I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 959 Crazy Counterattack

Chapter 959 Crazy Counterattack

Chapter 939: Crazy Counterattack
"I know what I am doing better than ever. Even if my body is destroyed, at least I won't be schemed by you, I won't be your puppet, and I won't be your pawn. As for what you said about giving me a way out, it's a joke. Do you think I will die? That's ridiculous. I will die, but my soul will not be destroyed. You think too much!"

Empress Pingxin spoke to the tunnel with disdain, with a faint sneer flashing in her eyes. Under the current circumstances, she did not think that she would fall into a desperate situation, nor did she think that the tunnel could stop her. Now the entire Netherworld had no manager, and the entire Netherworld was in chaos. After all, because of the shocking changes in the prehistoric land and the war between the human race and the independent cultivators, there was constant killing in the prehistoric land, and coupled with natural disasters and man-made disasters, the number of casualties was countless, which was increasing the pressure on the Netherworld and the burden on the tunnel.

Empress Pingxin is waiting, waiting for everyone to retreat from the Netherworld, especially the guy named Minghe Patriarch. The Asura army under his command cannot be careless in the slightest, otherwise they will pay a heavy price.

When Empress Pingxin was confronting the tunnel, the situation of all parties was soon transmitted to her telepathy. Even though Empress Pingxin was about to betray the netherworld and the tunnel, she had also reincarnated as a body, so she could naturally feel the situation of the netherworld. After discovering that everyone had retreated safely, Empress Pingxin showed a faint smile on her face.

I just heard Lady Pingxin say, "Diedao, now is the time for us to settle the cause and effect. You were plotting against me back then, and you were also plotting against Emperor Fengdu. His death was all caused by you. Now you want to use me as a pawn and do such a crazy and cruel thing. I can only say that you are too arrogant and self-righteous. Explode!"

Following a deep shout from Empress Pingxin, a terrifying force erupted from her body. The emergence of this force was accelerating the collapse of her physical body. However, when her physical body collapsed, all the origins of her physical body were merging into the netherworld. Perhaps this was the cause and effect owed by Empress Pingxin.

"Mad man, you mad man!" At this moment Didao was in a state of great confusion. This was not the result he wanted. It was just that he had no control over it. Empress Pingxin had already done the worst. All these changes were too crazy. Moreover, this was a situation he had not expected. Originally, he thought that Empress Pingxin would not dare to make such a crazy decision.

"Yes, I am indeed a madman. You have driven me crazy. If you had not insisted on killing me and the Wu clan, I would not have made such a crazy counterattack. I have no choice. Even if it is for the survival of the Wu clan, I can only do this. You brought all this upon yourself. This is the result of you, Hongjun, and the Heavenly Dao plotting against me!"

Empress Pingxin didn't think there was anything wrong with her actions. Since all of this was her own fault, she should bear the consequences. If she hadn't been forced into a desperate situation, Empress Pingxin wouldn't have done such a crazy thing, nor would she have risked her own life. She was forced into this situation.

"Damn it, what happened in the Netherworld? How could that bastard from Didao force Empress Pingxin to such a point!" At this moment, Daozu Hongjun's eyes became gloomy. Such a major event made him feel threatened and pressured. He originally thought that as long as he lent a helping hand to humanity and used the hands of independent cultivators to destroy the prehistoric land and let the prehistoric land suffer a devastating blow, humanity would be able to transform. At that time, his mission would be accomplished, and the things he promised to the three paths of heaven, earth and man would also be accomplished. But now something happened in the Netherworld first.

When Hongjun Daozu made this move in the netherworld, he immediately felt it. His first thought was that it was the fault of the earth. It was the earth that did something that shouldn't be done. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Pingxin Niangniang to be so crazy, and directly wiped out the karma of those witches and other creatures, and shouldered the boundless cause and effect. If all this happened after the human way took shape, he would not do anything, nor would he care. After all, the destruction of the prehistoric earth at that time had already put Pingxin Niangniang in a dilemma. But now the human way has not taken shape, and the prehistoric earth has not been destroyed. Now it is Hongjun Daozu who is in a dilemma.

