I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 989: Three Worlds Shock

Chapter 989: Three Realms Shock
Chapter 969: Three Realms Shock

"My Lord, I think I understand why humanity dares to do this, and I also understand why Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu dare to hide their own strength under such circumstances!" Suddenly, the Dark King spoke to Xiao Sheng, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, as if he really saw through humanity's calculations!
"What is it? Just tell us what you think. There's no need to be so secretive. Even though we have time to watch the battle, our own crisis has not been resolved. Stop keeping us in suspense!" Xiao Sheng was a little annoyed at the Dark King's actions. It was already this time, and this guy still had the mind to do such a thing.

"It's Earth Star, it's the human race. It seems that the human race has cut off its connection with humanity, but the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors only cut off the human race of the prehistoric land, and the human race of Earth Star is not affected by it. In other words, as long as the connection between the human race of Earth Star and humanity cannot be cut off, this guy will not be in danger. It is different from the calculation of real estate. Perhaps this is the calculation of Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu. All of this has long been in their plan. I just don't know if the Poison Dragon Ancestor and others have discovered it! If this connection can be cut off, perhaps everything will have a new turn, and this war will have a qualitative change!"

"That makes sense, but we can't do it. As for whether the Poison Dragon Ancestor can see through all this, it is their own business. If these guys really want to take revenge on humanity, I believe they will make a decision. Even if their revenge is fake, they have their own conspiracies and calculations. They may even be "cooperating" with Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao. If this is the case, this is the biggest crisis."

"Impossible, unless these guys are stupid, how could they make such a stupid decision? Cooperating with Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu will only do them harm. If the conspiracy of Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu succeeds, I'm afraid they will die. No one will risk their own life. I don't believe there are such stupid guys!"

"That's true, but I'm afraid that everything will develop in the worst direction. You know, these guys have been fighting for such a long time, but no one has died. The only one who died was caused by us. Even if they didn't 'cooperate', it's possible that they were cooperating with each other tacitly. They were just getting what they wanted!"

Xiao Sheng couldn't help but sighed. It wasn't that he had to think about it in a bad way, but the current situation did have too many problems. The more he thought about it, the more he could find out the problems behind it. But he didn't have any evidence. However, such a thing didn't require any evidence. It was enough for you to have such a guess in your mind. This was a catastrophe. As long as there was a guess, we had to be vigilant!

"My Lord, do you think it's possible for us to kill Human Dao again?" As the Dark King spoke, a terrible murderous intent emanated from his body. It seemed that this guy had a crazy murderous desire towards Human Dao as well, and the success in killing Human Dao made him even crazier.

Xiao Sheng shook his head and sighed, "Impossible, we don't have such an opportunity, and Didao was just killed by us. No matter whether this guy has other backup plans, this has attracted the attention of Tiandao, Rendao and Hongjun Daozu. It is impossible to attack Rendao again. No one can do it. I know what you are thinking. You want Shifang and Changshengzi to take action and find a way to cut off the connection between Dixing and Honghuang Land, but have you ever thought about how serious the consequences will be if you let them take action at this time? If they are not careful, their lives will be in danger."

If things can really succeed, Xiao Sheng is naturally willing to give it a try, but the Dark King's words hardly show any possibility of success, so Xiao Sheng does not want to take this risk and put himself in crisis, and put Shifang and Changshengzi in a desperate situation. After all, Tiandao also has a backup plan on Earth. If Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu are fishing, it is best for him to do nothing at this time and wait quietly for the situation to change, so as not to fall into the trap and lose his life.

If these guys all have conspiracies, they won't be able to hold out for too long. After all, time is also very important to them. Those 'enemies' in the chaos have already moved. Xiao Sheng doesn't think that all this will last long. Moreover, as long as there are changes on the earth, the conspiracies of Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu will emerge one by one.

"I know what you are thinking. This time we successfully destroyed the underground tunnel, which cut off the shackles in our hearts and allowed us to see the way forward. However, humanity is different from underground tunnels. If this is a trap, a trap set by Hongjun Daozu and the Heavenly Dao, we cannot be careless at this time and cannot expose more. Otherwise, we will end up dead. After all, we don't see through anyone now, so it is not suitable for us to take action under this circumstance!"

After hearing what Xiao Sheng said, the Dark King shuddered, nodded and said, "You are right, I was careless, or I was arrogant. I thought that because I had successfully destroyed the tunnel, humanity would not be a problem. But there is still a gap between humanity and the tunnel!"

"It's good that you understand. The more it is now, the more cautious we must be. We cannot be careless in the slightest, otherwise we will be the only ones who suffer in the end. You also know how cunning the enemy is. We have encountered many crises in our practice. We must remember the death of Chaos Taoist Priest. We cannot let down our guard just because we avenge him. The slightest mistake will kill you and me!"

"I understand, but seeing such a good opportunity but not being able to cheat people makes me a little disappointed!"

"Humanity is not like underground. We have learned something about underground through Taoist Priest Chaos and Emperor Fengdu. Moreover, the integration of the Six Small Paths of Reincarnation also gave us more opportunities. But humanity is different. We have never really come into contact with humanity, and have not truly felt the power of humanity. Don't be fooled by my ridiculous name. The Son of Humanity's Luck is all fake. We can have what we have today thanks to our own efforts and our past memories. So humanity has nothing to do with us. The saints of Heavenly Dao were all deceived by Daozu Hongjun and Heavenly Dao, and Taoist Priest Chaos was also killed by the underground. Do you think we can take humanity lightly?" When he said this, Xiao Sheng sighed. This battle made him have too many feelings, so now he dare not be careless at all.

