I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 98 Solving the Crisis

Chapter 98 Solving the Crisis
Chapter 98 Solving the Crisis

"My venerable, how do you want to solve this problem? Since you have already noticed the problem, you must have some ideas, right?" At this moment, Taoist Samsara wanted to hear the lord's thoughts!

"The method of the golden body can't be abandoned like this. As I was worried about before, if there is really a conspiracy behind it, it will definitely alarm the other party and put us in a greater crisis. Our strength is too weak, and the other party can obliterate us at any time , we can't take this risk. In this case, we need to make a change. In any case, the soul can no longer be divided in the golden body. The divided soul needs to be taken back, and it cannot be directly fused. Nutrients, at least there can be no hidden dangers. As for the golden body, it is fine, whether it is faith or merit, it is enough to gather one statue, give it the source it wants, and leave a trace of consciousness. If there is a problem, it will not affect us. itself."

Taoist Samsara thought carefully for a moment, and felt that this idea was very good, taking into account the basic situation, and it could indeed minimize his own danger.However, if he divides the Dao of Reincarnation now, his own strength will be weakened. This is another big trouble, and it will become a big problem for himself.

Xiao Sheng seemed to feel the thoughts of Taoist Samsara at this moment, and said in a deep voice: "Samsara, when it is broken, it is broken, don't have too much hesitation, if you stay longer, it will be more dangerous to us, take advantage of the current Samsara Before the Dao really erodes itself, cut it out, so that your original source is pure and free from any erosion."

"Okay, I'll do it. But, deity, what do you think about the second soul clone in Buzhou Mountain?"

"I've thought about it carefully, give it up, and no longer be conceived as a second soul clone, but use the power of Buzhou Mountain to give birth to an innate spirit treasure suitable for us. Now we have lost too much power, and the innate meritorious spirit treasure is very close "Because the development of Xiaoqian World was completely destroyed, we no longer have any treasures in our hands. "Luobao Money" cannot be exposed, and it cannot be exposed until it has evolved into a treasure of innate merit and virtue. This will be our biggest killer. What you are looking for is the Five Elements Dao, and there is no shortage of treasures in your hands for the time being, but you are different, you don’t have a single treasure that you can get your hands on. The 'Life and Death Book' and the 'Judge's Pen' don't belong to you, but belong to Emperor Fengdu."

The price was paid a lot, but the result was like this, which dealt a severe blow to Xiao Sheng and Taoist Samsara.Faced with such a situation, Xiao Sheng and Taoist Samsara could only recover their losses as much as possible, minimize the losses, and free themselves from possible crises.

"My lord, maybe I can go see Empress Pingxin and listen to her opinion!" At this moment, Taoist Samsara couldn't help but think of Empress Pingxin, the Lord of the Six Realms of Reincarnation, perhaps she knows more things than himself and this deity. many.

"Don't have such thoughts. Going to see Empress Pingxin at this time will only put you in a bigger crisis. Let alone your relationship with the Wu Clan, this action alone is enough to make those Wu Clan strong. People hate that the appearance of Chenghuang Shendao affects their interests, and Madam Pingxin will not see you! Asking for others is better than asking for ourselves, the road is our own, and we must bear the responsibility for cause and effect. If you get help there, don’t have so many fantasies. The most important thing is to cut off your own Dao of Reincarnation, and don’t care about your own losses.” Xiao Sheng once again reminded the Taoist of Reincarnation, don’t be reluctant to part with your own strength, and get rid of the crisis. is the most important!
After some reminders, Xiao Sheng took a deep breath, cleared up his mood, and began to think about his future path. The law proves that this will not change, and it cannot be changed. Complete, the Five Elements Dao is the fundamental Dao of oneself, and the others are just the accompanying Dao of the Five Elements Dao practice.

Cautiously and carefully pulled out his primordial spirit from the golden body of faith, and used his soul power to turn it into a flame to burn his own primordial spirit, turning it into the nourishment of his own soul bit by bit, and turning it into a flame. The erosion caused by faith to one's soul is gradually eliminated, eliminating all hidden dangers.

When the last trace of his soul was calcined, Xiao Sheng couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was not much erosion of faith in his soul, and everything went very smoothly. After absorbing this soul nutrient, his primordial spirit , With a little improvement, the mind has become clear, and the soul seems to have been washed.

At this time, Xiao Sheng understood that he had taken the right step. The soul cannot be divided again and again. It seems that it has no effect, but it is not.It's just that one's own strength is too weak to be aware of the trauma on the soul, and the damage on the soul will also affect one's own practice and the breakthrough of one's own realm. The soul is the only one, this is not casual talk.

