I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 962 Hongjun Takes Action

Chapter 962 Hongjun Takes Action
Chapter 942 Hongjun Takes Action

"Have people noticed? Unfortunately, it's too late now even if you have noticed. The trend is set and no one can stop it. Once the war between the human race and the independent cultivators begins, the entire prehistoric land will suffer a devastating blow. It's just a matter of time now!" When he discovered Xiao Sheng's reaction, as well as the changes in Zhen Yuanzi of the Wuzhuang Temple and the Wu Clan in the Ten Thousand Mountains, Daoist Ancestor Hongjun couldn't help but shook his head and smiled indifferently, not caring at all.

If nothing had happened in the heavens, the changes on Earth were not complete, and Mount Buzhou was still there, perhaps everything would have changed. But now in the eyes of Hongjun Daozu, it is a foregone conclusion. No matter how hard people like Zhen Yuanzi try to stop it, it is impossible to stabilize the situation in the Earthly Immortal Realm. Without the power of Mount Buzhou, the dragon veins of the earth will lose their protection. If such a war breaks out, the losses suffered by the prehistoric land will be even greater.

What Hongjun Daozu is most worried about now is the Netherworld and the tunnels. When Niangniang Pingxin launched a counterattack, the Netherworld was in chaos, and the prehistoric land was also in chaos. However, no matter how chaotic the prehistoric land was, it was not a big problem. But the Netherworld was different. The situation of humanity had been made clear, and as long as they waited a little longer, they could transform into human form. But the same could not be said for the tunnels. As long as Niangniang Pingxin was still around, the Netherworld would not be able to erupt in a destructive disaster, not to mention the six realms of reincarnation.

"Damn tunnel! How stupid must he be to be tricked by Lady Pingxin? If this guy can't find a good solution, he will probably be destroyed. If humanity also escapes, but he remains trapped in the netherworld, he may be directly locked in the netherworld, or even locked in the six realms of reincarnation!"

This is not just Hongjun Daozu's random thoughts, but has a basis. Now the three paths of heaven, earth and man have lost balance. The disappearance of the heavenly path has directly broken all the order of the prehistoric world. The heavenly path, which maintains the order of the three realms, has disappeared, and the human path has also seen hope. If the human path also takes shape, the earthly path still cannot break free from its shackles, then its fate can be imagined. The boundless cause and effect alone can crush it. After all, if it really comes to that point, most of the cause and effect of the prehistoric world will fall on the earthly path. If the underworld cannot start to operate faster, it will be in big trouble.

The netherworld is different from the prehistoric earth and the heaven. It doesn't matter if the order is destroyed. Even if there is no one to guide it, it will at most make the prehistoric world a little chaotic. But if the netherworld is in chaos, it will cause chaos in the entire three realms. Endless resentful souls will increase the burden on the prehistoric earth, increase the pressure on the heaven, and even affect the operation of the six reincarnations!
Although Hongjun Daozu also saw this problem, it was not a problem that could not be solved. It would take time and energy, but the time left for the tunnel was short. As long as Lady Pingxin was still there, it had no way to deal with it. Of course, if someone was willing to lend a hand to the tunnel and kill Lady Pingxin, it might be able to relieve the pressure on the tunnel, but there would be no such fool. No matter how stupid a guy was, he would not choose to provoke Lady Pingxin at this time.

If the problem could be solved, Hongjun Daozu would have solved it long ago. The current situation is that he does not want to intervene, and even dares not to intervene. If something goes wrong, he will be in big trouble, and the consequences he will have to bear will be enormous.

The current situation is very clear. Empress Pingxin is determined to never retreat. If anyone dares to target Empress Pingxin at this time, I am afraid that the other party will directly self-destruct. At that time, not only will it be impossible to help, but the situation will also get out of control. If Empress Pingxin self-destructs, it will inevitably have an impact on the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Not everyone dares to get involved in such cause and effect. If one is accidentally involved in it, he will die.

Although Hongjun Daozu understood that the situation in the prehistoric land had already been determined, time waits for no one. Faced with the changes in the earth and the changes from the gods and demons outside the domain, Hongjun Daozu did not want to stay in the earthly immortal world any longer, so he planned to speed up the development of this shocking change and accelerate the promotion of this disaster between heaven and earth.

The first person that Hongjun Daozu thought of was not the Bodhi Patriarch in the West, nor the Three Pure Ones, but Xiao Sheng. In his opinion, Xiao Sheng was easier to plot against, and as long as Xiao Sheng broke the dragon veins of the prehistoric land, the situation in the prehistoric land would be out of control, and the whole world might face a horrible disaster.