The human way has cheated the Poison Dragon Ancestor and other beast kings, the underground way has cheated the Chaos Taoist to death, and the Heavenly Way and Hongjun Dao Ancestor cheated the Heavenly Way Saints. There is no explanation and no result yet. If you don't take all this seriously, you will be the next to die. Although the current situation seems to have reached a fierce level, is all this true? Is there any other calculation behind this? Xiao Sheng doesn't know, but he thinks there is something wrong with all this, and it is a big problem!

"But I still feel a little unwilling in my heart. After all, from a positive point of view, this is our best chance." "Yes, this is indeed our best chance, but how do you know that this opportunity is not deliberately created for us by the enemy? Don't forget that we have tricked Hongjun Daozu before, but from the current situation, do you think Hongjun Daozu is so easy to be tricked by us? Could it be that he did all this on purpose? Has he been eyeing us for a long time?"

Although it is still uncertain, this does not prevent Xiao Sheng from discussing with the Dark King. The current situation is too crazy, and no one died in this seemingly fierce battle. This is the biggest problem. Now Xiao Sheng is worried that the human race is already in the game, and the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are already pawns. He can't easily get involved in the game.

"It's a pity that Haotian and Yaochi haven't shown up yet. If these two guys can help us test the strength of Tiandao and Hongjun Daozu, we might still have a little hope. Now we have to give up! Tongtian Jiaozhu has been avoiding us, which is also a problem!" When he said this, the Dark King shook his head and sighed, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes! Opportunities are hard to come by, and if you miss this opportunity, it will be too difficult to have such an opportunity again.

Just when the Dark King was lost, a loud noise was heard, and a terrible shock wave swept across the entire prehistoric world. Not only the Earthly Immortal Realm was impacted, but also the Earth Planet. An external force was invading the prehistoric world, and the Chaos Gods and Demons finally took action. When this happened, the Dark King and Xiao Sheng both gasped.

At this moment, the connection between Xiao Sheng, the Dark King and the Earth was severed, and the Earth lost its sensitivity again. Was this the work of Heaven and Hongjun Daozu, or was it the work of the Chaos Gods and Demons?

"My Lord, what should we do? We don't know whether this sudden change will affect Shifang and Changshengzi. If they are in danger, we can't do anything unless we directly attack the Earth and force our way into it!" At this moment, the Dark King couldn't help but have such a crazy idea in his mind, which made him want to directly kill his way into the Earth.

"No, we can't enter Earth. We can't put all our eggs in one basket. No matter what happens on Earth, as long as we have no way to get in touch with them, we have to stay in the Earth Immortal Realm and the Netherworld. If Changshengzi and Shifang fall into desperate situations, you and I still have a chance to save them!"

As he spoke, Xiao Sheng shook his head and looked towards the direction of Earth. Although the Earth had lost contact, he still knew that direction. After all, the Earth was not truly destroyed, but had just lost contact.

"My Lord, do you think it is necessary for us to master the Six Paths of Reincarnation? If we can master the Six Paths of Reincarnation, perhaps we can get in touch with the Earth. After all, the Six Paths of Reincarnation is connected to the Earth?" The Dark King soon thought of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and wanted to take over the Six Paths of Reincarnation to get in touch with the Earth and the Changshengzi and the Ten Directions Taoist.

"No, we can't do anything. Even if the Six Paths of Reincarnation has such ability, we can't do it. What we need to do now is not to get in touch with Changshengzi and Shifang Taoist, but to protect ourselves. Do you think that even Lady Pingxin wants to cut off the position of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation? What qualifications do we have to interfere? Don't be confused by the little benefits in front of you. What we seek is longevity, eternity, and transcendence, not self-destruction. Be patient for a while and the sea will be calm. Take a step back and the sky will be wide open!"

The Dark King also knew what the deity said, but it was not easy to really do all of this. It was not easy to let go of this temptation. After all, all of this was also a kind of shackle and a test. There were very few people who could truly remain calm under such circumstances. The Dark King could not do it!

"My Lord, look, those guys have stopped fighting!" Before Xiao Sheng could feel more, the voice of the Dark King sounded again, and the originally crazy battlefield actually stopped. The Poison Dragon Ancestor who had always claimed that he wanted to kill humanity stopped, and Dao Ancestor Hongjun and Tiandao also stopped. This situation made Xiao Sheng and the Dark King frown.

"Damn it, it looks like our worst guess has come true. This is all a trap, a conspiracy. Those guys have been plotting against us and the lives of all the people in the Three Realms. We just didn't expect that this guy Tongtian Jiaozhu would show up!" At this time, there was a hint of shock in Xiao Sheng's eyes, because Tongtian Jiaozhu was driving Jin'ao Island towards the Earth Star, and this guy did not help Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun.

With such a shocking change, Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, Lishan Old Mother and Bodhi Patriarch all had a hint of solemnity and urgency in their expressions, but they did not rush to take action. Their eyes were still fixed on Hongjun Daozu, and it seemed that they did not want to let it go. The conflict between them and Hongjun Daozu was real!
However, Taishang Laojun and his companions did not dare to start a war easily. After all, even the Poison Dragon Ancestor and the King of Ferocious Beasts Shen Ni had stopped. If they continued to fight, they would probably lose their lives in an instant. But it was impossible for them to stop. After all, they did not understand the situation of the original body. They were still full of malice towards the Heavenly Dao and Hongjun Daozu. They still wanted to fight with them and rescue the original body. After all, if the original body was refined, they would also be dead.

If Hongjun Daozu and Tiandao cannot give them a satisfactory reply and cannot let them know the situation of the original body, these people will fight to the death even if it means death. After all, if they die, the original body can still resurrect themselves, but if the original body dies, they will have no chance at all. Under this situation, these people will naturally still have the determination to fight to the death!
(End of this chapter)

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