For a moment, Xiao Sheng had an urgent desire to rush into Buzhou Mountain and get back his divided soul, but he quickly dismissed this idea.Although he understands his own crisis, now is not the time to be impulsive. At this time, he has the attention of many powerful people, and if he is not careful, more secrets will be revealed.

Now the golden body of faith after taking back the soul seems a little dull, after all, there is only a trace of consciousness left, such a change is also reasonable, but now Xiao Sheng can't really give up the golden body of faith, let alone stop it, What should be done still needs to be done, otherwise there will only be more dangers.

The plan of Wanjiadenghuo still needs to be implemented, but the goal has changed, to become the golden body of one's own faith to accomplish all of this, to gather the fire of humanity with the power of the golden body of faith, to let the fire of humanity and the origin of humanity gather in the golden body In the body, take a look at what changes will happen to the golden body of faith, and whether there will be any abnormalities.

With such thoughts in mind, Xiao Sheng took his golden body of faith and began to walk among the Shennong tribe, preparing for the perfection of the spiritual fire in the golden body of faith. Integrate it into the golden body of faith bit by bit, and use the origin of humanity to breed the fire of humanity.

When the Wanjia lights in the entire Shennong tribe gathered together, the Wanjia lights changed and merged continuously. Gradually, a fire appeared in the golden body of faith, fused with a trace of divine consciousness, absorbed the origin of humanity and began to transform, This is the fire of humanity that I had expected.However, the Shennong tribe cannot complete the perfection of the fire of humanity, the fire of humanity is still too weak, and needs more lights of thousands of families as nutrients.

Although the appearance of the fire of humanity did not bring much change to the Golden Body of Faith, the Golden Body of Faith has become more agile, and the power of that trace of spiritual consciousness seems to have been activated, and it is no longer as dull as before .Such a change made Xiao Sheng sigh involuntarily.This may be the crisis I am worried about. When the fire of humanity merges with this trace of divine consciousness, such changes will occur, and what kind of changes will occur when it merges with my own soul?
It seems that the danger really exists, but I still don’t know how terrible the danger is. If I want to prove everything, I need to continue, and I also need a powerful golden body of faith to sit on the human race, so that I can escape from the whirlpool of the human race out.

At this time, Xiao Sheng felt that it was time for the Golden Body of Faith to leave the Shennong tribe and let him collect more Wanjia lights. The lights of the Shennong tribe alone were not enough to satisfy its transformation and evolution, so he had to continue to collect Wanjia lights from other tribes. Lights can make the fire of humanity stronger, and make this golden body of faith stronger.

Soon the golden body of faith left in the eyes of the Shennong tribe, and went to other human tribes to collect the lights of thousands of families that transformed and evolved.At this moment, Xiao Sheng didn't have a close connection with this golden body of faith, he could only faintly feel his existence, and couldn't perfectly control the power of this golden body of faith.

When Xiao Sheng's golden body of faith walked out of the Shennong tribe, it shocked all the prehistoric powerhouses. They didn't expect Xiao Sheng to make such preparations among the human race, and condensed a powerful golden body of faith. .In the eyes of all the powerhouses in the prehistoric world, Xiao Sheng's golden body of faith is only good, and they still look down on the combat power of the golden fairy level, but this golden body of faith makes all the powerhouses of the prehistoric world I am moved by it, if I can sacrifice such a golden body, it may be more beneficial to my own practice.

However, it is not easy for these prehistoric powerhouses to obtain Xiao Sheng's huge faith. After all, they are not as loved by the human race as Xiao Sheng, and they cannot condense such a huge power of faith. With enough power of faith, I am afraid that everything will change again, and things may have new changes.

Xiao Sheng didn't know what those guys were thinking, and he didn't want to know. After confirming that his golden body of faith would not leave any hidden dangers for him, there was a gleam of joy in his eyes. Taoist's own choice.Now I need to condense the five elements, the Dao fruit, and perfect myself.

Only when the five elements and avenues have successfully condensed one's own Dao fruit, one's own foundation will be stronger, and will not leave any hidden dangers for oneself. Xiao Sheng is working hard now, and once he starts, all this can't be stopped Come down, the cycle of the five elements is unbreakable, and I need more time to prepare and perfect it!
The world avenue, the space avenue and the time avenue in the five thousand small thousand worlds were completely forgotten by Xiao Sheng, and he focused on his own five-element avenue. Learn more.

(End of this chapter)

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