This kind of situation is not the result that Hongjun Daozu wants to see, but he has no say in everything. He cannot interfere in the affairs of the Netherworld, and Niangniang Pingxin has accomplished all this as a saint of Didao. Now, not to mention that Hongjun Daozu has lost the power of Tiandao, even if Tiandao is still there, he is powerless to stop all this. So in his opinion, all this is Didao's fault. If it weren't for this guy Didao who provoked Niangniang Pingxin in advance, things would not have gotten out of control!
In fact, Daozu Hongjun was wrong. This was not the fault of the earth, but of him and the way of heaven. If they had not pushed all this forward, causing the prehistoric world to change again and again, causing changes in the prehistoric world and even the heaven to be split, the two guys Haotian and Yaochi directly cut off their own karma, and an earth-shaking war broke out in the prehistoric land, Niangniang Pingxin would not be so anxious, nor would she do such a crazy thing.

Unfortunately, Hongjun Daozu didn't think so. He now put all the responsibility on the earth, thinking that it was the earth's fault. If it weren't for the earth that provoked Pingxin Niangniang, his plan wouldn't have been sniped, and he wouldn't be in a dilemma now. Now this shocking change in the netherworld has directly made it impossible for the dead creatures in the prehistoric land to reincarnate. Although the six reincarnations have not been completely destroyed, they have lost their ability to operate.

When Lady Pingxin cut off all the karmas in the netherworld and took on all the causes and effects, the six reincarnations were still there, but the operation was stagnant, and the entire netherworld was stagnant. Even if the underworld wanted to change it, it couldn't do it because it didn't have enough manpower. Now with the entire netherworld shut down, the dead creatures in the prehistoric land can't reincarnate. Some souls poured into the netherworld, and some stayed in the prehistoric land.

Those souls that poured into the Netherworld are all intelligent and are not affected by the karma of heaven and earth, so they can find the entrance to the Netherworld on their own. However, there are not many such souls. Most of them are because of the outbreak of this crazy war, which made them all resentful, so they all stayed in the prehistoric land, making the entire prehistoric land return to the era without the six reincarnations. The cause and effect suddenly became bigger.

Who caused all this? It was Daozu Hongjun. He was the one who deliberately guided those scattered cultivators to do everything. Now things were out of control, so Daozu Hongjun had to bear the consequences. This directly ruined Daozu Hongjun's calculations and completely shattered his plans. Naturally, he had to curse the underground tunnel. Unfortunately, no matter how much Daozu Hongjun cursed the underground tunnel, it was useless. Everything had already happened, and it was out of control. Although Daozu Hongjun wanted to stop all this from continuing to expand, he was powerless. Whether it was the human race or the scattered cultivators, they were already furious. They were so angry that they couldn't stop at all. The entire prehistoric land had also suffered devastating damage. Now, let alone Daozu Hongjun, even if the Heavenly Dao reappeared, it couldn't stop all this.

"Damn it, how dare these lunatics do this? Even if they want to die, they can't drag us down with them. These damn independent cultivators, it doesn't matter if they want to die, but I in the West don't want to be buried with them!" Faced with such a shocking change, Patriarch Bodhi in the West was extremely angry. Now the situation of the West is becoming more and more dangerous. Even though the Western disciples have been doing their best to suppress the origin of the West, there is still no way to guarantee the safety of the West.

Now Bodhi Patriarch is trying his best to stop all this, and under such circumstances, he is naturally extremely annoyed, because if he fails, the Western Dao will be destroyed, and those Western disciples will have to sacrifice their lives. Once the West loses control, there is only one way to go, and no one can save them. Now the situation can be maintained because the remnant of the demon ancestor Luohou under the Western land has not erupted. No matter how hard the sentient beings in the West try, they can't stop all this from happening.