"Haha, Xiao Sheng also wanted to control the power of the dragon veins of the earth and stop my plan, but he didn't expect this to be a joke. With his little power, he wanted to stop the trend of heaven and earth!" Now in the eyes of Hongjun Daozu, anyone who wants to stop the disaster of the prehistoric earth is a joke, a stupid decision, and no one can withstand the impact of this external force. Not to mention that Xiao Sheng is only a Daluo Jinxian, even a saint can't stop all this from happening!

Although Hongjun Daozu looked down on Xiao Sheng in his words, he would not let Xiao Sheng go just because he looked down on him. With a wave of his hand, a force surged into Qingcheng Mountain. That was the power of Hongjun Daozu. He wanted to directly break the "Eight Diagrams Demon Subduing Formation" of Qingcheng Mountain, and wanted to open up the connection with the Demon Realm, and use Xiao Sheng's hand to lead the Demon Realm army to invade the prehistoric world. Unfortunately, although Hongjun Daozu's calculation was very good, he overlooked an important issue. Xiao Sheng's current strength is not weak. It is ridiculous that he can calculate the other party with just such means.

When the power of Hongjun Daozu appeared in Qingcheng Mountain, Xiao Sheng's expression immediately became gloomy. He felt the presence of the enemy. If he continued to let it develop, the consequences would be serious. After all, this force was eroding Qingcheng Mountain and competing with him for the origin of Qingcheng Mountain and the power of Qingcheng Mountain.

"Sure enough, Hongjun couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to attack me. He actually used such means to destroy the dragon veins of the Qingcheng Mountain. He wanted to use such means to plot against me and make it impossible for me to escape. But he is too arrogant. Now he is no longer a saint of the Heavenly Dao. The Heavenly Dao has disappeared, and the power he controls is also limited. I will play with him for a while. If possible, I can also send this power to the West, or even to the Netherworld!"

In an instant, Xiao Sheng had such a crazy idea in his mind, but although his idea was good, it was not easy to do it, and it was without alerting Hongjun Daozu. If the other party noticed it, it would be a disaster for himself. Xiao Sheng did not think that Hongjun Daozu would show mercy to him after knowing his plan!
From this trace of power, Xiao Sheng could understand how insidious and cunning Hongjun Daozu was, and how dangerous the situation he was going to face was. He had to know that this trace of power was filled with endless malice. If he allowed this power to erode the dragon veins of Qingcheng Mountain, the entire Qingcheng Mountain would suffer a devastating disaster.

"Could this be a test of me by Hongjun? Has he noticed something?" Soon Xiao Sheng had this thought in his mind. After all, he had done many things in this shocking change of heaven and earth, and he also went to the Shiwan Mountains to meet Hou Tu, the ancestor of witches. If Hongjun Daozu knew about the situation in the Shiwan Mountains, it would be normal for him to target him.

Of course, this was just Xiao Sheng's own guess, and he couldn't be sure yet. However, even if it was just a guess, Xiao Sheng was alert and didn't dare to be careless anymore, otherwise he would lose his life by accident and die in this world-shaking event. After all, the order of the prehistoric world was already collapsing!
Just when Xiao Sheng was in a dilemma, the voice of the Dark King suddenly came into his mind: "My Lord, I can sense the evil power you feel. It seems that Daozu Hongjun is not targeting you alone, but also me. I even suspect that he is targeting all the strong men in the prehistoric land. We can't just sit there and wait for death. If we allow this power to expand, we will have to bear endless consequences."

"Darkness, if you have any good ideas, just tell us directly. There is no need to be cautious. We have reached this point now. No matter how great the danger is, it is not unacceptable to us. Hongjun dare not directly destroy the prehistoric land, and even has to secretly attack us. Perhaps there are still constraints on him. Without the constraints of the Heavenly Dao, there may still be constraints from the prehistoric world. This may be our chance to fight back!"

"Master, we can't do it ourselves. We can't afford the cause and effect of the destruction of the earth's dragon veins. If we are really involved in this cause and effect, we will be miserable. The reason why Bodhi Patriarch is so persistent is that he doesn't want to bear the cause and effect. We can't bear it now, but Hongjun seems to have forgotten an important issue. This is the prehistoric land, and the way of heaven has disappeared. The influence of the origin of the stars on the earth's dragon veins has become very small. If we let the dragon veins of the earth go, what do you think the result will be? Will it give him a surprise?"

"Zoulong, you're crazy! Hongjun's power is full of evil, bewitching and destructive. If the dragon veins of the earth are allowed to move and lose control, you should understand how serious the consequences will be. If we are not careful and fail to take the enemy into account, we will be targeted by the dragon veins of the earth and fall into crisis!" Xiao Sheng was somewhat resistant to the Dark King's words. In his opinion, this was too crazy. He was simply playing with his life and making a joke of his own!

(End of this chapter)

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