deities join hands to master their own power, waiting for the time to come.

Chenghuang, this is the power that Taoists of Samsara have always longed for, and it is also a power that is independent of the nether world, and this power will not be controlled by the nether world, but in their own hands, not under the jurisdiction of Emperor Fengdu , because the City God is in the human world, on the prehistoric land, not in the nether world. He can get rid of the shackles of the nether world, as well as the shackles of the six reincarnations and tunnels. Even if the nether world wants to exclude itself from the nether world, he has enough power to deal with it.

Emperor Fengdu is a gift from the Taoist and the nether world, but the City God is not a gift from the netherworld and the nether world, but the power that belongs exclusively to the Samsara Taoist and Xiao Sheng himself. In the preparation of the world, Taoists of Samsara will not place their life and death on the nether world and tunnels, especially after they have become vigilant, they must be more cautious and will not trust any people or forces easily.

How can I hold the City God in my own hands and master this powerful power? The Samsara Taoist is constantly thinking about not allowing any external force to get involved in this merit and taking this power from his own hands, just relying on tunnels and the netherworld , it will not work and there will be great danger.In the eyes of the netherworld and the tunnel, the Emperor Fengdu himself will never be as good as Empress Pingxin, the Six Paths of Reincarnation is the core of the nether world, and his Fengdu emperor is just a chess piece between the netherworld and the tunnel.

Knowing their own situation, Taoists of Samsara must find the key to break the situation, and the City God is their only chance. Since the City God cannot be influenced and restrained by the tunnel and the netherworld, the City God system must be compatible with the human way, and use the power of the human way Come to get rid of the shackles and threats of the tunnel, and hold this power firmly in your own hands.

Of course, Taoist Samsara knows better that once he does this, the rift between himself and the nether world, and even the tunnel, will be aggravated, and he will even suffer backlash from the tunnel and the nether world, but Taoist Samsara doesn't care. Since it is impossible for him to get the full support and protection of the tunnel and the nether world, he should find a retreat for himself earlier, a retreat that allows him to escape completely, and humanity is a good choice.

Now Humane Dao has been imprisoned by Guang Chengzi because of Human Emperor Xuanyuan, and the recovery of Humane Dao will not be successful for a long time. Under such circumstances, if he and his deity jointly develop the City God System, which is independent of the Netherworld and built on Humane Dao Among them, on the prehistoric land, they will inevitably be recognized by humanity and protected by the prehistoric land. In this way, even if the nether world changes in the future, and the position of the Emperor Fengdu is not guaranteed, he can advance and retreat freely.

Although the idea is good, it is not easy to do all of this, because it needs to establish a complete system by itself, and it also needs to have great merit and the blessing of great luck, at least it will not be affected by the nether world and the tunnel. At this time, I need to have power independent of the nether world.

Although the Life and Death Book and the Judgment Pen are good, they are bestowed by the tunnel, and they are closely related to the tunnel. Even if he has already refined them, the reincarnation Taoist can clearly feel that he has not fully mastered them. There is still a backup, as long as the tunnel is willing, it is very easy to recall these two innate spirit treasures from his own hands.

There is no need to care too much about treasures that do not belong to you, and there is no need to waste your time and energy refining them, or even realizing its power, because what you get is only superficial, and you only have the right to use it. Instead of really mastering them and owning everything about them, there is no need to pay too much energy for such treasures.

Relying on others is worse than relying on oneself. At this time, Taoist Samsara thought of the law of the Dao of Samsara that he practiced, thought of his powerful authentic merits, and also had his own grasp of the origin of the netherworld, so Taoist Samsara couldn't help but have a thought in his heart. Crazy idea, Shinto, I can walk this path of Shinto.

If you use your position as Emperor Fengdu, plus your own huge authentic merit, as well as your mastery of the Dao of Reincarnation, as well as your own cultivation of the Dao of Life and Death, can you open up a small thousand world, independent Outside the netherworld, independent of the Xiaoqian world outside the tunnel, use this as the foundation to control the City God system and the power of reincarnation.

Although this idea is a bit too crazy, but according to the calculation of Taoist Samsara, it is not impossible to succeed. As long as you do your best, you will have a great chance of success, but the premise is that you need to have enough strength to open up a small thousand. The world, the small world that can carry the power of reincarnation, allows him to get rid of the shackles of the tunnel.

"Don't worry, I'm not in a hurry to act now, at least the Taoist and Empress Pingxin will not act rashly for a long time, let alone me, the Great Emperor Fengdu, after all, I have also practiced the Dao of Reincarnation, so maybe I don't have Pingxin Niangniang's mastery of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, but I can also guide the origin of reincarnation and reincarnate the soul. As long as you give me a little more time, let me go further in the understanding of the reincarnation road, then I can build my own small The Six Paths of Reincarnation can be independent of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and can reincarnate living beings in the prehistoric world, and then all crises can be resolved, and there is no need to look at the faces of the Wu Clan, fear the Lady Pingxin, or care about authentic reactions."

Establishing the small six realms of reincarnation, I have to say that the Taoist reincarnation is really crazy enough. If such an idea is known by the Pingxin empress and the authentic Taoist, it will definitely cut off the connection between the Taoist reincarnation and the netherworld, and abolish him as the emperor of Fengdu. The Samsara Taoist never had the opportunity to touch the Dao of Reincarnation and the Six Realms of Reincarnation, and directly cut off his practice path of the Dao of Reincarnation, and did not give him any chance to threaten the authentic way and the Six Realms of Reincarnation.

Of course, Taoist Samsara also understands that it takes time to accumulate one's thoughts, and without enough accumulation, one cannot act rashly, otherwise one will just waste one's time and energy, and even lose this great opportunity. Just do it, and it must be successful in the first move, so that the Pingxin empress does not dare to act rashly, so that the tunnel dare not act rashly, and truly master her own Dao of reincarnation and the reincarnation of life and death for all living beings.

Only by mastering the power of life and death reincarnation and not being affected by the nether world and the six realms of reincarnation, can you break free from this bondage. Emperor Fengdu is both a chance and a bondage. Taoist Samsara understands all of this, that's why he works so hard and fights so hard!
(End of this chapter)

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