Now the remnant of the Demon Ancestor Luo Hou has long been revived, but he dare not act rashly, because this is a big cause and effect. Back then, the Demon Ancestor Luo Hou was calculated by someone, so he carried the boundless cause and effect karma. This time it is obvious that someone is plotting again, and this person is Hongjun Daozu, and even the three paths of heaven, earth and man are all plotting. Under this situation, the Demon Ancestor Luo Hou will naturally not be stupid enough to make a big mistake again, so he has been patient and dare not act rashly, for fear that he will accidentally carry the boundless cause and effect karma again.

It was precisely because Demon Ancestor Luo Hou did not take action, and did not even put up a bit of resistance, that the West was able to survive. Otherwise, no matter how hard Patriarch Bodhi tried, it would have been useless. Now Patriarch Bodhi wants to thank Demon Ancestor Luo Hou for his "kindness". If Demon Ancestor Luo Hou had not taken action, the Western Taoism would have been destroyed!

The West is still holding on because Demon Ancestor Luo Hou is even helping them stabilize the situation. Demon Ancestor Luo Hou is also worried that something might happen in the West and he would be involved, so not only did he not make trouble, he also did his best to help Patriarch Bodhi stabilize the Western land to prevent the worst situation from happening. Demon Ancestor Luo Hou actually gathered the demonic energy and prevented it from erupting in the Western land. No one would believe this, but now it is the fact.

There are such "good things" in the West, but there are no such good things in the Immortal Volcano in the South. When the war between the human race and the independent cultivators broke out, the Immortal Volcano in the South was also affected. Those members of the Phoenix Clan who thought they had escaped were dumbfounded. They had not expected such a situation, and now they are all anxious.

"Ancestor, we can't go on like this, otherwise we will pay a greater price. Now the power of the Undying Volcano is getting more and more crazy. If we continue like this, our losses will be huge!"

“Shut up, we can only hold on now, no matter how difficult it is. If the Immortal Volcano erupts, the cause and effect will directly drag our Phoenix clan into a desperate situation. At that time, all members of the Phoenix clan will be subject to boundless cause and effect karma!” Phoenix Ancestor was now anxious, facing such a situation, he felt extremely regretful in his heart. Now he understood that the one who was plotted against was not the King of Ferocious Beasts, Shen Ni, but himself.

If all this had not happened, Feng Zu would be happy that he had plotted against the King of Ferocious Beasts, Shen Ni, and sent him directly to the Earth. Now he regretted it. If he had known that there would be such amazing changes in the prehistoric land, he should not have sent the King of Ferocious Beasts, Shen Ni, to the Earth. Instead, they took the opportunity to enter the Earth themselves and did not have to suffer the crisis they are facing now.

"Damn Shen Ni, he planned all this long ago, but we foolishly thought that everything was under our control. We were tricked by this guy and now we are in such a predicament. All this is the fault of the ancestor. If the ancestor was not so arrogant, if the ancestor did not have so many calculations, we would not be in such a crisis now."

Soon, some people in the Phoenix clan began to blame Phoenix Ancestor, believing that it was all his fault. They forgot that if it were not for Phoenix Ancestor, the Phoenix clan would no longer exist in this prehistoric world. But now these guys don’t think so. In times of crisis, these guys put the blame on Phoenix Ancestor.

If they could let go of everything now, these guys would definitely do so without hesitation. Unfortunately, they cannot do so. They all understand that if they do so, the entire Phoenix clan will be in dire straits. After all, if the Undead Volcano really erupts, the consequences will be disastrous, and they will all bear endless karma.

Now that this situation has occurred, who can they blame? They can only blame themselves. They blame their Phoenix clan for being too insidious and cunning. They even plotted against the King of Ferocious Beasts, Shen Ni, who was "cooperating" with them, and directly beat him into the Small Thousand Worlds, allowing the Heavenly Dao to pull him into the Star. It is too late for them to regret now. No matter how much they regret, it is useless under this situation. Everything has already happened, and everything has become a foregone conclusion.

It is too late to regret. Now everything has happened. Everything has become a foregone conclusion. No matter how much the Phoenix Clan regrets, it is useless. No matter how much the Phoenix Ancestor wants to reverse everything, it is impossible. They can only face it. This is their own karma.
(End of this chapter)

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